

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-09-19 14:47 SC, revision 48803

grouping of tlw supported

2007-09-19 14:39 SC, revision 48802

upping version numbers

2007-09-19 14:38 SC, revision 48801

binary compatible workaround for getting the parent for native window grouping

2007-09-19 14:12 JS, revision 48800

Mentioned Stefan's toolbar bug fix

2007-09-19 13:55 RR, revision 48799

GTK+ selects the first item initially, II

2007-09-19 13:48 RR, revision 48798

GTK+ selects the first item initially

2007-09-19 13:48 RR, revision 48797

GTK+ selects the first item initially

2007-09-19 13:39 JS, revision 48796

Updated readme and manual version and date Some clarifications of wxBORDER_THEME Don't use wxBORDER_DOUBLE in GTK+/Univ

2007-09-19 12:42 SC, revision 48795

fixing PICT conversion

2007-09-19 12:24 VZ, revision 48794

use update UI handler for the up and new directory buttons instead of manually updating the controls, this fixes a bug where up button wasn't enabled back after selecting a child of top level directory

2007-09-19 12:19 CE, revision 48793

current/revision/age=2/1/2 for 2.8.6

2007-09-19 12:14 VZ, revision 48792

use drives paths, not names, in the dialog to avoid confusing HandleAction() with the drive names which it fails to interpret properly

2007-09-19 12:01 RR, revision 48791

Mention the future

2007-09-19 11:58 RR, revision 48790

Correct alphabetical order

2007-09-19 11:58 RR, revision 48789

Correct alphabetical order

2007-09-19 11:54 RR, revision 48788

mention wxGTK changes since 2.8.5

2007-09-19 11:47 VZ, revision 48787

remove platform check, always compile this file as it's needed at least by the dialogs sample on all platforms

2007-09-19 11:39 VZ, revision 48786

fix warning about int->bool conversion; wrap long lines to 80 columns

2007-09-19 11:35 RR, revision 48785

Let wxListCtrl generate the context menu event itself

2007-09-19 11:34 RR, revision 48784

Let wxListCtrl generate the context menu event itself

2007-09-19 11:24 RR, revision 48783

Backport wxListBook resizing bug

2007-09-19 10:12 VZ, revision 48782

use fabs() instead of abs() to fix mingw32 compilation (bug 1797589)

2007-09-19 09:19 SC, revision 48781

using CGImage for all native toolbar items

2007-09-19 09:05 CE, revision 48780


2007-09-19 09:01 CE, revision 48779


2007-09-19 01:02 VZ, revision 48778

shut down GDI+ from a module instead of doing it during static object destruction time when it may be too late (patch 1792915)

2007-09-19 00:45 VZ, revision 48777

allow using wxSizerFlags with wxSizer methods adding spacers too (patch 1797272)

2007-09-19 00:41 VZ, revision 48776

fix bug with deleting and recreating entries in wxFileConfig (patch 1796866)

2007-09-18 21:49 MW, revision 48775

template class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_XRC wxVector<wxXmlResourceHandler *>; instantiates as well as forward declares, which gives us multiple definition link errors on some systems. So trying WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_XRC on the declaration of m_handlers instead.

2007-09-18 18:37 SC, revision 48774

fix for no striped background under panther when using coregraphics

2007-09-18 18:34 SC, revision 48773

fixing bug 1782738

2007-09-18 17:43 RR, revision 48772

Rearrange code to fix some problems

2007-09-18 17:31 SC, revision 48771

applying patch 1789066

2007-09-18 17:27 SC, revision 48770

adding reminder

2007-09-18 17:09 RR, revision 48769

Correct setting of line width

2007-09-18 15:51 PC, revision 48768

return type for "grab-broken-event" is not void; remove some redundant conditionals

2007-09-18 15:15 JS, revision 48767

Layout corrections

2007-09-18 15:11 JS, revision 48766

Layout corrections

2007-09-18 14:15 JS, revision 48765

wxBORDER_THEME now means 'use an appropriate themed border' on all plaforms as opposed to wxBORDER_NONE which may or may not show a border, depending on control.

