

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-09-15 10:15 JS, revision 17190

Updated makewx... scripts

2002-09-15 07:30 SC, revision 17189

merged deleted code back

2002-09-15 00:29 SN, revision 17188

Applied revised patch 606235 (Cell overflow refresh fixed).

2002-09-14 21:37 VZ, revision 17187

we do want arrows even in a read only text ctrl

2002-09-14 21:36 VZ, revision 17186

recreate the toolbar entirely when its text/icons style changes

2002-09-14 21:35 RR, revision 17185

Compile fix for the iPaq. No idea why.

2002-09-14 21:34 VZ, revision 17184

no changes

2002-09-14 21:07 VZ, revision 17183

set size if it's initially == wxDefaultSize() in MSWCreateControl

2002-09-14 20:49 RR, revision 17182

Updated some comments.

2002-09-14 18:38 VZ, revision 17181

printf() format warning fix

2002-09-14 18:35 RR, revision 17180

Added spec file for wxX11.

2002-09-14 18:34 RR, revision 17179

Added make dist for wxX11 to makefile.

2002-09-14 18:33 RR, revision 17178

Added todo file for wxX11. Empty still.

2002-09-14 17:28 JS, revision 17177

Added back the missing wxDash line

2002-09-14 17:23 JS, revision 17176

BC++: Disabled precompiled headers for png library, since it seemed to mess up compilation Moved EXTRACPPFLAGS to end of command line so they override current settings

2002-09-14 15:00 RR, revision 17175

Enable execute code for Unicode. This also makes printing to the printer work in Unicode mode.

2002-09-14 09:35 GD, revision 17174

added missing wxSTD for cout/endl

2002-09-14 08:31 JS, revision 17173

Applied patch [ 608876 ] Improvements to installation docs

2002-09-14 05:56 GD, revision 17172

don't override INSTALL as install path is made absolute in configure

2002-09-14 02:11 DW, revision 17171

new module def file for .dll build

2002-09-14 02:10 DW, revision 17170

OS/2 update

2002-09-14 02:09 DW, revision 17169

TRUE not true; FALSE not false

2002-09-14 00:15 RL, revision 17168

define the undefined wxThePrintSetup global.

2002-09-13 23:22 VS, revision 17167

another fix for wxSnprintf_

2002-09-13 22:02 RR, revision 17166

Backward comp. fix.