

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-04-17 18:03 RD, revision 15190

Added some methods to be consistent with wxWindow

2002-04-17 18:03 RD, revision 15189

A few tweaks and cleanups

2002-04-17 18:00 RD, revision 15188

Removed package from imports since the modules are in the same package.

2002-04-17 14:16 VZ, revision 15187

corrected assert even better

2002-04-17 14:09 JS, revision 15186

Corrected assertion

2002-04-17 11:48 JS, revision 15185

Added wxDF_HTML Added VC++/non-Unicode for setting HTML clipboard data Changed FloodFill to return a bool value

2002-04-17 06:19 GD, revision 15184

corrected thread detection for Darwin / Mac OS X

2002-04-16 23:06 VS, revision 15183

some wxArtProv docs

2002-04-16 23:03 VS, revision 15182

wxArtProvider HOWTO extended: update documentation

2002-04-16 23:03 VS, revision 15181

make wxArtProvider pure virtual (I was not so on a purpose in some early stage but I think that it is relevant no more...)

2002-04-16 23:03 VS, revision 15180

wxHtmlHistoryItem needs not be wxObject

2002-04-16 23:02 VS, revision 15179

wxHtmlBookRecords needs not be wxObject

2002-04-16 23:01 VS, revision 15178

fixed outdated filenames

2002-04-16 21:52 RD, revision 15177

Use the OOR typemap for wxTreeCtrls too.

2002-04-16 21:33 RD, revision 15176

typo fixes

2002-04-16 21:32 RD, revision 15175

A new listctrl mixin class

2002-04-16 21:31 RD, revision 15174

Use the OOR typemap for wxTreeCtrls too.

2002-04-16 21:04 SC, revision 15173

added patch for theme savvy checkbox metrics

2002-04-16 20:05 MBN, revision 15172

Moved text control subclassing code inside MSWOnNotify. Now all edit controls for tree labels are subclassed (previously only the ones created by EditLabel were ). Now GetEditControl() always returns a pointer to a textctrl when editing is in progress. Removed #if-0 code in GetEditControl() to do the above.

2002-04-16 19:56 JS, revision 15171

Pass validator, not wxDefaultValidator!

2002-04-16 19:34 VZ, revision 15170

removed redundant code

2002-04-16 19:29 VZ, revision 15169

added test for wxNO_DEFAULT in wxMessageBox

2002-04-16 18:18 RR, revision 15168

Untested mini-change for wxGTK idle handling. Handle internal idle (i.e. update handing) *after* sending idle events so that if the user calls Refresh() in OnIdle() the regions will be updated afterwards.

2002-04-16 18:00 GT, revision 15167

Fixes for documentation compilation

2002-04-16 17:12 RL, revision 15166

replace zsh'ism(?) with a posix parameter expansion for CFLAGS default.

2002-04-16 14:55 VZ, revision 15165

always let the multiline text control process the Enter key presses

2002-04-16 13:19 VZ, revision 15164

don't include -D_REENTRANT in the linker flags

2002-04-16 13:15 VZ, revision 15163

add -pthread like options to the linker flags as well; also (finally!) fixed -g and -On handling in CFLAGS

2002-04-16 12:34 VZ, revision 15162

typo fixed: should be lpthread, not -lpthread in THREAD_OPTS

2002-04-16 12:32 VZ, revision 15161

thread detection fixed for Solaris

2002-04-16 11:57 VZ, revision 15160

try just -lpthread in the thread detection code too

2002-04-16 11:41 GD, revision 15159

Added -bind_at_load linker option for Darwin/Mac OS X: executables must necessarily fully bind the wxWindows library at program launch otherwise lazy binding breaks RTTI class info

2002-04-16 08:57 VZ, revision 15158

return NULL from the functions returning a pointer, not FALSE (patch 544557)

2002-04-16 08:43 VZ, revision 15157

return NULL from a function returning a pointer, not FALSE

2002-04-16 07:43 VZ, revision 15156

better, more generic and backwards compatible, fix for TRUE/FALSE in C code

2002-04-15 20:38 VZ, revision 15155

use -pthread or equivalent when using threads; many fixes (?) for the threads detection under FreeBSD

2002-04-15 19:46 VZ, revision 15154

fixed remove() return code test to avoid spurious debug error message

2002-04-15 19:45 VZ, revision 15153

fixed a few minor bugs: handle the directory parameter to Create() correctly, better error checking

2002-04-15 19:38 RD, revision 15152

Applied TRUE/FALSE fix here too.

