

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-01-11 19:14 SC, revision 13515

corrected wxMenuBar::Insert , ::Append for a correct title even when the menubar is already attached, also removed a menu->attach which is not necessary anymore.

2002-01-11 18:59 VZ, revision 13514

added support for wxALIGN_XXX in wxStaticBox

2002-01-11 18:06 RR, revision 13513

Corrected wxFrame::SetMenuBar() for repeated calls including for NULL.

2002-01-11 18:03 SC, revision 13512

new libraries added

2002-01-11 17:55 SC, revision 13511

added new files from common

2002-01-11 17:50 SC, revision 13510

include changes

2002-01-11 17:49 SC, revision 13509

destructor fix in case it is not a real dialog

2002-01-11 16:13 GD, revision 13508

added missing const for Apple DevTools

2002-01-11 15:05 VZ, revision 13507

reverted stupid compilation breaking typo checked in previously

2002-01-11 14:34 RR, revision 13506

Move notebook size code for mac to mac/notebook.cpp

2002-01-11 14:33 RR, revision 13505

Make log.cpp compilable under CW 5.2 non-Carbon

2002-01-11 14:07 SC, revision 13504

fixes for using non opaque structs under debug classic, support for ATSU and pixel pattern.

2002-01-11 14:01 SC, revision 13503

fewer standard includes

2002-01-11 13:49 SC, revision 13502

changed to non-opaque structs for debugging (makes debugging useful, otherwise we cannot view toolbox structs)

2002-01-11 13:48 SC, revision 13501


2002-01-11 13:27 SC, revision 13500

ATSU Rendering Support added

2002-01-11 07:37 JJ, revision 13499

Committing in . wxMOTIF updates for OpenVMS Modified Files: wxWindows/setup.h_vms wxWindows/src/generic/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/motif/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/motif/glcanvas.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2002-01-11 00:02 VZ, revision 13498

minor wxFRAME_EX_CONTEXTHELP updates

2002-01-11 00:01 VZ, revision 13497

changes wxFRAME_EX_CONTEXTHELP value to avoid clash with wxWS_EX_TRANSIENT

2002-01-11 00:01 VZ, revision 13496

no changes

2002-01-10 23:58 VZ, revision 13495

moved toolbar adjustments for the client size from wxTLWMSW to wxFrameMSW to fix problems in wxUniv

2002-01-10 23:25 VS, revision 13494

1. finished porting wxDir/FileDialog to MS-DOS 2. added code to dynamically enable/disable controls in wxFileDialog depending on which actions are permitted at the moment (e.g. you can't click the 'Up' button if you're at / directory

2002-01-10 22:40 VZ, revision 13493

compilation fix for VC++

2002-01-10 21:31 GD, revision 13492

unified UMAPrOpen/UMAPrClose prototypes for session and non-session printing

2002-01-10 21:09 GD, revision 13491

disable MetroNub stuff for CodeWarrior 5.3 Carbon builds