

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-02-13 23:34 VZ, revision 14190

delete the command if we failed to execute it (bug 515687)

2002-02-13 22:17 RD, revision 14189

SWIGged updates for wxGTK for recent changes A few other little cleanups

2002-02-13 22:01 RD, revision 14188

A little different fix for how to delay the call to __wxCleanup

2002-02-13 22:00 RD, revision 14187

A fix for incorrect wrapping of wxPallet.GetRGB

2002-02-13 21:04 VZ, revision 14186

return NULL from FindById() if the tool wasn't found (bug 508399)

2002-02-13 21:01 VZ, revision 14185

added wxFSVolume patch from George Policello (untested, unreferenced from the project files yet)

2002-02-13 20:36 VZ, revision 14184

wxRESIZE_BOX -> wxRESIZE_BORDER (bug 515364)

2002-02-13 20:31 VZ, revision 14183

don't use -q option with egrep, Solaris doesn't have it (bug 517145)

2002-02-13 19:03 RD, revision 14182

Fix for the splashscreen bitmap not showing up in wxGTK. NOTE: This is just a band-aid fix. Someone (Robert?) should really check why the wxEraseEvent was not sent to this window at all!

2002-02-13 18:01 JS, revision 14181

Allowed for wxHAVE_LIB_XPM or using wxXPMDecoder

2002-02-13 17:23 JS, revision 14180


2002-02-13 17:17 JS, revision 14179

Include src/x11/utils.cpp

2002-02-13 17:16 JS, revision 14178

Fixed typos

2002-02-13 16:47 VZ, revision 14177

disable wxSocket for wxX11, doesn't link anyhow

2002-02-13 16:43 RR, revision 14176

wxX11: INtroduced OnInternalIdle as per wxGTK so that users cannot as easily lill the internals. Fixed pop-up transient window. Removed some #if 0 here and there. Made refresh code work in idle instead of directly.

2002-02-13 16:41 VZ, revision 14175

warning fix

2002-02-13 16:33 VZ, revision 14174

do NOT hard code univ sources in x11 port

2002-02-13 16:24 JS, revision 14173

Added list of wxX11 files

2002-02-13 16:17 JS, revision 14172

Added shared private declarations header privx.h, utils.cpp now shared between wxMotif and wxX11; added some TODOs to toplevel.cpp, popupwin.cpp

2002-02-13 16:12 VZ, revision 14171

clean ups to wxX11+wxUniv handling

2002-02-13 08:38 RR, revision 14170

wxX11: Lots of wxBitmap et al work. Adapted wxIcon, wxCursor to this. Split wxApp init things up so that the X11 display is available sooner. Changed initial display code accordingly. Corrected wxDC::DrawBitmap.

2002-02-13 00:36 VS, revision 14169

safety check

2002-02-13 00:35 VS, revision 14168

use wxLogTrace, not wxLogDebug

2002-02-13 00:31 VZ, revision 14167

fixed loading the icons with non default size

2002-02-12 23:25 VS, revision 14166

don't allow dragging a window if it is maximized

2002-02-12 22:50 SN, revision 14165

Some additional checks for building wxPM (OS/2) which doesn't support wxTipWindow and wxPopupWindow yet. Additionally check in libsocket for inet_addr (for all OS/2 builds).

2002-02-12 22:42 VZ, revision 14164

added IsEditable

2002-02-12 21:28 RD, revision 14163

A fix for Python 2.2 which can sometimes call __wxCleanup before all the other wxPython objects have been deleted. Other various things to match recent CVS changes in wx.

2002-02-12 18:27 JS, revision 14162

Added XSync before mapping but this doesn't seem enough to get the popup window to show before the capture (which fails if not mapped)

2002-02-12 18:15 JS, revision 14161

Removed some debug code from window headers; added some debug code to try to figure out capture problems

2002-02-12 17:43 JS, revision 14160

Correction for 'protected' compiler error

2002-02-12 17:31 JS, revision 14159

Modified CaptureMouse to call DoReleaseMouse if necessary before doing another DoCaptureMouse, because otherwise we have a nested Capture which is not possible in some systems (the point of these wrappers). Also ReleaseMouse now calls DoCaptureMouse, not CaptureMouse, if necessary.

