

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-07-25 11:16 VZ, revision 28453

basic UDP support (patch 835128)

2004-07-25 11:10 VZ, revision 28452

GTK2 fixes (patch 966803)

2004-07-25 11:01 VZ, revision 28451

docs for Change/GetMode(s) (patch 966312)

2004-07-25 11:00 VZ, revision 28450

tided up the code a little (replaces part of patch 966312)

2004-07-25 10:07 VS, revision 28449

documentation fixes

2004-07-24 10:46 VZ, revision 28448

compilation fix for !MSW

2004-07-24 09:57 VS, revision 28447

wxSound wasn't in alphabetically correct place

2004-07-24 04:00 DE, revision 28446

Incorporated gsocket.c 1.80 to 1.86 changes

2004-07-23 23:25 RD, revision 28445


2004-07-23 22:13 VZ, revision 28444

generate EVT_CONTEXT_MENU when right mouse button is pressed, not released

2004-07-23 21:56 VZ, revision 28443

show the cursor on screen after moving it

2004-07-23 21:34 VZ, revision 28442

don't crash if WriteText() argument can't be converted to UTF-8

2004-07-23 21:32 VZ, revision 28441

implemented ScrollLines/Pages() for GTK+ 2

2004-07-23 20:55 RD, revision 28440

Fixed typo

2004-07-23 20:52 VZ, revision 28439

unhide the other HitTest() overload

2004-07-23 20:48 DS, revision 28438

adding missing closing bracket

2004-07-23 20:28 RD, revision 28437

Wrapper for new HitTest

2004-07-23 20:26 RD, revision 28436

Fix for unhiding the other version of the base class HitTest

2004-07-23 19:59 VZ, revision 28435

fixed inserting styled text into an empty control under GTK+ 2.0

2004-07-23 18:52 VZ, revision 28434

don't modify all wxBitmaps sharing the same wxBitmapRefData when SetMask() is called

2004-07-23 18:43 VZ, revision 28433

implement HitTest(pos) variant and not HitTest(x, y) one as this is what Windows gives us

2004-07-23 18:43 VZ, revision 28432

cosmetic change

2004-07-23 18:31 RD, revision 28431

Avoid an assert in wxFrame::SetTitle

2004-07-23 18:07 VZ, revision 28430

implemented HitTest() for GTK2; test it in the sample

2004-07-23 18:06 ABX, revision 28429


2004-07-23 18:04 ABX, revision 28428

wxUSE_STL fixes.

2004-07-23 17:49 VZ, revision 28427

compilation fix for gcc (closes bug 996701)

2004-07-23 16:45 VS, revision 28426

changed to behave in same way as native win32 control and generic wxListCtrl when wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT is vetoed

2004-07-23 16:45 VS, revision 28425

documented while event.Skip() is necessary so that nobody removes it

2004-07-23 16:44 VS, revision 28424

reverted JS' rev. 1.27 - the real fix was 1.28, disabling recursion protection is not good idea

2004-07-23 15:41 RD, revision 28423

Changed to match wxPython's current subrelease number

2004-07-23 14:33 ABX, revision 28422

wxUSE_STL/wxArrayString fixes.

2004-07-23 11:26 ABX, revision 28421

Correct definition of sorting function.

2004-07-23 10:38 VZ, revision 28420

added wxSUBRELEAS_NUMBER and macro to check for it

2004-07-23 10:01 VZ, revision 28419

fixed ShowModal() return value typo

2004-07-23 09:21 ABX, revision 28418

wxUSE_BUTTONBAR removed.

2004-07-23 09:04 ABX, revision 28417

wxUSE_STL fixes.

2004-07-23 08:58 ABX, revision 28416

wxUSE_STL fix.

2004-07-23 08:56 ABX, revision 28415

Simplified html reading because previous one caused conflicts in wxUSE_STL=1.

2004-07-23 08:51 ABX, revision 28414


2004-07-23 05:07 RD, revision 28413

Default value for WX_CONFIG

2004-07-23 01:41 DE, revision 28412

Revert my id10t error.

2004-07-22 20:25 DE, revision 28411

Fix compilation with older (before C99) C compilers.

2004-07-22 20:24 RD, revision 28410

Just to be sure...

2004-07-22 20:23 RD, revision 28409

Also don't send set focus events when the window is being deleted.

2004-07-22 19:59 ABX, revision 28408


2004-07-22 19:34 ABX, revision 28407


2004-07-22 19:24 VS, revision 28406

fixed symlinks creation on platforms where ln -s is cp

2004-07-22 19:14 ABX, revision 28405


2004-07-22 19:08 MBN, revision 28404

Added compatibility functions for wxUSE_STL = 1: void wxArrayString::Sort(CompareFunction function) void wxArrayString::Sort(bool reverseOrder).

2004-07-22 19:07 ABX, revision 28403

wxUSE_STL fixes.

2004-07-22 18:51 ABX, revision 28402

wxUSE_STL fixes.

2004-07-22 18:47 ABX, revision 28401


2004-07-22 18:38 RD, revision 28400

Patches from Will Sadkin: MaskedEditMixin: - fixed size calculations on changing fonts - fixed tabbing logic now that tab events are entered into the control by default (ie event.Skip()) if wx.TE_PROCESS_TAB is set - fixed code attempting to fix the selection after focus events generated on control destruction, to prevent tracebacks TextCtrl, ComboBox - Added support for XRC - Fixed sizing calculation code - Added SetFont() override method that will recalculate the size if this is called. - Added AppendItems() for ComboBox NumCtrl: - prevented ctrl from accepting same grouping and decimal character, - fixed issue preventing paste from working if decimal char was different than '.' TimeCtrl: - Fixed default value to use 24hour time (which will be converted appropriately if format supports it, and added code to check if local timezone uses "AM/PM" for this concept; if not, control now defaults to 24hour format, and disallows the am/pm form.

2004-07-22 18:35 ABX, revision 28399

Removed unused variable.

2004-07-22 18:15 RD, revision 28398

Install headers to the new location, use the new wx-config options instead of building the wx-{toolchain}-config name myself, incremented the version number.

2004-07-22 15:29 RD, revision 28397

No longer have to hold a reference to the sound object

2004-07-22 15:13 RD, revision 28396

Fix so sound looping will stop, courtesy of Ryan Norton.

2004-07-22 11:53 ABX, revision 28395

wxUSE_STL=1 fix.

2004-07-22 11:52 ABX, revision 28394


2004-07-22 11:49 VZ, revision 28393

reimplemented wxBitmap::ConvertToImage() using wxDIB

2004-07-22 11:49 ABX, revision 28392

Alternate form of condition readable for Borland compiler.

2004-07-22 11:45 ABX, revision 28391


2004-07-22 11:43 VZ, revision 28390

added wxDIB(HBITMAP) ctor and corresponding Create(); made GetData() return uchar * and not void *

2004-07-22 10:15 VS, revision 28389

use sizers instead of constraints in wxProgressDialog (patch 980364)

2004-07-22 09:35 VS, revision 28388

don't select first hit in index if it is multi-topic entry, it causes a dialog to pop up

2004-07-22 08:32 VS, revision 28387

adapted RPM spec file to latest changes

2004-07-22 08:28 VS, revision 28386

install headers in prefix/include/wx-version/wx/ instead of prefix/include/wx/

2004-07-22 07:49 VS, revision 28385

removed enum that was causing more problems than it was worth

2004-07-22 07:43 VS, revision 28384

wx-config symlink creation fix

2004-07-22 07:37 VS, revision 28383

detect WebKit availability

2004-07-22 04:22 RD, revision 28382

Fix so async wxSound can continue playing after it is destructed, courtesy of Ryan Norton.

2004-07-22 01:24 RD, revision 28381


2004-07-22 01:06 RD, revision 28380

39 items is awfully big

2004-07-22 01:04 RD, revision 28379

mention *TabOrder and Navigate methods

2004-07-22 01:01 RD, revision 28378

build a tarball when building the new docs

2004-07-22 01:01 RD, revision 28377

Build the new docs as part of the automated build

2004-07-22 01:00 RD, revision 28376

reorganize a bit

2004-07-22 00:57 RD, revision 28375


2004-07-22 00:55 RD, revision 28374

Hold on to the Sound objects as the Mac async plays will stop when the object is destroyed

2004-07-22 00:44 RD, revision 28373

Add -framework QuickTime if --enable-sound

2004-07-22 00:43 RD, revision 28372

Actually use the OnStack test

2004-07-22 00:42 RD, revision 28371

wxSOUND_SYNC is zero so it can't be used in a (flags & wxSOUND_SYNC) test as it woudl always evaluate to false.

2004-07-21 22:53 RD, revision 28370

If no colour name then use "BLACK"

2004-07-21 22:07 RD, revision 28369

Call CreateControl instead of CreateBase

2004-07-21 21:54 VZ, revision 28368

pretend that we support all encodings instead of not supporting any of them under GTK2 (this at least prevents wxFontMapper from aborting the program with 'can't create any font' message)

2004-07-21 20:28 RD, revision 28367

Docstring updates

2004-07-21 19:58 RD, revision 28366

Docstring updates

2004-07-21 19:56 RD, revision 28365

Fixed incorrect ratio initialization

2004-07-21 19:22 RD, revision 28364

Added DoPrepareDC

2004-07-21 19:21 RD, revision 28363

Added docstrings

2004-07-21 19:19 RD, revision 28362

Updates from Chris

2004-07-21 19:06 RD, revision 28361

Set m_wheelDelta for wheel events

2004-07-21 18:59 VS, revision 28360


2004-07-21 18:20 SC, revision 28359

ryan's QT implementation

2004-07-21 17:07 VZ, revision 28358

compilation fix

2004-07-21 17:00 VZ, revision 28357

implemented wxNativeFontInfo::operator=() when wxUSE_PANGO, this fixes crashes when wxFont::SetNativeFontInfo() is used

2004-07-21 12:23 VZ, revision 28356

create the disabled button brush if we're not using Microwin, not if we're using it

2004-07-21 11:27 SC, revision 28355

first attempt for full screen implementation

2004-07-21 11:24 SC, revision 28354

first attempt for full screen implementation

2004-07-21 11:21 VS, revision 28353

fixed --inplace

2004-07-21 10:45 VZ, revision 28352

documented that Write() doesn't always write all the data

2004-07-21 10:41 VZ, revision 28351

corrected code to not suppose that Write() always writes all the data it was given

2004-07-21 10:39 VZ, revision 28350

put the write end of the pipe in non blocking mode to avoid deadlocks and return from wxPipeOutputStream::OnSysWrite() without having necessarily written all the data as this is not always possible

2004-07-21 10:29 ABX, revision 28349

wxUSE_LOG fixes and sizer adjustements related to positioning with/without LOG output.

2004-07-21 10:17 VS, revision 28348

fixes to wx-config config name matching

2004-07-21 09:51 SC, revision 28347

first attempt for full screen implementation

2004-07-21 05:25 SC, revision 28346

only on mouse-down

2004-07-20 23:45 VZ, revision 28345

don't suppose that all 32bpp DIBs have alpha, this is not true, the extra byte may be just padding

2004-07-20 23:41 VZ, revision 28344

don't waste time initializing the memory of newly created wxImage before filling it with PNG data

2004-07-20 22:38 VZ, revision 28343

compilation warning about printf type mismatch

2004-07-20 21:59 VZ, revision 28342

AddFile(wxImage&) -> AddFile(const wxImage&)

2004-07-20 21:14 VZ, revision 28341

fix for opening files with VC++ 8 (closes bug 994337)

2004-07-20 19:30 ABX, revision 28340

wxUSE_LOG fixes.

2004-07-20 19:17 ABX, revision 28339

wxUSE_LOG fixes.

2004-07-20 19:11 ABX, revision 28338

wxUSE_LOG fixes.

2004-07-20 18:13 RD, revision 28337

DoPrepareDC needs the dc.

2004-07-20 17:18 ABX, revision 28336

wxUSE_LOG fixes.

2004-07-20 17:04 ABX, revision 28335

wxUSE_LOG fixes.

2004-07-20 16:48 SC, revision 28334

10.2 fixes

2004-07-20 16:40 SC, revision 28333

background handling

2004-07-20 16:34 VZ, revision 28332

update from Marco Cavallini

2004-07-20 16:30 VZ, revision 28331

added DoPrepareDC()

2004-07-20 14:53 SC, revision 28330

fixing best size to really include only 5 lines

2004-07-20 14:38 SC, revision 28329

correcting window variant

2004-07-20 14:34 SC, revision 28328

for built-in dialogs, there is no m_peer instance, and still we might have a Refresh call issued, just leave

2004-07-20 14:10 SC, revision 28327

trying to support non-wx controls on a window

2004-07-20 14:08 SC, revision 28326

explicit scrollbar style flags needed

2004-07-20 11:11 ABX, revision 28325

WinCE fixes.

2004-07-20 10:09 ABX, revision 28324

wxDefaultSize.* and wxDefaultPosition.* to wxDefaultCoord.

2004-07-20 10:09 VZ, revision 28323

added except sample

2004-07-20 10:05 VZ, revision 28322

add except to the samples being built; verify that --enable-exceptions and --enable-no_exceptions are not used simultaneously

2004-07-20 10:04 VZ, revision 28321

documented DoPrepareDC()

2004-07-20 09:19 SC, revision 28320

corrected cwd manipulation for unicode builds

2004-07-20 09:18 SC, revision 28319

removed mpthread and added thread.cpp and tglbutton.cpp

2004-07-20 09:16 SC, revision 28318

avoid unimplemented wx stubs being used

2004-07-20 08:44 VS, revision 28317

use regexes, not wildcards, for config file matching (but it's still broken)

2004-07-20 05:21 SC, revision 28316

corrected copied headers

2004-07-19 21:08 RD, revision 28315

fix compile error

2004-07-19 20:56 KO, revision 28314

Fixed display issues for Panther now that wxTextCtrl has been fixed there.

2004-07-19 20:52 RD, revision 28313

Don't output the script name twice

2004-07-19 20:51 RD, revision 28312

Handle terminating NULL correctly

2004-07-19 19:34 SC, revision 28311

switching to correct name as Tiger doesn't have the workaround anymore

2004-07-19 15:36 ABX, revision 28310

Fixes for wxUSE_STATUSBAR.

2004-07-19 15:14 ABX, revision 28309

Fixes for wxUSE_STATUSBAR.

2004-07-19 11:43 ABX, revision 28308

Fixed typo.

2004-07-19 10:07 GT, revision 28307

Updating the ::Open() function to help clarify that SetColDefs() must be called before opening the table

2004-07-19 09:42 ABX, revision 28306

GetItemCount is int.

2004-07-19 09:39 ABX, revision 28305

Fixes for wxUSE_STATUSBAR.

2004-07-19 08:47 VZ, revision 28304

compilation fix for wxUSE_THREADS == 0

2004-07-19 06:01 SC, revision 28303

string constants unicode savvy

2004-07-18 21:58 VS, revision 28302

fixed MSW crashes when choosing Exit in popup menu

2004-07-18 19:13 KO, revision 28301

Correct slider width when labels are used.

2004-07-18 17:11 VS, revision 28300

HAVE_XIM is disabled in GTK2 build, don't include useless member variables

2004-07-18 11:19 VS, revision 28299

*** empty log message ***

2004-07-18 10:55 VS, revision 28298

adapted to wx-config libraries list changes

2004-07-18 10:05 VZ, revision 28297

use wxLogTrace(htmldebug) instead of wxLogDebug() for messages about HTML syntax errors

2004-07-18 03:10 DE, revision 28296

Baked (clntdata.cpp core->base)

2004-07-18 00:03 RD, revision 28295

fixed typo

2004-07-17 23:32 RD, revision 28294


2004-07-17 23:22 RD, revision 28293

Use DeafultAttributes instead of hard coded defaults

2004-07-17 22:57 RD, revision 28292

minor tweaks

2004-07-17 22:51 RD, revision 28291

Avoid using the OOR typemap in the constructors

2004-07-17 21:54 VS, revision 28290

complain about unrecognized flags

2004-07-17 21:41 JS, revision 28289

Don't show focus rectangle if wxNO_BORDER specified

2004-07-17 21:14 VS, revision 28288

removed accidentally committed debugging code

2004-07-17 21:13 VS, revision 28287

use corrent charset for page title in ANSI builds

2004-07-17 20:50 VS, revision 28286

more GTK2+ANSI fixes

2004-07-17 18:52 VS, revision 28285

cleaned up --inplace description

2004-07-17 18:20 RD, revision 28284

Allow the release tag to be specified on the rpmbuild command line

2004-07-17 18:19 RD, revision 28283


2004-07-17 18:18 RD, revision 28282

Navigate docstring update

2004-07-17 17:52 RD, revision 28281

prevent a reference leak when OOR objects are created

2004-07-17 17:48 VS, revision 28280

modified arguments syntax to be wx-config [options] [libraries list]

2004-07-17 17:44 RD, revision 28279


2004-07-17 16:53 VS, revision 28278

wxTLW::IsMaximized for wxGTK2 (patch 992743)

2004-07-17 16:39 VS, revision 28277

made GTK+2 the default

2004-07-17 15:04 JS, revision 28276

Ensure we don't get an empty help menu on Mac

2004-07-17 10:59 VS, revision 28275

fixed TABs handling

2004-07-16 22:01 VS, revision 28274


2004-07-16 21:41 RD, revision 28273

Wrappers for *ToText

2004-07-16 21:40 RD, revision 28272

More notes about sizer changes

2004-07-16 20:35 RD, revision 28271

Blind fix to avoid a PyDeadObject error

2004-07-16 20:34 RD, revision 28270

Allow style to be specified for ScrolledMessageDialog

2004-07-16 20:33 RD, revision 28269

fixed syntax error

2004-07-16 20:31 RD, revision 28268

Fixed typo and increased the size of the cache used by DoGetPartialTextExtents

2004-07-16 20:29 RD, revision 28267

Allow any too-large index to mean Append, just like on MSW.

2004-07-16 20:27 RD, revision 28266

Added notes about the sizer changes

2004-07-16 19:35 VS, revision 28265

made SelectionToText and ToText public

2004-07-16 18:35 VS, revision 28264

documented wxHtmlWindow::SelectionToText and ToText

2004-07-16 18:06 ABX, revision 28263

Warning fixes for Digital Mars.

2004-07-16 17:27 VS, revision 28262

don't use deprecated function wxUslepp

2004-07-16 17:19 VS, revision 28261

added wxHtmlWindow::ToText

2004-07-16 17:17 VZ, revision 28260

fixed fatal bug in wxString ctor from wxCharBuffer when wxUSE_STL==1

2004-07-16 13:19 ABX, revision 28259

Fixes to warnings about assigning unused values.

2004-07-16 13:09 rgammans, revision 28258

* add documentation for wxMemoryBuffer * add suport for values of type REG_BINARY in the msw registry. Such values are converted to wxMemoryBuffer for internal handling

2004-07-16 13:08 ABX, revision 28257

Sizer based placement of controls in generic colour dialog (patch #991595)

2004-07-16 13:05 ABX, revision 28256

Correction to recently added wrong asserts.

2004-07-16 00:33 RD, revision 28255


2004-07-16 00:13 RD, revision 28254


2004-07-16 00:12 RD, revision 28253

Skip, Skip, Skip

2004-07-16 00:06 RD, revision 28252

Little tweaks to match recent CVS changes. Fixed wxFontEnumerator GetFacename and GetEncodings to return an empty list instead of crashing if the Enumerate function hasn't been called yet.

2004-07-16 00:02 RD, revision 28251

Automated build tweaks and fixes

2004-07-16 00:00 RD, revision 28250

Pass pos and size to MSWCreateControl so the initial and minsize will be set correctly

2004-07-15 23:59 RD, revision 28249

fixed typo in a comment

2004-07-15 20:51 VS, revision 28248

DLL export fixes (patch 991760)

2004-07-15 18:17 SC, revision 28247

applied patch 90459

2004-07-15 16:24 VS, revision 28246

fixed dllexports: wxClientData is now in wxBase, not wxCore

2004-07-15 06:34 ABX, revision 28245

Type casting warning fixes.

2004-07-15 06:27 ABX, revision 28244

Unused parameters warning fixes.

2004-07-15 06:23 ABX, revision 28243

Limited setup.h warning fix.

2004-07-15 06:21 ABX, revision 28242

Smartphone adjustements.

2004-07-15 06:16 ABX, revision 28241

More broken compilers with enum/wxString& ambiguity.

2004-07-15 06:13 ABX, revision 28240

VC warning fix.

2004-07-14 20:25 VS, revision 28239

re-enabled and fixed wxTextCtrl::Cut,Copy,Paste with GTK+ 2

2004-07-14 19:51 VS, revision 28238

provide WM with hint about splash window's purpose under wxGTK2

2004-07-14 19:34 ABX, revision 28237

DMC/VC warning fix

2004-07-14 19:31 ABX, revision 28236

OpenWatcom warning fix

2004-07-14 19:30 ABX, revision 28235

VC warning fix and update to curent state of wxW.

2004-07-14 18:04 SC, revision 28234

attempt to get a 'correct' current working directory

2004-07-14 16:33 SC, revision 28233

making getter const

2004-07-13 18:36 SC, revision 28232

carbon cfm fixes

2004-07-13 18:32 SC, revision 28231

adding correct events

2004-07-13 16:24 VZ, revision 28230

fixed menu titles handling after wxID_SEPARATOR change

2004-07-13 16:19 ABX, revision 28229

Warning fixes.

2004-07-13 16:14 ABX, revision 28228

Missed conditional compilation.

2004-07-13 13:41 VZ, revision 28227

clean up modules after destroying the app, not before it

2004-07-13 13:30 ABX, revision 28226

Correct headers. No more specific notebook sizer.

2004-07-13 13:24 ABX, revision 28225

Removal of deprecated methods.

2004-07-13 13:13 ABX, revision 28224

Removal of deprecated methods.

2004-07-13 12:42 ABX, revision 28223

WinCE fixes.

2004-07-13 12:25 ABX, revision 28222

WinCE fixes.

2004-07-13 12:07 VS, revision 28221

set PangoContext's language correctly

2004-07-13 11:33 VS, revision 28220

unified Pango GetTextExtent implementations

2004-07-12 23:29 VZ, revision 28219

made --cppflags return -DwxUSE_GUI=0 when used with --libs=base

2004-07-12 22:22 VZ, revision 28218

replace wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT with GetSystemLanguage() result in GetLanguageInfo()

2004-07-12 21:55 VS, revision 28217

moved clntdata.h,cpp to wxBase

2004-07-12 21:49 VS, revision 28216

oops, reverted clntdata.h change, it _is_ needed

2004-07-12 21:41 VS, revision 28215

clntdata.h is needed only if wxUSE_GUI

2004-07-12 19:21 ABX, revision 28214

Warning fix

2004-07-12 15:48 VZ, revision 28213

fixed what looked like a bug in determining the default width in DoGetBestSize()

2004-07-12 15:47 VZ, revision 28212

fixed unused variable warnings

2004-07-12 15:06 VS, revision 28211

removed unneeded call to wxGetRootWindow, so that window creation is delayed as much as possible

2004-07-12 14:52 ABX, revision 28210

Warning fix for lack of -> operator.

2004-07-12 14:49 ABX, revision 28209

Warning fix for assignment of unused value.

2004-07-12 14:38 VS, revision 28208

removed useless code accidentally left in

2004-07-12 12:34 VS, revision 28207

documented wxWindow::GetFont changes

2004-07-12 12:33 VS, revision 28206

documented wxWindow::GetFont change

2004-07-12 07:06 SC, revision 28205

added MLTE support for 10.2 via classic implementation

2004-07-12 07:05 SC, revision 28204

added MLTE support for 10.2 via classic implementation

2004-07-12 07:04 SC, revision 28203

add implementation fallback for not yet instantiated control peers

2004-07-12 05:40 SC, revision 28202

non-unicode build fix

2004-07-11 17:49 SC, revision 28201

adaptions to m_peer methods

2004-07-11 17:03 SC, revision 28200

combobox and textctrl fixes

2004-07-11 16:19 SC, revision 28199

further separating implementation

2004-07-09 21:27 VZ, revision 28198

include wx/dynlib.h, not wx/dynload.h, we don't need the latter

2004-07-09 21:19 VZ, revision 28197

fixed a warning about unusable code in release build

2004-07-09 17:54 VZ, revision 28196

show stderr in popen() test; show how to deal with piping big amounts of data to child process without deadlocking

2004-07-09 10:42 VZ, revision 28195

added wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsBackward to be able to call wxWindow::Navigate(IsBackward) and not only Navigate(IsForward)

2004-07-08 19:02 VZ, revision 28194

fixed warning about deprecated wxUsleep

2004-07-07 19:47 DS, revision 28193

removed redundant wx_PPC.rsrc from project as well as ftp, java and x86 related Preference Panel settings

2004-07-07 08:24 JS, revision 28192

Open files in binary mode to convert DOS to Unix

2004-07-06 21:36 RD, revision 28191

Add some grid related constants

2004-07-06 21:19 RD, revision 28190


2004-07-06 21:13 RD, revision 28189


2004-07-06 21:12 RD, revision 28188

Use -c

2004-07-06 21:12 RD, revision 28187

removed commented out code

2004-07-06 21:12 RD, revision 28186

Use maxint for appending to the listctrl

2004-07-06 21:11 RD, revision 28185

Check for app before making a colour from a name

2004-07-06 21:02 RD, revision 28184


2004-07-06 21:01 RD, revision 28183

little tweaks to match recent CVS changes

2004-07-06 21:00 RD, revision 28182

Fix bad keyword args

2004-07-06 20:59 RD, revision 28181

mention extra flag for OGL build

2004-07-06 20:59 RD, revision 28180

path fixes

2004-07-06 20:58 RD, revision 28179

master build tweaks, move the untarring and etc to the remote builder

2004-07-06 18:26 VZ, revision 28178

another compilation fix for after last check in

2004-07-06 17:56 RD, revision 28177

unicode compilation fix

2004-07-06 16:58 VZ, revision 28176

suppress new lines in the details pane

2004-07-06 16:55 VZ, revision 28175

blind compilation fix for wxUSE_STL==1 (bug 985662)

2004-07-06 12:48 DS, revision 28174

removed deprecated source files from project (as well as a few unneeded panel settings such as those related to Java and x86)

2004-07-06 10:33 VZ, revision 28173

corrected misleading IsSelection() docs

2004-07-05 19:29 DS, revision 28172

removed tab character; replaced -1 with wxID_ANY

2004-07-05 19:27 DS, revision 28171

use a default position for frames and in some cases a default size as well (otherwise the menubar is partially hidden (with MSW) due to too small frame height)

2004-07-05 13:53 DS, revision 28170

use slashes in #include, not backslashes

2004-07-05 12:46 DS, revision 28169

fixed typo (no code changes)

2004-07-05 10:40 VZ, revision 28168

renamed errcode to fix compilation with VC++ 8 (replaces patch 982303)

2004-07-05 10:35 VZ, revision 28167

fixed syntax error

2004-07-04 18:41 JS, revision 28166

Enclosed control in a panel to demonstrate display glitches

2004-07-04 11:20 VZ, revision 28165

don't set font unless necessary (patch 984853)

2004-07-04 11:19 VZ, revision 28164

typo/spelling fixes (patch 983448)

2004-07-04 11:17 VZ, revision 28163

corrections from Andreas Mohr (part of patch 983448)

2004-07-04 11:13 JS, revision 28162

Should set event object to relevant window when dispatching wxEVT_HELP

2004-07-04 11:13 VZ, revision 28161

typo fix in Restore(): __GTK20__ -> __WXGTK20__ (patch 984852)

2004-07-04 11:11 VZ, revision 28160

(blind) compilation fix for GTK+ 1.x after last commit

2004-07-03 16:58 VS, revision 28159

a better way of applying style changes to label_widget

2004-07-03 16:28 RR, revision 28158

Not sure how important that is, but now you can set the font of a static box.