2007-09-18 12:06 VZ, revision 48764

fix for the last commit: reset the dummy wxRICHTEXT_DEFAULT_DROPTARGET pointer in dtor to avoid crashing when trying to delete it in the base class dtor

2007-09-18 12:04 VZ, revision 48763

properly NUL-terminate the buffer returned by wxMBConv::cMB2WC()

2007-09-18 11:07 JS, revision 48762

Committed missing part of earlier bottom tab patch

2007-09-18 10:48 JS, revision 48761

wxBORDER_THEME now means 'use an appropriate themed border' on all plaforms as opposed to wxBORDER_NONE which may or may not show a border, depending on control.

2007-09-18 09:47 JS, revision 48760

Fixed compilo

2007-09-17 19:47 RD, revision 48758

changelog for

2007-09-17 17:24 PC, revision 48755

various small cleanups

2007-09-17 16:43 DE, revision 48754

Instantiate NSSecureTextField instead of NSTextField when wxTE_PASSWORD is specified. Copyright 2007 Software 2000 Ltd.

2007-09-17 15:41 KO, revision 48753

Adding prototype script for creating a wx Mac framework from a configure-based wxPython build.

2007-09-17 14:37 VZ, revision 48752

fix compilation due to wxCmdLineEntryDesc changes once again

2007-09-17 13:37 RR, revision 48751

Always rearrange wxListBook and send out size event, otherwise scrollbar overlaps icons

2007-09-17 13:34 RR, revision 48750


2007-09-17 11:41 MW, revision 48749

Cache user and group names for tar streams as getting these can be expensive.

2007-09-17 10:56 RR, revision 48748

Don't compile with < GTK 2.4

2007-09-17 10:17 RR, revision 48747

Always make wxWindow::SetFocus() focus the window, overriding SetCanFocus, some more focus related docs

2007-09-17 10:01 VZ, revision 48746

rename wxFileList to wxFileListCtrl

2007-09-17 09:52 VZ, revision 48745

reverted accidental change to this file as part of rev 48732

2007-09-17 09:28 JS, revision 48744

Removed restriction that multiple centre panes can't be resized

2007-09-17 09:28 JS, revision 48743

Removed restriction that multiple centre panes can't be resized

2007-09-17 09:26 JS, revision 48742

Added omitted variable copy

2007-09-17 09:25 JS, revision 48741

Added omitted variable copy

2007-09-17 09:24 JS, revision 48740

Removed "not yet working" comment for --enable-universal_binary

2007-09-17 09:13 JS, revision 48739

Remove "not yet working" comment for --enable-universal_binary

2007-09-17 00:40 VZ, revision 48738

declare wxVector<wxXmlResourceHandler *> as DLL-exported to avoid VC++ warnings in shared build

2007-09-17 00:32 VZ, revision 48737

don't abbreviate 'control' to 'ctrl' (patch 1780280)

2007-09-17 00:25 VZ, revision 48736

define wxUSE_CAIRO as 0 for non-GTK builds to avoid warnings about using undefined symbols in preprocessor conditions

2007-09-17 00:22 VZ, revision 48734

reverted wxSocket changes of rev 48723 as they broke linking under non-Unix systems

2007-09-17 00:14 VZ, revision 48733

added new and improved wxFileCtrl implementation (patch 1763164)

2007-09-17 00:12 VZ, revision 48732

don't access m_clientDataItemsType directly

2007-09-16 23:53 VZ, revision 48731

compilation fix

2007-09-16 23:40 VZ, revision 48730

don't use NULL when we mean 0

2007-09-16 23:27 VZ, revision 48729

fix warnings due to use of WXDLLEXPORT on forward declarations

2007-09-16 23:12 VZ, revision 48728

fix access to client data of wxComboBox in wxUniv by virtualizing access to wxControlWithItems::m_clientDataItemsType