2002-02-12 16:51 VZ, revision 14158

fixed a bug/typo in configure introduced by the previous commit

2002-02-12 15:39 JS, revision 14157

Pass correct length to XTextExtents

2002-02-12 14:56 JS, revision 14156

Background set correctly

2002-02-12 14:56 JS, revision 14155

Positioned text correctly

2002-02-12 14:16 JS, revision 14154

Status bar positioned correctly, but no sign of the menubar as yet.

2002-02-12 12:59 JS, revision 14153

Attempts to get client origin working. Work in progress.

2002-02-12 11:35 JS, revision 14152

Simplified default wxTheme code and made sure a default is available without having to set the WXTHEME variable. The 'default default' is WIN32. So flame me :-)

2002-02-12 10:37 VS, revision 14151

safeguards against crashes

2002-02-12 10:37 VS, revision 14150

fixed menubar attaching: create it first, THEN set pointer to it

2002-02-12 10:37 VS, revision 14149

wxMGL compilation fix

2002-02-12 06:00 DW, revision 14148

Display child panels, and make unneeded scrollbars disappear and reappear when needed.

2002-02-12 01:54 RD, revision 14147

Fixed a bug that prevented editors and renderers to be purly data type dirven (IOW, if no other cell attributes have been set but the cell has a non-string type.)

2002-02-11 23:48 VS, revision 14146

wxGenericDirCtrl now correctly updates itself when you click on 'show hidden'

2002-02-11 23:48 VS, revision 14145

wxSplitterWindow now: 1. respects minimal size even when set programatically 2. respects minimal size of child windows if set

2002-02-11 23:47 VS, revision 14144

rewrote wxHtmlHelpFrame using sizers

2002-02-11 23:47 VS, revision 14143

use wxHashMap, not wxHashTable in wxXPMDecoder

2002-02-11 23:46 VS, revision 14142

a note just in case I misread wxHTML code again...

2002-02-11 23:46 VS, revision 14141

fix for deallocating memory twice in wxHTML (why does it happen?)

2002-02-11 23:11 RD, revision 14140

bugfix for SetString in a wxCheckListBox

2002-02-11 22:46 RR, revision 14139

wxX11: Added handler for ConfigureNotify (i.e. size events). The status bar gets drawn right now, the rest is still black art although paint events are correctly sent.

2002-02-11 22:14 RR, revision 14138

Found the X11 error in wxDC.

2002-02-11 21:27 VZ, revision 14137

added SetString docs

2002-02-11 20:41 RR, revision 14136

wxX11: Updated wxColour for handling Colormaps and ref couting. Updated wxClientDC et al. for conforming to wxGTK. Many tricky parts, particularly the bitmap drawing and blitting is still missing. Any sample crashes now for some reason with an X error.

2002-02-11 20:26 VZ, revision 14135

fixed make install and make base for wxBase

2002-02-11 18:20 DW, revision 14134

New def file

2002-02-11 18:11 JS, revision 14133

Added MICROWIN include dir

2002-02-11 18:03 JS, revision 14132

Attempted to add configury for NanoX compatibility

2002-02-11 14:51 JS, revision 14131

Removed -lXext -lXt from libraries for wxX11

2002-02-11 13:49 VS, revision 14130

fix for deallocating memory twice in wxHTML (why does it happen?)

2002-02-11 13:27 JS, revision 14129

Made sure events for defunct windows are no longer handled.

2002-02-11 13:11 JS, revision 14128

Put m_statusText.SetCount(number) before wxStatusBarBase::SetFieldsCount(number, widths) to avoid assert (a refresh is done in SetFieldsCount which access the m_statusText array before the size is set). XQueryTree usage improved.

2002-02-11 12:40 RR, revision 14127

Last link error in wxX11 killed.

2002-02-11 12:15 JS, revision 14126

Merge correction

2002-02-11 12:13 JS, revision 14125

Linking now

2002-02-11 12:04 RR, revision 14124

Various compile fixes.