2004-07-03 15:51 SC, revision 28157

going on with wxMacControl functionality

2004-07-03 15:50 SC, revision 28156

SetFont implementation moved to peer

2004-07-03 15:49 SC, revision 28155

wxMacControl extensions, sleep implementations header corrected

2004-07-03 15:49 RD, revision 28154

Invalidate notebook best size when pages are added or removed

2004-07-03 12:17 VS, revision 28153

don't mess with tooltips' colour in 2.4 either

2004-07-03 11:56 GD, revision 28152

added missing include files for compilation with Apple Developer Tools

2004-07-03 11:16 VS, revision 28151

implemented tab order in wxGTK2

2004-07-03 11:14 VS, revision 28150

demonstrate tab order

2004-07-03 10:06 VS, revision 28149

don't use deprecated wxUsleep

2004-07-03 10:02 VS, revision 28148

m_queuedFullRedraw is not used anymore

2004-07-02 22:22 VS, revision 28147

wxTaskBarIconBase event handlers were never called in 2.4 compatibility mode

2004-07-02 20:54 VS, revision 28146

fixed memory leak in wxNativeFontInfo when using Pango

2004-07-02 19:38 VS, revision 28145

BCC compilation fix

2004-07-02 19:05 GT, revision 28144

Patch # 984209 - Calls to wxFind() were using an old signature. They now check for wxNOT_FOUND

2004-07-02 18:54 GT, revision 28143

Patch # 984215 - Insert was returning SUCCESS after an error

2004-07-02 12:06 SC, revision 28142

sleep methods in synch with last changes

2004-07-02 12:03 SC, revision 28141

moving implementation out of class declaration

2004-07-01 22:54 VZ, revision 28140

added wxMilli/MicroSleep(), deprecated wxUsleep()

2004-07-01 22:52 VZ, revision 28139

fix wxTolower/upper() behaviour with signed chars > 0x7f with VC++ 6

2004-07-01 22:51 VZ, revision 28138

call InheritAttributes() during creation

2004-07-01 17:45 VS, revision 28137

don't force excessively large minsize, it makes the sample nearly unusable on X11

2004-07-01 14:17 JS, revision 28136

Comboboxes should have default height

2004-07-01 12:15 VZ, revision 28135

added wxMilli/MicroSleep(), deprecated wxUsleep()

2004-07-01 11:51 VZ, revision 28134

added wxGetKeyState() doc (patch 967255)

2004-07-01 11:47 VZ, revision 28133

implementation of the range insert for wxStringArray (patch 975003)

2004-07-01 11:44 VZ, revision 28132

added and documented wxWindow::MoveBefore/AfterInTabOrder()

2004-07-01 11:43 VZ, revision 28131

removed spurious semicolon

2004-07-01 10:46 VZ, revision 28130

font inheritance fixes (patch 983251)

2004-07-01 09:32 VZ, revision 28129

recognize EUC-KR charset (patch 983264)

2004-07-01 09:25 VZ, revision 28128

update from Hiroshi Saito (patch 981938)

2004-07-01 08:56 VS, revision 28127

set descent in GetTextExtend; use PANGO_PIXELS instead of dividing by PANGO_SCALE

2004-07-01 07:59 VS, revision 28126

simplified justification code; fixed incorrect positioning of first cell on line in justified paragraph

2004-07-01 07:40 VS, revision 28125

fixed a bug that prevented wxLogGui from being used by default

2004-07-01 07:07 VS, revision 28124

copy doc/ directory to builddir

2004-07-01 00:57 RD, revision 28123


2004-07-01 00:53 RD, revision 28122

Print start and stop time

2004-07-01 00:48 RD, revision 28121

a little cleanup

2004-07-01 00:45 RD, revision 28120

added CmdDown()

2004-07-01 00:05 VZ, revision 28119

use CmdDown() instead of #ifdefs for Mac

2004-07-01 00:04 VZ, revision 28118

added and documented wxKey/MouseEvent::CmdDown()

2004-06-30 23:43 RD, revision 28117

The gaps should *not* be included in the space given to the item, and so should also not be accounted for in the alignment adjustmanets

2004-06-30 23:28 VZ, revision 28116

mention that wxPostEvent() only works for sending messages to the main thread

2004-06-30 23:21 VZ, revision 28115

mention that detached threads shouldn't be deleted

2004-06-30 22:00 RD, revision 28114

Need to ensure that the right background is explicitly set.

2004-06-30 21:55 RD, revision 28113

fixed typo

2004-06-30 21:50 RD, revision 28112

Fixed typos and added test case that changes the font of a CalendarCtrl

2004-06-30 21:49 RD, revision 28111

Layout fixes due to measuring with the wrong font. Also added GetDefaultAttributes and switched everything to use GetXXX instead of m_XXX.

2004-06-30 20:12 RD, revision 28110

Since the wxPyMake_wxObject typemap is also used for constructors we need to allow it to use the $owner value to specify if the thisown attribute shoudl be set to true.

2004-06-30 20:10 RD, revision 28109

Allow the size, pos, and title of the default output window to be modified

2004-06-30 18:44 VS, revision 28108

update for CVS versions of bakefile

2004-06-30 17:12 VS, revision 28107

SetDefaultXXX -> SetOwnXXX

2004-06-30 16:25 VZ, revision 28106

trying to fix missing new line before a heading start

2004-06-30 15:47 VZ, revision 28105

made GetTextExtent() work correctly with NULL theFont parameter (m_font might nto be set); drastically simplified it by using helper WindowHDC and SelectInHDC classes instead of the old mess

2004-06-30 15:45 VZ, revision 28104

don't use &this->GetFont(), this is _not_ valid C++ and GetTextExtent() should work correctly with the default value of font parameter anyhow

2004-06-30 15:44 VZ, revision 28103

added WindowHDC similar to Screen/MemoryHDC

2004-06-30 15:35 VZ, revision 28102

fix VC++ warning about redeclaring wxHtmlHelpMergedIndexItem class as struct in .cpp

2004-06-30 13:06 VS, revision 28101

implemented wxSS::GetMetric on wxGTK2 (patch 950618)

2004-06-30 13:05 VS, revision 28100

decoupled attributes inheritance and m_hasXXX flags

2004-06-30 12:32 VS, revision 28099

wxXXChoiceDialog documentation fixes

2004-06-30 10:22 VS, revision 28098

made GetEntitiesParser public, it's useful for some tag handlers

2004-06-30 10:21 VS, revision 28097

fixed HTML entities parsing inside <titl e> tag

2004-06-29 21:06 RD, revision 28096

Lots of SWIGging

2004-06-29 20:36 VS, revision 28095


2004-06-29 19:33 RD, revision 28094

cleanup whitespace

2004-06-29 19:29 RD, revision 28093

Allow the MustHaveApp exception feature to be inherited

2004-06-29 18:04 RD, revision 28092

Add SetState/GetState for wxMSW

2004-06-29 18:03 RD, revision 28091

Don't need to adjust the position for HitTest any longer

2004-06-29 18:02 RD, revision 28090

removed some commented out code that should have been removed in the last commit

2004-06-29 17:44 RD, revision 28089

minsize and attribute tweaks

2004-06-29 16:55 VZ, revision 28088

removed gtk.h include

2004-06-29 07:53 VZ, revision 28087

documented return value of Find[Absolute]ValidPath() correctly

2004-06-29 07:52 VZ, revision 28086

fixed bug in FindAbsoluteValidPath() which returned cwd instead of empty string if the path was not found

2004-06-29 07:48 VZ, revision 28085

recognize roman8 charset as us-ascii (this is wrong but better than not recognizing it at all) (fixes bug 978251)

2004-06-29 07:25 VS, revision 28084

implemented wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR for wxGTK2

2004-06-29 07:16 VS, revision 28083

implemented nested index entries and index entries pointing to multiple documents in wxHtmlHelpController; modified wxHtmlHelpData API to make it possible

2004-06-29 03:02 RD, revision 28082


2004-06-29 02:58 RD, revision 28081

use TWIST buttons by default on the Mac, but also make it possible to skip the style adjustments so the programmer can do what they want too.

2004-06-29 02:08 RD, revision 28080


2004-06-29 02:06 RD, revision 28079

Tweaks for testing styles

2004-06-29 02:05 RD, revision 28078

Add some refreshes to try and workaround a display glitch

2004-06-29 02:04 RD, revision 28077

Refresh after changing the bitmap

2004-06-29 02:03 RD, revision 28076

Use root for OSX build

2004-06-29 02:03 RD, revision 28075

fixed icon image data

2004-06-29 02:02 RD, revision 28074

tweaked comment

2004-06-29 02:01 RD, revision 28073

A little better failure message

2004-06-29 01:58 RD, revision 28072

Fixed HitTest for columns > 1

2004-06-29 01:09 RD, revision 28071

Allow for Cmd-click on wxMac

2004-06-29 01:00 RD, revision 28070

Oops, forgot to remove som testing code

2004-06-29 00:57 RD, revision 28069

wxTreeListCtrl still uses the wxTR_TWIST_BUTTONS style

2004-06-29 00:56 RD, revision 28068

Fixed lots of painting, clipping and alignment issues.

2004-06-28 21:47 VS, revision 28067

implemented wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR for wxGTK2

2004-06-28 21:46 VS, revision 28066

respect absence of wxCENTRE

2004-06-28 21:45 VS, revision 28065

implemented nested index entries and index entries pointing to multiple documents in wxHtmlHelpController; modified wxHtmlHelpData API to make it possible

2004-06-28 21:43 VS, revision 28064

wxHTML_REALLOC_STEP not used anymore

2004-06-28 21:42 VS, revision 28063

wxObjArray::empty() was missing

2004-06-28 21:42 VS, revision 28062

test nested indexes

2004-06-28 21:37 VS, revision 28061

create wxDialog with proper _NET_WM hint so that the WMs recognize it as a dialog

2004-06-28 21:30 RD, revision 28060

Fix HitTest offset, and some other little things that had been changed in our old copy of treelistctrl

2004-06-28 19:27 RD, revision 28059

Added GetUnicodeKey

2004-06-28 19:23 RD, revision 28058

Use top-level parent for the dialog parent

2004-06-28 19:22 MBN, revision 28057

Compilation fixes.

2004-06-28 19:22 RD, revision 28056

Add flush() to PyOnDemandOutputWindow

2004-06-28 19:21 RD, revision 28055

override GetLabe/SetLabel as on wxMac it will draw its own label that interferes with ours.

2004-06-28 19:02 KO, revision 28054

Fixing crash due to referencing a NULL m_font.

2004-06-28 18:18 KO, revision 28053

Fixed wxMDIChildWindow to be a native window on Mac. Otherwise, functions like SetSize would crash.

2004-06-28 18:16 KO, revision 28052

Fixed typo in show available drives.

2004-06-28 16:26 VS, revision 28051

documentation fix

2004-06-28 10:48 VZ, revision 28050

update from Herbert Breunung which I forgot to commit some time ago

2004-06-28 10:47 VZ, revision 28049

added include files section

2004-06-28 10:46 VZ, revision 28048

added test for Lower()/Upper() with 8bit chars

2004-06-28 10:38 VZ, revision 28047

don't duplicate code checking for X for X11 and Motif ports; filter out -RNONE from the X_LIBS set by AC_PATH_XTRA (see patch 956017)

2004-06-27 22:17 VS, revision 28046

don't mess with the fonts if not asked to

2004-06-27 22:16 VS, revision 28045

removed wrong bg colour handling code

2004-06-27 19:40 VS, revision 28044

more fixes to HTML entities parsing when loading .hhk and .hhc

2004-06-27 13:47 VS, revision 28043

fixed typo

2004-06-27 13:42 VS, revision 28042

warning fix

2004-06-27 13:42 VS, revision 28041

fixed setting colour of wxStaticText in case the label contains XML special characters

2004-06-27 13:10 VS, revision 28040

implemented underlined text drawing for GTK2

2004-06-27 13:09 VS, revision 28039

fixes to charset conversion when loading non-Latin1 helpbooks; use wxString instead of wxChar* in data structures

2004-06-27 09:00 VS, revision 28038

re-added --inplace documentation

2004-06-26 18:45 RD, revision 28037

don't create the font until after the app is initialized

2004-06-26 17:29 VS, revision 28036

fixed sash dragging after programatically trying to set sashpos < minsize

2004-06-26 15:53 VS, revision 28035

implemented 3state checkboxes in wxGTK with GTK2

2004-06-26 15:51 VS, revision 28034

doubleclick selects cell for editing

2004-06-26 15:25 VS, revision 28033

more fixes to keypress handling in wxGTK: 1. don't eat unprocessed events originating from child widgets 2. tell IM context about focus changes 3. set wxKeyEvent modifiers information from last GdkEventKey leading to IM's commit signal

2004-06-26 14:11 VS, revision 28032

change of msgids patch description was inaccurate; fixed

2004-06-26 13:34 VZ, revision 28031

added and documented wxKeyEvent::GetUnicodeKey(); made it work for MSW; added test for it to the text sample

2004-06-26 13:14 VZ, revision 28030

added and documented wxKeyEvent::GetUnicodeKey(); made it work for MSW; added test for it to the text sample

2004-06-26 10:02 SC, revision 28029

allow a - at the beginning of a menu item (would become a separator by default)

2004-06-26 09:39 SC, revision 28028

rely on built-in best size...

2004-06-26 09:31 SC, revision 28027

correctly positioning vertical slider labels

2004-06-25 15:09 DS, revision 28026

fixed include dependency

2004-06-25 13:40 SC, revision 28025

colors are only set if non-black, otherwise Enable(false) does not gray them out

2004-06-25 12:59 JS, revision 28024

Added braces to remove initialisation error

2004-06-25 12:19 SC, revision 28023

font retrieval synched for setsize and bestsize

2004-06-25 11:33 SC, revision 28022

best size handling fix

2004-06-25 11:18 SC, revision 28021

cursor handling fix

2004-06-25 09:21 SC, revision 28020

two-level switch statement for event types

2004-06-25 08:25 SC, revision 28019

fix missing mouse-up events (eg when track control was called, which is consuming the mouse-up event)

2004-06-24 21:58 RD, revision 28018

SetSizeHints hacks are not needed any longer since the minsize is not set by default any longer

2004-06-24 21:09 RD, revision 28017


2004-06-24 21:02 RD, revision 28016


2004-06-24 20:52 VS, revision 28015

inform the IM context about focus changes

2004-06-24 20:27 VS, revision 28014

GtkIMContext must be the first to process keypress events, otherwise you won't be able to enter all characters with some IMs; this is same thing as what GtkEntry and GtkTextView do

2004-06-24 20:25 RD, revision 28013

testing tweaks

2004-06-24 20:21 RD, revision 28012

Optimized sizers to not call CalcMin more often than neccessary Window items added with wxFIXED_MINSIZE flag will set the window's minsize to its curent size.

2004-06-24 20:13 RD, revision 28011

Optimized sizers to not call CalcMin more often than neccessary Window items added with wxFIXED_MINSIZE flag will set the window's minsize to its curent size.

2004-06-24 20:09 RD, revision 28010

* Implemented BestSize cache * Added calls to InvalidateBestSize where things affecting BestSize are modified. There are probably several other places where this still needs to be done... * Added wxWindowBase::GetBestFittingSize that will merge the BestSize into the MinSize, (if any) and return the result. * SetBestFittingSize will now only set the MinSize to the value that was passed to it, without merging in the BestSize

2004-06-24 19:51 VS, revision 28009

fixed keypresses handling to correctly translate Unicode characters to current locale's charset in GTK2+ANSI build

2004-06-24 18:11 VS, revision 28008

fixed memory leak and removed duplicated code

2004-06-24 17:54 VS, revision 28007

use GtkIMContext variable, not GtkIMMulticontext, we don't use functions that take the latter as their argument

2004-06-24 16:36 DE, revision 28006

We don't need to pose for NSMenuItem, target/action is used instead.

2004-06-24 15:14 DE, revision 28005

* Do not use class posing to handle target/action.

2004-06-24 14:25 VS, revision 28004

fixed warnings after GetFont prototype change

2004-06-24 11:59 VS, revision 28003

Removed references to now-deprecated wxNotebookSizer from documentation.

2004-06-24 11:58 VS, revision 28002

deprecated wxBookCtrlSizer and wxNotebookSizer, they are no longer needed

2004-06-24 09:32 ABX, revision 28001

Fixed stream test.

2004-06-24 09:04 VS, revision 28000

set size hints so that the window won't shrink too much

2004-06-24 08:15 JJ, revision 27999

Committing in . OpenVMS updates Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/src/gtk/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/motif/checkbox.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2004-06-24 08:05 ABX, revision 27998

Regenerated makefiles.

2004-06-24 08:00 ABX, revision 27997

Removed unused code.

2004-06-24 07:28 SC, revision 27996

unicode fix

2004-06-24 06:59 ABX, revision 27995

Fixes for Smartphone builds. Sample does not work yet but at least creates exacutable.

2004-06-24 06:54 ABX, revision 27994

Fixed WinCE build.

2004-06-24 06:46 VS, revision 27993

reverted previous commit: the _real_ bug was already fixed

2004-06-24 04:46 RD, revision 27992

work around a bug in TabCtrl_AdjustRect which will cause a crash on win2k, or on XP with themes disabled, if the wxNB_MULTILINE style is used and the rectangle is very small, (such as when the notebook is first created.)

2004-06-24 04:45 RD, revision 27991

removed a SetFont(parent->GetFont())

2004-06-24 04:45 RD, revision 27990

tweaks for testing

2004-06-24 03:04 RD, revision 27989


2004-06-23 22:20 VS, revision 27988

fixed UNC paths handling (patch #975038)

2004-06-23 22:18 VS, revision 27987

test UNC filenames conversion on MSW

2004-06-23 22:18 VS, revision 27986

compilation fix for gcc-3.4

2004-06-23 22:12 DS, revision 27985

fixed bug #976725: "RETURN closes dialog instead of combobox dropdown" (applied fix suggested in the bug's comment)

2004-06-23 21:54 VZ, revision 27984

added Set(jdn) test

2004-06-23 21:53 VZ, revision 27983

fixed bug in wxDateTime::Set(jdn) when DST was in effect

2004-06-23 21:18 VZ, revision 27982

extracted some wxDateTime tests from console sample to the unit test suite

2004-06-23 20:31 VS, revision 27981

ngettext() macro was removed

2004-06-23 20:30 VS, revision 27980

allow msgids in !=English languages (based on Stefan Kowski's patch)

2004-06-23 18:26 VZ, revision 27979

fixed sending 2 events (normal and bogus cancel one) when ending to edit a tree ctrl item (patch 978403)

2004-06-23 17:42 VZ, revision 27978

use ES_AUTOHSCROLL for multiline controls as well (fixes 966692)

2004-06-23 17:42 VZ, revision 27977

don't use wxHSCROLL for the rich edit window, not that it really works as expected it looks ugly in the sample

2004-06-23 17:39 RD, revision 27976

Create the wxPython dir (for the reverse renamers) if it doesn't exist

2004-06-23 17:31 VS, revision 27975

default colours are not stored in m_fore/backgroundColour variables anymore

2004-06-23 16:41 VS, revision 27974

refresh the window in OnSysColourChanged

2004-06-23 16:41 VS, revision 27973

no need to update default colours and refresh if syscolours change, wxWindow does it

2004-06-23 16:04 ABX, revision 27972

Make some long #ifs shorter but multiline so diffs of other ports are more readable.

2004-06-23 16:04 CE, revision 27971

fix bug with button doing nothing

2004-06-23 16:01 DE, revision 27970

wxCocoa: don't force DEFAULT_wxUSE_SCROLLBAR=no

2004-06-23 15:33 VS, revision 27969

gtk_widget_get_display is documented to be GTK >= 2.2 thing -- fixes report about compilation failure

2004-06-23 15:30 VS, revision 27968

GetFont doesn't return reference anymore

2004-06-23 15:26 DE, revision 27967

wxCocoa: Added wxScrollBar

2004-06-23 15:01 ABX, revision 27966

Make some long #ifs shorter but multiline so diffs of other ports are more readable.

2004-06-23 14:49 DS, revision 27965

fixed unresolved symbol main (occurred with wxMac)

2004-06-23 14:06 DE, revision 27964

Regenerated with Bakefile 0.1.4 (some WinCE files were added by someone else)

2004-06-23 11:55 ABX, revision 27963

Private macro moved in waiting for DektopPolicy implementation.

2004-06-23 11:52 VS, revision 27962

don't cache default colours

2004-06-23 11:51 VS, revision 27961

removed non-const wxWindow::GetFont and GetCursor

2004-06-23 11:34 VS, revision 27960

removed non-const wxWindow::GetFont and GetCursor

2004-06-23 10:57 ABX, revision 27959

Preserve previous state of sizers.

2004-06-23 10:44 ABX, revision 27958

Shortcuts for avoiding #ifdef __SMARTPHONE__ conditions.

2004-06-23 09:39 ABX, revision 27957

According to C99 standard (6.10.1 p3) defined() in #define is undefined, so we need replacement.

2004-06-23 09:06 VS, revision 27956

include bitmap.h not needed anymore

2004-06-23 08:22 JS, revision 27955

Font correction

2004-06-23 00:46 DE, revision 27954

Remove SendDestroyEvent() call from SetNSView() and call it from ~wxWindow and ~wxTopLevelWindow instead.

2004-06-22 23:33 VZ, revision 27953

fix for a warning in DLL build (patch 966823)

2004-06-22 23:32 VZ, revision 27952

don't suppose that string literals can be casted to non-const char *, newer compilers complain about it (replaces patch 974652)

2004-06-22 23:25 VZ, revision 27951

don't pretend that type unsafe event table entry works, it doesn't any more (bug 969012)

2004-06-22 23:20 VZ, revision 27950

fixed assertion failure if Ok or Cancel button is clicked in a modeless dialog (bug 973873)

2004-06-22 23:08 VZ, revision 27949

don't overwrite initial controls value, explaining what its style is

2004-06-22 22:57 VZ, revision 27948

use C++ linkage functions (and not extern C) with std::ptr_fun<>, Sun CC doesn't accept C linkage functions here

2004-06-22 21:56 VZ, revision 27947

don't treat filenames starting with dot as having empty name and extension equal to the full name without dot (was done like this only for Unix and VMS before, now do it for all platforms)

2004-06-22 21:40 VZ, revision 27946

remove unnecessary (and provoking a warning under IRIX) const qualifier on the return value of a function returning bool

2004-06-22 21:35 VZ, revision 27945

fixed crash when string couldn't be converted to UTF8 in GetTextExtent() under GTK 2

2004-06-22 21:24 DE, revision 27944

wxCocoa no longer uses the generic notebook.

2004-06-22 19:59 RD, revision 27943

improved assert

2004-06-22 18:00 VS, revision 27942

corrected Cygwin instructions

2004-06-22 16:58 ABX, revision 27941

wxParseWildcard renamed to wxParseCommonDialogsFilter. Its usage is extended from generic dialogs to MSW, Motif and other incoming ports.

2004-06-22 15:56 DE, revision 27940

Added Bakefile conditions used by recently updated samples/dialogs/

2004-06-22 11:07 VZ, revision 27939

moved wxEntry(HINSTANCE, ...) declaration to wx/msw/app.h from wx/app.h

2004-06-22 09:58 VZ, revision 27938

fixed wxEntry() signature

2004-06-22 08:29 ABX, revision 27937

Maximized dialogs for SmartPhone.

2004-06-22 08:26 ABX, revision 27936

Conditional compilation fix.

2004-06-22 08:23 ABX, revision 27935

Choices dialog adjustement to SmartPhone.

2004-06-22 08:17 ABX, revision 27934

Less text for smaller screen.

2004-06-22 08:15 ABX, revision 27933

Minimize diff for ports where features are not possible.

2004-06-22 04:16 DE, revision 27932

Observe NSControlTintDidChangeNotification in the application delegate. TODO: Actually implement this to do something.

2004-06-21 23:08 RD, revision 27931

reverted m_adjustMinSize change prepatory for a new approach to fix the problem

2004-06-21 22:58 RD, revision 27930

reverted m_adjustMinSize change prepatory for a new approach to fix the problem

2004-06-21 22:39 RD, revision 27929

Fix for drag object bug

2004-06-21 22:37 RD, revision 27928

Changes needed to accomodate wxTheClipboard now being a macro for wxClipboard::Get

2004-06-21 22:33 RD, revision 27927

change how email is sent

2004-06-21 12:36 VZ, revision 27926

removed Direction_Max from Direction enum for consistency with the MSW version

2004-06-21 12:35 VZ, revision 27925

removed asserts to suppress gcc 3.4 warnings about condition being always true

2004-06-21 10:46 ABX, revision 27924

Reordered condition to make diff of other port smaller.

2004-06-21 10:35 ABX, revision 27923

Array of strings is needed regardless of wxUSE_CMDLINE_PARSER.

2004-06-21 10:31 ABX, revision 27922

Better conditions within dialogs sample.

2004-06-21 10:13 VS, revision 27921

reverted previous revision, old clipboard API is still used by wxMSW itself

2004-06-21 08:58 VS, revision 27920

don't export deprecated interface to clipboard from DLL

2004-06-21 08:54 VS, revision 27919

wxClipboard changes compilation fixes

2004-06-21 08:31 ABX, revision 27918

Different default buttons for native menubars on Smartphones.

2004-06-21 07:39 VS, revision 27917

identify more compilers

2004-06-20 22:21 JS, revision 27916

Crash fix

2004-06-20 17:19 VS, revision 27915

more recognized response types

2004-06-20 17:19 VS, revision 27914

create wxTheClipboard on first use, not startup -- this fixes crash in console-only apps that were linked against wxGTK's 'core' shared library

2004-06-20 17:18 VS, revision 27913

check for wputc wputchar putws fputws availability

2004-06-20 13:11 CE, revision 27912

fix bug with univ creating textctrl

2004-06-20 13:10 CE, revision 27911

fix univ SegFault

2004-06-20 13:10 MBN, revision 27910

Compilation fixes for wxUSE_STL == 1.

2004-06-20 10:22 MBN, revision 27909

Fix for declaring arrays for non-numeric/non-pointer types.