2002-04-15 19:08 VZ, revision 15151

don't try to remove -g flag from CFLAGS, it is not necessary and doesn't work correctly anyhow (patch 543395)

2002-04-15 19:02 VZ, revision 15150

compilation fix after TRUE/FALSE change

2002-04-15 18:49 VZ, revision 15149

corrected const char * to char * conversions (patch 543896)

2002-04-15 18:47 VZ, revision 15148

corrected passing const char * to a function taking char * (part of the patch 543892)

2002-04-15 18:43 GD, revision 15147

corrections for compilation with Apple DevTools applied SourceForge patch #543872

2002-04-15 18:43 VZ, revision 15146

fixes for BCC makefiles from Chris (patch 544015)

2002-04-15 18:27 VZ, revision 15145

redefined TRUE and FALSE to be of type bool

2002-04-15 18:24 VZ, revision 15144

added wx/ipc.h and used/documented it

2002-04-15 18:23 VZ, revision 15143

explain how to choose the theme for wxUniv apps

2002-04-15 18:11 VZ, revision 15142

compilation fix for OSF/1

2002-04-15 17:59 VZ, revision 15141

fixed minor typo in Borland instructions

2002-04-15 17:30 RD, revision 15140

Some updates for 2.3.3

2002-04-15 03:31 DW, revision 15139

Bitmap and menu updates

2002-04-14 20:41 RR, revision 15138

Fixed (minor) problems reported by Ron in scrolled window. The original patch was not unproblematic.

2002-04-14 16:26 VZ, revision 15137

fixed bug in generation of thumb scroll events

2002-04-14 14:42 RR, revision 15136

Three more attempts to get metal look. - Added a few flags for inheriting background. - Added wxWindow param to wxR::DrawBackground() - Added wxR::DrawButtonSurface() - Removed wxR::DrawBackground() from wxR::DrawButtonBorder() - Adde DrawMetal to Metal theme Fixed minor bug in wxGTK scrollbar. Changed code in wxX11 wxTLW so that startup flicker no longer occurs in wxFrame.

2002-04-14 11:05 JS, revision 15135

Applied custom character filter patch for text validator Corrected typo in spinbutt.tex

2002-04-13 19:02 RR, revision 15134

Fix wxListCtrl bakground colour bug Part II. Make wxWindow::Refresh() wake up idle.

2002-04-13 19:01 RR, revision 15133

Fix wxListCtrl background colour bug Part I

2002-04-13 16:41 VZ, revision 15132

include wx/event.h before declarign the types (patch 543270)

2002-04-13 15:16 JS, revision 15131

Fixed GetVirtualSize for wxGTK's wxScrolledWindow

2002-04-13 12:38 VS, revision 15130

fixed make uninstall

2002-04-13 07:24 JS, revision 15129

Added missing CreateManifest() to initialisation

2002-04-13 03:42 RD, revision 15128

SWIGged updates for wxMAC

2002-04-13 02:46 RD, revision 15127

Changed the #if used to turn on UNIX domain sockets to match what is used in sckaddr.h so wxMAC will compile again. If wxMAC/darwin can actually use UNIX domain sockets then this change should probably go the other way...

2002-04-13 01:42 RD, revision 15126

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-04-13 01:42 RD, revision 15125

Already had wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED, don't need it twice

2002-04-13 01:37 RD, revision 15124

Added wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent. Added some missing Capture related methods.

2002-04-13 01:36 RD, revision 15123

Typos fixed

2002-04-13 00:54 RD, revision 15122

Fix for Python 2.2 defining NDEBUG and conflicting with __WXDEBUG__

2002-04-13 00:39 RD, revision 15121

Use wxBufferedDC in the doodle sample

2002-04-12 22:29 VZ, revision 15120

don't let IsDialogMessage() have VK_ESCAPE, this fixes closing the tree in place editor with Escape

2002-04-12 22:27 VZ, revision 15119

always handle Enter ourselves while editing tree ctrl labels

2002-04-12 22:00 VZ, revision 15118

fixed the bug which resulted in not showing the grid withotu scrollbars at all

2002-04-12 20:26 JS, revision 15117

Implemented wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent and made wxGenericDragImage check it the capture before release it. Documented wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent and GetCapture/FindCapture.

