

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-02-11 22:55 VZ, revision 19191

fixed typo in SetToolClientData() docs

2003-02-11 21:26 MBN, revision 19190

Remove another already backported change.

2003-02-11 21:24 MBN, revision 19189

Backported Motif wxFileDialog wildcard corrections.

2003-02-11 21:16 MBN, revision 19188

Remove already backported change.

2003-02-11 21:14 MBN, revision 19187

Fix client data handling: delete client data for all items when a wxChoice is deleted, delete client data for an item when that item is deleted (backported).

2003-02-11 21:09 MBN, revision 19186

Changes to be backported.

2003-02-11 19:24 RD, revision 19185

Change to a derived dialog class

2003-02-11 19:12 RD, revision 19184

Added wxContextButton for non-MSW

2003-02-11 19:06 RD, revision 19183

Show calling SetExtraStyle before the dialog is created, also show more context sensitive help.

2003-02-11 17:51 MBN, revision 19182

Finished native wxComboBox implementation; it still needs some testing.

2003-02-11 15:50 JS, revision 19181

Added an item to toback24.txt

2003-02-11 11:45 RR, revision 19180


2003-02-11 11:35 RR, revision 19179

Lots of Pango etc up-ports from HEAD.

2003-02-11 11:20 RR, revision 19178

Minor corrections.

2003-02-11 00:01 RD, revision 19177

A more complete fix for the wxGauge95 --> wxGauge rtti inconsistency

2003-02-10 21:55 CE, revision 19176

fix contrib makefile for watcom

2003-02-10 21:27 MBN, revision 19175

Clearly mark wxGLCanvas as not working under wxX11.

2003-02-10 21:18 MBN, revision 19174

Fix compilation with GCC (at least 2.95.4).

2003-02-10 21:12 MBN, revision 19173

Fix compilation after last fix.

2003-02-10 21:07 MBN, revision 19172

Remove unnecessary header dependencies. Fix resulting compilation problems for wxMSW, wxGTK, wxMotif, wxX11 and wxMac in default configuration. Non-default configurations will probably need some more fixes.

2003-02-10 20:43 CE, revision 19171

fix for making libraries

2003-02-10 19:15 SC, revision 19170

bug fixes

2003-02-10 16:16 VZ, revision 19169

scrolbar event orientation fix

2003-02-10 16:11 VZ, revision 19168

set orientation for scrolbar events

2003-02-10 10:13 RR, revision 19167

Support underscroes in menu item names under GTK2

2003-02-09 22:03 VZ, revision 19166

use bigger than default page size to avoid 'library too big' errors

2003-02-09 21:26 VZ, revision 19165

added missing const

2003-02-09 21:22 VZ, revision 19164

fileconf stuff

2003-02-09 21:17 VZ, revision 19163

don't trigger an assert in wxFileConfigGroup::DeleteSubgroupByName() if the group doesn't exist

2003-02-09 20:21 MBN, revision 19162

Do not use stipple when drawing text, use solid foreground/background colour instead. Use XSetTile/FillTiled instead of XSetStipple/FillStippled, otherwise BadMatch errors occur in wxDC::SetBrush.

2003-02-09 17:05 MBN, revision 19161

Replaced wxDebugMsg with wxLogError.

2003-02-09 09:11 SC, revision 19160

clipboard extension

2003-02-09 09:10 SC, revision 19159

crash upon hide fix

2003-02-09 09:08 SC, revision 19158


2003-02-09 09:04 SC, revision 19157

native tooltips

2003-02-09 09:01 SC, revision 19156

redraw changes

2003-02-09 08:56 SC, revision 19155

code changed along msw lines

2003-02-09 08:54 SC, revision 19154

corrected disposal for b/w cursors and creation and disposal of colour cursors

2003-02-09 08:23 SC, revision 19153

mask and hotspot corrections

2003-02-09 08:19 SC, revision 19152

clipboard bitmap support extended

2003-02-09 08:15 SC, revision 19151


2003-02-08 11:50 CE, revision 19150

remove references to 16 bit compilation

2003-02-07 17:52 RD, revision 19149

workaround for an extra EVT_TEXT on wxGTK when selected text is replaced causing an exception

2003-02-07 07:27 JJ, revision 19148

Committing in . wxMotif changes for OpenVMS Modified Files: wxWindows/src/motif/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/motif/evtloop.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2003-02-07 02:56 VZ, revision 19147

corrected several errors when generating project file with all configs

2003-02-07 01:00 RD, revision 19146

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2003-02-07 00:58 RD, revision 19145

Updated bundlebuilder from Python CVS and added ability to specify libs to be added to the bundle.