2004-06-20 09:14 MBN, revision 27908

Compilation fixes.

2004-06-20 09:02 MBN, revision 27907

Some (incomplete) fixes for wxUSE_STL == 1.

2004-06-19 22:39 VS, revision 27906

don't explicitly set font and bg colour

2004-06-19 22:36 VZ, revision 27905

fixed memory leak in wxURL when using a proxy

2004-06-19 21:30 VS, revision 27904

handle style changes correctly in GtkPizza

2004-06-19 18:59 VS, revision 27903

interpret m_has..Col, m_hasFont correctly

2004-06-19 18:21 RD, revision 27902

Regenerated renamers, each has just a change in their headers

2004-06-19 18:20 RD, revision 27901

Patch from Kevin Ollivier that merges buildrenamers into the main config module, and other tweaks.

2004-06-19 17:53 JS, revision 27900

Switch off adjust min size for book control and therefore notebook, since we don't want to stop notebooks resizing smaller than the initial size

2004-06-19 17:49 VS, revision 27899

moved DoApplyWidgetStyle to wxWindowGTK

2004-06-19 16:25 RD, revision 27898

Patch from Will Sadkin: - Fixed intra-right-insert-field erase. - Allowed right-insert in ipaddrctrl subfields. - Made _SetValue() place cursor after last non-blank character inserted, rather than end of mask. - Fixed combobox autoselect behavior to work similarly as above, so that said selection will only select the non-empty text, as per request. - Fixed some incorrect undo behavior for right-insert fields - Allowed derived classes (eg. numctrl) to pass modified values for undo processing (to handle/ignore grouping chars properly.)

2004-06-19 15:23 RD, revision 27897


2004-06-19 14:55 JS, revision 27896

DoGetBestSize may be called before m_text and m_choice are set, so check

2004-06-19 14:53 MBN, revision 27895
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/motif/region.h

Remove no longer used header.

2004-06-19 14:03 VS, revision 27894

GTK2 port is not experimental anymore

2004-06-19 14:01 VS, revision 27893

moved wxFontMapper tests to its own file and testcase

2004-06-19 10:40 VZ, revision 27892

DLL compilation fix

2004-06-19 07:40 JS, revision 27891

Tex2RTF doesn't like {\tt{ thing}}

2004-06-19 01:35 RD, revision 27890

Controls will readjust their size and minsize when SetLabel or SetFont are called. Fixed up wxStaticText to blend the wxST_NO_AUTOSIZE with this new functionality. Made SetBestSize public under the SetBestFittingSize name.

2004-06-18 20:08 KO, revision 27889

Fixed to work with the new wxMacControl system.

2004-06-18 19:25 ABX, revision 27888

Small step in making HelpGen up to date unicode application.

2004-06-18 18:28 ABX, revision 27887

Fixes for unused values and code.

2004-06-18 17:57 JS, revision 27886

Latex corrections from Marc Albrecht

2004-06-18 17:30 RD, revision 27885

Give wxWindowGTK::ApplyWidgetStyle an implementation too so non-control windows can also change colours, etc.

2004-06-18 16:32 RD, revision 27884

Patch from Pierre Hjälm. """ It removes "from __future__ import division", fixes a couple of bugs and adds a lot of whitespace. Since I also removed an instance of [::-1] for list reversing, I think this ought to work on older pythons (I have not tested though). """

2004-06-18 15:44 ABX, revision 27883

Charsets part moved from console sample to test unit.

2004-06-18 15:18 ABX, revision 27882

Warning fix.

2004-06-18 09:48 ABX, revision 27881

Warning fixes for WinCE.

2004-06-18 09:36 ABX, revision 27880

Flatening menu for Smartphones when menubar has only one menu

2004-06-18 08:02 VS, revision 27879

new logic applies to SetFont(wxNullFont), too

2004-06-18 08:02 VS, revision 27878

reset fg/bg colour and font to default if set to wxNullColour/Font

2004-06-18 08:01 VS, revision 27877

test colours unsetting

2004-06-18 08:00 VS, revision 27876

minor visual improvements to wxTipDialog

2004-06-18 07:30 VS, revision 27875

new logic applies to SetFont(wxNullFont), too

2004-06-18 07:15 SC, revision 27874

removed use of p2cstr

2004-06-18 06:54 VS, revision 27873

fixed badly looking dialog (different spacing)

2004-06-18 06:52 VS, revision 27872

fixed wxGenericDirCtrl sizing

2004-06-17 23:18 RD, revision 27871

Set the client size as calculated, but use the full size for the size hints

2004-06-17 22:50 RD, revision 27870

Use GetBackgroundColour so it will revert to the default if wxNullColour is used

2004-06-17 22:40 RD, revision 27869

moved metrowerks debugger support in to wxUSE_BASE to avoid suplicate defintion errors when using multi-lib build

2004-06-17 22:24 RD, revision 27868

Updated docs for Set[Fore|Back]groundColour with more hints about using them with themes

2004-06-17 21:40 RD, revision 27867

oops, forgot to remove a bit of test code

2004-06-17 21:37 RD, revision 27866

Don't have to explicitly set the background any more, the default will do the right thing.

2004-06-17 21:36 RD, revision 27865

Use GetBackgroundColour in the default OnEraseBackground so it can use the default if the colour hasn't been explicitly set

2004-06-17 21:31 RD, revision 27864

Set/Reset ThemeEnabled when changing the fore/background colours. Using wxNullColour will reset to defaults.

2004-06-17 20:30 JS, revision 27863

Corrected position of wxUSE_WEBKIT test

2004-06-17 19:51 RD, revision 27862

Hide the dialog after running it as it may be a bit of time before it is destroyed

2004-06-17 19:50 ABX, revision 27861

Separation of wxUSE_FILEDLG and wxUSE_DIRDLG in generic implementations.

2004-06-17 19:44 ABX, revision 27860

Better markup.

2004-06-17 19:42 JS, revision 27859

Added --enable-webkit

2004-06-17 19:23 RD, revision 27858

in unicode mode the return value of gridtable.GetValue must be a string or a unicode object, as the coerce to unicode function used can only convert strings.

2004-06-17 19:00 ABX, revision 27857

Warning fixes. Code cleanup. Whitespaces and tabs removed.

2004-06-17 18:27 SC, revision 27856

moved metrowerks debugger support out of wxUSE_GUI

2004-06-17 17:03 VS, revision 27855

reverted Julian's incorrect rename of wxWindows.dsp

2004-06-17 17:01 VS, revision 27854

it's OK to set background,foreground colour even with theming now

2004-06-17 16:22 ABX, revision 27853

Code cleaning: wxID_ANY, wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultPosition, true, false, wxEmptyString, tabs and white spaces.

2004-06-17 09:05 JS, revision 27852

Allow wxSplitterWindow::Initialize(NULL) in case we've deleted both child windows and want to clean up dangling pointers

2004-06-17 08:06 SC, revision 27851


2004-06-17 06:11 RD, revision 27850


2004-06-17 06:05 RD, revision 27849


2004-06-17 05:52 RD, revision 27848

docstrign tweaks

2004-06-17 05:51 RD, revision 27847

Added missing GetKind method

2004-06-17 05:49 RD, revision 27846

Fixed broken DocDeclAStr macro

2004-06-17 05:49 RD, revision 27845

Fixed upload location, test sending an email when successfully finished

2004-06-17 05:16 RD, revision 27844

XRC style names use the C++ style names

2004-06-17 04:52 KO, revision 27843

Fixing sizing problems on OS X.

2004-06-16 21:02 VS, revision 27842

WXDLLEXPORT correction

2004-06-16 21:00 VS, revision 27841

fixed missing NO_GCC_PRAGMA

2004-06-16 21:00 VS, revision 27840

fixed incorrect handling of scaled fonts and fixed GetNativeFontInfo to return meaningful data with GTK1

2004-06-16 15:35 ABX, revision 27839

Smartphone menus.

2004-06-16 15:22 ABX, revision 27838

-1, TRUE/true, FALSE/false and tabs replacements.

2004-06-16 15:03 ABX, revision 27837

Generic file dialog presentation. Regenerated makefiles.

2004-06-16 14:58 ABX, revision 27836

Missed header.

2004-06-16 12:28 ABX, revision 27835

Missed decoration.

2004-06-16 09:25 JS, revision 27834

Corrected some spacing and typo errors.

2004-06-16 07:26 ABX, revision 27833

Corrections to wxWinCE port descriptions.

2004-06-16 06:37 ABX, revision 27832

Smartphone menus.

2004-06-16 06:34 ABX, revision 27831

Warning fixes for WinCE.

2004-06-16 06:24 ABX, revision 27830

Warning fixes for WinCE.

2004-06-16 06:17 ABX, revision 27829

Smartphone specific resource files.

2004-06-16 05:27 RD, revision 27828

don't fail if the cleanup fails

2004-06-16 05:20 RD, revision 27827

trim the whitespace from the daily build version text

2004-06-16 05:18 RD, revision 27826

make sure the dist dir is created

2004-06-16 05:18 RD, revision 27825

regened with new version

2004-06-16 03:47 RD, revision 27824


2004-06-16 03:29 RD, revision 27823

layout tweak (it should use a sizer though)

2004-06-16 02:22 RD, revision 27822

reordered base classes

2004-06-16 02:21 RD, revision 27821

added button testcase with larger font set after creation.

2004-06-16 02:18 RD, revision 27820

Version number update

2004-06-16 02:17 RD, revision 27819

Added Navigate, SetMinSize, SetMaxSize wxWindow methods

2004-06-16 02:15 RD, revision 27818

Add SetMinSize and SetMaxSize to go along with the Get's already there.

2004-06-15 22:30 JS, revision 27817

Typo correction

2004-06-15 22:24 JS, revision 27816

Enum becomes public

2004-06-15 21:55 JS, revision 27815

Navigate corrections

2004-06-15 21:03 RD, revision 27814

Add placeholder for wxParseWildcard

2004-06-15 21:02 RD, revision 27813

Just a singel constructor for wxTextAttr

2004-06-15 15:37 JS, revision 27812

Consistent tab behaviour

2004-06-15 15:25 ABX, revision 27811

wxParseWildcard added instead of methods hidden under wxUSE_FILEDLG and wxUSE_DIRDLG.

2004-06-15 14:49 JS, revision 27810

Tests for wxTE_PROCESS_TAB again in line with other ports

2004-06-15 14:39 ABX, revision 27809

Add generic dialogs in non wxUniversal builds. Regenerated makefiles.

2004-06-15 14:35 ABX, revision 27808

Missed VC workspace.

2004-06-15 14:03 JS, revision 27807

With wxTE_PROCESS_TAB, tabs are now inserted in the text control by default. The new Navigate function can be used to do navigation programmatically.

2004-06-15 11:57 CE, revision 27806

fix for Borland Dll build (SF bug #972989)

2004-06-15 03:36 RD, revision 27805

Oops, that space crept back in.

2004-06-15 03:27 RD, revision 27804

Check exit codes properly

2004-06-15 03:26 RD, revision 27803

increased bit-depth

2004-06-15 03:26 RD, revision 27802

regenerated with fix for wxPNGHandler::SaveFile

2004-06-15 03:24 RD, revision 27801

layout tweakAdd DoGetBestSize to wxCheckListBox that adds room for the checkbox

2004-06-15 03:23 RD, revision 27800

Add DoGetBestSize to wxCheckListBox that adds room for the checkbox

2004-06-15 01:05 RD, revision 27799

Save the alpha values if the image has an alpha channel

2004-06-14 22:44 RD, revision 27798

Patch [ 971542 ] Tiny speedup for stc2wx in PlatWX.cpp

2004-06-14 22:07 RD, revision 27797


2004-06-14 22:05 RD, revision 27796

This workaround is no longer needed because of fix in wxWindowMac::MacWindowToRootWindow

2004-06-14 22:04 RD, revision 27795

Check if MacGetTopLevelWindow returns NULL before using it. This can happen when the toplevel window is beign destroyed but a decendent window (child, grandchild...) has an EVT_KILL_FOCUS handler that does some drawing or other significant work.

2004-06-14 21:59 RD, revision 27794

test full row highlight

2004-06-14 21:18 RD, revision 27793

m_img* need initialized too otherwise we can end up with rows that are a million pixels high!

2004-06-14 20:17 RD, revision 27792

clip notebook children to help reduce flicker

2004-06-14 19:53 RD, revision 27791

Add a set of scripts that can be used to build and upload the distributable binaries for all platforms all from a single command-line on a single machine. Will probably also be used for a daily build cron job.

2004-06-14 19:47 RD, revision 27790

increment version number

2004-06-14 19:45 RD, revision 27789

If wxWidgets was build without wxDisplay then in Python it will raise a NotImplementedError

2004-06-14 19:37 RD, revision 27788

Added new event binders

2004-06-14 19:12 RD, revision 27787

ProgressDialog docstrign tweak

2004-06-14 19:10 RD, revision 27786

Various layout fixes and such

2004-06-14 18:50 RD, revision 27785

fixed compile error

2004-06-14 17:34 VS, revision 27784

fixed GTK styles handling: 1. don't modify the style unless something changed 2. use gtk_widget_modify_style instead of gtk_widget_set_style, the latter is not recommended by GTK+ developers

2004-06-14 13:34 SC, revision 27783

adding mac to the memory crit sect

2004-06-14 13:27 VS, revision 27782

respect GTK+'s theme tooltip colour settings

2004-06-14 11:10 ABX, revision 27781

Reverted generic dialogs usage in MSW makefiles.

2004-06-14 10:46 VZ, revision 27780

fill up the gauge when Update(maximum) is called

2004-06-14 10:23 VZ, revision 27779

corrected erroneous description of Update() argument

2004-06-13 23:29 JS, revision 27778

Added event table macros to wxGrid that take window identifiers

2004-06-13 23:17 JS, revision 27777

Added event table macros to wxGrid that take window identifiers

2004-06-13 21:52 VZ, revision 27776

corrected DBErrorList DLL export declaration

2004-06-13 16:31 JS, revision 27775

Tweaks to announcement

2004-06-13 16:30 JS, revision 27774

Corrected return type of SetBackgroundColour

2004-06-13 16:28 JS, revision 27773

Domain name corrections

2004-06-13 16:25 JS, revision 27772

Script tweaks

2004-06-13 16:20 JS, revision 27771

Use old project file name

2004-06-13 16:18 JS, revision 27770

Typo correction

2004-06-13 16:11 JS, revision 27769

Small WinCE symbol fixes

2004-06-13 15:39 JS, revision 27768

Fix for DLL compilation bug (Fritz Elfert)

2004-06-13 13:09 VS, revision 27767

fixed background rendering if GetThemeEnabled()=true with GTK2

2004-06-13 12:50 VS, revision 27766

fix wxPanel rendering in wxGTK

2004-06-13 00:02 DS, revision 27765

replaced menu calls Append([...], true) with the less cryptic AppendCheckItem

2004-06-12 23:44 DS, revision 27764

removed SetAutoLayout(true) calls when a corresponding SetSizer() was also called (the latter already calls SetAutoLayout(true) in case of a non-NULL window); usual cleanup: removing tabs and end of line whitespace, TRUE->true, FALSE->false, -1->wxID_ANY, Enable(false)->Disable(), ""->wxEmptyString

2004-06-12 23:01 RR, revision 27763

Applied new master define for CommandBar vs. PocketPC mixed bar. This also works now under Handheld PC 2000.

2004-06-12 22:58 RR, revision 27762

Added master define for CommandBar vs. PocketPC mixed bar.

2004-06-12 21:22 VS, revision 27761

compilation fixes for GTK (this looks weird for other platforms, too...)

2004-06-12 19:38 VS, revision 27760

set size hints in notebook sample

2004-06-12 12:36 VS, revision 27759

fixed setting of initial font under wxGTK2

2004-06-11 22:50 RD, revision 27758

Add "inplace" build option that allows the distribution to be built from witin the current source tree instead of rewuiring the wxPythonSrc tarball. (Currently it still needs the Docs and Demo tarballs to make a full build, but it can skip those parts if the tarballs are not available.)

2004-06-11 22:46 RD, revision 27757

Fix a couple warnings

2004-06-11 20:43 ABX, revision 27756

Reworked dialogs sample in the direction of fully working in not fully specified setup.h. Dedicated mainly for all those hard working on various port. Be happy with always working dialogs sample.

2004-06-11 19:24 ABX, revision 27755

Generic font dialog is still an option in wxMSW in non Univ mode

2004-06-11 19:15 RR, revision 27754

Compile fixes for HANDHELDPC

2004-06-11 19:14 RR, revision 27753

Compile fix for HANDHELDPC

2004-06-11 19:13 RR, revision 27752

Compile fix.

2004-06-11 19:12 RR, revision 27751

Added compatibility fix for wxADJUST_MINSIZE Added defines for HANDHELDPC

2004-06-11 19:02 ABX, revision 27750

No warning with wxUSE_BUSYINFO turned off.

2004-06-11 18:37 ABX, revision 27749

Generic colour dialog is still an option in wxMSW in non Univ mode

2004-06-11 17:19 ABX, revision 27748

wxUSE_FONTDLG is optional.

2004-06-11 14:45 ABX, revision 27747

wxUSE_PROGRESSDLG is optional.

2004-06-11 14:06 SC, revision 27746

adding compatibility mode fallback for custom window definition procs that don't allocated a content view at all

2004-06-11 13:14 ABX, revision 27745

wxID_ANY, wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultPosition, wxNOT_FOUND, true, false, tabs replacements.

2004-06-11 12:55 ABX, revision 27744

Changed type of bitmaps. RC of DMC reported 'is not a valid Windows 3.0 or OS/2 1.x bitmap' for some images.

2004-06-11 12:36 DS, revision 27743

fixed typo, used word 'assigned' instead of 'allotted'

2004-06-11 02:41 RD, revision 27742

Accept both XY and X.Y version numbers

2004-06-11 01:25 RD, revision 27741

Some doc tweaks

2004-06-11 01:22 RD, revision 27740

Get unicows.dll from distrib/msw

2004-06-11 01:21 RD, revision 27739

Put this distributable here so it doesn't get lost again

2004-06-11 01:16 RD, revision 27738

corrected the .pyd names

2004-06-11 01:15 RD, revision 27737

fix the shebang

2004-06-10 22:17 VZ, revision 27736

update from herbert breunung

2004-06-10 20:40 JS, revision 27735

Combine new extra styles with old ones since some ports use this for internal implementation

2004-06-10 20:26 RD, revision 27734

Some doc tweaks

2004-06-10 19:37 VS, revision 27733

fixed pasting of Unicode strings

2004-06-10 19:24 VS, revision 27732

don't confuse wxDF_UNICODETEXT and wxDF_TEXT

2004-06-10 19:00 VS, revision 27731

removed outdated comment

2004-06-10 16:51 VZ, revision 27730

open more keys in read only mode if we need to only read from them (fixes problems with accessing some registry values under XP)

2004-06-10 16:50 VZ, revision 27729

fixed typo in wxFrame::SetStatusBar() (bug 970516)

2004-06-10 13:28 JS, revision 27728

OR extra style with existing value or some implementations will have problems (espec. wxGTK modal dialogs closing behaviour)

2004-06-10 13:27 VZ, revision 27727

disable the first top level parent, not the topmost top level parent

2004-06-10 12:06 VZ, revision 27726

count the root item in wxTreeCtrl::GetCount()

2004-06-10 12:01 DS, revision 27725

clarified the parameters of MB2WC and WC2MB a little in the docs/headers

2004-06-10 11:29 VZ, revision 27724

fixed assert in SetItemText() for wxTR_MULTIPLE controls

2004-06-10 00:09 RD, revision 27723

Take care of some focus issues with the AutoComp list box and also a crash at exit when losing focus.

2004-06-09 23:48 VZ, revision 27722

fixed OnFrameClose() return type

2004-06-09 22:19 RD, revision 27721

Ensure that the correct rectangle is clipped and refreshed for the CallTip

2004-06-09 22:01 VZ, revision 27720

explicit this-> is required by C++ standard, not g++, in WinStruct template

2004-06-09 21:48 VZ, revision 27719

count the root item in wxTreeCtrl::GetCount()

2004-06-09 19:00 RD, revision 27718


2004-06-09 18:59 RD, revision 27717


2004-06-09 18:55 RD, revision 27716

Use correct CheckForIntersect method

2004-06-09 18:54 RD, revision 27715


2004-06-09 18:54 RD, revision 27714

Support for new ctor and Union

2004-06-09 17:51 RD, revision 27713


2004-06-09 17:50 RD, revision 27712

use the API Ptr accessor for the inline functions too.

2004-06-09 17:31 RD, revision 27711


2004-06-09 17:30 RD, revision 27710


2004-06-09 17:05 RD, revision 27709

Default position for PopupMenu

2004-06-09 16:42 ABX, revision 27708

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false and tabs replacements. Correct help system in non MSW builds of OGL-Studio sample.

2004-06-09 15:38 VS, revision 27707

removed unneeded prototype

2004-06-09 11:17 VS, revision 27706

documented wxString's ctors that convert between wc and mb strings

2004-06-09 07:12 RD, revision 27705


2004-06-09 07:10 RD, revision 27704

distrib and build updates

2004-06-09 05:43 RD, revision 27703

Regenned the metadata

2004-06-09 05:40 RD, revision 27702

Regenned the ReST docs

2004-06-09 05:38 RD, revision 27701

distrib and build updates

2004-06-09 05:13 SC, revision 27700

removed invalid restriction

2004-06-09 02:43 RD, revision 27699

bash version of wxPython's b script for win32

2004-06-08 23:46 RD, revision 27698

In unicode builds convert the source files and overview text to unicode before displaying them.

2004-06-08 23:42 RD, revision 27697

Added bash versions of my build scripts and updated BUILD.txt for how to do it by hand without the scripts

2004-06-08 20:11 VS, revision 27696

test wxString's char<->wchar_t ctors

2004-06-08 20:11 VS, revision 27695

fixed wxString char<->wchar_t conversion constructors to not truncate strings and correctly handle nLength argument

2004-06-08 19:36 RD, revision 27694

Move wxMacCFStringHolder::AsString and etc. to wxBase

2004-06-08 19:27 ABX, revision 27693

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false and tabs replacements.

2004-06-08 16:33 RD, revision 27692

Only call GetBestSize if one or both of the minsize components are unset.

2004-06-08 14:57 JS, revision 27691

Include wx/image.h

2004-06-08 14:48 SC, revision 27690

direct ie non mutex crit-section implementation

2004-06-08 14:46 SC, revision 27689

fixing access errors when running in unicode

2004-06-08 14:44 SC, revision 27688

message output for darwin into console, cannot use the normal converters as these are already in destruction

2004-06-08 05:28 SC, revision 27687

switched to wxLocale usage for string encoding

2004-06-08 01:30 RD, revision 27686


2004-06-08 01:30 RD, revision 27685


2004-06-08 01:13 RD, revision 27684

Add each line independently

2004-06-08 01:12 RD, revision 27683

The new OGL doesn't have to be compatible with the bugs in the old one! ;-)

2004-06-08 00:09 RD, revision 27682

Can't call ShiftDown when it is a CommandEvent

2004-06-08 00:04 RD, revision 27681

Make the copy ctor for the wxPrint*Data classes avaialble from Python. This is so we can ensure we get a copy of the data objects when needed instead of just a reference to a data object within another that may get deleted unexpectedly.

2004-06-08 00:02 RD, revision 27680

pi --> math.pi

2004-06-08 00:01 RD, revision 27679

remove the Yield's

2004-06-07 23:59 RD, revision 27678

typo fixed

2004-06-07 23:59 RD, revision 27677

Notes about implementing CreatePopupMenu for the future

2004-06-07 23:58 RD, revision 27676

handle returning the cookie for Get[First|Next]Selected like in the treectrl.

2004-06-07 23:56 RD, revision 27675

little tweaks

2004-06-07 16:02 ABX, revision 27674

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false and tabs replacements.

2004-06-07 12:36 JS, revision 27673

Added Marco to credits

2004-06-07 12:09 VS, revision 27672

blind fix for compilation error in EVT macros

2004-06-07 09:46 JS, revision 27671

Compile fix

2004-06-06 18:10 SN, revision 27670

Readded WS_VISIBLE flags that I removed for testing.

2004-06-06 17:45 SN, revision 27669

Readded WS_VISIBLE flags that I removed for testing.

2004-06-06 17:37 SN, revision 27668

Readded WS_VISIBLE flag. Fixed expansion of size limit for contained text.

2004-06-06 16:30 SN, revision 27667

Initialize m_PageSize.

2004-06-06 15:32 VS, revision 27666

use pango_font_family_is_monospace() to enumerate fixed-width fonts if available

2004-06-06 15:21 VS, revision 27665

fixed wxPluginLibrary unloading on failture (patch #962838)

2004-06-06 15:15 VS, revision 27664

fixed wxPluginLibrary unloading on failture (patch #962838)

2004-06-06 15:09 VS, revision 27663

fixed double deletion (patch #945491)

2004-06-06 14:59 VS, revision 27662

fixed incorrect assert (patch #943970)

2004-06-06 14:49 VS, revision 27661

restored colour labels until we have more information, it seems to work with all GTK2 versions

2004-06-06 11:27 JS, revision 27660

Partial fix for out of order sections, by adding fflush

2004-06-06 07:06 JS, revision 27659

Give controls on frame statusbar a chance to paint

2004-06-05 21:47 VS, revision 27658

new MinGW requires NO_GCC_PRAGMA for exceptions handling, too

2004-06-05 21:39 VS, revision 27657

don't define _puttchar ourselves when using newest mingw runtime

2004-06-05 21:01 MBN, revision 27656

Added code for 3 state checkbox.

2004-06-05 20:55 MBN, revision 27655

This code is now shared with wxX11: remove.

2004-06-05 20:49 MBN, revision 27654

Warning fixes.

2004-06-05 20:47 MBN, revision 27653

Compilation fix for wxUSE_STL == 1.

2004-06-05 20:46 MBN, revision 27652

wxMotif compilation fix and unused variable warning fix.

2004-06-05 16:29 SC, revision 27651

synching down and up events for the synthetic right mouse handling

2004-06-05 16:20 SC, revision 27650

fixing the carbon cfm

2004-06-05 16:16 SC, revision 27649

SetParam should be explicit

2004-06-05 14:23 VS, revision 27648

wxTaskBarIcon::OnXXX virtual methods are deprecated, document it

2004-06-05 14:19 VS, revision 27647

corrected EVT_TASKBAR_XXX macros to use wxTaskBarIconEvent

2004-06-05 14:17 VS, revision 27646

mention EVT_ macros type safety

2004-06-05 00:07 RD, revision 27645

Don't draw if the panel is too small

2004-06-04 23:59 RD, revision 27644


2004-06-04 23:24 RD, revision 27643


2004-06-04 23:21 RD, revision 27642

little tweaks

2004-06-04 22:30 DS, revision 27641

fixed float to short int casting warnings

2004-06-04 22:12 DS, revision 27640

fixed ambiguous call to wxMacCarbonEvent::SetParameter

2004-06-04 21:56 VS, revision 27639

added wxTaskBarIcon::CreatePopupMenu API

2004-06-04 21:53 DS, revision 27638

fixed unused variable warning

2004-06-04 21:29 RD, revision 27637

Added a new version (0.8.3) of FloatCanvas from Chris Barker. It's now in a subpackage of wx.lib.