2002-04-12 19:05 VZ, revision 15116

test wxExecute() in the sample

2002-04-12 16:31 RD, revision 15115

Added test showing problem with small grids

2002-04-12 15:13 VZ, revision 15114

implemented IPC using Unix domain sockets

2002-04-12 14:18 VZ, revision 15113

fixed bug with not NUL-terminating the string in GAddress_UNIX_SetPath

2002-04-12 13:15 JS, revision 15112

Applied docview patch Removed richedit sample compilation

2002-04-12 10:24 VZ, revision 15111

a preprocessor constant must be 0, not FALSE

2002-04-12 10:23 VZ, revision 15110

bug/typo fixed: function returning a pointer should return NULL, not FALSE

2002-04-12 09:57 VZ, revision 15109

replaced SetName() with SetText()

2002-04-12 09:31 VZ, revision 15108

implemented wxChoice::Delete

2002-04-11 23:13 RD, revision 15107

Better error message, flags --> style in wxHtmlWindow, etc.

2002-04-11 23:12 RD, revision 15106

Fixed GetShapeList and similar methods to use OOR.

2002-04-11 21:56 RR, revision 15105

Made metal theme a little faster.

2002-04-11 19:43 JS, revision 15104

Undo/Redo update handlers now set the text as well as enabling/disabling, making it possible for several different types of control to share the same menu items and set the text differently.

2002-04-11 19:11 VZ, revision 15103

don't use socket function when wxUSE_SOCKETS==0

2002-04-11 19:00 VZ, revision 15102

typo (thanks Nerijus)

2002-04-11 19:00 VZ, revision 15101

updated to mention X11

2002-04-11 18:49 JS, revision 15100

Corrected the sizer code for the navigation tool window -- it was mixing panel and frame. Now the panel is sized, and the resulting fit used to resize the frame.

2002-04-11 18:44 VZ, revision 15099

fixed 2 small typos (reported by Janos Vegh)

2002-04-11 18:43 JS, revision 15098

Sorry, that SetClientSize change was wrong, since sizers are working in whole-window coordinates. Reverted.

2002-04-11 18:41 VZ, revision 15097

fixed 2 bugs which were fixed in GetFullPath() but not GetPath() and which were broken by the last commit

2002-04-11 16:50 JS, revision 15096

Added back the missing Undo/Redo accelerators that unaccountably went missing after 2.3.1

2002-04-11 16:07 SC, revision 15095

RemoveChild added for correct disposal of scrollbar

2002-04-11 15:31 SC, revision 15094

RemoveChild added for correct disposal of scrollbar

2002-04-11 12:21 VZ, revision 15093

added more GetPath() tests

2002-04-11 12:20 VZ, revision 15092

fixed GetPath() trailing separator bug, rewrote GetFullPath() in terms of GetPath()

2002-04-11 11:53 VZ, revision 15091

added missing WINAPI to GET_LONG_PATH_NAME typedef (thanks to Dimitri)

2002-04-11 11:32 VZ, revision 15090

generate the focus events for wxComboBox, also solves the tab navigation bugs

2002-04-11 11:13 VZ, revision 15089


2002-04-11 09:11 JS, revision 15088

wxSizer::Fit calls SetClientSize, not SetSize. This fixes the tool window in the Life demo.

2002-04-10 22:29 DW, revision 15087

Menuing and statusbar updates

2002-04-10 20:38 RR, revision 15086

Added "metal" theme. Added bool param to wxUniv indicating if the controls takes its background from the parent (such as static texts, radio buttons etc).

2002-04-10 20:32 RD, revision 15085

Oops, forgot the braces.

2002-04-10 20:26 RD, revision 15084

Moved check for m_lastKeydownProcessed to WM_CHAR case because I think Vadim was asleep when he moved it out of HandleChar to the end of the WM_KEY_DOWN case. <wink> It would never be true where the check was before...