2002-02-11 11:42 JS, revision 14123

Typos and other fixes

2002-02-11 11:06 JS, revision 14122

Small changes to wxX11

2002-02-11 04:33 DW, revision 14121

Updates for Y positioning

2002-02-10 23:45 VS, revision 14120

disable shared libs for DJGPP (who broke this?)

2002-02-10 23:43 VS, revision 14119

fixes to HTML tables alignment

2002-02-10 23:32 JS, revision 14118

Implemented CopyFromBitmap, CopyFromIcon

2002-02-10 23:31 RR, revision 14117

wxX11: link errors down to 1.

2002-02-10 23:21 JS, revision 14116

Added wxPopupWindow skeleton (no implementation yet)

2002-02-10 21:54 RR, revision 14115

More make install tweaks.

2002-02-10 19:49 RR, revision 14114

wxX11: make install blind implementation for wxTopLevelWindow

2002-02-10 19:08 VS, revision 14113

respect minimal wxTLW size in wxUniv

2002-02-10 19:08 VS, revision 14112

honour min/max size in wxMGL's wxWindow::DoSetSize

2002-02-10 19:07 VS, revision 14111

use sunken border for wxHtmlHelpController's font preview

2002-02-10 19:07 VS, revision 14110

added default ctor to wxStaticText

2002-02-10 19:07 VS, revision 14109

more wxMGL-aware samples

2002-02-10 19:04 VS, revision 14108

don't use wxGenericDirDialog in MSW

2002-02-10 18:04 RR, revision 14107

Killed various wxMotif things in wxX11.

2002-02-10 17:24 RR, revision 14106

wxX11: Updated wxPen and wxBrush.

2002-02-10 16:42 RR, revision 14105

wxX11: Rewrote wxRegion. Killed backing store Pixmap. Killed wxRectList. Adapted wxWindow to the above.

2002-02-10 16:09 VZ, revision 14104

fix for wxUniv/GTK scrolling

2002-02-10 14:31 RR, revision 14103

wxX11 compiles and links now. I wonder why there is no wxToolBar class in /src/univ, though.

2002-02-10 13:54 RR, revision 14102

wxX11 might compile now.

2002-02-10 11:20 RR, revision 14101

More configure/compile things for X11.

2002-02-10 10:53 RR, revision 14100

Removed menu.cpp and toolbar.cpp from X11. Compile fixes.

2002-02-10 04:34 DW, revision 14099

New positioning code, eliminating a lot of extra, unnecessary methods

2002-02-10 04:33 DW, revision 14098

Removing OS/2 specific positioning methods, no longer needed

2002-02-10 01:03 JS, revision 14097

More X11 code

2002-02-09 23:29 VS, revision 14096

compilation fix for wxUSE_TOOLTIPS=0 (i.e. wxUniv)

2002-02-09 23:29 VS, revision 14095

fixes to wxTLW::Maximize in wxMGL

2002-02-09 23:29 VS, revision 14094

implemented titlebar doubleclick in win32 theme

2002-02-09 23:29 VS, revision 14093

use AllocExclusive for reference counting

2002-02-09 23:28 VS, revision 14092

use WXUNUSED(foo), not (void)foo

2002-02-09 23:28 VS, revision 14091

1. make paint events debugging runtime switch instead of compile time 2. fixed incorrect rendering of wxListCtrl (newly created controls didn't account for parent's client origin)

2002-02-09 23:27 VS, revision 14090

fix for scrollbar's thumb update bug in wxUniv

2002-02-09 23:27 VS, revision 14089

temporary hack to make wxMGL and SciTech happy...

2002-02-09 23:27 VS, revision 14088

wxDC::DoDrawRectangle hack is no longer needed

2002-02-09 23:17 RR, revision 14087

Commiting remaining files of configure change for X11.

2002-02-09 19:39 RR, revision 14086

X11 make stuff.

2002-02-09 19:38 RR, revision 14085

More make stuff for X11.

2002-02-09 18:47 RR, revision 14084

tmake update.

2002-02-09 18:44 RR, revision 14083

tmake update for x11.