2004-06-04 20:15 RD, revision 27636
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/docs/CHANGES.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/wx/lib/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/wx/lib/ErrorDialogs.wdr
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/wx/lib/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/wx/lib/

Removed the deprecated ErrorDialogs and PythonBitmaps modules.

2004-06-04 20:12 DS, revision 27635

fixed compilo

2004-06-04 20:12 RD, revision 27634

Since everything in the submodules is to appear in the pacakge namespace rename the submodule to have a leading underscore to make it easier to document it that way.

2004-06-04 19:07 RD, revision 27633

Mention that Alpha Channels are preserved in PNG images.

2004-06-04 19:06 RD, revision 27632

doc tweaks

2004-06-04 17:58 ABX, revision 27631

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false & tabs->spaces replacements.

2004-06-04 17:56 SC, revision 27630

adaptions for m_peer

2004-06-04 16:07 KO, revision 27629

Making wxUSE_WEBKIT for optionally building wxWebKitCtrl.

2004-06-04 16:03 VS, revision 27628

changed wxColourData default palette to NULL colours instead of white

2004-06-04 16:02 VS, revision 27627

added native wxColourDialog for GTK2

2004-06-04 15:58 VS, revision 27626

1. changed wxColourData default palette to NULL colours instead of white 2. added native wxColourDialog for GTK2

2004-06-04 15:57 VS, revision 27625

remember custom palette changes done in wxColourDialog

2004-06-04 15:57 VS, revision 27624

GdkColor<->wxColour values conversion is not dependent on size of integer types, values range is specified

2004-06-04 15:33 JS, revision 27623

Corrected strange test for __WINDOWS__ or wxUSE_MFC

2004-06-04 13:54 ABX, revision 27622

Use correct help system.

2004-06-04 12:43 ABX, revision 27621

Use correct help system.

2004-06-04 11:40 VS, revision 27620

set transiency relation so that the WM can do better job of positioning the window

2004-06-04 11:39 VS, revision 27619

be good citizen, don't force window position; instead, set transiency relation so that the WM can do better job of positioning the window

2004-06-04 10:48 ABX, revision 27618
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/wxtest

Removed wxtest sample.

2004-06-04 10:28 VS, revision 27617

title needs to be translated, too

2004-06-04 10:21 JS, revision 27616

If we have multiple filters in a Save dialog, don't use kNavPreserveSaveFileExtension since it suppresses multiple filters.

2004-06-04 10:13 VS, revision 27615

cleared junk

2004-06-04 10:06 ABX, revision 27614

Removed wxtest sample.

2004-06-04 10:03 VS, revision 27613

use simple template instead of macro, it's easier to debug

2004-06-04 09:54 ABX, revision 27612

Removed wxtest sample.

2004-06-04 08:19 SC, revision 27611

introduction of m_peer

2004-06-04 07:28 SC, revision 27610

introduction of m_peer

2004-06-04 07:21 SC, revision 27609

introduction of m_peer

2004-06-04 05:18 RD, revision 27608

Docstrings for the sizers

2004-06-04 04:45 RD, revision 27607

namespace fixes

2004-06-03 21:13 VS, revision 27606

split wxRegion(wxBitmap) ctor into two ctors with clearer semantics

2004-06-03 20:08 VS, revision 27605

wxGetenv was incorrectly implemented, caching prevented it from reflecting environment changes -- now fixed

2004-06-03 19:48 VS, revision 27604

added tests for wx's CRT wrappers (so far only wxGetEnv,wxSetEnv)

2004-06-03 19:39 VS, revision 27603

fixed wxSetEnv to correctly set variable in Unicode build

2004-06-03 19:04 JS, revision 27602

If several doc templates use the same document and view classes, they should share their filters in Save As

2004-06-03 18:40 VS, revision 27601

fixed wrong tooltip colour -- don't mess with widget styles, use the defaults and let GTK+ do its job

2004-06-03 14:19 JS, revision 27600

Separated creation and initialisation of a document via its doc template.

2004-06-03 14:05 VS, revision 27599

use current mouse position as default position in wxWindow::PopupMenu (works better in wxGTK and is what you need in majority of cases)

2004-06-03 10:32 ABX, revision 27598


2004-06-03 10:03 ABX, revision 27597

bool if enough for true/false results.

2004-06-03 09:42 JS, revision 27596

Fixed typo

2004-06-03 09:41 JS, revision 27595

Initialise hash table with string key

2004-06-02 22:38 RD, revision 27594

Fix compile errors when using gtk 1.2

2004-06-02 20:57 RD, revision 27593

Default arg for Id

2004-06-02 20:53 RD, revision 27592

Added more default args as needed to allow most window types to be constructed with only the parent window arg. In some cases other args may be required for normal operation, but they can usually be set after construction.

2004-06-02 20:49 RD, revision 27591

Added $Id keyword, a bit of cleanup and also some backwards compatibility aliases.

2004-06-02 20:47 RD, revision 27590

comment fix

2004-06-02 20:26 RD, revision 27589

On wxGTK2 the label woudl not be realigned if SetLabel was called with a new label. Changed it to use gtk_button_set_label so that the widget would care of doing it, and also to create with widget with gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic so the mnemonic behaviour would be preserved.

2004-06-02 19:39 RD, revision 27588

Don't force a smaller icon size

2004-06-02 18:11 DE, revision 27587

Do not check for Xinerama when building wxCocoa

2004-06-02 17:13 ABX, revision 27586

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-06-02 17:03 ABX, revision 27585

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-06-02 16:28 JS, revision 27584

Mention removal of wxHIDE_READONLY

2004-06-02 16:24 JS, revision 27583

Removed wxHIDE_READONLY flag

2004-06-02 14:26 JJ, revision 27582

Committing in . OPenVMS configure update Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2004-06-02 12:19 JS, revision 27581

GTK+ 2.0 can't compile egg tray code

2004-06-02 09:14 ABX, revision 27580

Removed tabs.

2004-06-02 04:02 RD, revision 27579


2004-06-02 02:29 RD, revision 27578

set the modules' pacakge name to "wx" using a new SWIG feature

2004-06-02 02:27 RD, revision 27577

Add a package="name" option to the %module directive in my SWIG patch

2004-06-02 00:48 KO, revision 27576

Yet more fixes for wxNotebook compatibility...

2004-06-02 00:26 KO, revision 27575

wxWebKitCtrl now properly detects a wxNotebook anywhere in the hierarchy.

2004-06-01 22:11 RD, revision 27574


2004-06-01 22:08 RD, revision 27573


2004-06-01 21:59 RD, revision 27572

Use new DrawPoint signature

2004-06-01 21:57 RD, revision 27571


2004-06-01 21:56 VS, revision 27570

pop the menu up on mouse down, not up (this is more common behaviour in Windows and both GTK and Qt apps)

2004-06-01 21:51 RD, revision 27569

Change the text object to a message about the new OGL.

2004-06-01 21:50 RD, revision 27568

Make taskbar icon size dependent on platform. Other tweaks.

2004-06-01 21:45 RD, revision 27567

Don't use deprecated wx.MaskColour

2004-06-01 21:42 RD, revision 27566

Handle the (probably rare) case where the icon has no mask.

2004-06-01 21:38 RD, revision 27565

All the Window and GDI (pen, bitmap, etc.) classes and also many toplevel functions will now check that a wx.App object has already been created and will raise a wx.PyNoAppError exception if not.

2004-06-01 21:36 VS, revision 27564

remove email addresses

2004-06-01 21:29 RD, revision 27563

Fixed typo

2004-06-01 21:26 RD, revision 27562

remove EVT_STC_POSCHANGED as it's been deprecated in Scintilla for several releases now.

2004-06-01 18:27 ABX, revision 27561

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false and tabs replacements

2004-06-01 16:33 ABX, revision 27560

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-06-01 16:24 ABX, revision 27559

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true replacements.

2004-06-01 16:15 ABX, revision 27558

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-06-01 16:09 ABX, revision 27557

-1->wxID_ANY, wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultPosition, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-06-01 15:42 ABX, revision 27556

Correct parent in wxFileSelector, -1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true replacements.

2004-06-01 15:20 ABX, revision 27555

DMC warning fix, code cleaning

2004-06-01 14:39 DE, revision 27554

wx/notebook.h is not included from wx/wx.h

2004-06-01 12:55 VS, revision 27553

calling a variable 'stat' was exceptionally stupid idea...

2004-06-01 08:47 JS, revision 27552

Needs a foreground colour

2004-06-01 08:21 SC, revision 27551

we have to be able to tell whether a control can be focused by the os before a SetFocus is issued, otherwise native focus handling is not in synch...

2004-06-01 07:45 ABX, revision 27550

-1->wxID_ANY, wxDefaultSize, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-06-01 07:27 SC, revision 27549

uppercasing menu shortcuts for non-command keystrokes, allowing non-command accelerators

2004-06-01 07:02 SC, revision 27548

added native pane splitter rendering

2004-06-01 02:53 KO, revision 27547

Fixes for wxWebKitCtrl to work with wxNotebook.

2004-05-31 22:19 VS, revision 27546

security fix to wxSingleInstanceChecker: check if the lock file was really created by us

2004-05-31 22:17 VS, revision 27545

added wx-specific code and license info

2004-05-31 22:17 VS, revision 27544

implemented spec support for GTK version of wxTaskBarIcon

2004-05-31 22:10 VS, revision 27543

allow classes derived from wxTopLevelWidnow to use other GTK widget than GtkWindow

2004-05-31 22:07 VS, revision 27542

security fix to wxSingleInstanceChecker: check if the lock file was really created by us

2004-05-31 22:07 VS, revision 27541

fixed crash on incorrect HTML input caused by uninitialized variable

2004-05-31 22:06 VS, revision 27540

added test for wxString::MakeLower,MakeUpper

2004-05-31 22:05 VS, revision 27539

don't call CopyBeforeWrite when returning non-const interator if the string is empty -- avoids assert and is not needed anyway since the iterator is never valid

2004-05-31 22:04 VS, revision 27538

show icon changing on all platforms

2004-05-31 21:50 VS, revision 27537

compilation fix for gcc-3.4

2004-05-31 18:47 DS, revision 27536

fixed typo

2004-05-31 15:54 SC, revision 27535

continued spinning committed

2004-05-31 14:49 SC, revision 27534

fixes for mouse handling on 10.2 systems

2004-05-31 14:05 SC, revision 27533

LocalToGlobal/GlobalToLocal Conversions with Carbon API, cleanup, hittesting corrected for 10.2

2004-05-31 14:05 SC, revision 27532

LocalToGlobal/GlobalToLocal Conversions with Carbon API

2004-05-31 13:06 DS, revision 27531

fixed some of the unfound projects

2004-05-31 10:49 , revision 27530
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatedll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatelib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/contrib/build/fl/fl_fldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/contrib/build/fl/fl_fllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/contrib/build/net/netutils.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/contrib/build/stc/stc_stcdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/contrib/build/stc/stc_stclib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/contrib/build/svg/svg_svgdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/contrib/build/svg/svg_svglib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/demos/dbbrowse/makefile.gtk
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/lib/dummy
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/misc/afm
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/misc/afm/.cvsignore
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/misc/afm/Zapf.afm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/grid/bitmap1.bmp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/grid/bitmap2.bmp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/internat/internat.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/internat/internat.rc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/internat/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/internat/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/layout/expt.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/layout/fload.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/layout/layout.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/layout/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/mdi/chart.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/mdi/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/mdi/mdi.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/mdi/mdi.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/mdi/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/png/pngdemo.rc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/printing/fload.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/printing/printing.def
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/resource
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/splitter/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/tab/mondrian.ico
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/samples/treectrl/treetest.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/common/
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/expat
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/expat/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/expat/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/expat/expat.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/expat/lib/expat.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/expat/lib/internal.h
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/expat/lib/macconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/expat/lib/xmlparse.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk/verti.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk1/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk1/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk1/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk1/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk1/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/gtk1/verti.xbm
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/html/htmlfilter.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/html/htmlhelp.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/html/search.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/.cvsignore
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/ANNOUNCE
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/ansi2knr.1
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/ansi2knr.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/CHANGES
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/example.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/INSTALL
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/KNOWNBUG
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/LICENSE
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/libpng.3
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/libpng.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/libpngpf.3
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/MAKEFILE.VA
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/makefile.dos
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/makefile.unx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/makefile.wat
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/makemac6.mcp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/png.5
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/png.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/png.dsp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/png.dsw
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/png.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngasmrd.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngconf.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngerror.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pnggccrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngget.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngM5.xml
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngM7.mcp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngM8.xml
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngmem.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngpread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngrio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngrtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngrutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngset.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngtest.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngtrans.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngvcrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngwio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngwrite.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngwtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/pngwutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/projects/beos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/projects/beos/x86-shared.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/projects/beos/x86-static.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/README
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/scripts/build.bat
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/scripts/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/scripts/makefile.ama
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/scripts/makefile.atr
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/scripts/makefile.lnx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/scripts/makefile.mip
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/scripts/makefile.s2x
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/scripts/makefile.sgi
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/scripts/makefile.sun
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/scripts/makefile.wat
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/TODO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/png/Y2KINFO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/regex/regfronts.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/unix/net.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/zlib/algorithm.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/zlib/crc32.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/zlib/FAQ
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/zlib/INDEX
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/zlib/infback.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/zlib/inflate.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/zlib/README
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/src/zlib/trees.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/utils
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/utils/HelpGen/helpgen.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/utils/HelpGen/makefile.bcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/utils/HelpGen/makefile.gcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/utils/HelpGen/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/utils/HelpGen/makefile.wat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_5_2/utils/wxprop

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'WX_2_5_2'.

2004-05-31 10:49 JS, revision 27529

Uncommitted files

2004-05-31 10:43 ABX, revision 27528

-1->wxID_ANY and TRUE->true replacements.

2004-05-31 10:30 ABX, revision 27527

Correct parent for entering text dialog. -1->wxID_ANY/wxSizeDefault, TRUE->true, FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-31 09:53 ABX, revision 27526

Watcom repair. TRUE->true, FALSE->false and -1->wxID_ANY replacements.

2004-05-31 09:45 ABX, revision 27525

Removed condition of old Watcom times. Open Watcom doesn't have problems with wxAutomationObject.

2004-05-31 07:25 JS, revision 27524

Script updates

2004-05-31 07:04 JS, revision 27523

Script update

2004-05-30 21:53 DS, revision 27522

added src/mac/carbon/display.cpp to project

2004-05-30 19:21 JS, revision 27521

Script updates

2004-05-30 19:02 JS, revision 27520

wxWindows -> wxWidgets

2004-05-30 17:23 JS, revision 27519

Greek translation update from Stavros Tsolakos

2004-05-30 16:54 JS, revision 27518

Script tweaks

2004-05-30 16:34 JS, revision 27517

Include filefn.h always (or problems on at least Mac)

2004-05-30 16:09 VS, revision 27516

somebody forgot to keep tex2rtf.ini and in sync

2004-05-30 16:02 DS, revision 27515

removed tabs

2004-05-30 15:59 DS, revision 27514

allow compilation with wxUSE_CHOICEDLG set to 0

2004-05-30 15:14 DS, revision 27513

partially applied patch #895170: "Building with minimal setup.h - continuation"

2004-05-30 12:51 VS, revision 27512

don't use cryptic buttons, it's bad UI

2004-05-30 12:50 VS, revision 27511

don't use global variables if GTK provides mechanism to pass arguments to callback function

2004-05-30 12:04 JS, revision 27510

Script fix

2004-05-30 11:00 JS, revision 27509

Adjusted readme

2004-05-30 07:23 DE, revision 27508

Added missing include/wx/cocoa/log.h

2004-05-29 20:23 DS, revision 27507

blind compilation fix for first warning and error reported by "i686-pc-linux-gnu+RH" tinderbox compilation

2004-05-29 19:43 SC, revision 27506

make sure we are getting the gui mutex before shutting down

2004-05-29 17:01 VS, revision 27505

use shaped window for taskbar icon, so that background shows correctly behind icons with mask

2004-05-29 16:24 DS, revision 27504

applied patch 961026: "Boundbox problem with rotated text"

2004-05-29 15:45 DS, revision 27503

applied valid part of patch #940683: "wxMessageBox autocompletion"

2004-05-29 14:56 SC, revision 27502

reopen app according to HIG

2004-05-29 14:52 SC, revision 27501

moving constructors to .cpp

2004-05-29 14:51 SC, revision 27500

control data support

2004-05-29 14:45 SC, revision 27499

preparing for internal changes

2004-05-29 14:00 JS, revision 27498

MacReopenApp implementation for restoring top-level window

2004-05-29 13:57 VS, revision 27497

fixed --disable-rpath handling (patch 956695)

2004-05-29 12:48 VS, revision 27496

fixed --disable-rpath handling (patch 956695)

2004-05-29 12:03 JS, revision 27495

Removed incorrect file copy

2004-05-29 00:46 RD, revision 27494

Take character size into account when calculating buffer size for wxFileDataObject. (Fixes aborts from NTDLL.)

2004-05-28 20:40 RD, revision 27493

comments and cleanup

2004-05-28 20:38 RD, revision 27492

Add GetHDC back

2004-05-28 20:01 RD, revision 27491

Use an inline function to fetch the API pointer, importing it first if needed.

2004-05-28 19:59 RD, revision 27490

Some error recovery and other tweaks

2004-05-28 19:21 RD, revision 27489

missing OnBeginSize call

2004-05-28 19:20 RD, revision 27488


2004-05-28 19:15 RD, revision 27487

GetClientAreaOrigin should be public

2004-05-28 19:14 RD, revision 27486

docstring tweak

2004-05-28 19:13 RD, revision 27485

Add cx_Freeze and Installer examples

2004-05-28 19:06 RD, revision 27484

No longer need to fallback to importing "_core_" as py2exe, Installer and others now handle importing extensions via package names correctly.

2004-05-28 18:45 JS, revision 27483

Reset m_inSetFocus for other exit point in this function: could explain why the focus protection code was broken

2004-05-28 18:43 JS, revision 27482

Make the focus recursion test only for Mac since it breaks MSW.

2004-05-28 11:08 ABX, revision 27481

Simplified pen style conversion.

2004-05-28 10:45 ABX, revision 27480

Missed header, -1->wxID_ANY replacements.

2004-05-28 10:43 ABX, revision 27479

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false replacements

2004-05-28 05:03 RD, revision 27478

Commented out some test code

2004-05-28 04:51 RD, revision 27477

Updates for new/old DC method signatures, also updated for new py2exe

2004-05-28 04:22 RD, revision 27476

Don't scroll too far if the child getting the focus is large.

2004-05-28 04:10 RD, revision 27475

Put the locale files in teh right place

2004-05-27 18:17 ABX, revision 27474

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false, wxDefaultPosition & wxDefaultSize replacements

2004-05-27 18:07 ABX, revision 27473

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false, wxDefaultPosition & wxDefaultSize replacements

2004-05-27 17:50 ABX, revision 27472

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false, wxDefaultPosition & wxDefaultSize replacements

2004-05-27 17:38 ABX, revision 27471

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false, wxDefaultPosition replacements

2004-05-27 17:29 ABX, revision 27470

Inital fill in background, removed tabs, -1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false

2004-05-27 17:26 VS, revision 27469

fixed indentation in case there's only one cell on line

2004-05-27 17:11 VS, revision 27468

compilation fix

2004-05-27 16:57 ABX, revision 27467

Removed condition of old Watcom times. Open Watcom doesn't have problems with wininet.h.

2004-05-27 16:25 VS, revision 27466

fixed iteration over cells

2004-05-27 15:09 SC, revision 27465

scrolling code committed

2004-05-27 15:07 SC, revision 27464

menu events handling more closely to the menu instance itself, removing menubar wherever possible

2004-05-27 14:50 SC, revision 27463

debug method added for flashing invalid areas

2004-05-27 14:49 SC, revision 27462

menu associations

2004-05-27 14:47 SC, revision 27461

having the refcon of a menu item to bear the pointer to the wxMenuItem, and have an map of menuref->wxMenu*

2004-05-27 11:31 JS, revision 27460

WinCE Standard SDK improvements including adding close button

2004-05-27 11:26 JS, revision 27459

Position change - still can't use default size for Wince/desktop

2004-05-27 09:09 JS, revision 27458

Fixes for Standard WinCE SDK

2004-05-27 09:02 JS, revision 27457

Use status bar even for WinCE; use standard frame style to adapt to WinCE version

2004-05-26 14:55 RD, revision 27456

fixed a typo

2004-05-26 11:49 VS, revision 27455

workaround for BCC bug - use #defines instead of enums

2004-05-26 10:49 JS, revision 27454

Reverted config/resource name change

2004-05-26 08:47 ABX, revision 27453

Unhide problem of ambiguity in wxSoundBase::Play.

2004-05-26 05:18 RD, revision 27452

It's a new change

2004-05-26 05:16 RD, revision 27451

Got sidetracked and forgot to finish the new OGL section before checking in the last change.

2004-05-26 04:34 SC, revision 27450

if one clicks first on line 3 and then on line 1, the selection event is correct, but GetSelection on the listbox lags on selection event behind, therefore switch to PostEvent

2004-05-26 04:11 KO, revision 27449

wxWebKikStateChangedEvent should now return proper values for GetURL(). Also updated the sample to update the text URL when a link is clicked.

2004-05-26 02:14 RD, revision 27448

be explicit about the version of SWIG to use

2004-05-26 02:13 RD, revision 27447

Added a Python port of the OGL library, deprecated the C++ wrapped version.

2004-05-25 20:41 JS, revision 27446

Must have valid colours for X11 popup window implementation

2004-05-25 20:07 ABX, revision 27445

wxUniv conflicts, -1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-25 20:04 ABX, revision 27444

wxUniv conslicts, -1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-25 20:02 ABX, revision 27443

Warning removal.

2004-05-25 20:01 ABX, revision 27442

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-25 19:57 ABX, revision 27441

Revitalization of the code, -1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-25 19:51 ABX, revision 27440

Regenerated makefiles.

2004-05-25 19:42 ABX, revision 27439

Db sample needs wxGrid in adv lib.

2004-05-25 19:35 ABX, revision 27438

-1->wxID_ANY, ambiguity of types.

2004-05-25 19:31 ABX, revision 27437

wxTreeItemId, -1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-25 19:27 ABX, revision 27436

VideoMode/Display split, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-25 19:25 ABX, revision 27435

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-25 18:07 RD, revision 27434

Some typos fixed. More text about the changes to sizers, minsize, etc.

2004-05-25 17:31 JS, revision 27433

Missed reversions

2004-05-25 16:59 ABX, revision 27432

Missed headers.

2004-05-25 12:55 VS, revision 27431

corrected previous commit's wrongly applied patch

2004-05-25 12:44 DS, revision 27430

applied patch #935127: "wxDIALOG_MODAL and wxDIALOG_MODELESS cleaning"; some cosmetic cleanup

2004-05-25 11:20 JS, revision 27429

More name changes

2004-05-25 10:35 VS, revision 27428

implemented wxTE_RIGHT, wxTE_CENTRE for wxGTK2 (patch 957687)

2004-05-25 10:23 JS, revision 27427

Added missing cast for Display*

2004-05-25 10:20 JS, revision 27426

Fixes for wxMotif

2004-05-25 08:47 JS, revision 27425

Removed redundant menu titles that added extra separators

2004-05-25 08:07 JS, revision 27424

Fixed compilo for GTK+1 (GDK_DISPLAY undeclared)

2004-05-25 05:54 KO, revision 27423

wxWebKit now properly updates after a resize event.

2004-05-25 04:59 RD, revision 27422

Switch to the TreeListCtrl from the wxCode project.

2004-05-25 04:57 RD, revision 27421

Put a rreminder in the comments about s bit of duplicated code

2004-05-25 04:54 RD, revision 27420

Version number update

2004-05-25 04:52 RD, revision 27419

Remove treelistctrl from gizmos. The one from the wxCode project should be used instead as it is newer and more activly maintained.

2004-05-25 04:34 KO, revision 27418

Updated the class name for wxWebKit to wxWebKitCtrl in sample.

2004-05-25 04:33 RD, revision 27417

Fix for bug# 956875. Added some wxCHECK's to MSW's wxTreeCtrl to make things more consistent with the generic version.

2004-05-24 21:50 RD, revision 27416

Use correct #if for interface/implementation pragma. detabified

2004-05-24 21:00 KO, revision 27415

Fixes for Unicode build.

2004-05-24 20:28 JS, revision 27414
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/build/bakefiles/files.bkl
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/build/msw/makefile.bcc
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/build/msw/makefile.gcc
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/build/msw/
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/build/msw/makefile.wat
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/build/msw/wx_core.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/samples/mmedia/MMboardVC.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/samples/mmedia/MMboardVC.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/samples/ogl/ogledit/OGLEditVC.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/samples/ogl/ogledit/OGLEditVC.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/samples/ogl/studio/StudioVC.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/samples/ogl/studio/StudioVC.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/samples/plot/PlotVC.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/samples/plot/PlotVC.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/samples/xrc/XrcDemoVC.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/samples/xrc/XrcDemoVC.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/utils/convertrc/ConvertVC.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/utils/convertrc/ConvertVC.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/utils/wxrcedit/wxRcEditVC.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/utils/wxrcedit/wxRcEditVC.dsw
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/xrc/XrcDemoVC.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/xrc/XrcDemoVC.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/HelpGen/src/HelpGenVC.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/HelpGen/src/HelpGenVC.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/tex2rtf/src/Tex2RTFVC.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/tex2rtf/src/Tex2RTFVC.dsw

Bakefile/Makefile fix for uuid.cpp Removed some obsolete project files

2004-05-24 20:10 RD, revision 27413

No longer any need for the dc parameter to FullPaint.

2004-05-24 19:52 RD, revision 27412

Fix FullPaint to actually force the whole window to be repainted instead of being constrained by the previous paint's update region.

2004-05-24 19:27 RD, revision 27411

Updated version variables in to go along with the changes in version.h

2004-05-24 14:12 JS, revision 27410

Regenerated makefiles for 2.5.2 Other version updates Added list of Cocoa files

2004-05-24 06:29 SC, revision 27409

overseeing the obvious, there is already a perfect scroll call for HIView...

2004-05-23 20:53 JS, revision 27408

Use old licence name

2004-05-23 17:15 MBN, revision 27407

Fix memory leak by letting the base class version handle the destruction.