2007-09-16 18:53 VZ, revision 48727

include wx/beforestd.h before iostream headers to avoid problems with visibility in Unix build

2007-09-16 17:51 CE, revision 48726

fix for VC6 sorry

2007-09-16 17:47 CE, revision 48725

fix for VC6

2007-09-16 17:29 CE, revision 48724

remove refernce to removed samples

2007-09-16 14:29 VZ, revision 48723

more fixes for using wxSocket in console applications (patch 1756260)

2007-09-16 11:19 VZ, revision 48722

expand the table cells to fill the entire table width (patch 1722794)

2007-09-16 11:04 VZ, revision 48721

fix divide by 0 bug in UpdateScrollbars() (part of patch 1716763)

2007-09-16 10:57 VZ, revision 48720

destroy the old clipping region before setting the new one (part of patch 1716763)

2007-09-16 10:55 VZ, revision 48719

removed apparent off by 1 bug in the end line calculation in ShowPosition() (part of patch 1716763)

2007-09-16 10:50 VZ, revision 48718

added XRCSIZERITEM() allowing to directly retrieve the sizer from XRC by name (patch 1782080)

2007-09-16 10:24 VZ, revision 48717

use ListView_RedrawItems() to implement wxListCtrl::RefreshItems(); added tests for it to the sample

2007-09-15 23:52 VZ, revision 48716

check whether clipping region is empty, not whether it's null; disable USE_PAINT_REGION which seems to be more harmful than useful (part of patch 1716763)

2007-09-15 23:43 VZ, revision 48715

fix off by one (or rather "off by border width") bug in ScrollWindow() (part of patch 1716763)

2007-09-15 23:35 VZ, revision 48714

fix the bug with not showing all the text in the text control even if there is enough space (replaces patch 1716758)

2007-09-15 22:30 VZ, revision 48713

corrected m_strings array creation broken by last changes

2007-09-15 22:06 RR, revision 48712

Implement wxWindow::SetFocusIgnoringChildren for GTK+

2007-09-15 21:23 VZ, revision 48711

wxX11 compilation fixes after wxTRANSLATE/wxCmdLineEntryDesc Unicode changes

2007-09-15 11:05 RR, revision 48710

Correct GetLabelItemRect to not include image (as per 2.8 branch)

2007-09-15 10:31 RR, revision 48709

Remove redundant test later in keypress handling

2007-09-15 10:29 RR, revision 48708

Only send keypress events to focus widget, not its parents

2007-09-15 10:28 RR, revision 48707

Only send keypress events to focus widget, not its parents

2007-09-15 02:58 PC, revision 48706

let GtkRange clamp scroll position

2007-09-15 01:09 VZ, revision 48704

get rid of the built-in drop target in rich text controls before setting the user-defined one as otherwise it fails

2007-09-15 00:36 VZ, revision 48703

always NUL-terminate the buffers returned by cWC2MB/cMB2WC() overloads taking input length, even if the input is not NUL-terminated (part of patch 1795174)

2007-09-15 00:32 VZ, revision 48702

fix wxStringOutputStream to deal with NUL bytes correctly (incidentally fixes bug 1792727, part of patch 1795174)

2007-09-15 00:18 VZ, revision 48701

use wxSafeConvertWX2MB() instead of mb_str() in operator<<(wxString)

2007-09-15 00:17 VZ, revision 48700

always return positive pixel size, even for negative LOGFONT height values

2007-09-15 00:16 VZ, revision 48699

fix wxMBConvUTF8::cMB2WC/cWC2MB() broken by the introduction of wxMBConvStrictUTF8: as it overrides From/ToWChar(), wxMBConvUTF8 needs to do it (instead of deprecated MB2WC/WC2MB) as well