2002-02-09 18:43 RR, revision 14082

Updates to tmake for X11. Damn lock in CVS.

2002-02-09 15:58 VS, revision 14081

fix for broken color parsing in wxXPMDecoder (thanks to H.H.Chou)

2002-02-09 15:06 GT, revision 14080

Patch #514838 - FL wxFrameLayout::SetBarState() patch - Tested by Hans

2002-02-09 15:03 GT, revision 14079

Patch #514836 - Tested by Hans

2002-02-09 00:41 RD, revision 14078

New PyCrust source from Patrick's CVS

2002-02-09 00:40 RD, revision 14077

The calltip window and autocomplete window in wxSTC will now use a wxPopupWindow if available so they can extend beyond the client area of the STC if needed.

2002-02-08 23:43 RR, revision 14076

More refreshes are deferred to idle time. Corrected redraw areas of native widgets if underlying wxWindows have been exposed.

2002-02-08 23:38 VS, revision 14075

reverted revision 1.6 -- Mattia obviously knows better than I do...

2002-02-08 23:25 VS, revision 14074

compilation fix -- a better way

2002-02-08 22:23 RD, revision 14073

Added notes for what to do if VC has an internal compiler error.

2002-02-08 22:14 DW, revision 14072

new module definition file for OS/2 Dll build.

2002-02-08 21:03 MBN, revision 14071

Blind fix for Watcom ( and VisualAge? )

2002-02-08 19:15 VZ, revision 14070

wxBase readme file location changed

2002-02-08 19:13 VZ, revision 14069

moved wxBase readme to its own directory

2002-02-08 17:44 JS, revision 14068

Now compiling

2002-02-08 13:36 GT, revision 14067

Patch #514729 applied - adds missing RTTIs to wxToolLayoutItem

2002-02-08 12:56 JS, revision 14066

Added evtloop.cpp to file list, added X11 to makeall

2002-02-08 12:15 JS, revision 14065

Added X11 readme & install docs, updates to Motif ones

2002-02-08 12:00 JS, revision 14064

Added X11 wxEventLoop implementation; rearranged event processing

2002-02-08 00:18 VZ, revision 14063

cleanups after SciTech commit :-(

2002-02-08 00:17 VS, revision 14062

make more wxImage methods const

2002-02-08 00:16 VS, revision 14061

changed wxImage::ComputeHistogram to use wxHashMap

2002-02-08 00:16 VS, revision 14060

fixed wxPageSetupDialogData::SetPaperId() to take value, not reference

2002-02-07 23:24 VZ, revision 14059

added another overloaded DrawCircle() version for completeness and documented it

2002-02-07 23:15 RD, revision 14058

Patch from Neil H.

2002-02-07 18:46 KLB, revision 14057

Merges from Scitech Branch (George Davison): Added wxDisplayChangedEvent and triggering in MSW, when display mode changes this event gets triggered. I don't know what should happen with other OS's since I am not familiar with how they handle mode changes. Watcome Version 11 now compiles with wide character support. Fixed watcom warnings in html/htmlwin.h imagbmp.h listctrl.h imagbmp.cpp quantize.cpp strconv.cpp variant.cpp dirctrlg.cpp treectlg.cpp m_style.cpp fontenum.cpp listctrl.cpp ole\dataobj.cpp textctrl.cpp window.cpp xml.cpp msw/setup.h with watcom version 11 it now compiles with wide character support. xrc/xml.cpp fixed memory leak and compile warnings

2002-02-07 18:11 VS, revision 14056

changed wxImage::ComputeHistogram to use wxHashMap

2002-02-07 16:11 JS, revision 14055

Put ~/.mailcap to head of search list so local settings override global ones.