2004-05-23 15:42 SC, revision 27406

removing unnecessary invalidation in Update, adding a forced update to ScrollWindow, incase we have invalid areas on the window

2004-05-23 15:10 JS, revision 27405

More name change

2004-05-23 14:56 JS, revision 27404

Name and version changes

2004-05-23 11:07 SC, revision 27403

make it non mach-o carbon savvy

2004-05-23 11:04 SC, revision 27402

activated modal app state again

2004-05-23 11:02 SC, revision 27401

Composite Window implementations for ::Update and ::ScrollWindow

2004-05-23 10:59 SC, revision 27400

-start experimental use of RunApplicationEventLoop, -storing current event for menu handling, because otherwise we get a redraw problem in wxWindow::Update which is called from the menu tracking code

2004-05-22 19:54 KO, revision 27399

Updating to work with wxWebKit.

2004-05-22 18:21 KO, revision 27398

Updating bakefiles to include wxWebKit.

2004-05-22 18:01 MBN, revision 27397

Do not realize the top level shell that acts as a parent for top level windows. Add a realized child for the shell for functions requiring it (clipboard at the moment). Use XtPopup to show top level widgets, as per Motif guidelines.

2004-05-22 17:52 MBN, revision 27396

Regenerated makefiles.

2004-05-22 17:51 MBN, revision 27395

Converted hash tests to CppUnit.

2004-05-22 03:44 RD, revision 27394


2004-05-22 03:38 RD, revision 27393

Oops, forgot to return a value

2004-05-22 03:32 RD, revision 27392

Fixed some colours

2004-05-22 03:13 RD, revision 27391


2004-05-22 03:03 RD, revision 27390


2004-05-22 03:01 RD, revision 27389

Fix printing?

2004-05-22 02:59 RD, revision 27388


2004-05-22 02:58 RD, revision 27387

Add PreGrid()

2004-05-22 02:57 RD, revision 27386

Decref items added to lists

2004-05-22 02:08 KO, revision 27385

Fixed wxWebKit include.

2004-05-21 15:53 SN, revision 27384

Trying a workaround for bug in some of the unix-like shells available for OS/2.

2004-05-21 11:29 ABX, revision 27383

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-21 09:35 SN, revision 27382

Applied patch #957479 (Combobox crashes receiving focus).

2004-05-21 07:59 ABX, revision 27381

Recreated makefiles after patch #949276.

2004-05-21 07:55 ABX, revision 27380

Patch #949276: Less agresive strings test.

2004-05-21 07:32 ABX, revision 27379

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-21 07:27 ABX, revision 27378

Warning fix.

2004-05-21 00:36 RD, revision 27377

fixed wxGetKeyState to get current status of non-togle keys, and to correctly test for the toggles.

2004-05-21 00:23 RD, revision 27376

wxGTK now uses gtk_init_check so wxPython can raise an exception if there is no DISPLAY available or other initializaion problem. wx.GetKeyState now has an implementation for wxGTK and is able to detect the up/down or toggle state of modifier and toggle keys. The LC_NUMERIC locale is now reset back to "C" (compatibility) when running on wxGTK to work around the fact that GTK requires the locale to be set to the system settings but Python depends on LC_NUMERIC remaining compatible with "C".

2004-05-21 00:14 RD, revision 27375

Use gtk_init_check instead of gtk_init so that we can racefully exit (i.e. raise an exception in wxPython) instead of just terminating the app.

2004-05-20 23:37 RD, revision 27374

Implemented wxGetKeyState for wxGTK (and wxX11 too, but I havn't tested it there.)

2004-05-20 20:09 JS, revision 27373

Commented out code that seems to produce choice/combobox height problems

2004-05-20 18:47 ABX, revision 27372

Part of patch #957440: Solaris fix.

2004-05-20 18:44 SC, revision 27371

correcting system version compare

2004-05-20 18:42 SC, revision 27370

factoring common code out

2004-05-20 18:39 SC, revision 27369

sometimes mutexes are used before our module is initialized

2004-05-20 17:23 ABX, revision 27368

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-20 17:16 ABX, revision 27367

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-20 17:02 ABX, revision 27366

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-20 15:54 SC, revision 27365

first implementation of carbon timers

2004-05-20 15:21 SC, revision 27364

a few corrections

2004-05-20 11:01 ABX, revision 27363

-1->wxID_ANY replacement.

2004-05-20 11:00 ABX, revision 27362

Centralized wxDefaultSize/wxDefaultPosition. -1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-20 10:47 ABX, revision 27361

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-20 10:35 ABX, revision 27360

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-20 00:08 VZ, revision 27359

really fixed handling of non-text cells in justified paragraphs

2004-05-19 23:01 DS, revision 27358

applied patch #940914 "Minor cleaning of warnings in contrib tree"

2004-05-19 22:22 DS, revision 27357

restored mask copying code when converting a wxBitmap to a wxImage (wxMSW only)

2004-05-19 16:24 ABX, revision 27356

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-19 14:38 SC, revision 27355

defer Terminating the Task until it is really done

2004-05-19 13:28 ABX, revision 27354

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true and FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-19 09:39 ABX, revision 27353

TRUE->true, FALSE->false replacements.

2004-05-19 09:36 ABX, revision 27352

Centralized wxDefaultPosition and TRUE->true, FALSE->false replacements. After previous change 'xcnt' is not used at all.

2004-05-19 09:19 ABX, revision 27351

Extended patch #942204, centralized wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultPosition and wxID_ANY values.

2004-05-19 09:12 ABX, revision 27350

Centralized wxDefaultSize & wxDefaultPosition values.

2004-05-19 02:20 KO, revision 27349

Initial import of wxWebKitCtrl sources and htmlctrl (right now wxWebKit) sample.

2004-05-18 21:55 VZ, revision 27348

don't distribute extra space between 0 width cells in justified paragraphs (this looks visually wrong)

2004-05-18 21:31 VZ, revision 27347

wxVListBox doesn't handle (at least horz) resizing properly without wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE

2004-05-18 20:14 RD, revision 27346


2004-05-18 20:14 RD, revision 27345

More test cases and handle __doc__ == None

2004-05-18 19:59 RD, revision 27344

If the threads module hasn't been initialized yet then we can assume the IsMain == true. This allows wxASSERTs that happen before the wxApp is created (as can easily happen in wxPython unfortunatly) to behave normally instead of just calling wxTrap.

2004-05-18 19:30 RD, revision 27343

Call SetSize for explicit sizees too in case it wasn't called before earlier in the Create process.

2004-05-18 17:42 ABX, revision 27342

Patch 950002 after agreement from Markus Sinner

2004-05-18 17:17 ABX, revision 27341

Code cleaning.

2004-05-18 16:08 JS, revision 27340

Set fields count even if don't have widths

2004-05-18 16:03 JS, revision 27339

Set fields count even if don't have widthds

2004-05-18 13:12 ABX, revision 27338

Patch #953165, Bug #821657: wxHIDE_READONLY no more important. Blind change reported to Stefan Neis

2004-05-18 13:04 ABX, revision 27337

Patch #953165, Bug #821657: wxHIDE_READONLY no more important.

2004-05-18 12:42 ABX, revision 27336

Patch #940808: Updated list of contributors according to the list available at

2004-05-18 12:29 ABX, revision 27335

Limited setup.h shouldn't break building. Helpful in bringing new ports.

2004-05-18 12:22 ABX, revision 27334

Fix to wxChar* access.

2004-05-18 12:15 ABX, revision 27333

wxSafeShowMessage needs wxString regardles wxUSE_LOG.

2004-05-18 11:52 ABX, revision 27332

Menu sample is helpful in bringing new port and should work in limited setup.h. My first wxW commit.

2004-05-18 06:48 RD, revision 27331

Fix DoGetBestSize when wxCB_READONLY is used. The best size of the choice shoudl not be truncated in this case since there isn't a textctrl in this case.

2004-05-18 02:43 GT, revision 27330

wxUSE_NEW_GRID changed to wxUSE_GRID to reflect changes in wxWidgets. Diagnostics output cleaned up Unicode build fixes when building in wxDbGrid

2004-05-18 02:40 GT, revision 27329

grid/dbgrid was not getting built for inclusion with this project

2004-05-18 01:55 GT, revision 27328

Unicode compilation fixes

2004-05-18 01:50 GT, revision 27327

lastChar was defined as a char when it should have been an int

2004-05-17 20:17 SC, revision 27326

calling FormatV seems to be correct, as we are already passing a va_list

2004-05-17 19:22 RD, revision 27325


2004-05-17 19:21 RD, revision 27324

Removed calls to wx.InitAllImageHandlers.

2004-05-17 19:20 RD, revision 27323

Replaced wx/lib/ with a version that uses weak references to track the subscribers. Thanks go to Oliver Schoenborn and Robb Shecter.

2004-05-17 19:20 RD, revision 27322

Subindent support added

2004-05-17 19:17 RD, revision 27321

Docstring fix

2004-05-17 19:16 RD, revision 27320

wx.InitAllImageHandlers is now an empty function that does nothing but exist for backwards compatibility.

2004-05-17 19:14 RD, revision 27319

wxMac should use /src/mac/carbon/spinctrl.cpp, applied some sizing layout fixes to that file, removed wxMac specific parts from the generic wxSpinCtrl.

2004-05-17 18:37 DS, revision 27318

re-added filter (type-popup) support (lost after introducing long filename support, patch #846732)

2004-05-17 17:02 JS, revision 27317

Check for empty "widths"

2004-05-17 16:16 DS, revision 27316

added missing include required for CW8 Carbon compilation

2004-05-17 04:57 SC, revision 27315

adding a few methods for selection handling in native combobox

2004-05-16 19:32 SC, revision 27314

adding MPYield after releasing constructs like critical regions etc.

2004-05-16 18:11 JS, revision 27313

Don't call SetItemCmd for WXK_UP or WXK_RIGHT since these values have special significance, and cause indentation.

2004-05-16 17:35 SN, revision 27312

Fixed Cut&Waste error.

2004-05-16 13:12 SN, revision 27311

For OS/2 PM builds, check for type SPBCDATA in system headers.

2004-05-16 12:12 SN, revision 27310

Work-around for compilation problems on OS/2.

2004-05-16 10:34 SN, revision 27309

Updated to intermediate version which should work with current bakefile status.

2004-05-16 09:03 SC, revision 27308

adapting for dual implementation native and composited

2004-05-16 06:54 SC, revision 27307

adapting for dual implementation native and composited

2004-05-16 06:49 SC, revision 27306

added the correct spinctrl source file

2004-05-16 05:48 SC, revision 27305

adding pthreads mutex to possible wxMutex implementations

2004-05-16 05:46 SC, revision 27304

using MPSleep also for non Darwin Targets

2004-05-15 19:26 RD, revision 27303

A little cleanup

2004-05-15 19:25 RD, revision 27302

Added test for smaller spinctrl

2004-05-15 19:21 RD, revision 27301

Tweaks to the generic scpinctrl to handle layouts on wxMac better and fixed alignment of the spinbutton. Also, since the generic spinctrl is used then the generic header should be included.

2004-05-15 18:17 VZ, revision 27300

subdindented paragraphs support (patch 933436)

2004-05-15 17:38 MBN, revision 27299

Patch #952359 from ABX: contrib updates after wxHashTable and other recent changes.

2004-05-15 17:33 RR, revision 27298

The markup code for wxStaticText doesn't work.

2004-05-15 16:56 MBN, revision 27297

wxUniversal compilation fix.

2004-05-15 16:33 RD, revision 27296

wxMacWakeUp needs to be in wxBase

2004-05-15 16:29 SC, revision 27295

removing code needed for cooperative threads

2004-05-15 16:26 RD, revision 27294


2004-05-15 15:13 SC, revision 27293

fixes for rotated text

2004-05-15 15:08 RR, revision 27292

Improve default size for wxGauge and wxChoice.

2004-05-15 14:58 SC, revision 27291

unicode conversion support for text dnd

2004-05-15 14:58 SC, revision 27290

unicode conversion support for dataobjects

2004-05-15 14:57 SC, revision 27289

support for insets of native controls, sigh...

2004-05-15 06:49 SC, revision 27288

woraround latest sizer changes

2004-05-14 22:18 RD, revision 27287


2004-05-14 21:41 RD, revision 27286

Call PositionStatusBar from SetStatusBar

2004-05-14 21:38 RD, revision 27285


2004-05-14 21:37 RD, revision 27284

Add SetBestSize, GetDefaultAttributes and fixed ShouldInheritColours

2004-05-14 21:31 RD, revision 27283

Docstring fixes

2004-05-14 21:30 RD, revision 27282

Accept old 'faceName' keyword arg

2004-05-14 21:30 RD, revision 27281

Fix docs for Bind

2004-05-14 21:27 RD, revision 27280

Change the C name of my wxGetApp so it doesn't conflict if wxPython is linked statically with a C++ wxWidgets app.

2004-05-14 21:25 RD, revision 27279

Modules generated by SWIG can now have module docstrings.

2004-05-14 21:22 RD, revision 27278

Added a generic StaticBitmap class in wx.lib.statbmp for the same reasons that stattext was created, so it could be mouse sensitive on all platforms like normal windows. Also updated and to handle attribute (font & colour) defaults and inheritance the new way.

2004-05-14 19:01 JS, revision 27277

Small mod

2004-05-14 18:09 RD, revision 27276

Patch #952053, wxToggleButton gains WS_VISIBLE flag

2004-05-14 17:12 SC, revision 27275

wxMacWakeUp moved

2004-05-14 15:29 SC, revision 27274

wxMacWakeUp moved

2004-05-14 13:13 SC, revision 27273

fixes for file drops in unicode

2004-05-14 12:49 SC, revision 27272

gcc warning

2004-05-14 10:11 JS, revision 27271

Added include to get wxMacWakeUp

2004-05-14 09:25 SC, revision 27270

supporting readonly and singleline attributes for non-mlte textrcontrol

2004-05-14 09:19 SC, revision 27269

moving wxMacWakeUp to utils, as macnotify will soon be removed

2004-05-14 09:11 SC, revision 27268

logging error instead of message box

2004-05-14 06:29 RD, revision 27267

Add a call to SetBestSize so the minsize can be set for sizers if an initial size was given.

2004-05-14 02:53 RD, revision 27266

Updates for the Joystick demo to allow it to funciton on Linux where the min position values are negative.

2004-05-14 02:52 RD, revision 27265

Fixes so joystick not only compiles on Linux, but it actually works too!

2004-05-13 20:53 DS, revision 27264

Backport: Reverted FILLCOLORHINT->FILLCOLOR change. Now when a near black themeColor is returned with FILLCOLORHINT, retry with FILLCOLOR.

2004-05-13 19:12 RD, revision 27263

Take the hgap and vgap into account when doing alignments in grid sizers. The gap is not part of the "cell" so alignments should be relative to the edge of the gap, not the next cell.

2004-05-13 18:23 SC, revision 27262

unicode support for mach-O targets in Metrowerks

2004-05-13 18:22 SC, revision 27261

non-osx methods bracketed

2004-05-13 18:22 SC, revision 27260

switching to preemptive implementation (from mpthread.cpp)

2004-05-13 18:21 SC, revision 27259

corrected preproc condition

2004-05-13 17:22 SC, revision 27258

changed ppc to ptpc as ppc is a preprocessor constant for PowerPC on Mac

2004-05-13 16:50 SC, revision 27257

bracketing non OSX code

2004-05-13 16:49 SC, revision 27256

unicode fix

2004-05-13 16:34 DS, revision 27255

added missing includes required for CW8 Carbon compilation

2004-05-13 16:16 RD, revision 27254

Patch #953131

2004-05-13 16:12 RD, revision 27253

Patch [ 953125 ] Fix to Bug #943346 documentation clarification

2004-05-13 16:05 RD, revision 27252

Patch [ 952969 ] Parentless windows forced to center of screen

2004-05-13 15:42 RD, revision 27251

OGL typemap and OOR fixes

2004-05-13 02:04 GT, revision 27250

BLOB fix - if the type for the BLOB column is SQL_C_CHAR, CbValue is now set to SQL_NTS to indicate that the data is null terminated. It is strongly recommended to use SQL_C_BINARY for the BLOB type, not SQL_C_CHAR

2004-05-13 01:56 GT, revision 27249

More BLOB fixes

2004-05-12 21:52 VZ, revision 27248

added Portuguese (Brazilian) translations

2004-05-12 21:33 GT, revision 27247

Spelling typos fixed

2004-05-12 21:31 GT, revision 27246

Open curley braces '{' that were preceeded by a '\' were being incorrectly counted as a mismatched left curley brace

2004-05-12 21:28 GT, revision 27245

Updates to match current class info

2004-05-12 21:27 GT, revision 27244

For some reason, the ending '}' for the {\small } blocks that I moved the \begin{verbatim} code inside of fails to build correctly if the '}' is on the same line as the \end{verbatim} ... bizarre

2004-05-12 21:02 GT, revision 27243

\begin(verbatim) lines should start at the beginning of a line

2004-05-12 20:16 GT, revision 27242

Fixed a '(' that should have been a '{'

2004-05-12 19:41 GT, revision 27241

[SF#789459] Add support for connection strings. The patch originally submitted was not comprehensive enough to use for the connection caching, so a significant number of additional changes were added to support opening a connection with a connection string

2004-05-12 19:18 DE, revision 27240

Wrap within #if wxUSE_NOTEBOOK

2004-05-12 17:16 GT, revision 27239

[SF#777752] Applied a slight variation of this patch, pulling out the code that set the CbValue for the column from ::bindParams() to a new private function names ::setCbValueForColumn(). ::bindParams() now calls this function, as do both version of ::SetColNull()

2004-05-12 16:49 GT, revision 27238

[SF#851487] wxDb::Catalog() function was attempting to determine if the table that was being accessed was different than the last table being accessed BEFORE the table name of the current table was read in, causing an issue when more than one table was present in the database

2004-05-12 16:47 GT, revision 27237

Indentation formatting fix. No source code affected

2004-05-12 16:37 GT, revision 27236

Removed some sample test data that I had left hardcoded in the source

2004-05-12 16:29 GT, revision 27235

Added wxODBC change notes

2004-05-12 16:21 GT, revision 27234

Added wxODBC change notes

2004-05-12 16:15 GT, revision 27233

Fixed a typo in my checkin :-(

2004-05-12 16:14 GT, revision 27232

Attempted to port everything for BLOB support back to 2.4.x. I think it is complete. Table names now prepended to column names when joining tables. This is only if there is not a '.' in the column name already. Null column support fixes (SF #766404)

2004-05-12 16:12 GT, revision 27231

Identifying DB VENDOR signatures updated in wxDb::Dbms() wxDb::getDbInfo() will no longer return failure if the return code was SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO

2004-05-12 15:06 GT, revision 27230

Removed an outdated statement from docs

2004-05-12 14:22 GT, revision 27229

Use of blobs with a binding to a SQL_C_BINARY type column definition was not working correctly. The code should now work for SQL_C_BINARY and SQL_C_CHAR column bindings, though I have only tested with SQL_C_BINARY. The original code will be used if the column binding is not SQL_C_BINARY or SQL_C_CHAR

2004-05-12 14:10 GT, revision 27228

The wxDb::Open() function that takes a wxDbConnectInf() now has a second optional parameter 'failOnDataTypeUnsupported' that defaults to TRUE to maintain current behavior. This allows users to specify FALSE if they want to try to continue wxDb::getDbInfo() function will now not treat SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO as a failure when checking for supported features. Reformatting of some text, and removal of old commented out code

2004-05-12 14:07 GT, revision 27227

SQL_C_BLOB was getting #define'd incorrectly if there was not already a definition The wxDb::Open() function that takes a wxDbConnectInf() now has a second optional parameter 'failOnDataTypeUnsupported' that defaults to TRUE to maintain current behavior. This allows users to specify FALSE if they want to try to continue Reformatting of some text, and removal of old commented out code

2004-05-12 14:03 GT, revision 27226

wxODBC_BLOB_SUPPORT changed to just being a #define. BLOB support is on by default

2004-05-12 13:59 GT, revision 27225

Fixed assert warning if the listbox has no elements, we shouldn't try to set the selection to the first line

2004-05-12 09:08 JS, revision 27224

Added window styles to wxToolBar handler. Allow wxScrolledWindow to have children.

2004-05-12 09:06 JS, revision 27223

Added window styles for wxToolBar handler Allow wxScrolledWindow to have children

2004-05-12 02:07 RD, revision 27222


2004-05-12 01:51 RD, revision 27221


2004-05-12 01:50 RD, revision 27220

More DocStr macro updates

2004-05-12 01:49 RD, revision 27219

Oops, wrong file selected. undid last change

2004-05-12 01:45 RD, revision 27218


2004-05-12 01:44 RD, revision 27217

More DocStr macro updates

2004-05-12 00:17 RD, revision 27216

Some docstring additions, reformats and epydoc markup. Removed RefDoc macros, instead made all the normal Docstring macros take an extra parameter to be used for the optional details postion of the docstring. The intent is that the docstrings put in the generated .py files checked in to CVS and delivered in releases will be only a paragraph or two, but when used for generating the epydoc reference docs they can optionally contain a lot more details.

2004-05-12 00:12 RD, revision 27215

Check exit code or commands and exit with that code

2004-05-12 00:08 RD, revision 27214

made wx.Joystick stub (for platforms without joystick support) be unicode compatible.

2004-05-12 00:07 RD, revision 27213

Made wx.Locale() make an unitialized locale while still allowing wx.Locale(language) to still work.

2004-05-11 23:03 RD, revision 27212

Fixed compile warning

2004-05-11 20:41 DS, revision 27211

removed tabs; minor cosmetic cleanup

2004-05-11 19:44 DS, revision 27210

made font a non-pointer; code cleanup

2004-05-11 19:43 RD, revision 27209


2004-05-11 19:25 SC, revision 27208
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/carbon/setup0.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/classic/setup.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/classic/setup0.h

not needed

2004-05-11 19:24 SC, revision 27207

remove unneeded vars

2004-05-11 18:08 JS, revision 27206

Added wxUSE_MDI

2004-05-11 17:59 RD, revision 27205


2004-05-11 16:51 SC, revision 27204

added wxUSE_MDI

2004-05-11 14:35 JS, revision 27203

wxDocMDIParentFrame needs a default constructor

2004-05-11 13:17 SC, revision 27202

added correct (structure instead of content) bounds for window creation also

2004-05-11 12:58 SC, revision 27201

xcode commits

2004-05-11 05:26 KO, revision 27200

Restore proper set and kill focus handling for user pane controls under wxMac.

2004-05-11 00:40 RD, revision 27199

Added missing Detach method wrapper

2004-05-10 23:10 RD, revision 27198

Use self in DC method signatures

2004-05-10 20:54 RD, revision 27197

Add wxTimerEvent to Events category

2004-05-10 20:53 RD, revision 27196

Add GetOwner accessor and fix wxRTTI inheritance for wxTimer. Set the timer as the event object in wxTimerEvents.

2004-05-10 20:50 RD, revision 27195

Avoid duplicated definition errors for wxLongToLongHashMap when both grid.h and fs_zip.h are included.

2004-05-10 10:53 JS, revision 27194

Don't show wrong shade of grey when disabled

2004-05-10 08:21 VZ, revision 27193

renamed simplified chinese translations file from zh to zh_CN; updated zh_TW with latest translations from PAL

2004-05-09 18:52 VZ, revision 27192

fixed wxFileDataObject in Unicode build

2004-05-09 18:35 VZ, revision 27191

(blind) fix for gcc 3.4 warning for an always true comparison in an assert

2004-05-09 17:54 SN, revision 27190

Remove duplicated typedef depending on header file version.

2004-05-09 17:30 SN, revision 27189

Added missing "const" for operator== and operator!=.

2004-05-09 16:30 JS, revision 27188

Fixed size problem due to wxMac window implementation difference

2004-05-09 15:03 SN, revision 27187

Added missing const for comparision operators.

2004-05-09 14:38 SN, revision 27186

Applied patch [ 929275 ] [wxOS2] Missing title bars.

2004-05-09 12:45 JS, revision 27185

Blind fix

2004-05-08 22:16 VS, revision 27184

corrected wxLANGUAGE_CHINESE to use same default as win32 (Taiwan)

2004-05-08 21:15 MBN, revision 27183

Remove duplicate definition caused by last commit.

2004-05-08 20:20 MBN, revision 27182

When wxUSE_STL == 1 and STL provides quasi-standard hash_map/hash_set, wxHashMap/wxHashSet are just typedefs for them. This makes impossible to forward declare these classes.

2004-05-08 19:56 MBN, revision 27181

wxX11 compilation fixes.

2004-05-08 15:41 JS, revision 27180

Added missing textctrl.h include

2004-05-08 14:02 SC, revision 27179

DataBrowserBased CheckList implementation

2004-05-08 12:43 SC, revision 27178

connecting the currently focused text control to the mac os services (Services Menu)

2004-05-08 12:41 SC, revision 27177

scrolling to selection

2004-05-08 10:19 MBN, revision 27176

wxUniversal compilation fix. The fix is ok because this ash is a wxMSW data structure, and can only contain wxMSW windows. Compilation tested with and without wxUniversal and with and without WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4.

2004-05-08 10:17 VZ, revision 27175

added wxUSE_MDI (but forgot to commit before)

2004-05-08 10:05 VZ, revision 27174

removed HandleSysCommand() and don't generate duplicate events for frame maximization/iconization

2004-05-08 10:02 MBN, revision 27173

Add missing #define.

2004-05-08 09:45 MBN, revision 27172

Add missing WXDLLEXPORT.

2004-05-08 09:43 MBN, revision 27171

Remove duplicate definition.

2004-05-08 09:40 MBN, revision 27170

TeX2RTF compilation fixes after my last wxHashTable changes.

2004-05-08 09:38 MBN, revision 27169

CHM help is not compiled for wxUniversal.

2004-05-08 09:33 MBN, revision 27168

Fix for pure virtual method call caused by wxHashTable not overriding virtual destructor.

2004-05-08 09:24 SN, revision 27167

OS/2 PM does not yet support toggle button.

2004-05-08 09:16 SN, revision 27166

OS/2 PM does not yet support toggle button.

2004-05-08 08:58 VZ, revision 27165

fixed spellign typo in comment

2004-05-08 08:57 VZ, revision 27164

add -Icontrib/include when using --inplace

2004-05-08 01:37 RD, revision 27163


2004-05-08 01:29 RD, revision 27162

ActiveX events should be sent to the window, not it's parent.

