

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-09-23 00:14 VZ, revision 48908

revert last change (r48897)

2007-09-22 19:17 RD, revision 48907

Since we are ignoring horizontal wheel motion for now we need to reset the event type, otherwise bogus left down events will be sent.

2007-09-22 12:08 VZ, revision 48905

include wx/log.h to fix PCH-less compilation

2007-09-22 11:10 CE, revision 48904

add missing sample stc

2007-09-22 09:55 RR, revision 48903

Removed last bits of DrawScaledBitmap (was removed part of GTK+ printing patch)

2007-09-22 04:40 PC, revision 48902

use logical operator &&, not bitwise &; indentation fix

2007-09-22 04:40 PC, revision 48901

unused variables, useless assert

2007-09-22 04:40 PC, revision 48900

unused variable, more efficient increment operator

2007-09-22 01:30 BP, revision 48899

Corrected doc typo (missing escaped underscore).

2007-09-21 23:54 VZ, revision 48898

ifconfig under NetBSD also takes -a

2007-09-21 23:50 VZ, revision 48897

*wprintf() functions should be extern, not static, when we define them in wxNEED_WPRINTF case

2007-09-21 21:38 RD, revision 48896

fix for non-pch builds

2007-09-21 20:15 SC, revision 48895

supporting wxBU_EXACTFIT

2007-09-21 19:56 VZ, revision 48894

include tif_config.h using <> instead of ""

2007-09-21 18:47 VZ, revision 48893

bring the new linpng 1.2.20 (without its contrib subdirectory) into trunk

2007-09-21 18:45 VZ, revision 48892
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/png

remove old libpng 1.2.7

2007-09-21 18:43 VZ, revision 48891

added more convenient wxDL_INIT_FUNC[_AW] macros and use them instead of verbose wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymbol() calls

2007-09-21 18:31 VZ, revision 48890

made gs_msgXXX variables static

2007-09-21 18:28 VZ, revision 48889

allow using wxTaskBarIcon under Win95 by loading Shell_NotifyIcon() dynamically (more importantly, allow applications using to start up under Win95 as they didn't without it)

2007-09-21 17:53 JS, revision 48888

Doc corrections

2007-09-21 17:53 JS, revision 48887

Doc corrections

2007-09-21 17:51 VZ, revision 48886

predefine _WIN32_IE before including shellapi.h too to allow tooltips longer than 64 (up to 128) characters in wxTaskBarIcon

2007-09-21 16:47 SC, revision 48885

reverting patch 1789066

2007-09-21 16:04 PC, revision 48884

allow copying wxFormatString for compiler-generated temporaries

2007-09-21 16:03 VZ, revision 48883

tagging libpng 1.2.20

2007-09-21 16:02 VZ, revision 48882

importing libtiff 1.2.20

2007-09-21 15:04 VZ, revision 48881

copy to tif_config.h, this file will be used for all builds not using configure (for configure-based builds the file with the same name in the build directory will be used)

2007-09-21 14:13 VZ, revision 48880

use libtiff/libjpeg VC-specific include files for all Win32 compilers, including mingw32 (and even when using configure which is wrong but will be fixed later)

2007-09-21 13:57 VZ, revision 48879

removed extra semicolon

2007-09-21 13:57 VZ, revision 48878

put __attribute__((deprecated)) before declaration and not after it as gcc seems to accept both and doing it like this allows to simplify wxDEPRECATED_INLINE() definition by using the same expansion for all compilers

2007-09-21 13:43 JS, revision 48877

Added space to help with PDF RTF generation

2007-09-21 13:35 JS, revision 48876

Corrected typo

2007-09-21 13:34 VZ, revision 48875

no changes, just a typo fix

2007-09-21 13:30 JS, revision 48874

Size of help window tabs reduced to prevent ugly overlap

2007-09-21 13:30 JS, revision 48873

Size of help window tabs reduced to prevent ugly overlap

2007-09-21 12:46 JS, revision 48872

Update to obsolete but occasionally useful script

2007-09-21 12:45 JS, revision 48871

Reverting unnecessary fix

2007-09-21 12:44 JS, revision 48870

Reverted unnecessary fix

2007-09-21 12:44 VZ, revision 48869

fix VC6 warnings

2007-09-21 12:40 JS, revision 48868

Make SetFont actually do something

2007-09-21 12:39 JS, revision 48867

Make SetFont actually do something

2007-09-21 12:34 VZ, revision 48866

added wxDEPRECATED_INLINE, use it for wxPixelData<wxBitmap>::UseAlpha() to fix Sun CC compilation

2007-09-21 12:27 VZ, revision 48865

make wxScopeGuardImplBase copy ctor public to avoid Sun CC warnings

2007-09-21 12:00 VZ, revision 48864

various warning fixes for icc 9.1 compilation - variable shadowing - unused code and variables - extra semicolons

2007-09-21 11:55 VZ, revision 48863

don't do anything before including the PCH header

2007-09-21 11:53 VZ, revision 48862

don't do anything before including the PCH header

2007-09-21 11:34 VZ, revision 48861

include vms_jackets.h directly from wx/platform.h instead of doing it before wx/wxprec.h as this breaks PCH usage

2007-09-21 11:27 VZ, revision 48860

fix icc warnings about shadowed variables and mismatching printf format

2007-09-21 11:25 VZ, revision 48859

functions not taking argument must be declared as (void) in C, not ()