2002-04-10 19:27 RD, revision 15083

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-04-10 19:06 RD, revision 15082

Ensure the caret flashes properly

2002-04-10 18:42 RD, revision 15081

Refresh of PyCrust

2002-04-10 18:39 RD, revision 15080

Changes to match cvs update

2002-04-10 18:15 JS, revision 15079

wxScrolledWindow::GetVirtualSize now returns client size if scrolling parameters have not been set. This makes Layout() work again for scrolled windows.

2002-04-10 16:17 DW, revision 15078


2002-04-10 16:01 RR, revision 15077

Work on wxEdit sample.

2002-04-10 14:23 JS, revision 15076

Corrected PositionToXY, XYToPosition code Implemented GetSelection, SetInsertionPoint(End)

2002-04-10 13:00 JS, revision 15075

Fixed single-line text control breakage (sorry). Now only skips the refresh when the new and old values are the same.

2002-04-10 09:35 JS, revision 15074

Added a wxDD_NEW_DIR_BUTTON style for wxDirDialog (currently, works for the generic implementation only). Renamed wxDIRCTRL_EDITABLE to wxDIRCTRL_EDIT_LABELS. Removed reported memory leaks from dynload.cpp using wxModule -- this may cause problems if other modules want to use wxPluginLibrary.

2002-04-10 08:22 SC, revision 15073

background setup correctly

2002-04-10 06:07 SC, revision 15072

removed code (not necessary anymore)

2002-04-10 04:38 DW, revision 15071

Lots of updates

2002-04-10 00:23 VZ, revision 15070

no changes

2002-04-10 00:22 VZ, revision 15069

don't send dummy scroll events from wxNotebook when the page is changed using the built-in spin control

2002-04-09 23:56 VZ, revision 15068

wxSizeEvent now carries the total size, not just the client size

2002-04-09 23:55 VZ, revision 15067

added another size to the status bar display

2002-04-09 22:52 VS, revision 15066

hidden root works in wxGenericDirCtrl again

2002-04-09 22:49 VZ, revision 15065

fixed the initial wxCalendarCtrl position and a minor appearance bug (the first closes the bug 539857)

2002-04-09 22:44 VS, revision 15064

fixed incorrect wxCHECK (was a wrong negation before)

2002-04-09 22:43 VS, revision 15063

don't allow expanding/collapsing hidden root node

2002-04-09 22:42 RD, revision 15062

Include wx/object.h to get the global memory operators if defined.

2002-04-09 22:25 VZ, revision 15061

added support for the multiline button labels

2002-04-09 22:14 RD, revision 15060

A little black magic... When the C++ object (for a window or whatever) is deleted there is no way to force the Python shadow object to also be destroyed and clean up all references to it. This leads to crashes if the shadow object tries to call a method with the old C++ pointer... The black magic I've done is to replace the __class__ in the Python instance object with a class that raises an exception whenever a method call is attempted.

2002-04-09 22:01 RD, revision 15059

A little black magic... When the C++ object (for a window or whatever) is deleted there is no way to force the Python shadow object to also be destroyed and clean up all references to it. This leads to crashes if the shadow object tries to call a method with the old C++ pointer... The black magic I've done is to replace the __class__ in the Python instanc object with a class that raises an exception whenever a method call is attempted.

2002-04-09 21:57 RD, revision 15058

New PyCrust from Patrick O'Brien

2002-04-09 20:55 RD, revision 15057

Forgot to set OOR info on wxSplashScreen

2002-04-09 19:40 VZ, revision 15056

made one button label multiline for testing

2002-04-09 19:34 MBN, revision 15055

Allow building with wxUSE_CALENDARCTRL=0

2002-04-09 18:32 SC, revision 15054

added possible mach-o compliant version

2002-04-09 14:40 JS, revision 15053

Removed redundant project file Updated release scripts Reduced widgets sample size Put back some conditional compilation for dir ctrl style

2002-04-09 13:51 SC, revision 15052

change in wxFileDataObject::SetData behaviour broke DnD of multiple files

2002-04-09 10:35 VZ, revision 15051

fixed a bug in wxStopWatch::Pause() (wouldn't pause if called immediately after Start()) and changed Pause()/Resume() calls to nest

2002-04-09 10:31 JS, revision 15050

Made widgets sample take up less space

2002-04-09 01:25 RD, revision 15049

Some little additions to how wxBufferedDC is wrapped. SHow how to use the wxBufferedDC in the demo. Other demo tweaks

2002-04-08 22:56 VS, revision 15048

forgot to check-in wxGTK wxDC changes

2002-04-08 22:50 VS, revision 15047

compatibility macro

2002-04-08 21:48 RR, revision 15046

More wxEdit.