2004-05-08 01:22 RD, revision 27161

Deprecated wx.iewin

2004-05-08 01:20 RD, revision 27160


2004-05-08 01:12 RD, revision 27159

Don't turn off kwargs for these methods any more

2004-05-08 01:11 RD, revision 27158


2004-05-08 00:51 DS, revision 27157

removed tab characters; minor code cleanup

2004-05-08 00:45 DS, revision 27156

don't repaint window if hidden: reduces flickering of hidden windows which change position (resulting in a repaint) due to for example sizer code

2004-05-07 22:22 VZ, revision 27155


2004-05-07 22:18 RD, revision 27154


2004-05-07 22:17 RD, revision 27153

Switch to using a Python buffer object for the sound from data methods

2004-05-07 22:17 VZ, revision 27152

split wxUSE_MDI from wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE (which is wxUSE_MDI + wxUSE_DOCVIEW)

2004-05-07 22:17 RD, revision 27151

wxMemoryBuffer typemap needs to set the data length

2004-05-07 22:16 VZ, revision 27150

don't define DestroyClippingRegion() any more but simply use the base class version

2004-05-07 22:15 VZ, revision 27149

don't add WS_VISIBLE to all windows style (replaces patch 948992)

2004-05-07 21:43 RD, revision 27148

Some test code for loading sound from data

2004-05-07 21:35 RD, revision 27147

Change wxSound ctor wrappings so sound can be loaded from data

2004-05-07 21:34 RD, revision 27146

Don't use deprecated list methods

2004-05-07 21:00 VZ, revision 27145

complete Polish translations from ABX

2004-05-07 19:52 RD, revision 27144

Patch# 893337, Fix for line control point handling in wxLineShape

2004-05-07 19:36 RD, revision 27143

Patch #930307, really exit if wrong python on the mac

2004-05-07 19:33 RD, revision 27142

Patch #945404, fix icon clipping

2004-05-07 17:14 RD, revision 27141


2004-05-07 17:07 RD, revision 27140

Another addtomethod removed

2004-05-07 17:04 RD, revision 27139

removed a debugging print

2004-05-07 16:34 RD, revision 27138

Added OOR typemaps for wxPanel and wxDialog

2004-05-07 16:34 RD, revision 27137

Corrected _setCallbackInfo code so GiveFeedback can work

2004-05-07 16:11 CE, revision 27136

fix for motif /scintilla bugs

2004-05-07 12:06 VZ, revision 27135

*really* updated the translations (last ommit didn't change anything)

2004-05-07 10:46 DS, revision 27134

applied patch #931719: "ESC closes dialog instead of combobox dropdown" (closes patch #931709)

2004-05-07 08:01 SC, revision 27133

fixed menu item numbering to mac convention

2004-05-07 04:31 RD, revision 27132

SetInitialBestSize changes for wxMac

2004-05-07 01:59 DS, revision 27131

fixed bug #947908: wxString("abcdefghij", wxConvLibc, n) returns an empty string for every n>0 and n<string length (Unicode mode only)

2004-05-07 01:55 RD, revision 27130

Tweaks to work around wxMac bugs

2004-05-07 01:54 RD, revision 27129


2004-05-07 01:51 RD, revision 27128

demo tweaks

2004-05-06 23:47 DS, revision 27127

fixed unused variable warning

2004-05-06 23:42 VZ, revision 27126

added support for --libs=std,... syntax in wx-config

2004-05-06 21:40 RD, revision 27125

Don't #include the extra files unless we need them

2004-05-06 21:15 RD, revision 27124

moved #define to before it is used

2004-05-06 21:02 RD, revision 27123

Use wxVisualAttributes (#if'd out until tested further)

2004-05-06 21:01 RD, revision 27122

Use wxVisualAttributes (partially #if'd out until tested further.)

2004-05-06 18:57 VZ, revision 27121

updated wxstd.po and merged changes in the other catalogs

2004-05-06 18:31 VZ, revision 27120

update from ABX

2004-05-06 18:01 RD, revision 27119


2004-05-06 17:35 RD, revision 27118

Add GetClassDefaultAttribute. Since it is static we need to put the definition in all window classes so the right one will be called on the C++ side of the fence.

2004-05-06 17:34 RD, revision 27117

Some tweaks

2004-05-06 17:33 RD, revision 27116

Oops, forgot to cleanup some commented-out code before last commit. Setting attributes seems to work okay on both multiline and single line widgets for both wxGTK and wxGTK2, so don't disable it for multiline.

2004-05-06 17:26 RD, revision 27115

Get(Class)DefaultAttributes() for wxGTK controls

2004-05-06 14:52 VZ, revision 27114

don't create artificial alpha channel for all bitmaps (patch 949221)

2004-05-06 14:35 VZ, revision 27113

corrections from ABX

2004-05-06 14:33 VZ, revision 27112

more updates from Herbert Breunung

2004-05-06 07:17 VZ, revision 27111

compilation fix for older compilers

2004-05-06 07:02 VZ, revision 27110

warning fix for BSD

2004-05-05 22:46 VZ, revision 27109

call InitDialog() before showing the dialog, not after; also TRUE -> true

2004-05-05 22:45 VZ, revision 27108

oops, added missing const_cast to make last check in compile

2004-05-05 22:43 VZ, revision 27107

use ResetClipping() instead of simply setting m_clipping to false; added call to it to wxDCBase::DestroyClippingRegion() so that some ports don't have to define their own version of it at all

2004-05-05 22:41 VZ, revision 27106

made GetClippingBox() work even for clipping region (pre)set by Windows and not only for clipping regions set using our own SetClippingXXX() functions

2004-05-05 22:36 VZ, revision 27105

mention non-const wxDC::GetPen/Font/Brush() removal

2004-05-05 21:45 VZ, revision 27104

don't use non-const wxDC::GetBackground() which doesn't exist any more

2004-05-05 21:44 VZ, revision 27103

removed non-const accessors for pens, brushes, &c from wxDC

2004-05-05 12:17 VZ, revision 27102

update from ABX

2004-05-05 07:18 SC, revision 27101

using const GetPen

2004-05-04 20:08 RD, revision 27100

Added some info panels that show size and colour attributes about the widget

2004-05-04 18:12 RD, revision 27099

Added multi-line TextCtrl

2004-05-04 17:30 VZ, revision 27098

minor update from Herbert Breunung

2004-05-04 15:00 VZ, revision 27097

check for multiple calls to gtk_glwindow_realized_callback

2004-05-04 14:25 DS, revision 27096

removed tab characters

2004-05-04 14:19 DS, revision 27095

delayed destruction of global memLocker object

2004-05-04 14:05 VZ, revision 27094

update from Marco Cavallini

2004-05-04 13:46 VZ, revision 27093

GetThumbLength() doesn't exist, GetThumbSize() does

2004-05-04 09:40 SC, revision 27092

allowing shaped windows again

2004-05-04 08:52 JS, revision 27091

Name change replacements

2004-05-04 08:27 JS, revision 27090

Name change replacements

2004-05-04 07:17 JS, revision 27089

Improved real Latex support Added missing brace for new perlnote

2004-05-04 07:09 RD, revision 27088

Added wxControl::PostCreation for wxGTK. Moved calls to InheritAttributes and ApplyWidgetStyle there, and added a call to SetInitialBestSize. Also removed calls to Show from Create since PostCreation already does it.

2004-05-04 06:39 RD, revision 27087

Sorted and added StaticBox, StaticLine

2004-05-04 03:09 RD, revision 27086

added notebook test

2004-05-04 02:38 DS, revision 27085

improved backwards compatibility when a wxGauge is (incorrectly) created without wxGA_HORIZONTAL style flag

2004-05-04 00:53 RD, revision 27084

Book controls also shouldn't do anything for SetInitialBestSize

2004-05-03 23:08 RD, revision 27083

Initial/Best size fixes for wxRadioBox, wxSlider and wxStaticText on wxMSW

2004-05-03 23:06 RD, revision 27082

cleanup after an exteption in the postcreate code, added StaticText tests.

2004-05-03 22:58 RD, revision 27081

Added ability to execute more code after the widget is created

2004-05-03 21:31 RD, revision 27080

a little cleanup and refresh

2004-05-03 20:34 RD, revision 27079

Updated layout test

2004-05-03 17:13 RD, revision 27078

Misc tests, scripts, etc.

2004-05-03 12:49 VZ, revision 27077

set best size after filling the control with strings

2004-05-03 12:48 VZ, revision 27076

removed the old hack needed to size the control properly initially, now it is done by simply calling SetBestSize()

2004-05-03 12:42 VZ, revision 27075

set min size to initial size when it is explicitly given

2004-05-03 12:40 VZ, revision 27074

override SetInitialBestSize() to do nothing (we must add our strings first)

2004-05-03 12:38 VZ, revision 27073

call SetInitialBestSize(), not SetBestSize(), when setting the best size initially

2004-05-03 12:33 VZ, revision 27072

moved SetBestSize() to .cpp file; set min size from it

2004-05-03 09:19 VZ, revision 27071


2004-05-03 08:09 JJ, revision 27070

Committing in . OpenVMS issue Modified Files: wxWidgets/src/motif/toplevel.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2004-05-02 17:12 SN, revision 27069

Take the inverted coordinate system into account in wxFindMaxSize.

2004-05-02 17:07 SN, revision 27068

Don't choke on NULL pointer passed into wxRadioBox::GetSize. Take the inverted coordinate system into account when computing size.

2004-05-02 17:05 SN, revision 27067

Don't choke on NULL pointer passed into wxSlider::GetSize. Take the inverted coordinate system into account when computing size.

2004-05-02 16:48 SN, revision 27066

Don't choke on NULL pointer passed into wxSlider::GetSize. Take the inverted coordinate system into account when computing size.

2004-05-02 16:06 VZ, revision 27065

don't let wxChoice created with default size to shrink to nothing in a sizer

2004-05-02 15:25 SN, revision 27064

Workaround for compile problem in IconizeChildFrames.

2004-05-02 15:24 SN, revision 27063

Added missing include.

2004-05-02 13:10 VZ, revision 27062

fixed assert failure for a window which doesn't have a set background colour

2004-05-02 11:16 VZ, revision 27061

moved OnExceptionInMainLoop() in .cpp from header

2004-05-02 09:01 VS, revision 27060

corrected cppunit test's output

2004-05-02 08:14 MBN, revision 27059

Make wxMotif buttons smaller (and nicer) by default, with the option of reverting to the old behaviour.

2004-05-02 08:11 MBN, revision 27058

Fixed MinGW compilation with GCC 3.x when wxUSE_STL == 1.

2004-05-02 08:06 MBN, revision 27057

Added missing NO_GCC_PRAGMA check.

2004-05-02 03:32 RD, revision 27056


2004-05-02 03:25 RD, revision 27055


2004-05-02 03:23 RD, revision 27054

removed duplicate definitiion

2004-05-02 03:14 RD, revision 27053

Added wx.FileSystem support

2004-05-02 03:13 RD, revision 27052


2004-05-02 02:46 RD, revision 27051


2004-05-02 02:45 RD, revision 27050

Added wx.lib.mixins.listctrl.TextEditMixin, a mixin class that allows all columns of a wx.ListCtrl in report mode to be edited.

2004-05-02 02:41 RD, revision 27049

Reverted to old method names/signatures for wx.DC, updated lib and demo to match. Also fixed some deprecation warnings.

2004-05-02 02:38 RD, revision 27048

some methods missing wxPyBeginBlockThreads/wxPyEndBlockThreads

2004-05-02 01:55 RD, revision 27047

Implement some base class virtuals to avoid errors related to this not being a true wxDialog

2004-05-02 00:19 DS, revision 27046

fixed Xcode 1.2 warnings; code cleanup

2004-05-01 22:46 RD, revision 27045

Reverted last change

2004-05-01 22:13 VS, revision 27044

compilation fixes (apparently, gcc <3.4 didn't validate code in templates that were never used, at least in this case)

2004-05-01 22:10 VS, revision 27043

dmars_smake support (bakefile cvs, patch 942877)

2004-05-01 21:42 RD, revision 27042

wxScreenDC also needs a pango context and layout so it can do GetTextExtent

2004-05-01 21:29 RD, revision 27041

In wxGTK2 the wxMessageDialog is not a real wxDialog so its m_widget will always be NULL there will be a wxCHECK asserts triggered whenever calling base class methods that are valid calls (or just ignored) on other wx ports. Added a set of macros to be used to test m_widget that will bypass the wxFAIL if the window is a wxMessageDialog. This will silence those asserts if the window is a wxMessageDialog and will let the method doing the check just be ignored in that case.

2004-05-01 20:59 MBN, revision 27040

Use new wxHashTable implementation not using keyed wxList when !WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_24. It is faster. It is almost 100% compatible, too, the only difference being Next() return value type.

2004-05-01 20:19 MBN, revision 27039

Some wxPerl notes.

2004-05-01 17:08 MBN, revision 27038

Fixed menu separators.

2004-05-01 17:06 MBN, revision 27037

Native wxControl::DoGetBestSize() implementation using XtQueryGeometry().

2004-05-01 17:03 MBN, revision 27036

MSVC 5 fix.

2004-05-01 17:00 MBN, revision 27035

Precompiled headers support.

2004-05-01 16:56 MBN, revision 27034

GCC 3.4 fixes.

2004-05-01 09:37 SC, revision 27033

classic case menubar changed

2004-05-01 09:27 VS, revision 27032

define wxUSE_HOTKEY

2004-05-01 06:34 SC, revision 27031

replacing OSX only carbon calls by classic ones for CFM build

2004-05-01 06:32 SC, revision 27030

positioning of the insertion point at the end

2004-04-30 22:44 VZ, revision 27029

use an internal wxFileSystem in wxHtmlListBox so that references to images could be resolved

2004-04-30 22:15 VZ, revision 27028

fixed bug with SetSelection() not hiding the previously shown page

2004-04-30 21:31 VZ, revision 27027

made TestDestroy public and virtual

2004-04-30 20:55 VS, revision 27026

more dmc fixes (patch 941830)

2004-04-30 20:26 VS, revision 27025

moved Unicode tests to testsuite (patch 943945)

2004-04-30 13:17 VS, revision 27024

don't export private symbols

2004-04-30 12:55 SC, revision 27023

libpng vulnerability CAN-2004-0421

2004-04-30 12:30 SC, revision 27022

adaption for CW 8.3 and quick hack for unicode text control size

2004-04-30 11:11 GT, revision 27021

Updated the embedded sample program to reflect latest class functions. Added a generic HandleError() function as part of the sample program to show a simple way of getting error messages fro database calls Insert/Query/Delete examples shown in the sample

2004-04-30 06:30 RD, revision 27020


2004-04-30 06:29 RD, revision 27019

undid one of the last SWIG tweaks

2004-04-30 06:28 RD, revision 27018

script for the api docs

2004-04-30 06:25 RD, revision 27017

style sheet for the api docs

2004-04-30 06:14 RD, revision 27016

Docstring updates and tweaks for epydoc

2004-04-29 22:32 RD, revision 27015

Adds wxSplitterWindow support, patch from Steve Hartwell.

2004-04-29 20:28 DS, revision 27014

changed hand cursor to look like Windows' hand cursor

2004-04-29 19:19 DS, revision 27013

clarified #error

2004-04-29 18:26 DS, revision 27012

ignore eVC projects and build-debug dir (docs/msw/install.txt suggests it as a build dir)

2004-04-29 17:45 DS, revision 27011

fixed a few typos

2004-04-29 16:07 SC, revision 27010
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx_xcode.h

precompiled headers changed

2004-04-29 15:38 SC, revision 27009

precompiled headers changed

2004-04-29 15:15 SC, revision 27008

resources not needed anymore

2004-04-29 15:14 SC, revision 27007

precompiled headers changed

2004-04-29 13:01 SC, revision 27006

first private implementation for MPRemoteCalls

2004-04-29 12:35 SC, revision 27005


2004-04-29 11:33 SC, revision 27004

at the moment built in 'old' textcontrol has better overall appearance, added fix for 10.3 only tag

2004-04-29 07:42 JJ, revision 27003

Committing in . OpenVMS : supress warnings on unreacheable code Modified Files: wxWidgets/src/motif/dialog.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2004-04-29 04:26 SC, revision 27002

workaround for incorrect find control results because of our non-embedding group boxing

2004-04-28 23:15 DS, revision 27001

don't inherit back- and foreground colour

2004-04-28 23:04 DS, revision 27000

updated to newer zlib version

2004-04-28 22:03 DS, revision 26999

convert all M8.mcp files in a folder, not just the first one

2004-04-28 20:15 VS, revision 26998

re-added still needed zlib

2004-04-28 19:24 SC, revision 26997

fallback for non implemented structure region call

2004-04-28 16:11 VZ, revision 26996

fixed wild card string construction when description is not provided and when it is the default (*.* or *) one

2004-04-28 16:08 VZ, revision 26995

backport wxFileName::GetModificationTime() fix allowing it to work with files already opened [maybe in another application]

2004-04-28 10:48 VZ, revision 26994

let wxFileName::GetModificationTime() work with files already opened [maybe in another application]

2004-04-28 10:42 VZ, revision 26993

open registry keys in read-only mode as we might not have the rights for full access to them (this is default for normal users under XP)

2004-04-28 08:00 JJ, revision 26992

Committing in . OpenVMS updates Modified Files: wxWidgets/contrib/src/deprecated/resource.cpp wxWidgets/src/common/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/common/wfstream.cpp

2004-04-27 20:02 RD, revision 26991

Fixes Bug [ 930200 ] Async does not work Because the wxConsoleAppTraits was being created for GUI apps wxExecute would fail if the wxEXEC_ASYNC flags was used.

2004-04-27 19:59 RD, revision 26990

Change SetStringSelection to return bool like in other classes and ports

2004-04-27 19:36 RD, revision 26989

It's now wx._core

2004-04-27 19:35 RD, revision 26988

Add Unbind methods that can Disconnect event handlers

2004-04-27 19:29 RD, revision 26987

Remove the need for the PyPen class

2004-04-27 19:26 RD, revision 26986

better __docfilter__ and other epydoc tweaks

2004-04-27 17:17 SC, revision 26985

added defines for wxchar workaround

2004-04-27 17:15 SC, revision 26984

specific workaround for XCODE native

2004-04-27 17:13 SC, revision 26983


2004-04-27 13:48 JS, revision 26982

SmartPhone windows are always maximized: Patch 942118

2004-04-26 23:41 RD, revision 26981


2004-04-26 23:38 RD, revision 26980

fixed introspection of objects with attrs without string names.

2004-04-26 23:33 RD, revision 26979

Patch [ 942051 ] generic wxDCBase::DoGetPartialTextExtents speed improvement

2004-04-26 22:28 RD, revision 26978

added missing comma

2004-04-26 22:26 RD, revision 26977

SetStringSelection and etc. fixes

2004-04-26 22:25 RD, revision 26976

Patches from KevinO that work around issues where the widget isn't fully created yet.

2004-04-26 22:23 RD, revision 26975

wxToggleButton on wxMac has these methods now

2004-04-26 22:22 RD, revision 26974

More details about the internal module name changes

2004-04-26 22:22 RD, revision 26973

make it easier to do a gtk2 build

2004-04-26 16:02 RD, revision 26972

Patch [ 941460 ] wxStaticBox note about control Z-Order

2004-04-26 09:58 VS, revision 26971

supress bcc warnings in new zlib

2004-04-26 09:22 VS, revision 26970

another 2.4 compatiblity fix

2004-04-26 05:34 SC, revision 26969

OSX Info.plist

2004-04-26 05:27 SC, revision 26968

xcode 1.2 native targets

2004-04-26 05:20 SC, revision 26967

on xcode native we end up with several definitions otherwise

2004-04-26 05:13 SC, revision 26966

xcode 1.2 project files with native targets and precompiled headers support

2004-04-26 04:59 SC, revision 26965

xcode precompiled headers support

2004-04-25 19:39 VS, revision 26964

don't crash if there's no wxFileSystem instance

2004-04-25 19:26 VS, revision 26963

2.4 backward compatiblity tests should be run only if the library was built in compatibility mode

2004-04-25 11:52 VZ, revision 26962

unused var warning

2004-04-25 11:06 VS, revision 26961

DMC fixes

2004-04-25 08:57 VS, revision 26960

removed GzipStreams, upgraded zlib

2004-04-25 08:55 VS, revision 26959

removed wxGzipStreams (supported by wxZlibStreams now)

2004-04-25 08:50 VS, revision 26958

removed GzipStreams, upgraded zlib

2004-04-25 08:49 VS, revision 26957
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/latex/wx/gzstream.tex
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/gzstream.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/common/gzstream.cpp

removed wxGzipStreams (supported by wxZlibStreams now)

2004-04-25 08:48 VS, revision 26956

upgraded builtin zlib to 1.2.1

2004-04-25 08:46 VS, revision 26955

removed zlib tests

2004-04-25 08:06 , revision 26954
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1/src/zlib/configure
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1/src/zlib/descrip.mms
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1/src/zlib/infblock.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1/src/zlib/infblock.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1/src/zlib/infcodes.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1/src/zlib/infcodes.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1/src/zlib/infutil.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1/src/zlib/infutil.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1/src/zlib/Makefile.riscos
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1/src/zlib/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/ZLIB_1_2_1/src/zlib/maketree.c

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'ZLIB_1_2_1'.

2004-04-25 08:06 VS, revision 26953
  • R /wxWidgets/trunk/src/zlib/algorithm.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/trunk/src/zlib/ChangeLog
  • R /wxWidgets/trunk/src/zlib/INDEX
  • R /wxWidgets/trunk/src/zlib/README

This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r26952, which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches.

2004-04-25 08:06 VS, revision 26952

imported zlib 1.2.1

2004-04-25 08:06 , revision 26951

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'ZLIB'.

2004-04-25 08:06 VS, revision 26950

Initial revision

2004-04-25 08:03 , revision 26949

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'ZLIB_1_1_4'.

2004-04-25 08:03 VS, revision 26948
  • R /wxWidgets/trunk/src/zlib/ChangeLog
  • R /wxWidgets/trunk/src/zlib/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/trunk/src/zlib/INDEX
  • R /wxWidgets/trunk/src/zlib/Makefile.riscos
  • R /wxWidgets/trunk/src/zlib/
  • R /wxWidgets/trunk/src/zlib/README

This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r26947, which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches.

2004-04-25 08:03 VS, revision 26947

imported zlib 1.1.4

2004-04-25 07:03 RD, revision 26946


2004-04-25 06:51 RD, revision 26945

Renamed the core namespace's submodules to have a leading underscore. This is so epydoc will automatically mark them as private and won't document the objects they contain (they'll be docmented via the wx module.)

2004-04-25 00:47 RD, revision 26944


2004-04-25 00:43 RD, revision 26943

silence a bogus error message

2004-04-25 00:39 RD, revision 26942

wx.StaticBox and siblings creation order, and other fixes from Kevin Ollivier

2004-04-25 00:38 RD, revision 26941

Use the right classname

2004-04-25 00:38 RD, revision 26940

We need __docfilter__ too

2004-04-25 00:37 RD, revision 26939

Tweak the text about Sizer changes

2004-04-25 00:34 RD, revision 26938

allow to be imported independently

2004-04-24 07:57 SC, revision 26937

gcc warnings

2004-04-23 19:22 VZ, revision 26936

mention that CountTokens() returns the number of remaining tokens, not the total count

2004-04-23 12:24 SC, revision 26935

added network-to-host noops

2004-04-23 09:14 SC, revision 26934

CFM Build fixes

2004-04-23 08:54 SC, revision 26933

always use opaque structs

2004-04-22 23:25 RD, revision 26932

Add __docfilter__ to modules so epydoc doesn't generate docs for all the SWIG crud in the modules it doesn't need to.

2004-04-22 23:22 RD, revision 26931

A way to make the DC classes in wxPython look like the ones in 2.5, so code can be written that works with both versions.

2004-04-22 22:57 RD, revision 26930

Use PostCreate

2004-04-22 22:57 RD, revision 26929

wxFIXED_MINSIZE is not needed anymore

2004-04-22 22:48 RD, revision 26928


2004-04-22 22:47 RD, revision 26927

Remove some obsolete window styles, added a new sizer flag

2004-04-22 22:46 RD, revision 26926

Add the masked package dir

2004-04-22 22:45 RD, revision 26925

Various tweaks, docstring fixes, etc.

2004-04-22 22:37 RD, revision 26924

Updated SWIG docstring changes, also merged prepend patch

2004-04-22 22:08 RD, revision 26923

Add SetKind accessor

2004-04-22 22:07 RD, revision 26922

Get the GIL before raising an exception

2004-04-22 22:05 RD, revision 26921

Fix wxGTK's menu and menubar so Insert does something other than always append.

2004-04-22 22:04 RD, revision 26920

SetFont may temporarily rset the background to wxNullColour before calling ApplyWidgetStyle, so make sure we don't use an invalid colour.

2004-04-22 22:02 RD, revision 26919

Add SetKind accessor

2004-04-22 21:44 RD, revision 26918

Instead of using GetAdjustedBestSize use the minsize if there is one, otherwise use GetBestSize. This allows for situations where the minsize is smaller than the bestsize (for example, abbreviated state fields will normally be smaller than the 100px best size for wxTextCtrls.)

2004-04-22 21:11 DS, revision 26917

fixed broken filetype filters in file dialogs

2004-04-22 20:51 SC, revision 26916

adapting the MSW way for mutex gui

2004-04-22 20:50 SC, revision 26915

fixes, rewrites, adopting the posix way of resume/suspend (while using MP-API) as throwing exceptions is explicitely not recommended

2004-04-22 18:28 VS, revision 26914

fixed missing CPPUNIT_LIBS,CFLAGS in dmars makefiles

2004-04-22 08:26 VS, revision 26913

fixed generating dmars makefiles

2004-04-21 21:14 VS, revision 26912

applied 928163: zlib truncated output fix

2004-04-21 21:13 VS, revision 26911

applied patch 939076: __SMARTPHONE__ define

2004-04-21 21:04 VS, revision 26910

added wxRegEx::GetMatchCount

2004-04-21 21:03 VS, revision 26909

applied patch 939076: __SMARTPHONE__ define

2004-04-21 20:47 VS, revision 26908

applied 928163: zlib truncated output fix

2004-04-21 20:20 VS, revision 26907

make the tests run a little faster

2004-04-21 20:17 VS, revision 26906

moved wxRegEx test from console to testsuite (patch 938995)

2004-04-21 20:14 VS, revision 26905

small fix (patch 938995)

2004-04-21 20:14 VS, revision 26904

added wxRegEx::GetMatchCount (patch 938995)

2004-04-21 19:20 SC, revision 26903

added define for Aug 2003 gcc update compatibility with Jaguar

2004-04-21 17:43 VZ, revision 26902

fixed #if in Create(); don't use wxModelessWindows any more

2004-04-21 16:16 SC, revision 26901

creating Apple menu programmatically

2004-04-21 15:01 VZ, revision 26900

really fixed crash with strange HDN_GETDISPINFOWs under XP

2004-04-21 13:33 VS, revision 26899

don't use wxFileConfig to parse kdeglobals, it's not meant for such use. Fixes bug 939195

2004-04-21 12:55 VZ, revision 26898

got rid of some ifdefs; added comment explaining why wxYield() is really needed and Update() is not enough

2004-04-21 12:49 VZ, revision 26897

time() takes time_t, not [unsigned] long -- and in fact we don't need to pass it any argument at all

2004-04-21 12:45 VZ, revision 26896

fixed recent modeless dialog breakage caused by removing wxDIALOG_MODAL (wxModelessWindows list doesn't exist any more; wxDialog::SetModal() and IsModalShowing() deperecated)

2004-04-21 11:35 VZ, revision 26895

fixed unused variable warning

2004-04-21 07:19 SC, revision 26894

MPThread implementation by AJ Lavin

2004-04-21 07:04 SC, revision 26893

replaced Yield with YieldIfNeeded for Mac

2004-04-21 07:03 SC, revision 26892

implemented Lower and Raise for OSX

2004-04-21 01:45 RD, revision 26891

MaskedEditControl bugfix pach from Will Sadkin

2004-04-20 23:07 VZ, revision 26890

replaced generic automatic filter string by 2 different ones for all files and all files with the given extension

2004-04-20 22:17 JS, revision 26889

Don't use wxUSE_POCKETPC_UI, determine appropriate UI from SDK defines. Now creates menubar at bottom of window for PPC. Window uses default position and size in PPC.