2007-09-21 11:22 VZ, revision 48858

removed wxEVT_POWER which wasn't declared nor used anywhere anyhow

2007-09-21 10:59 RR, revision 48857

more work on wxDC reorganizing

2007-09-21 10:56 VZ, revision 48856

removed an extra semicolon

2007-09-21 10:54 VZ, revision 48855

don't shadow declaration of nIndex variable

2007-09-21 10:51 JS, revision 48854

Optimized update events by only sending them to visible windows

2007-09-21 10:51 VZ, revision 48853

use the lower-case version of the parameter in GetEndianness() as intended (thanks icc for the warning)

2007-09-21 10:50 VZ, revision 48852

check whether compiler supports visibility pragmas used for broken libstdc++ visibility workaround and don't use visibility at all if it doesn't (which is the case for icc)

2007-09-21 10:39 RR, revision 48851

Mention that DrawLines( wxList *) is deprecated

2007-09-21 10:34 JS, revision 48850

Corrected bug in in revision 47973

2007-09-21 10:33 JS, revision 48849

Corrected bug in in revision 47973

2007-09-21 10:19 SC, revision 48848

drawing sash correctly in quickdraw mode when embedded

2007-09-21 09:21 SC, revision 48847

smaller code, notes for testing and todo

2007-09-21 08:50 JS, revision 48846

Fix for wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED not being returned from GetItem[State]

2007-09-21 08:48 JS, revision 48845

Fix for wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED not being returned when calling GetItem[State]

2007-09-21 02:48 PC, revision 48844

wcstod seems to be more widely available than wcstof

2007-09-21 02:39 PC, revision 48843

build fix for AIX

2007-09-21 02:39 PC, revision 48842

fix for HP and IBM compilers, calls to static template functions must be qualified

2007-09-20 23:11 VZ, revision 48841

allow the user to press Esc to close preview frame wherever the focus is, not only if it's on the canvas itself (patch 1719276)

2007-09-20 22:58 VZ, revision 48840

use wxWindow::NewControlId() instead of wxNewId() to avoid clashes with user-defined ids; bug fixes in wxMSW for negative menu and toolbar items ids

2007-09-20 22:24 VZ, revision 48839

update from Antonio Cardoso Martins [backport from trunk]

2007-09-20 22:22 VZ, revision 48838

update from Antonio Cardoso Martins

2007-09-20 19:38 RR, revision 48837

Patch from Bo for new selection API and impl. of GetColumnPos

2007-09-20 16:29 VZ, revision 48836

apply XRCID() automatically to XRCSIZERITEM() argument (patch 1798697)

2007-09-20 13:16 VZ, revision 48835

fix round trip check in wxMBConv_win32::WC2MB() when the buffer size is 0

2007-09-20 12:43 VZ, revision 48834

replaced the old half-done Ukrainian translations with the complete version from the trunk

2007-09-20 12:40 VZ, revision 48833

Ukrainian translation update from Yuri Chornoivan

2007-09-20 12:28 VZ, revision 48832

added Portuguese translation to 2.8 branch too

2007-09-20 12:20 VZ, revision 48831

added Portuguese translation from Antonio Cardoso Martins

2007-09-20 10:23 VZ, revision 48830

remove extra colons and semicolons

2007-09-20 10:22 VZ, revision 48829

added missing wxUSE_RICHEDIT test

2007-09-20 05:01 SC, revision 48828

correcting parenting from the window's overlay layer to its parent group

2007-09-20 02:06 PC, revision 48827

fix HAVE_ macros not being converted to uppercase on Solaris

2007-09-20 00:16 VZ, revision 48826

build fixes for MSVC

2007-09-20 00:02 VZ, revision 48825

rebake after libtiff changes

2007-09-20 00:01 VZ, revision 48824

build updates for libtiff 3.8.2

2007-09-19 23:59 VZ, revision 48823

import libtiff 3.8.2 into the trunk

2007-09-19 23:51 VZ, revision 48822
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/tiff

remove the old hybrid libtiff sources

2007-09-19 23:22 RD, revision 48817

document another place the version number needs updated

2007-09-19 23:21 RD, revision 48816

need image.h for non-precomp build mode

2007-09-19 23:18 RD, revision 48815

rebake with new version number

2007-09-19 23:16 RD, revision 48814

regenerate configure

2007-09-19 23:14 RD, revision 48813

Use autohacks for this script

2007-09-19 23:14 RD, revision 48812

Give wxPowerEvent wxRTTI

2007-09-19 23:11 RD, revision 48811

Give wxPowerEvent wxRTTI, update C:R:A for imminent release

2007-09-19 16:33 SC, revision 48810

upping version number, adding new files

2007-09-19 16:26 SC, revision 48809

adding defines from wxcocoa to darwin wxmac builds

2007-09-19 15:20 SC, revision 48808

support for wxNO_BORDER

2007-09-19 15:05 MW, revision 48807

Remove extra semicolon.

2007-09-19 14:53 SC, revision 48806

preparing for NSCursor usage, turned off by default

2007-09-19 14:52 SC, revision 48805

preparing for NSCursor usage, turned off by default

2007-09-19 14:50 SC, revision 48804

was an inadvertent commit, turning off that functionality again