

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-04-15 17:30 RD, revision 15140

Some updates for 2.3.3

2002-04-15 03:31 DW, revision 15139

Bitmap and menu updates

2002-04-14 20:41 RR, revision 15138

Fixed (minor) problems reported by Ron in scrolled window. The original patch was not unproblematic.

2002-04-14 16:26 VZ, revision 15137

fixed bug in generation of thumb scroll events

2002-04-14 14:42 RR, revision 15136

Three more attempts to get metal look. - Added a few flags for inheriting background. - Added wxWindow param to wxR::DrawBackground() - Added wxR::DrawButtonSurface() - Removed wxR::DrawBackground() from wxR::DrawButtonBorder() - Adde DrawMetal to Metal theme Fixed minor bug in wxGTK scrollbar. Changed code in wxX11 wxTLW so that startup flicker no longer occurs in wxFrame.

2002-04-14 11:05 JS, revision 15135

Applied custom character filter patch for text validator Corrected typo in spinbutt.tex

2002-04-13 19:02 RR, revision 15134

Fix wxListCtrl bakground colour bug Part II. Make wxWindow::Refresh() wake up idle.

2002-04-13 19:01 RR, revision 15133

Fix wxListCtrl background colour bug Part I

2002-04-13 16:41 VZ, revision 15132

include wx/event.h before declarign the types (patch 543270)

2002-04-13 15:16 JS, revision 15131

Fixed GetVirtualSize for wxGTK's wxScrolledWindow

2002-04-13 12:38 VS, revision 15130

fixed make uninstall

2002-04-13 07:24 JS, revision 15129

Added missing CreateManifest() to initialisation

2002-04-13 03:42 RD, revision 15128

SWIGged updates for wxMAC

2002-04-13 02:46 RD, revision 15127

Changed the #if used to turn on UNIX domain sockets to match what is used in sckaddr.h so wxMAC will compile again. If wxMAC/darwin can actually use UNIX domain sockets then this change should probably go the other way...

2002-04-13 01:42 RD, revision 15126

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-04-13 01:42 RD, revision 15125

Already had wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED, don't need it twice

2002-04-13 01:37 RD, revision 15124

Added wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent. Added some missing Capture related methods.

2002-04-13 01:36 RD, revision 15123

Typos fixed

2002-04-13 00:54 RD, revision 15122

Fix for Python 2.2 defining NDEBUG and conflicting with __WXDEBUG__

2002-04-13 00:39 RD, revision 15121

Use wxBufferedDC in the doodle sample

2002-04-12 22:29 VZ, revision 15120

don't let IsDialogMessage() have VK_ESCAPE, this fixes closing the tree in place editor with Escape

2002-04-12 22:27 VZ, revision 15119

always handle Enter ourselves while editing tree ctrl labels

2002-04-12 22:00 VZ, revision 15118

fixed the bug which resulted in not showing the grid withotu scrollbars at all

2002-04-12 20:26 JS, revision 15117

Implemented wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent and made wxGenericDragImage check it the capture before release it. Documented wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent and GetCapture/FindCapture.

2002-04-12 19:05 VZ, revision 15116

test wxExecute() in the sample