2004-04-20 22:12 JS, revision 26888

Temporary fix for VC++ compile breakage.

2004-04-20 19:12 JS, revision 26887

Test for SDK in use

2004-04-20 19:11 CE, revision 26886

fix bug compiling with DMC Borland gcc (macos); reverting part of 1.09 to 1.10

2004-04-20 19:08 VS, revision 26885

eliminated some warnings

2004-04-20 19:04 CE, revision 26884

fix bug compiling with DMC Borland gcc (macos); reverting part of 1.09 to 1.10

2004-04-20 18:55 VS, revision 26883

added wxString tests (patch 938082)

2004-04-20 18:54 RR, revision 26882

Applied the two patches from Kevin for gsocket and wxGetTUCTime.

2004-04-20 18:52 JS, revision 26881

Compile fix for eVC++ 4 with PocketPC 2003

2004-04-20 18:48 JS, revision 26880

Added script to generate Wince project

2004-04-20 18:39 VS, revision 26879

backported fix for 64bit archs

2004-04-20 14:33 CE, revision 26878

SF patch #938489 (for VC5)

2004-04-20 13:34 VZ, revision 26877

made Update() virtual

2004-04-20 13:34 CE, revision 26876

SF patch #938489

2004-04-20 11:35 VZ, revision 26875

fixed bug in default filter string construction (you can't Printf() a string in itself)

2004-04-19 23:24 RD, revision 26874

Added new MaskedEditControl code from Will Sadkin. The modules are now locaed in their own sub-package, wx.lib.masked. Demos updated.

2004-04-19 23:22 RD, revision 26873

Add back some missing enums

2004-04-19 23:14 RD, revision 26872

Make sure the window is not iconized before saving position and size.

2004-04-19 22:48 RD, revision 26871

Also Check for validity in comparrison operators

2004-04-19 22:16 RD, revision 26870

Check for validity in __repr__ and __str__

2004-04-19 21:47 RR, revision 26869

Code for single instance and bring-to-top under CE.

2004-04-19 14:41 JS, revision 26868

Don't infinitely recurse when setting the child focus. Without this, nested panels/scrolled windows that work fine on wxGTK, wxMSW can cause infinite recursion on wxMac

2004-04-19 14:02 VZ, revision 26867

compilation fix for wxUSE_VALIDATORS==0

2004-04-18 22:47 VZ, revision 26866

compilation fix for wxUSE_VALIDATORS==0

2004-04-18 21:35 VS, revision 26865

wxVsnprintf_ fix: added %ls,%lc handling (patch 937094)

2004-04-18 20:04 VS, revision 26864

small test suite improvements (patch 937094)

2004-04-18 19:26 VS, revision 26863

applied rest of streams test suite patch

2004-04-18 16:59 SC, revision 26862

alternative direct CFSocket implementation, not yet for production use

2004-04-18 16:42 RR, revision 26861

make spin control flat, too, under Win CE.

2004-04-18 16:37 SC, revision 26860

MSL support also for MSW

2004-04-18 16:37 SC, revision 26859

switching to host / network ordering swapping

2004-04-18 16:33 SC, revision 26858

yielding from main loop

2004-04-18 16:31 SC, revision 26857

otherwise all runloop dependent callbacks cannot work outside of the main thread

2004-04-18 16:30 SC, revision 26856

byte ordering changed to network ordering

2004-04-18 16:28 SC, revision 26855

metrowerks uname support

2004-04-18 14:11 JS, revision 26854

Casting fix

2004-04-18 12:57 VZ, revision 26853

test for __WIN32__, not WIN32 (which might be not defined)

2004-04-18 12:33 VZ, revision 26852

removed work around for 16 bit compilers not defining LPTSTR which was breaking Unicode build unless WIN32 was defined

2004-04-18 10:32 RR, revision 26851

Set default dialog style to 0.

2004-04-18 10:27 RR, revision 26850

Applied patch for hiding statusbar.

2004-04-18 10:15 RR, revision 26849

Fix incomplete stripping of menu text.

2004-04-18 06:40 SC, revision 26848

added fix for MSL under Win32 (by Steve Hartwell)

2004-04-17 22:40 RD, revision 26847

Set m_window to NULL after destroying it

2004-04-17 22:12 RR, revision 26846

Make text controls flat under CE.

2004-04-17 16:46 RR, revision 26845

Since CE cannot do the logical/device origin calculations we do it ourselves as per the X11 ports.

2004-04-17 14:57 RR, revision 26844

Do not set size of PocketPC dialogs upon startup, let the SHInitDialog() code do that following the Interface guidelines.

2004-04-17 14:30 RR, revision 26843

Show the OK button in the title bar under PocketPC and react to pressing it.

2004-04-17 12:10 RR, revision 26842

Make wxHTML compile (and work) under CE.

2004-04-17 02:13 RD, revision 26841

Make InheritAttributes and ShouldInheritColours public so they can be called from derived Python classes.

2004-04-17 02:07 RD, revision 26840

SetDefault should call parent->SetDefaultItem

2004-04-17 02:06 RD, revision 26839

Make InheritAttributes and ShouldInheritColours public so they can be called from derived Python classes.

2004-04-17 02:04 RD, revision 26838

default id's where possible

2004-04-17 02:00 RD, revision 26837

Fix or add some DoGetBestSize's

2004-04-16 21:19 VS, revision 26836

quoting fixes

2004-04-16 20:27 rgammans, revision 26835

Add configure test for presence/compilabilty of multimon.h and display.h header whcih are required for dsrc/msw/display.cpp - but aren't included in mingw.

2004-04-16 20:07 VS, revision 26834

Mingw compilation fixes

2004-04-16 16:37 VS, revision 26833

make users aware of wxInputStream::Eof limitations

2004-04-16 10:57 VZ, revision 26832

use wx_static_cast() inside wxDynamicCast to catch impossible casts at compile-time instead of run-time

2004-04-16 10:30 VZ, revision 26831

added and documented wx_const/static_cast<>

2004-04-16 09:48 VZ, revision 26830

wxEVT_MOVING = 442, not 4442, in event compatibility mode

2004-04-16 09:44 VZ, revision 26829

GetChildrenCount() should be const

2004-04-16 09:21 JS, revision 26828

Updates for Inno Setup 4

2004-04-16 08:36 JS, revision 26827

Updates for Inno Setup 4

2004-04-15 23:21 RD, revision 26826

If the window has a minsize then use that as the BestSize if there is no sizer, contstraints, or children, otherwise use current size as before.

2004-04-15 23:15 VZ, revision 26825

unused variable warning fix (patch 923094)

2004-04-15 23:11 VZ, revision 26824

unused param warning

2004-04-15 23:10 VZ, revision 26823

changed return type of wxCommandEvent::GetClientObject() to wxClientData * from void * and documented it (patch 918655)

2004-04-15 23:02 VZ, revision 26822

use iostream.h and not iostream with OpenWatcom (part of patch 910058)

2004-04-15 22:56 VZ, revision 26821

fixed WaitOnConnect() in non GUI mode (patch 905185)

2004-04-15 22:51 VZ, revision 26820

make XTI compile with VC6 (patch 896614)

2004-04-15 22:43 VZ, revision 26819

fixed DLL build (patch 879706)

2004-04-15 22:34 VZ, revision 26818

define _puttchar for mingw32 as it doesn't have it (patch 875611)

2004-04-15 22:26 VZ, revision 26817

show/hide static box when the wxStaticBoxSizer is shown/hidden (replaces patch 897020)

2004-04-15 22:15 VZ, revision 26816

fixed priority of the mailcap entries (patch 935954)

2004-04-15 22:15 VZ, revision 26815

normalize the case of the volume names too (patch 925887)

2004-04-15 22:07 VZ, revision 26814

fixed priority of the mailcap entries (patch 935954)

2004-04-15 21:53 VS, revision 26813

wxGTK on Mac doesn't need bundles

2004-04-15 20:20 VS, revision 26812

added GetFilenames

2004-04-15 20:12 VS, revision 26811

commdlg.lib is not in evc3

2004-04-15 20:10 RD, revision 26810


2004-04-15 19:57 RD, revision 26809


2004-04-15 19:56 RD, revision 26808

Remove use of m_bestSize

2004-04-15 19:55 RD, revision 26807

Reorder the controls so the RadioButtons work right on Windows

2004-04-15 19:53 RD, revision 26806

Use Update

2004-04-15 19:52 RD, revision 26805

Set stc and xrc to use GENDIR again as SWIG on Mac is still generating slightly different code than the other platforms for some reason

2004-04-15 19:28 RD, revision 26804


2004-04-15 19:27 RD, revision 26803

Use GetHandle for Mac too

2004-04-15 19:27 RD, revision 26802


2004-04-15 19:26 RD, revision 26801

Default for id

2004-04-15 19:22 RD, revision 26800


2004-04-15 19:19 RD, revision 26799

Add width and precision params for wxGridCellFloatEditor

2004-04-15 19:17 DE, revision 26798

Make buttons display the bitmap image instead of the text "Bitmap Button"

2004-04-15 19:01 RD, revision 26797

Added SetDefaultXXX methods

2004-04-15 18:58 RD, revision 26796

install missing headers

2004-04-15 18:31 RD, revision 26795

Added new encoding, new methods

2004-04-15 18:26 RD, revision 26794

Moved some enums around to better match the C++ headers

2004-04-15 18:24 RD, revision 26793


2004-04-15 18:23 RD, revision 26792

Added some convenience methods to wx.Bitmap: SetSize, GetSize, and wx.EmptyBitmap can be called with a wx.Size (or a 2-element sequence) object too. Similar changes were done for wx.Image as well.

2004-04-15 18:13 RD, revision 26791

More about the sizer changes

2004-04-15 18:12 RD, revision 26790

clarify the note about OpenGL errors

2004-04-15 18:12 RD, revision 26789

removed stuff about the decorator classes

2004-04-15 18:11 RD, revision 26788

minor tweaks

2004-04-15 18:10 RR, revision 26787

Added SW_SCROLLCHILDREN to make scrolling work under eVC 3.0 (and probably any Windows CE).

2004-04-15 16:16 DS, revision 26786

made GetAlpha(x, y) const (the docs are already correct)

2004-04-15 15:58 RR, revision 26785

Fix for white area above frame because of funky toolbar/menubar-mix implementation under eVC 3.0.

2004-04-15 15:56 RR, revision 26784

Fix to make frame visible under eVC 3.0

2004-04-15 11:33 DS, revision 26783

ignore all (generated) .con files

2004-04-15 11:06 DS, revision 26782

use Find, not Member

2004-04-15 11:05 DS, revision 26781

improved const-ness of find/Find functions

2004-04-14 23:53 RD, revision 26780

Added #include for non PCH compilers

2004-04-14 23:50 RD, revision 26779

Updated with notes about recent sizer changes

2004-04-14 23:45 RD, revision 26778

Added wxSizerItem::SetMinSize that calls m_window->SetSizeHints if not wxFIXED_MINSIZE, SetInitSize and SetItemMinSize uses SetMinSize, and fixed [ 934651 ] sizeritem's 'minsize' value has no effect in xrc resources

2004-04-14 22:40 RD, revision 26777

Keep track of the initial size that the window was created with, and when the window is added to a sizer use that size with SetSizeHints. This is to fix problems resulting from the previous change where SetSizeHints was called with the initial size from CreateBase. Also, Patch [ 934677 ] wxWindowBase::DoGetBestSize() should exclude hidden windows

2004-04-14 17:31 SC, revision 26776

removing resource based implementations

2004-04-14 16:26 DE, revision 26775

Quick hack removing wxDIALOG_MODAL

2004-04-14 16:19 RD, revision 26774

Don't accidentally instal the MSVCRT.dll from XP as it wont' work on Win98. Use a set from CVS instead of from the SYSDIR.

2004-04-14 16:03 DE, revision 26773

Quick hack to rid the code of wxDIALOG_MODAL

2004-04-14 16:00 SC, revision 26772

resources must be copied, cannot be symlinked

2004-04-14 07:02 VZ, revision 26771

don't use wxDIALOG_MODAL any more

2004-04-14 06:35 RD, revision 26770

docstring tweak

2004-04-14 06:00 DE, revision 26769

wxASSERT_MSG instead of wxASSERT

2004-04-14 05:59 RD, revision 26768

If the icon is smaller than the allotted space then center it.

2004-04-14 05:58 RD, revision 26767

Add wxGridBagSizer to the overview text

2004-04-14 05:57 RD, revision 26766

simplify how the XWindow is extracted for GetHandle

2004-04-14 05:57 RD, revision 26765

The activex dirs got left out.

2004-04-14 05:56 DE, revision 26764

Cocoa_drawRect: Set m_updateRegion using the NSRect or if possible (Panther) using the array from [NSView -getRectsBeingDrawn:count:]

2004-04-14 05:56 RD, revision 26763

Doc tweaks, double the backslashes so they convert properly with ReST

2004-04-14 05:53 DE, revision 26762

Added wxRegion construction from an NSRect or an array of NSRects

2004-04-14 05:52 RD, revision 26761

whitespace cleanup

2004-04-14 05:41 RD, revision 26760

Compilation fixes

2004-04-14 05:39 DE, revision 26759

Rework modal dialog code to not depend on now obsolete wxDIALOG_MODAL flag.

2004-04-14 05:19 RD, revision 26758

Ensure PostCreation is always called, so the widget will be shown properly

2004-04-14 05:17 RD, revision 26757

Fix for #933359

2004-04-13 20:46 DE, revision 26756

new wxRegionRefData has size=1 so rects=malloc(sizeof(BOX))

2004-04-13 20:01 DE, revision 26755

Baked with Bakefile 0.1.4

2004-04-13 19:45 DE, revision 26754

wxCocoa: wxRegion using wxRegionGeneric

2004-04-13 19:38 DE, revision 26753

Added wxRegionGeneric and wxRegionIteratorGeneric using code

2004-04-13 14:24 DE, revision 26752

#import <AppKit/NSCell.h>

2004-04-13 14:20 DE, revision 26751

Change <class PixelData> to <typename PixelData> (2.95 compile fix)

2004-04-13 14:16 DE, revision 26750

s/m_clientData/m_itemClientData/ so it doesn't conflict with wxEvtHandler union

2004-04-13 13:43 VZ, revision 26749
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/bombs/bombsCE.vcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/bombs/bombsCE.vcw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/poem/wxpoemCE.vcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/poem/wxpoemCE.vcw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/controls/controlsCE.vcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/controls/controlsCE.vcw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/minimal/minimalCE.vcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/minimal/minimalCE.vcw

removed old eVC project files

2004-04-13 13:40 DE, revision 26748

Make ObjcRelease() return void like [NSObject -release] not type id.

2004-04-13 12:51 JS, revision 26747

Only call Select within SetString when internal data has been restored, else assert results if the item was selected

2004-04-13 12:26 VZ, revision 26746

don't use WS_POPUP under CE for normal windows

2004-04-13 12:25 VZ, revision 26745

define WS_XXX constants missing in (some) CE SDKs

2004-04-13 12:25 VZ, revision 26744
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/msw/wince/wxBase.vcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/msw/wince/wxBase.vcw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/msw/wince/wxWindowsCE.vcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/msw/wince/wxWindowsCE.vcw

removed old eVC project files

2004-04-13 12:25 VZ, revision 26743

removed m_bestSize

2004-04-13 12:22 VZ, revision 26742

moved dialog/frame styles to their own headers; don't use any styles by default for TLW under Windows CE

2004-04-13 11:33 VZ, revision 26741

added Hindi translation from Dhananjaya Sharma

2004-04-13 11:23 VZ, revision 26740

added DoDrawRoundedRectangle() implementation (patch 931364)

2004-04-13 10:47 VZ, revision 26739

and now fixed USE_CONTEXT_MENU definition as well

2004-04-13 10:46 VZ, revision 26738

fixed USE_CONTEXT_MENU tests

2004-04-13 10:44 VZ, revision 26737

(blind) compilation fix for wxUniv

2004-04-13 10:29 JS, revision 26736

Only call Select within SetString when internal data has been restored, else assert results if the item was selected

2004-04-13 10:23 SC, revision 26735

all databrowser implementation

2004-04-13 05:30 SC, revision 26734

adding event construction

2004-04-13 05:28 SC, revision 26733

switching to native focus and control hit handling

2004-04-13 05:25 SC, revision 26732

switching to native focus handling

2004-04-13 05:21 SC, revision 26731

fixing right click

2004-04-13 05:19 SC, revision 26730

mouse handling changed

2004-04-13 05:16 SC, revision 26729

recursive tab processing

2004-04-13 05:14 SC, revision 26728

switching to CreateXXX methods for Controls and to Hit Event Processing, thus supporting full keyboard access mode

2004-04-12 21:00 VS, revision 26727

aygshell is available on PocketPC and sometimes needed

2004-04-12 19:59 rgammans, revision 26726

* fix bug where editing of the bootom and right most cell is not corectly completed. * Some tidying of end edit code paths. (such as in AutoSizeRowOrCol)

2004-04-12 19:58 rgammans, revision 26725

* fix bug where editing of the bootom and right most cell is not corectly completed. * Some tidying of end edit code paths. (such as in AutoSizeRowOrCol)

2004-04-12 19:24 VZ, revision 26724

added a note about wxTreeCtrl::GetFirst/NextItem(id, long) deprecation

2004-04-12 15:37 RR, revision 26723

eVC 3.0 doesn't like WS_CAPTION. I imagine that eVC 4.0 just ignores it.

2004-04-12 10:35 RR, revision 26722

eVC 3.0 doesn't know ExitProcess() but _exit() is OK.

2004-04-12 10:33 RR, revision 26721

eVC++ 3.0 doesn't know WS_THICKFRAME

2004-04-12 04:58 DE, revision 26720

Change m_windowCurrent to m_currentNSWindow such that m_currentNSWindow is never used directly but only to look up the associated wxCocoaNSWindow. If the wxCocoaNSWindow cannot be found later in UpdateMenuBar then it's likely been destroyed but no crash will result as before.

2004-04-11 21:36 VS, revision 26719

don't use strcpy to copy between overlapping strings, it's undefined operation

2004-04-11 20:59 VS, revision 26718

made it possible to easily regenerate makefiles with stream suit (temporary, before remaining problems are fixed)

2004-04-11 20:59 VS, revision 26717

added more styles (patch 933354)

2004-04-11 20:59 VS, revision 26716

stream tests improvements (patch 924438)

2004-04-11 20:59 VS, revision 26715

added some cppunit convenience macros (part of patch 924438)

2004-04-11 20:58 VS, revision 26714

stream classes docs and code fixes (part of patch 924438)

2004-04-11 19:34 VS, revision 26713

improvements to zlib streams (patch 929416): 1. CanHandleGZip static method 2. code cleanup 3. 2.4 compatibility mode

2004-04-11 19:32 VS, revision 26712

minor correction

2004-04-11 19:11 VS, revision 26711


2004-04-11 17:59 DE, revision 26710

Use wxAutoNSAutoreleasePool when destroying wxIconRefData

2004-04-11 15:23 SC, revision 26709

expose find window method

2004-04-11 15:17 SC, revision 26708

fixing target determination for compositing windows, but we don't always get proper highlights for target windows

2004-04-11 15:14 VS, revision 26707

added wx/msw/wince/libraries.h to workaround SDK differences problems

2004-04-11 14:57 VS, revision 26706

removed aygshell and ceshell from WinCE build, not all SDKs have it

2004-04-11 10:55 VZ, revision 26705

in wxGetFontEncFromCharSet(): map only DEFAULT_CHARSET to wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM (but not all the others); also handle SYMBOL_CHARSET separately

2004-04-11 10:50 VZ, revision 26704

serialize wxNativeEncodingInfo using font names, not numbers which are subject to change

2004-04-11 10:40 VZ, revision 26703

added GetEncodingFromName(); documented it and rearranged the methods in alphaabetical order

2004-04-11 09:47 VS, revision 26702

fixed wxMBConv::cMB2WC and cWC2MB to check for conversion failure

2004-04-11 07:26 DS, revision 26701

applied patch #933086: "scrollbar stops compilation due to missing header"

2004-04-11 04:09 DE, revision 26700

Yield changes: 1. Rework the loop using wxAutoNSAutoreleasePool such that each iteration (get/send event) is done within the context of an NSAutoreleasePool. 2. Use nil instead of [NSDate distantPast] (means the same thing)

2004-04-11 04:06 DE, revision 26699

Add wxAutoNSAutoreleasePool to drawing methods

2004-04-11 04:03 DE, revision 26698

wxWindowCocoaScroller: use wxAutoNSAutoreleasePool in constructor

2004-04-11 03:25 DE, revision 26697

wxIcon::CopyFromBitmap: 1. retain NSImage from bitmap.GetNSImage (since it is alloc/autoreleased) 2. Use a wxAutoNSAutoreleasePool

2004-04-11 00:48 DE, revision 26696

Add wxAutoNSAutoreleasePool to SetSelection()

2004-04-10 23:43 VZ, revision 26695

added support for koi8-u

2004-04-10 16:09 MBN, revision 26694

Compilation fix.

2004-04-10 16:07 MBN, revision 26693

Avoid virtual function hiding.

2004-04-10 05:08 DE, revision 26692

Hide (orderOut:) modal dialogs after stopping modal event loop.

2004-04-10 04:32 DE, revision 26691

Added missing wxT()

2004-04-10 03:54 DE, revision 26690

Added header preprocessor guard

2004-04-10 03:23 DE, revision 26689

Implement a reasonable DoGetBestSize (NSProgressIndicator is not an NSControl)

2004-04-10 03:19 DE, revision 26688

Stub for DoGetBestSize() since this isn't an NSControl

2004-04-10 03:18 DE, revision 26687

1. Faster DoGetBestSize for single-cell controls. 2. Properly handle exceptions so controls which aren't NSControl don't crash.

2004-04-10 03:11 DE, revision 26686

Make DoGetBestSize() always return a width of 100

2004-04-10 00:54 DE, revision 26685

Added wxMac stub header files (include/wx/mac/*.h). make install should now produce a usable installation.

2004-04-10 00:43 DE, revision 26684

Added missing wxT()

2004-04-09 21:44 DE, revision 26683

Baked with Bakefile 0.1.4

2004-04-09 21:33 DE, revision 26682

Changes that were in aclocal.m4 but not here

2004-04-09 21:06 VZ, revision 26681

(blind) compilation fix for wxUniv

2004-04-09 20:20 DE, revision 26680

wxCocoa: native wxNotebook

2004-04-09 20:19 DE, revision 26679

Added files for wxNotebook and wxCocoaNSTabView

2004-04-09 20:13 DE, revision 26678

wxCocoa: added and ObjcRef.h

2004-04-09 15:16 DS, revision 26677

implemented a simple DoGetBestSize() for MSW's wxScrollBar

2004-04-08 19:15 VZ, revision 26676

do use context menu event under wxGTK, it is supported there now

2004-04-08 12:43 VZ, revision 26675

last check in forgot to add WS_VSCROLL to the listbox sttyle, added back to reenable the vertical scrollbar

2004-04-08 12:24 SC, revision 26674

make sure we are comparing the stripped strings

2004-04-08 12:13 VZ, revision 26673

use SetDefaultBackgroundColour() instead of SetBgColour()

2004-04-08 12:13 VZ, revision 26672

suppress warnings during WinCE compilation

2004-04-08 12:11 VZ, revision 26671

we can now use png/jpeg/gif

2004-04-08 12:11 VZ, revision 26670

1. moved InheritAttributes() from wxControl to wxWindow 2. made it inherit only the attributes explicitly set for the parent 3. "explicitly set" means set with SetXXX(), not newly added SetDefaultXXX() 4. documented InheritAttributes(), ShouldInheritColours() and SetDefaultXXX()

2004-04-08 10:21 VZ, revision 26669

corrected wxEVENT_PROPAGATE_XXX constants names

2004-04-07 23:35 RD, revision 26668

Changed name to wxFIXED_MINSIZE since that is more descriptive of what it does. The size can still be changed by the sizer, but it won't query the minsize if this flag is set.

2004-04-07 23:24 RD, revision 26667

Use FIXED_MINSIZE on the listbox

2004-04-07 23:22 RD, revision 26666

Changed name to wxFIXED_MINSIZE since that is more descriptive of what it does. The size can still be changed by the sizer, but it won't query the minsize if this flag is set.

2004-04-07 23:06 RD, revision 26665

Changed name to wxFIXED_MINSIZE since that is more descriptive of what it does. The size can still be changed by the sizer, but it won't query the minsize if this flag is set.

2004-04-07 22:45 RD, revision 26664


2004-04-07 22:42 RD, revision 26663

notes about sizer changes

2004-04-07 22:41 RD, revision 26662

Put back wxMSW's wxStaticBitmap::DoGetBestSize because GetBitmap (used in base DoGBS) is not able to be called until the control is fully constructed

2004-04-07 22:02 RD, revision 26661

use wxBU_EXACTFIT for the small buttons

2004-04-07 21:58 RD, revision 26660

fix for self.root == None

2004-04-07 21:56 RD, revision 26659

set m_bestSize

2004-04-07 21:48 RD, revision 26658


2004-04-07 21:47 RD, revision 26657


2004-04-07 21:26 RD, revision 26656

Use default window IDs

2004-04-07 21:25 RD, revision 26655

Various layout tweaks, wx.FIXED_SIZE added, etc.

2004-04-07 21:22 RD, revision 26654

Add wxRTTI info and set bestSize

2004-04-07 20:43 RD, revision 26653

XRC needs to know about wxFIXED_SIZE too.

2004-04-07 19:50 RD, revision 26652

style tweaked

2004-04-07 19:49 RD, revision 26651

Use wx.CLIP_CHILDREN on the splitter windows

2004-04-07 19:48 RD, revision 26650

changed border style

2004-04-07 19:47 RD, revision 26649

Fixes so bg colors in a notebook on XP are visible again

2004-04-07 19:46 RD, revision 26648

Use a panel

2004-04-07 19:36 RD, revision 26647

Added wx.FIXED_SIZE. Added some new methods to wx.Window Added a Destroy method to wx.TaskbarIcon to help avoid double deletes

2004-04-07 19:32 RD, revision 26646


2004-04-07 19:23 RD, revision 26645

Use the size value passed to the ctor to set the window's minimum size.