2002-04-08 21:48 RR, revision 15045

wxTextCtrl::SetValue() sets m_modified to FALSE. Make scrollbars take MSW's "empty" look on start-up.

2002-04-08 21:46 RR, revision 15044

Buttons need to be small on PDAs.

2002-04-08 21:34 RD, revision 15043

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-04-08 20:56 RD, revision 15042

Updates to match recent CVS changes. Plugged some resource count leaks.

2002-04-08 20:39 JS, revision 15041

Added dependencies to .dsw file

2002-04-08 20:20 JS, revision 15040

Project file update

2002-04-08 20:17 JS, revision 15039

Added define to STC VC++ project file Ming/Cygwin makeprog.env clean target now cleans .exes Edited version in install.txt Copied HTML files from web files

2002-04-08 18:05 RR, revision 15038

A little less flicker when selecting text.

2002-04-08 17:15 JS, revision 15037

More BC++ makefile tweaks

2002-04-08 17:14 JS, revision 15036

Further fixes to references

2002-04-08 16:46 JS, revision 15035

Removed a lot of redundant references to wxWindow::On... functions. Added initial artprov.tex. Sorted out duff references.

2002-04-08 16:31 VZ, revision 15034

fixed format parameter in wxGetVolumeString() (closes patch 541037)

2002-04-08 16:28 VZ, revision 15033

fixed several bugs in Mkdir() and also modified its API to be more user friendly (based on the patch 541033 from Chris Elliott)

2002-04-08 16:15 VZ, revision 15032

added GetPath(flags) version to allow retrieving the volume as well

2002-04-08 16:02 VZ, revision 15031

added the keyboard sample

2002-04-08 15:35 RD, revision 15030

Added missing files

2002-04-08 14:21 JS, revision 15029

Added makefiles to widgets sample

2002-04-08 14:12 JS, revision 15028

BC++ 32-bit makefile now copies setup.h to the correct place Fixed compilo in treetest.cpp Fixed version numbers in make*.env Added dummy keyboard.rc so works

2002-04-08 14:05 VZ, revision 15027

wxMSW doesn't send CHAR events for Caps/Scroll/NumLock neither

2002-04-08 14:00 VZ, revision 15026

added a few debugging messages

2002-04-08 13:35 VZ, revision 15025

report all ASCII keys, not just the US-ASCII ones

2002-04-08 13:35 VZ, revision 15024

fix for non-US keyboards: the ASCII chars must be unsigned

2002-04-08 13:24 VZ, revision 15023

wxGTK keyboard handling now behaves (mostly) like wxMSW

2002-04-08 11:55 JS, revision 15022

Re-enabled dynamic library code in wxFileName so that normalization works again in Win32. I don't know why it had been disabled.

2002-04-08 11:36 VZ, revision 15021

some kbd processing code cleanup, no real changes yet

2002-04-08 11:34 JS, revision 15020

Added further keyboard sample makefiles

2002-04-08 11:15 JS, revision 15019

Added wxDIRCTRL_EDITABLE style so we can choose whether items are editable or not

2002-04-08 10:58 VZ, revision 15018

fixed crash in SetFirstVisible()

2002-04-08 10:55 VZ, revision 15017

Unix makefile for the new sample

2002-04-08 10:50 JS, revision 15016

Canvas: added some DECLARE_CLASS macros to stop it failing in class info initialisation Mmedia: compiles agin Plot: corrected VC++ project settings Simple toolbar: should draw a highlight again now Generic dir control: moved control ids to header for apps that need to get hold of the individual controls Scintilla: unconditionally compile Scintilla_LinkLexers() to correct link error in sample