2002-02-07 15:40 JS, revision 14054

Various fixes for X11 compilation

2002-02-07 14:51 JS, revision 14053

Fixes for X11 builds

2002-02-07 14:44 GT, revision 14052

Applied patch #514037 from Paul Gammans to remove unneeded code in wxDbGridTableBase::CanSetValueAs()

2002-02-07 14:41 JJ, revision 14051

Committing in . Various patches to get the current CVS compile on OpenVMS Modified Files: wxWindows/setup.h_vms wxWindows/src/generic/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/gtk/app.cpp wxWindows/src/unix/threadpsx.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2002-02-07 14:22 VZ, revision 14050

wxMSW compilation fix

2002-02-07 13:45 JS, revision 14049

Added X11 support

2002-02-07 13:45 JS, revision 14048

Added x11.t, changes to other config files

2002-02-07 13:24 GD, revision 14047

removed trailing comma for SunSoft compiler

2002-02-07 12:53 VZ, revision 14046


2002-02-07 12:33 VZ, revision 14045

added wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT2() macro allowing to give the unique name to the struct used by wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT() and use it in dynarray.h

2002-02-07 12:24 VZ, revision 14044

a hack to fix the MSW build for now, pending better solution

2002-02-07 12:08 VZ, revision 14043

fixed passing empty macro argument for VC++

2002-02-07 12:06 JS, revision 14042

Stripped out miscellaneous Motif/Xt-specific code

2002-02-07 01:44 RD, revision 14041

Check for existing colour names when adding to wxTheColourDatabase

2002-02-07 01:04 RD, revision 14040

added sample (currently commented out) of how to veto column size events

2002-02-07 01:04 RD, revision 14039

Moved utils.i back into the core since it imports it anyway.

2002-02-06 21:03 RD, revision 14038

Updated the build docs a bit, added wxMetafileDataObject, and some cleanup and fixes here and there.

2002-02-06 20:14 VZ, revision 14037

oops, have to commit this after accidentally committing intl.cpp to not break compilation (contains unfinished code)

2002-02-06 20:12 VZ, revision 14036

cleaned up the arrays declaration macros and added a new SORTED_ARRAY_CMP family; added tests for them to the console sample

2002-02-06 20:11 VZ, revision 14035

use wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT instead of the run-time checks

2002-02-06 20:07 VZ, revision 14034

added and documented wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT and wxASSERT_MIN_BITSIZE

2002-02-06 19:19 RD, revision 14033

Corrections for loss of XLOG2DEV and etc. macros in MSW. I assume that switching to LogicalToDevicwX and etc. is correct??

2002-02-06 14:40 VZ, revision 14032

fixes for METHODDEF definition

2002-02-06 14:25 VZ, revision 14031

fixed 2 minor warnings

2002-02-06 14:24 VZ, revision 14030

added the missing (newly added) colours to the switch

2002-02-06 14:10 VZ, revision 14029


2002-02-06 14:04 VZ, revision 14028

compilation fix for BC++ (hopefully)

2002-02-06 13:41 VZ, revision 14027

compilation fix after m_lDlgCode removal

2002-02-06 06:36 SC, revision 14026

m_style.cpp added

2002-02-06 01:42 VZ, revision 14025


2002-02-06 01:38 VZ, revision 14024

assert when a base class of a class in wxRTTI system is not found

2002-02-06 01:38 VZ, revision 14023

added wxRTTI macros to wxList and wxStringList

2002-02-06 00:58 VZ, revision 14022

got rid of wxWindow::m_lDlgCode - now wxWANTS_CHARS style should work for all windows, even the native controls

2002-02-05 21:35 MBN, revision 14021

* SPACE -> TAB in filelist.txt * Added wxBase support to makefile.g95 makeg95.env * Added FINAL=0|1 flag to makefile.g95 ( defaults to FINAL=0 )

2002-02-05 20:38 RD, revision 14020

Derive wxGridWindow from wxWindow instead of wxPanel so thw SetFocus in HideCellEditControl() will actually set the focus to the grid window instead of back to the cell editor which was just hidden.

2002-02-05 19:07 GT, revision 14019

Added WXDLLEXPORT_DATA() around several data elements

2002-02-05 19:05 VZ, revision 14018

make the log dialog slightly taller when it is expanded to account for a possible horz scrollbar

2002-02-05 18:13 JS, revision 14017

First stabs at stripping out Xt/Motif code

2002-02-05 16:44 JS, revision 14016

Fixed a couple of typos

2002-02-05 16:34 JS, revision 14015

Reformatted Motif headers; added __WXX11__ symbol support to common headers; added place-holding src/x11 and include/wx/x11 files.