2004-04-07 19:21 RD, revision 26644

Added wxFIXED_SIZE. Propogated wxSizer::SetItemMinSize to SetSizeHints for window items. Updated docs for flag parameter to be more readable and understandable.

2004-04-07 05:20 RD, revision 26643

Added some convenience inlines

2004-04-07 05:20 RD, revision 26642

Fixed tex2rtf error

2004-04-06 19:10 RD, revision 26641

Somehow the Validate(), TransferDataToWindow(), TransferDataFromWindow(), and InitDialog() methods got lost.

2004-04-06 17:18 DS, revision 26640

applied patch #928786: "Fix memory leak produced by ConvertArgsToUnicode()"

2004-04-06 15:34 DS, revision 26639

applied patch #926140: "warning cleaning"

2004-04-06 13:19 DS, revision 26638

applied patch #929947: "Various cleaning of warnings under MSW"; removed some tabs

2004-04-06 12:15 VS, revision 26637

applied patch: wxLongLong CppUnit test (928257)

2004-04-06 12:14 VS, revision 26636

this code was taken from console sample, preserve its copyright

2004-04-06 09:49 VS, revision 26635

upgrade to bakefile-0.1.4

2004-04-06 09:48 DS, revision 26634

fixed non-pch compilation, initial window size; slight code cleanup

2004-04-06 09:34 VS, revision 26633

upgrade to bakefile-0.1.4

2004-04-06 07:53 VS, revision 26632

make aclocal-1.8 happy (patch 930105)

2004-04-06 05:37 RD, revision 26631

Check for errors after unicode conversions

2004-04-06 00:09 VZ, revision 26630

update from Tsolakos Stavros

2004-04-05 22:04 VS, revision 26629

don't build console apps for WinCE

2004-04-05 21:57 VS, revision 26628

don't build console apps for WinCE

2004-04-05 20:33 DS, revision 26627

removed HasMultipleSelection() because base class implements it now

2004-04-05 18:25 RD, revision 26626


2004-04-05 18:23 RD, revision 26625

GetDefaultAttributes, and other tweaks needed to get up to date with CVS

2004-04-05 18:16 RD, revision 26624

updated version number

2004-04-05 10:51 VZ, revision 26623

use wxUnusedVar() to suppress warnings about unused variable

2004-04-05 05:20 SC, revision 26622

added recursive invalidation after a Thaw command

2004-04-04 23:36 VZ, revision 26621

don't define functions unused under CE when compiling for it (avoids warnings)

2004-04-04 23:32 VZ, revision 26620

implemented abort() and added stub for getenv(): needed to link with libjpeg/libpng

2004-04-04 23:17 VZ, revision 26619

removed unused stuff (fixes a couple of compilation warnings)

2004-04-04 22:50 VZ, revision 26618

set device origin when drawing on a frame in order to not overwrite the menu/toolbar under Windows CE (doesn't really help however...)

2004-04-04 22:37 VZ, revision 26617

do take the toolbar into account for Windows CE, otherwise the menus overlap with the frame client area

2004-04-04 17:27 VZ, revision 26616

don't define SetShape() for Windows CE; use wxTLWBase::GetDefaultSize() to avoid creating too big windows under CE

2004-04-04 17:26 VZ, revision 26615

added wxTLWBase::GetDefaultSize() to avoid creating windows with default size unsuitable for the current display size

2004-04-04 17:24 VZ, revision 26614

added and documented wxSize::IsFullySpecified() and SetDefaults()

2004-04-04 14:43 VS, revision 26613

wxAutomation not useful on WinCE

2004-04-04 13:04 VZ, revision 26612

include just wrapwin.h and not the entire msw/private.h

2004-04-04 13:02 VZ, revision 26611

GlobalLock/Unlock() are available under CE, no need to redefine them, it is already done in eVC 4 headers

2004-04-04 13:02 VZ, revision 26610

include headers normally included from windows.h and shellapi.h under Windows CE

2004-04-04 13:01 VZ, revision 26609

bsearch() is now available under CE, use it

2004-04-04 13:01 VZ, revision 26608

suppressed unused param warning under CE

2004-04-04 13:01 VZ, revision 26607

do #undef CreateDialog() under CE, what was the reason for not doing it?

2004-04-04 13:00 VZ, revision 26606

include wince/missing.h under CE

2004-04-04 12:59 VZ, revision 26605

removed tons of unused stuff apparently copied verbatim from MS headers (argh!!); added bsearch()

2004-04-04 12:58 VZ, revision 26604

use wxDIB object instead of static ConvertFromBitmap() in CF_DIB case

2004-04-04 12:57 VZ, revision 26603

enable wxDIB for Windows CE

2004-04-04 12:56 VZ, revision 26602

taken the function unused under CE inside #ifndef __WXWINCE__

2004-04-04 12:56 VZ, revision 26601

define BI_RLE4/8 if not defined as well

2004-04-04 12:55 VZ, revision 26600

always use SYSTEM_FONT under CE, it doesn't have any others

2004-04-04 12:54 VZ, revision 26599

include wx/msw/wrapwin.h instead of entire private.h; unTABbed

2004-04-04 12:54 VZ, revision 26598

WinMain() is Unicode under CE (how did this work before?)

2004-04-04 12:47 VZ, revision 26597

include wrapwin.h instead of windows.h directly (fixes CE compilation problems)

2004-04-04 12:30 VZ, revision 26596

implemented bsearch() for CE; added src/msw/wince/crt.cpp

2004-04-04 09:08 SC, revision 26595

corrected content vs structure calculation

2004-04-04 09:07 SC, revision 26594

color must not be set for wxMac

2004-04-03 20:50 VS, revision 26593

more WinCE fixes

2004-04-03 19:03 VS, revision 26592

WinCE compilation fix

2004-04-03 17:43 SN, revision 26591

Commited slighly modified fix by David Parsons.

2004-04-03 16:22 VS, revision 26590

regex lib doesn't build under WinCE either

2004-04-03 16:12 VS, revision 26589

WinCE compilation fixes (is this correct?)

2004-04-03 16:09 SN, revision 26588

Avoid core dumps when SetImageList is used.

2004-04-03 14:50 SC, revision 26587

concentrating content and structure region calculations

2004-04-03 14:41 SC, revision 26586

concentrating content and structure region calculations

2004-04-03 12:48 VS, revision 26585

eVC fixes: don't build MSW-only files

2004-04-03 10:56 VS, revision 26584

precompiled headers fix

2004-04-03 05:16 DE, revision 26583

Make DoGetBestSize cache the value of GetSize() the first time it is called for the case when the control is a regular window with no children.

2004-04-03 03:21 RD, revision 26582

m_font may not have been set yet. Default to letting GetTextExtent call GetFont.

2004-04-02 20:09 RD, revision 26581

typos fixed

2004-04-02 17:43 DE, revision 26580

Added wxObjcAutoRef* classes for automatic retain/release of Objective-C objects

2004-04-02 15:57 JS, revision 26579

Allow app to call SetWindowVariant before creation of control

2004-04-02 08:37 SC, revision 26578

adding QDSwapPort for performance reasons

2004-04-02 08:29 SC, revision 26577

supporting non-theme fonts

2004-04-01 22:42 DE, revision 26576

wxCocoa: use generic wxSpinCtrl

2004-04-01 21:12 VS, revision 26575

syntax fixes

2004-04-01 21:10 VS, revision 26574

moved arrays tests to testsuite (patch 927475)

2004-04-01 20:34 VS, revision 26573

fixed compilation with bakefile-0.1.3 after my latest changes

2004-04-01 20:20 VS, revision 26572

added support for building eVC projects (not yet tested)

2004-04-01 20:20 VS, revision 26571

libtiff doesn't build on WinCE

2004-04-01 20:19 VS, revision 26570

compilation fix for WinCE

2004-04-01 19:51 VS, revision 26569

WinCE SDK doesn't have crtdbg.h

2004-04-01 19:48 , revision 26568
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatedll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatelib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/build/fl/fl_fldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/build/fl/fl_fllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/build/net/netutils.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/build/stc/stc_stcdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/build/stc/stc_stclib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/build/svg/svg_svgdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/build/svg/svg_svglib.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/contrib/src
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/demos/dbbrowse/makefile.gtk
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/include
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/include/wx/mac/carbon
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/include/wx/mac/classic
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/lib/dummy
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/lib/vms_gtk_univ.opt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/misc/afm
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/misc/afm/.cvsignore
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/misc/afm/Zapf.afm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/grid/bitmap1.bmp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/grid/bitmap2.bmp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/internat/internat.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/internat/internat.rc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/internat/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/internat/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/layout/expt.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/layout/fload.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/layout/layout.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/layout/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/mdi/chart.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/mdi/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/mdi/mdi.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/mdi/mdi.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/mdi/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/png/pngdemo.rc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/printing/fload.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/samples/printing/printing.def
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  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/
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  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/makemac6.mcp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/png.5
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/png.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/png.dsp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/png.dsw
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/png.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngasmrd.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngconf.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngerror.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pnggccrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngget.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngM5.xml
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngM7.mcp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngM8.xml
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngmem.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngpread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngrio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngrtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngrutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngset.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngtest.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngtrans.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngvcrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngwio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngwrite.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngwtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/pngwutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/projects/beos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/projects/beos/x86-shared.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/projects/beos/x86-static.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/README
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/scripts/build.bat
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/scripts/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/scripts/makefile.ama
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/scripts/makefile.atr
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/scripts/makefile.lnx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/scripts/makefile.mip
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/scripts/makefile.s2x
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/scripts/makefile.sgi
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/scripts/makefile.sun
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/scripts/makefile.wat
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/TODO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/png/Y2KINFO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/regex/regfronts.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/stc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/unix/net.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/zlib/algorithm.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/zlib/ChangeLog
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/zlib/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/zlib/descrip.mms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/zlib/INDEX
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/zlib/Makefile.in2
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/zlib/Makefile.riscos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/zlib/
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/zlib/README
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/src/zlib/trees.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/utils/HelpGen/helpgen.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/utils/HelpGen/makefile.bcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/utils/HelpGen/makefile.gcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/utils/HelpGen/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/utils/HelpGen/makefile.wat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/utils/wxprop
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_5/wxPython

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'wxPy_2_5_1_5'.

2004-04-01 19:48 RD, revision 26567

embedded sample's README updates

2004-04-01 19:43 JS, revision 26566

Fixed warning

2004-04-01 19:39 RD, revision 26565

What the hell, let's spin up another full release

2004-04-01 19:36 RD, revision 26564

final tweaks for embedded

2004-04-01 19:28 JS, revision 26563

Implemented Enable for wxMenuBar to avoid assert

2004-04-01 19:23 RD, revision 26562

The reinit of the stock objects shoudl not happen when wxPython is embedded in a C++ wx application

2004-04-01 19:22 RD, revision 26561

Fixed the embedded smaple so that it actually works, wx-ified the Python bits

2004-04-01 18:05 RD, revision 26560

embedded sample compiles again

2004-04-01 18:03 RD, revision 26559

Build and Install steps updated

2004-04-01 17:44 RD, revision 26558

Demo tweaks to correct some visual glitches and event order issues

2004-04-01 16:38 DE, revision 26557

#include "wx/settings.h" for wxSystemSettings

2004-04-01 15:43 SC, revision 26556

Assert for incorrect style, added Deselection for single selection lists

2004-04-01 15:26 SC, revision 26555

default to striped background

2004-04-01 15:24 SC, revision 26554

supporting events also for root control (needed for event handling of mouse and paint at tlw-level)

2004-04-01 15:19 SC, revision 26553

fixing shape windows, as we now use the structure region for answering questions about position and size, we cannot use GetRect in the defproc anymore

2004-04-01 15:18 SC, revision 26552

pass in NULL for mouse event handler, otherwise the handler thinks it is a valid toplevel window

2004-04-01 14:54 VZ, revision 26551

removed (well, kept empty shell to avoid breaking existing code) InheritAttributes()

2004-04-01 14:15 VZ, revision 26550

fixed DoGetBestSize() for default buttons

2004-04-01 13:55 VZ, revision 26549

implemented GetBestSize()

2004-04-01 13:32 VZ, revision 26548

wxGTK became a little too eager in using the best size after my change in 1.453; only use it if width or height are not specified

2004-04-01 13:16 VZ, revision 26547

added script for generating tags file for wxGTK

2004-04-01 13:09 VZ, revision 26546

use GetFont() instead of (possibly not initialized) m_font in GetCharWidth/Height()

2004-04-01 13:08 VZ, revision 26545

show window from PostCreation() (which is called for the derived classes as well) instead of Create() (which is not)

2004-04-01 12:45 VZ, revision 26544

only use font/colours in SetWidgetStyle() if they're set

2004-04-01 12:41 VZ, revision 26543

really show the menubar (calling Show(TRUE) doesn't do it any more)

2004-04-01 12:40 VZ, revision 26542

really show the window after creation (calling Show(TRUE) doesn't do it any more)

2004-04-01 12:22 VS, revision 26541

forgot to add header file

2004-04-01 11:51 VS, revision 26540

test program improvements (patch 927429)

2004-04-01 11:08 VZ, revision 26539

use the window default colours, not hardcoded ones, in OnSysColourChanged()

2004-04-01 11:05 VZ, revision 26538

give the panel 3D grey colour by default: as it's not a native control, we must give it a colour explicitly

2004-04-01 11:04 VZ, revision 26537

use wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE only for wxPreviewCanvas, not for the entire wxPreviewFrame -- this eliminates flicker of the control bar, at least

2004-04-01 10:34 VZ, revision 26536

fixed unused param warning

2004-04-01 10:13 VS, revision 26535

commited streams test suite (not part of build yet, coming soon)

2004-04-01 08:34 SC, revision 26534

added adjustOrigin parameter to bounds calculation, added Freeze and Thaw implementation

2004-04-01 08:32 SC, revision 26533

added adjustOrigin parameter to bounds calculation

2004-04-01 07:17 VS, revision 26532

BCC fixes

2004-04-01 07:05 SC, revision 26531

removed duplicate background colour setting (was leading to ignoral of the second one in Create)

2004-04-01 05:58 SC, revision 26530

removed flags for wxOK etc that interfere with miniframe style

2004-04-01 05:18 SC, revision 26529

cast corrected

2004-04-01 00:19 VZ, revision 26528

no changes

2004-04-01 00:15 VZ, revision 26527

use MSWCreateControl() instead of the old mess; implemented Get(Class)DefaultAttributes()

2004-04-01 00:14 VZ, revision 26526

implemented Get(Class)DefaultAttributes()

2004-04-01 00:10 VZ, revision 26525

removed SetFont() inheriting the parents font

2004-04-01 00:09 VZ, revision 26524

added wxGetCCDefaultFont() returning the default icon font

2004-04-01 00:07 VZ, revision 26523

default implementation of Get(Class)DefaultAttributes()

2004-04-01 00:05 VZ, revision 26522

added Get(Class)DefaultAttributes()

2004-03-31 20:49 DE, revision 26521

Update Rez command to reflect new location for .r files.

2004-03-31 19:01 SC, revision 26520

corrected Refresh (client coordinates)

2004-03-31 16:45 SC, revision 26519

scrollbars added

2004-03-31 16:32 JS, revision 26518

Added version test

2004-03-31 15:43 RR, revision 26517

Applied patch for Intel compiler.

2004-03-31 13:26 SC, revision 26516

different approaches implemented

2004-03-31 13:23 SC, revision 26515

refresh on move changed

2004-03-31 08:19 SC, revision 26514

reverting drawing code

2004-03-31 08:15 VZ, revision 26513

fixed compilation for Mac (MacUpdateImmediately() doesn't exist any more)

2004-03-30 23:47 VZ, revision 26512

set SMALL_FONT for controls here because InheritAttributes() doesn't do it any longer

2004-03-30 23:16 VZ, revision 26511

don't inherit font from the parent by default

2004-03-30 23:14 VZ, revision 26510

documented Set/GetWindowVariant()

2004-03-30 21:46 , revision 26509
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatedll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatelib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/build/fl/fl_fldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/build/fl/fl_fllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/build/net/netutils.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/build/stc/stc_stcdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/build/stc/stc_stclib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/build/svg/svg_svgdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/build/svg/svg_svglib.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/contrib/src
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/demos/dbbrowse/makefile.gtk
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/include
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/include/wx/mac/carbon
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/include/wx/mac/classic
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/lib/dummy
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/lib/vms_gtk_univ.opt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/misc/afm
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/misc/afm/.cvsignore
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/misc/afm/Zapf.afm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/grid/bitmap1.bmp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/grid/bitmap2.bmp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/internat/internat.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/internat/internat.rc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/internat/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/internat/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/layout/expt.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/layout/fload.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/layout/layout.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/layout/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/mdi/chart.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/mdi/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/mdi/mdi.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/mdi/mdi.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/mdi/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/png/pngdemo.rc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/printing/fload.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/printing/printing.def
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/splitter/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/tab/mondrian.ico
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/taskbar/mondrian.ico
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/taskbar/mondrian.xpm
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/taskbar/tbtest.rc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/samples/treectrl/treetest.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/common/
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/common/wincmn.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/expat
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/expat/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/expat/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/expat/expat.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/expat/lib/expat.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/expat/lib/internal.h
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/expat/lib/macconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/expat/lib/xmlparse.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/generic
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk/verti.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk1/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk1/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk1/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk1/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk1/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/gtk1/verti.xbm
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  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/checklst.cpp
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  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/minifram.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/msgdlg.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/notebmac.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/palette.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/pen.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/pnghand.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/printdlg.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/printmac.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/radiobox.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/radiobut.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/region.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/renderer.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/scrolbar.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/settings.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/slider.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/sound.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/spinbutt.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/spinctrl.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/statbmp.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/statbox.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/statbrma.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/statline.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/statlmac.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/stattext.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/tabctrl.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/textctrl.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/tglbtn.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/thread.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/timer.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/toolbar.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/tooltip.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/toplevel.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/treectrl.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/uma.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/utils.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/utilsexc.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/window.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/carbon/wxmac.icns
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/accel.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/aga.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/app.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/apprsrc.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/apprsrc.r
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/bitmap.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/bmpbuttn.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/brush.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/button.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/carbrsrc.r
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/checkbox.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/checklst.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/choice.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/clipbrd.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/colordlg.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/colour.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/combobox.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/control.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/corersrc.r
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/cursor.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/data.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/dataobj.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/dc.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/dcclient.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/dcmemory.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/dcprint.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/dcscreen.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/dialog.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/dirdlg.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/dirmac.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/display.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/dnd.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/filedlg.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/font.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/fontdlg.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/fontenum.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/fontutil.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/frame.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/gauge.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/gdiobj.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/glcanvas.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/gsocket.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/gsockosx.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/gsockosx.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/helpxxxx.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/hid.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/icon.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/joystick.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/listbox.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/macnotfy.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/main.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/mdi.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/menu.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/menuitem.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/metafile.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/mimetmac.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/minifram.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/morefile
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/msgdlg.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/notebmac.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/palette.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/pen.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/pnghand.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/printdlg.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/printmac.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/radiobox.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/radiobut.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/region.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/renderer.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/scrolbar.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/settings.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/slider.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/sound.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/spinbutt.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/spinctrl.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/statbmp.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/statbox.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/statbrma.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/statline.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/statlmac.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/stattext.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/tabctrl.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/textctrl.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/tglbtn.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/thread.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/timer.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/toolbar.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/tooltip.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/toplevel.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/treectrl.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/uma.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/utils.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/utilsexc.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/window.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/classic/wxmac.icns
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/mac/corefoundation
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/.cvsignore
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/ANNOUNCE
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/ansi2knr.1
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/ansi2knr.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/CHANGES
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/example.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/INSTALL
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/KNOWNBUG
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/LICENSE
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/libpng.3
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/libpng.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/libpngpf.3
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/MAKEFILE.VA
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/makefile.dos
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/makefile.unx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/makefile.wat
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/makemac6.mcp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/png.5
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/png.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/png.dsp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/png.dsw
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/png.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngasmrd.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngconf.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngerror.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pnggccrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngget.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngM5.xml
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngM7.mcp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngM8.xml
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngmem.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngpread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngrio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngrtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngrutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngset.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngtest.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngtrans.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngvcrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngwio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngwrite.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngwtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/pngwutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/projects/beos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/projects/beos/x86-shared.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/projects/beos/x86-static.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/README
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/scripts/build.bat
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/scripts/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/scripts/makefile.ama
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/scripts/makefile.atr
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/scripts/makefile.lnx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/scripts/makefile.mip
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/scripts/makefile.s2x
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/scripts/makefile.sgi
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/scripts/makefile.sun
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/scripts/makefile.wat
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/TODO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/png/Y2KINFO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/regex/regfronts.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/stc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/unix/net.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/zlib/algorithm.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/zlib/ChangeLog
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/zlib/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/zlib/descrip.mms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/zlib/INDEX
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/zlib/Makefile.in2
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/zlib/Makefile.riscos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/zlib/
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/zlib/README
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/src/zlib/trees.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/utils/HelpGen/helpgen.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/utils/HelpGen/makefile.bcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/utils/HelpGen/makefile.gcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/utils/HelpGen/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/utils/HelpGen/makefile.wat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/utils/wxprop
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_5_1_4/wxPython

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'wxPy_2_5_1_4'.

2004-03-30 21:46 RD, revision 26508

More notes about the type conversion fragment. Cross linked CHANGES and MigrarionGuide.

2004-03-30 20:52 VZ, revision 26507

call wxApp::OnExceptionInMainLoop() when an exception occurs (refactored the change 1.16->1.17)

2004-03-30 20:50 VZ, revision 26506

implemented wxApp::OnExceptionInMainLoop()

2004-03-30 20:49 VZ, revision 26505

added and documented wxApp::OnExceptionInMainLoop()

2004-03-30 20:09 RD, revision 26504


2004-03-30 19:54 RD, revision 26503

Version number update

2004-03-30 19:50 RD, revision 26502

Better conversion functions for integral and floating point types, allows truncated floats to be used where integers are expeceted, raises more meaningful exceptions, etc.

2004-03-30 19:17 RD, revision 26501

remove 'point' arg from kwargs if it was replaced

2004-03-30 18:29 SC, revision 26500

fixing auto wrap and default font

2004-03-30 17:10 VZ, revision 26499

implemented Freeze/Thaw() (patch 922156)

2004-03-30 16:57 SC, revision 26498

databrowser notification trigger events now

2004-03-30 16:53 SC, revision 26497

use base class implementation

2004-03-30 16:42 JS, revision 26496

More installation instruction tweaks

2004-03-30 16:38 JS, revision 26495

Fix for missing __CHAR_BIT__ under MacOS X

2004-03-30 16:26 JS, revision 26494

Compile fixes for 10.2 headers

2004-03-30 16:09 SC, revision 26493

reexported and changed linefeeds to unix

2004-03-30 14:43 JS, revision 26492


2004-03-30 14:43 SC, revision 26491

since we are not getting the kEventDraw messages for everything we handle UserPanes via a proper draw proc and only dispatch the kEventDraw for the native OS controls

2004-03-30 14:38 VZ, revision 26490

use -lcma for a build with threads under HP-UX using native compiler

2004-03-30 14:28 VZ, revision 26489

define _INCLUDE__STDC_A1_SOURCE for HP-UX, it is apparently needed to get mbtowcs() &c

2004-03-30 12:55 SC, revision 26488

mixed height and width

2004-03-30 12:44 SC, revision 26487

commented that redraw workaround as it was causing more harm than benefit

2004-03-30 10:26 JS, revision 26486

Removed redundant lines

2004-03-30 08:11 JS, revision 26485

Added Ryan Wilcox's creator type setting script

2004-03-30 02:18 RD, revision 26484


2004-03-30 02:18 RD, revision 26483


2004-03-30 01:52 RD, revision 26482


2004-03-30 01:52 RD, revision 26481

Forward declare wxPyScrolledWindow

2004-03-30 01:51 RD, revision 26480

fixed GetFirstChild/GetNextChild to make a copy of the wxTreeItemId

2004-03-30 01:50 DE, revision 26479

Do not #undef wxNEED_PRINTF_CONVERSION if wxVsnprintf_ has not been defined (to an OS implementation). Instead, check when delcaring the wxSnprintf and wxVsnprintf wrappers and only define them if wxVsnprintf_ has been defined. This allows HAVE_VSWPRINTF to be false yet still allow other OS wchar functions to be used which will be needed to work around FreeBSD/Darwin.

2004-03-30 00:56 DE, revision 26478

GetMenuBar() now traverses up the hierarchy so it no longer has to be done here.

2004-03-30 00:49 DE, revision 26477

wxMenuBase changes: 1. GetMenuBar() tries GetParent()->GetMenuBar() first (traverse up hierarchy). 2. IsAttached() returns true if GetMenuBar() returns a menubar. 3. AddSubMenu() does not call Attach() on added submenus.

2004-03-30 00:43 DE, revision 26476

Instead of m_menuBar use GetMenuBar() which will be modified (with next patch) to traverse up the menu hierarchy to return the menu bar.

2004-03-30 00:15 RD, revision 26475

Regenerated ReST docs, removed the config setting that outputs the generated date so these will change less often.

2004-03-30 00:14 RD, revision 26474

Updated version number

2004-03-30 00:10 RD, revision 26473

Generate pywrap as a console tool.

2004-03-29 20:59 PKO, revision 26472

Oops. Put @echo off line back in. Only needed to change pythonw.exe to python.exe.

2004-03-29 20:54 PKO, revision 26471

Made more useable from the command-line, since that is its primary purpose.

2004-03-29 20:01 RD, revision 26470

Check that the file successfully loaded, use the length read for the conversion.

2004-03-29 19:04 SC, revision 26469

attempt to work around SDK specific problems

2004-03-29 18:46 VS, revision 26468

applied patch 923858 (fixes crash in zlib streams)

2004-03-29 18:34 SC, revision 26467

BestSize is ok for built-ins

2004-03-29 18:17 SC, revision 26466

another attempt to export

2004-03-29 18:07 RR, revision 26465

Applied SetForegorund colour patch for GTK2.

2004-03-29 18:02 RR, revision 26464

Applied patches.

2004-03-29 16:23 SC, revision 26463

added tlw include

2004-03-29 16:06 SC, revision 26462

best size calculations based on bitmap size

2004-03-29 15:54 RD, revision 26461

if basePath is empty use '.'

2004-03-29 15:52 RD, revision 26460

Use "&Help" so wxMac doesn't make an extra help menu

2004-03-29 14:56 SC, revision 26459

Update Region is not always correct, we use the visible region therefore

2004-03-29 14:54 SC, revision 26458

UMADrawControl is not to be used anymore

2004-03-29 14:49 SC, revision 26457


2004-03-29 12:46 SC, revision 26456

SetSize with all -1 was returning too soon in some cases

2004-03-29 12:12 SC, revision 26455

fixed multiline wrap-around

2004-03-29 12:02 VZ, revision 26454

added a howto for adding a new encoding to wxWin