2002-04-08 10:43 VZ, revision 15015

temporary compilation fix

2002-04-08 09:27 SC, revision 15014

new makefile

2002-04-07 23:14 VS, revision 15013

Don't allow expanding/collapsing hidden root

2002-04-07 23:08 VS, revision 15012

oops, forgot to implement Home button

2002-04-07 23:07 VS, revision 15011

cleaned up the mess caused by FloodFill patch

2002-04-07 23:05 VS, revision 15010

cleaning up the mess created by the FloodFill patch

2002-04-07 22:58 JS, revision 15009

Fixed some bit-rot problems in contribs

2002-04-07 22:47 JS, revision 15008

Changed caret to black and made it go when control isn't focussed

2002-04-07 22:42 VZ, revision 15007

fix for splitting the UNC paths

2002-04-07 22:37 VZ, revision 15006

added ra key methods docs

2002-04-07 22:29 VZ, revision 15005

added wxTextCtrl::EmulateKeyPress

2002-04-07 21:12 JS, revision 15004

Removed leaks from Forty demo Added VC++ project file for artprov sample Updated file lists

2002-04-07 21:06 VZ, revision 15003

added raw key code and flags support (based on patch from Bryce Denney)

2002-04-07 21:02 VZ, revision 15002

added option to show the raw key codes

2002-04-07 20:46 RR, revision 15001

Further work on wxTextCtrl.

2002-04-07 18:28 GD, revision 15000

updated CodeWarrior 5.3 exported xml projects

2002-04-07 18:21 GD, revision 14999

removed unnecessarily overridden wxControl method

2002-04-07 18:08 VZ, revision 14998

added a new sample to show the key events

2002-04-07 17:56 GD, revision 14997

updated CodeWarrior 5.3 exported xml projects

2002-04-07 17:49 GD, revision 14996

removed 68K targets and preferences added new/missing source files

2002-04-07 17:33 VZ, revision 14995

reformatted to fit in the page width

2002-04-07 17:28 VZ, revision 14994

compilation fix for USE_PCH

2002-04-07 17:20 VZ, revision 14993

refresh the dialog children forcefully even if wxCLIP_CHILDREN was specified

2002-04-07 17:20 VZ, revision 14992

removed Robert's test code

2002-04-07 17:09 JS, revision 14991

Version updates, manual date change, no change to dragimmg.cpp

2002-04-07 17:05 , revision 14990
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  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makemac7.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makemsc.env
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makeprog.b32
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makeprog.bcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makeprog.g95
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makeprog.msc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makeprog.wat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makesc.env
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makesl.env
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/maketwin.env
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makeva.env
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makevc.env
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/makewat.env
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/mgl
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/microwin
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/mingegcs.bat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/mingw32.bat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/motif
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/msw
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/ntwxwin.mak
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/os2
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/ansi2knr.1
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/makefile.nt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/scripts
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/scripts/build.bat
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/scripts/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/scripts/makefile.ama
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/scripts/makefile.atr
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/scripts/makefile.lnx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/scripts/makefile.mip
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/scripts/makefile.s2x
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/scripts/makefile.sgi
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/scripts/makefile.sun
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/png/scripts/makefile.wat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/regex
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/stc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/tiff
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/univ
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/unix
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/Wxwindll.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxBase.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxBase.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxJpeg.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxPng.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxTiff.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxUniv.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxUniv.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxWin.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxWindows.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxWindows.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxWindowsM7.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxwindowsM5.xml
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxXpm.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/wxZlib.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/x11
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/xrc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/src/zlib
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/utils
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/wxBase.spec
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/wxGTK.spec
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/wxMotif.spec
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/wxPython
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/wxWINE.spec
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/LIBPNG_1_0_3/wxwin.m4

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'LIBPNG_1_0_3'.

2002-04-07 17:05 GD, revision 14989

removed 68K targets and preferences and renamed output libraries

2002-04-07 16:05 VS, revision 14988

*DO* use wxTR_EDIT_LABELS, it is neccessary

2002-04-07 16:05 VS, revision 14987

update from gtk/changes.txt to changes.txt (sic...)

2002-04-07 16:05 VS, revision 14986

add artprov sample to the list

2002-04-07 16:05 VS, revision 14985

added wxArtProvider technote

2002-04-07 14:50 RR, revision 14984

Added first test app to "mobile".

2002-04-07 14:47 RR, revision 14983

Make wxFileDialog even smaller under X11.

2002-04-07 14:46 RR, revision 14982

Make text control send text update events. Something else.

