

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-04-09 22:49 VZ, revision 15065

fixed the initial wxCalendarCtrl position and a minor appearance bug (the first closes the bug 539857)

2002-04-09 22:44 VS, revision 15064

fixed incorrect wxCHECK (was a wrong negation before)

2002-04-09 22:43 VS, revision 15063

don't allow expanding/collapsing hidden root node

2002-04-09 22:42 RD, revision 15062

Include wx/object.h to get the global memory operators if defined.

2002-04-09 22:25 VZ, revision 15061

added support for the multiline button labels

2002-04-09 22:14 RD, revision 15060

A little black magic... When the C++ object (for a window or whatever) is deleted there is no way to force the Python shadow object to also be destroyed and clean up all references to it. This leads to crashes if the shadow object tries to call a method with the old C++ pointer... The black magic I've done is to replace the __class__ in the Python instance object with a class that raises an exception whenever a method call is attempted.

2002-04-09 22:01 RD, revision 15059

A little black magic... When the C++ object (for a window or whatever) is deleted there is no way to force the Python shadow object to also be destroyed and clean up all references to it. This leads to crashes if the shadow object tries to call a method with the old C++ pointer... The black magic I've done is to replace the __class__ in the Python instanc object with a class that raises an exception whenever a method call is attempted.

2002-04-09 21:57 RD, revision 15058

New PyCrust from Patrick O'Brien

2002-04-09 20:55 RD, revision 15057

Forgot to set OOR info on wxSplashScreen

2002-04-09 19:40 VZ, revision 15056

made one button label multiline for testing

2002-04-09 19:34 MBN, revision 15055

Allow building with wxUSE_CALENDARCTRL=0

2002-04-09 18:32 SC, revision 15054

added possible mach-o compliant version

2002-04-09 14:40 JS, revision 15053

Removed redundant project file Updated release scripts Reduced widgets sample size Put back some conditional compilation for dir ctrl style

2002-04-09 13:51 SC, revision 15052

change in wxFileDataObject::SetData behaviour broke DnD of multiple files

2002-04-09 10:35 VZ, revision 15051

fixed a bug in wxStopWatch::Pause() (wouldn't pause if called immediately after Start()) and changed Pause()/Resume() calls to nest

2002-04-09 10:31 JS, revision 15050

Made widgets sample take up less space

2002-04-09 01:25 RD, revision 15049

Some little additions to how wxBufferedDC is wrapped. SHow how to use the wxBufferedDC in the demo. Other demo tweaks

2002-04-08 22:56 VS, revision 15048

forgot to check-in wxGTK wxDC changes

2002-04-08 22:50 VS, revision 15047

compatibility macro

2002-04-08 21:48 RR, revision 15046

More wxEdit.

2002-04-08 21:48 RR, revision 15045

wxTextCtrl::SetValue() sets m_modified to FALSE. Make scrollbars take MSW's "empty" look on start-up.

2002-04-08 21:46 RR, revision 15044

Buttons need to be small on PDAs.

2002-04-08 21:34 RD, revision 15043

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-04-08 20:56 RD, revision 15042

Updates to match recent CVS changes. Plugged some resource count leaks.

2002-04-08 20:39 JS, revision 15041

Added dependencies to .dsw file