

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-10-15 16:16 SC, revision 17540

wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE implementation

2002-10-15 16:02 JS, revision 17539

Fixed wxUSE_THREADS typo

2002-10-15 15:39 JS, revision 17538

Fixed SString.h for gcc 2.96

2002-10-15 15:03 SC, revision 17537

added wxBitmap::ConvertToImage code for native icons and pictures

2002-10-15 15:01 SC, revision 17536

line ending commands under condition of PC endings (added also to WriteText)

2002-10-15 14:15 DW, revision 17535

More duplicate symbol fixes for VisualAge builds.

2002-10-15 14:12 DW, revision 17534

More dll updates

2002-10-15 13:55 VZ, revision 17533

fixed gauge overflow

2002-10-15 13:25 VZ, revision 17532

don't divide by 0 in SetValue/Range(); minor code cleanup

2002-10-14 22:40 VS, revision 17531

given an assert when trying to do something stupid

2002-10-14 22:31 VS, revision 17530

documented wxXmlResourceHandler::IsOfClass

2002-10-14 21:31 DW, revision 17529

Weekly OS/2 updates

2002-10-14 20:44 DW, revision 17528

Fixups for duplicate symbols errors under VisualAge C++ for OS/2.

2002-10-14 20:42 DW, revision 17527

VISUALAGE OS/2 fixups needed for new Png lib.

2002-10-14 19:39 DW, revision 17526

Getting rid of ctl3d32.lib for command-line builds (not used anymore per Julian).

2002-10-14 18:35 SC, revision 17525

added kHighLevelEvent to the group of events that don't need correction of modifiers

2002-10-14 17:25 VZ, revision 17524

added HasSelection() (forgot to commit yesterday)

2002-10-14 12:48 VZ, revision 17523

Only set WXUSINGDLL=0 when not set (patch 620174)

2002-10-13 22:37 VZ, revision 17522

call Layout() from Show(TRUE) to ensure that all dialogs are correctly laid out initially

2002-10-13 21:03 RR, revision 17521

Combox gets its own SetFocus() wxDialog() set the focus to itself when shown. This will the propagate to some control in the dialog. I am not sure if this will override preceding user's call to SetFocus() in one of the child windows.

2002-10-13 21:01 RR, revision 17520

Give wxComboBox an extra SetFocus() method.

2002-10-13 19:27 VZ, revision 17519

added more tests for SetValue/WriteText

2002-10-13 19:24 VZ, revision 17518

each of SetValue(), WriteText() and AppendText() now generates exactly one EVT_TEXT() event for all kinds of controls (plain EDIT, rich, rich version 2)

2002-10-13 19:13 VZ, revision 17517

more typos in #ifs fixed

2002-10-13 19:08 VZ, revision 17516

handle files with .cc extension properly (patch 622687)