2002-02-05 14:34 VZ, revision 14014

Unicode compilation fix

2002-02-05 14:15 DW, revision 14013

no message

2002-02-05 12:18 JS, revision 14012

Applied Hans Van Leemputten's FL separator patch

2002-02-05 00:16 VZ, revision 14011

compilation fix for wxUniv

2002-02-05 00:14 VZ, revision 14010

don't compile this file under wxMSW

2002-02-05 00:14 VZ, revision 14009

defined wxUSE_IFF

2002-02-05 00:14 VZ, revision 14008

fixed compilation without wxUSE_STREAMS

2002-02-05 00:01 VZ, revision 14007

fixed VC++ compilation warnings in optimized build

2002-02-04 23:32 DW, revision 14006

const fix.

2002-02-04 22:33 VZ, revision 14005

fixed for compilation without wxUSE_WCHAR_T and minor cleanups associated with this

2002-02-04 21:52 VZ, revision 14004

no changes, just the file I forgot to commit...

2002-02-04 20:56 GD, revision 14003

added missing system colours (exact colours to be defined)

2002-02-04 19:37 VZ, revision 14002

fixed crash when return is pressed in a spinctrl inside a parent which is not a GtkWindow

2002-02-04 19:24 VZ, revision 14001

backported the fix for the log window details dropdown size from 2.3

2002-02-04 19:15 VZ, revision 14000

fixed size of the log dialog details drop down

2002-02-04 18:01 RR, revision 13999

Added missing test in wxObject::Ref() for already equal objects (same m_refData). Implemented new ref counting for wxBrush, wxPen and wxColour (in addition to wxRegion). Also inlined some more functions and implemented real comparisons. Corrected refresh code to update GTK's window-less widgets if overdrawn after a wxWindow::Refresh().

2002-02-04 16:34 VZ, revision 13998

added GAUGE standard colour and use it in DrawProgressBar() if the colour hadn't bee nset explicitly

2002-02-04 16:33 VZ, revision 13997

minor fix to the constraints of the cancel button to improve its sizing under wxUniv

2002-02-04 15:40 VZ, revision 13996

don't skip first/last node when pressing down/up arrow after opening the menu with the mouse

2002-02-04 14:09 DW, revision 13995

non const to const change

2002-02-04 14:05 RR, revision 13994

Now updating and clearing are done in a delayed fashion. The m_updateRegion gets updated and the (often much smaller) m_clearRegion gets cleared. This removes the flicker introduced by having delayed updates and immediate clearings.

2002-02-04 12:38 RR, revision 13993

Applied thread wakeup patch.

2002-02-04 12:21 VZ, revision 13992

base class of wxTreeItemData corrected

2002-02-04 12:17 VZ, revision 13991

fixed coords in HandleDropFiles()

2002-02-04 12:04 RR, revision 13990

Big wxRegion clean up.

2002-02-04 10:42 RR, revision 13989

Ref counting fixes and compile fixes.

2002-02-04 04:19 DW, revision 13988

OS/2 scrolling support

2002-02-04 01:35 VZ, revision 13987

total wxBrush cleanup: made private stuff private, fixed data (un)sharing, create HBRUSH on demand only, added asserts/checks

2002-02-04 01:34 VZ, revision 13986

changed CloneRefData() to take a const pointer

2002-02-04 01:32 VZ, revision 13985

ScrollWindow() should use the rect it scrolls as the clipping rect as well

2002-02-03 23:54 VS, revision 13984

Unicode compilation fixes

2002-02-03 23:53 VS, revision 13983

wxXmlInitXmlModule no longer needed

2002-02-03 13:15 VZ, revision 13982

compilation fix

2002-02-03 12:31 VZ, revision 13981

oops, Clone/CreateRefData() were not overridden in wxRegion as intended

2002-02-03 12:30 VZ, revision 13980

added asserts to Clone/CreateRefData()