2002-04-07 13:29 GD, revision 14981

improved conditional compilation test (added wxUSE_POSTSCRIPT)

2002-04-07 13:26 GD, revision 14980

removed unused enum

2002-04-07 12:05 RR, revision 14979

Test case for MSW display corruption in 2.3.3

2002-04-07 10:18 RR, revision 14978

Further work on wxTextCrl. Makefile fix for wxEmulator.

2002-04-06 22:31 VZ, revision 14977

refresh the dialogs after resize - this is the only way to deal with the display corruption problem

2002-04-06 22:27 VZ, revision 14976

cleaned up the checkbox creation code (~70 lines of code became 3)

2002-04-06 22:23 VZ, revision 14975

no significant changes

2002-04-06 21:12 VZ, revision 14974

reverted Robert's test code

2002-04-06 20:54 VZ, revision 14973

fixed bug with initial path being a root directory on the drive

2002-04-06 20:21 JS, revision 14972

Strange sizing fix in DoResize() to workaround apparent wxChoice returned size inconsistency

2002-04-06 19:07 VS, revision 14971

fixed wxEncodingConverter::Convert docs

2002-04-06 18:11 RR, revision 14970

Added support for variable-width fonts to wxTextCtrl. This excludes syntax highlighting, which is probably OK.

2002-04-06 15:04 VS, revision 14969

added wxFontMapper::Get/Set

2002-04-06 15:01 VS, revision 14968

reverted Julian's unintentional breakage of wxChoice

2002-04-06 15:01 VS, revision 14967

clear wxArtProvider cache when pushing new provider

2002-04-06 15:01 VS, revision 14966

more samples/artprov stuff

2002-04-06 15:00 VS, revision 14965

fixed typo

2002-04-06 14:55 VS, revision 14964

added resources browser to wxArtProvider sample (similar to the one from gtk-demo)

2002-04-05 23:25 DW, revision 14963

New moddef file

2002-04-05 22:18 VS, revision 14962

info about removal of wxhtml.rc

2002-04-05 22:09 DW, revision 14961

Catching up to new common class interfaces.

2002-04-05 21:47 RD, revision 14960

more tweaks for API changes

2002-04-05 20:55 RD, revision 14959

A few little cleanups, etc.

2002-04-05 20:52 JS, revision 14958

Made sure the 'best' size doesn't get set for wxChoice

2002-04-05 20:39 RR, revision 14957

Fixed the background colour bug.

2002-04-05 20:20 VZ, revision 14956

SetPath() is now implemented in dirdlg.cpp

2002-04-05 20:08 DW, revision 14955

need wxUSE_WCHAR_T around wxConvLocal

2002-04-05 19:55 DW, revision 14954

FALSE not false

2002-04-05 18:32 VZ, revision 14953

some updates I forgot to commit before: mention wxCondition and wxIconBundle changes

2002-04-05 18:23 VZ, revision 14952

compilation fix for !WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_2

2002-04-05 18:11 VZ, revision 14951

compilation fix for !WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_2

2002-04-05 17:27 VZ, revision 14950

added a few missing tree events to the docs

2002-04-05 17:24 RR, revision 14949

Add test for display clutter under MSW.

2002-04-05 11:14 VZ, revision 14948

minor fix to wxFileName::MakeRelativeTo(), removed broken and misleading IsWild() method, added IsDir() one

2002-04-05 10:43 VZ, revision 14947

warning fix for cygwin (patch 539654)

2002-04-05 10:11 VZ, revision 14946

more fixes to handling the paths with trailing slashes in wxDirDlg

2002-04-05 07:08 JJ, revision 14945

Committing in . Complile issues for OpenVMS + obvious typo in wxWindows/src/motif/dcclient.cpp Modified Files: wxWindows/src/common/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/motif/dcclient.cpp wxWindows/src/unix/utilsunx.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2002-04-05 00:28 RD, revision 14944

Added a few new flags, etc.

2002-04-05 00:28 RD, revision 14943

Added wxFileHistory demo

2002-04-04 21:14 JS, revision 14942

No change

2002-04-04 21:05 JS, revision 14941

Don't set a normal cursor for the frame, set the NULL cursor, else text controls (for example) can get the wrong cursor.