

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-12-08 18:48 MBN, revision 18115

Refactored & cleaned up wxChoice & wxComboBox code, fixed client data handling, implemented wxControlWIthItems' methods correctly, fixed a couple of other bugs.

2002-12-08 18:43 MBN, revision 18114

Added wxClientDataDictionary, used (in wxMotif ATM) to maintain the association between wxControlWithItems' items and their client data.

2002-12-08 18:38 MBN, revision 18113

Replaced int with size_t where appropriate, added WXDLLEXPORT, corrected a bug in RemoveAt.

2002-12-08 18:02 RR, revision 18112

Catching dclick event from a spinbutton or spin control crashes GTK 1.2 sooner or later. Just disable this event for now. Should also be in 2.4, actually.

2002-12-08 16:10 rgammans, revision 18111

Documentation for wxDbGrid from patch 638274 Updates with the aim of improving readability.

2002-12-08 16:04 rgammans, revision 18110

new member functio of wxDbColInfo to allow two step creation , to be descibed in the docs.

2002-12-08 13:23 VS, revision 18109

Fixed EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED and _CHANGING under MSLU (patch 631815) (backported from the trunk)

2002-12-08 13:23 VS, revision 18108

Fixed EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED and _CHANGING under MSLU (patch 631815)

2002-12-08 13:22 VS, revision 18107

XRC assigns ID to wxStaticBox created by including wxStaticBoxSizer (did what patch 632470 was supposed to do) (backported from the trunk)

2002-12-08 13:22 VS, revision 18106

XRC assigns ID to wxStaticBox created by including wxStaticBoxSizer (did what patch 632470 was supposed to do)

2002-12-08 13:21 VS, revision 18105

Unicode compilation fixes for treectrl sample (backported to 2.4)

2002-12-08 13:21 VS, revision 18104

Unicode compilation fixes for treectrl sample

2002-12-08 13:20 VS, revision 18103

fixed Vadim's removal of XPM handler

2002-12-08 00:57 VZ, revision 18102

don't add XPM handler in wxInitAllImageHandlers() because it had been already edited in wxImage::nitStandardHandlers()

2002-12-07 23:58 VZ, revision 18101

always declare wxAppInitializerFunction() as returning wxApp, whether we use gcc or not

2002-12-07 16:08 JS, revision 18100

Committed vcw files also

2002-12-07 16:05 JS, revision 18099

Converted wxBase also

2002-12-07 15:41 RR, revision 18098

Various compile fixes for WinCE.

2002-12-07 15:37 SN, revision 18097

Version number changes. Added information on how to circumvent make's problems with auto-generated .d files.

2002-12-07 15:31 JS, revision 18096

Corrected line endings, deps now relative

2002-12-07 15:21 SN, revision 18095

Added information on how to circumvent make's problems with auto-generated .d files.

2002-12-07 12:38 RR, revision 18094

Added simplistic makefile/project files for wxWinCE.

2002-12-07 12:36 RR, revision 18093

Platform define for wxWinCE

2002-12-07 09:18 JS, revision 18092

Correction to path/URL code

2002-12-07 02:30 VZ, revision 18091

added semicolons after HASH_MAP (backported from trunk)