2002-02-03 12:25 GT, revision 13979

Added isql.h and isqlext.h to the "Base" target

2002-02-03 11:49 VZ, revision 13978

fixed wxRegion::Offset() to not modify the shared regions

2002-02-02 23:17 VS, revision 13977

wxXRC cleanup: removed .xmlbin format

2002-02-02 23:16 VS, revision 13976

added cur and ico formats to the sample

2002-02-02 23:15 VS, revision 13975

generated makefiles no longer contain information about when they were generated (you can still get this information from CVS/Entries and there will be fewer bogus revisions)

2002-02-02 23:14 VS, revision 13974

changed wxFileName::Normalize signature to allow or-combination of flags and reverted Julian's hack-fix to wxTextFile

2002-02-02 16:08 VZ, revision 13973

added more commands for moving the logical origin

2002-02-02 16:08 VZ, revision 13972

1. fixed bug in wxDC::SetMapMode() which broke the scrolling 2. some cleanups in wxDC code 3. SetAxisOrientation() still doesn't work...

2002-02-02 13:34 GD, revision 13971

correction for compilation with ProjectBuilder

2002-02-02 13:21 GD, revision 13970

wxCommand is in cmdproc.h (SourceForge patch #511506)

2002-02-02 01:10 RD, revision 13969

A little cleanup for this demo

2002-02-02 01:09 RD, revision 13968

Shouldn't call SetFont(wxNullFont) any more

2002-02-02 00:40 VZ, revision 13967

wxDC::SetClippingRegion() in wxMSW works like in wxGTK, i.e. combines the given region with the old one (also documented this behaviour as the correct one)

2002-02-02 00:19 RD, revision 13966

wxPyEmptyStr --> wxEmptyString

2002-02-01 23:16 RD, revision 13965

wxPyEmptyStr --> wxEmptyString

2002-02-01 23:14 RD, revision 13964

Updated contrib from Lorne White

2002-02-01 23:13 RD, revision 13963

better log messages for this demo

2002-02-01 23:01 VS, revision 13962

wxDialog::Show has default argument value in wxUniv now

2002-02-01 20:22 VS, revision 13961

wxRootWindow::AcceptsFocus must be const; added wxRTTI for wxRootWindow

2002-02-01 20:22 VS, revision 13960

compilation fix

2002-02-01 19:30 VZ, revision 13959

removed GetString(), it doesn't belong here

2002-02-01 17:34 JS, revision 13958

Added missing '!' to HasCapture() in window.cpp

2002-02-01 15:50 DW, revision 13957

Makefile and mod def updates. Compile bug in Choice fixed.

2002-02-01 15:43 VZ, revision 13956

made wxCondition::Signal() queue the signals generated while there were no waiters and documented this behaviour

2002-02-01 15:30 VZ, revision 13955

some really ancient tips updated, mention make problems and flex version minimal requirments

2002-02-01 14:58 VZ, revision 13954

various minor fixes to wxHashMap: compilation warnings suppressed, use calloc() instead of new[]

2002-02-01 14:11 DW, revision 13953

Got rid of the bad EOLs.

2002-02-01 12:24 VZ, revision 13952

fixed Show() doc, added Hide()

2002-02-01 12:21 VZ, revision 13951

added default value for Show() argument

2002-02-01 03:28 DW, revision 13950

no message

2002-02-01 02:48 RD, revision 13949

Fix for bug #511057

2002-02-01 02:08 RD, revision 13948

added wx type info macros for wxFSFile

2002-02-01 01:18 RD, revision 13947

fixed compile bug for when threads are turned off

2002-02-01 00:25 VZ, revision 13946

test wxRegion::Offset()

2002-01-31 23:13 JS, revision 13945

Applied hash copy fix, BC++ makefile fix (though not the lib setup.h one we need to do).

2002-01-31 22:48 DW, revision 13944

Lots of fixes for scrolling

2002-01-31 22:45 JS, revision 13943

Applied status bar sample patch to toggle status bar

2002-01-31 22:11 JS, revision 13942

Applied wxImage -> wxCursor patch, tool window event table fix

2002-01-31 21:58 JS, revision 13941

Applied wxPoem, wxSystemSettings, sizing, install doc patches