2003-02-07 00:56 RD, revision 19144

demo tweaks

2003-02-06 23:57 RD, revision 19143

Applied patch from Will Sadkin

2003-02-06 22:50 RD, revision 19142

Removed ctl3d32 lib from the link.

2003-02-06 18:51 RD, revision 19141

Added search capability

2003-02-06 18:44 RD, revision 19140

Typo fix

2003-02-06 18:43 RD, revision 19139

SWIGged updates for wxMSW

2003-02-06 18:39 RD, revision 19138

more Python 2.3 build support

2003-02-06 18:37 RD, revision 19137

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2003-02-06 18:36 RD, revision 19136

Fixed wxSizer.Insert wrapper to not try to use the first param as the window.

2003-02-06 18:30 RD, revision 19135

Added SetItemSpacing

2003-02-06 18:28 RD, revision 19134

SWIGged updates for wxMSW

2003-02-06 18:26 RD, revision 19133

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2003-02-06 18:23 RD, revision 19132

demo tweaks

2003-02-06 18:21 RD, revision 19131

*** empty log message ***

2003-02-06 14:07 JS, revision 19130

Moved ffile inclusion

2003-02-06 02:18 RD, revision 19129

Check the image height when calulating the line height. This allows larger than normal images to be used.

2003-02-06 00:53 VZ, revision 19128

allow compilation with wxUSE_DATETIME == 0 (patch 679822)

2003-02-06 00:51 VZ, revision 19127

compilation fix for WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2 == 1

2003-02-05 23:30 RD, revision 19126

Scintilla uses a -1 index to unselect, we need to catch that.

2003-02-05 12:17 VZ, revision 19125

fixed typo in the label

2003-02-05 09:57 ROL, revision 19124

*** empty log message ***

2003-02-05 09:54 ROL, revision 19123

mac platform-specific checks

2003-02-05 09:53 ROL, revision 19122

Fix for README.txt in help menu Mac platform-specdific checks

2003-02-05 00:54 VZ, revision 19121

HP-UX fixes: use INSTALL_DIR as install doesn't have -d option; fixes for threads compilation

2003-02-04 22:30 SC, revision 19120

added hints from QA 1061

2003-02-04 22:27 SC, revision 19119

OSX native tooltips

2003-02-04 22:25 SC, revision 19118

carbon event savvy wakeup call

2003-02-04 21:57 MBN, revision 19117

Update with recent changes.

2003-02-04 21:37 MBN, revision 19116

Do not redeclare a struct (w32api 2.2 will have it).

2003-02-04 21:29 MBN, revision 19115

Regenerated configure.

2003-02-04 21:09 MBN, revision 19114

Applied patch [ 679397 ] remove GPL code from motif build from Ian Brown, with some modifications; this patch replaces the (GPL) Motif ComboBox with an implementation based on the native (for Motif 2.0) ComboBox. The old ComboBox is still used as a fallback for older Motif versions. My modifications include some method's implementation and some workarounds for LessTif.

2003-02-04 20:34 VZ, revision 19113

try to create smaller executables

2003-02-04 16:43 VZ, revision 19112

added wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo()

2003-02-04 14:24 MBN, revision 19111

Regenerate makefile.

2003-02-04 14:22 MBN, revision 19110

Allow building in unicode mode with just "make -f makefile.g95 UNICODE=1" without requiring setup.h modifications (backport).

2003-02-04 14:19 MBN, revision 19109

Some small updates to build instructions. Most of the changes are simply corrections to Cygwin/MinGW capitalisation/names.

2003-02-04 14:15 MBN, revision 19108

Backported MinGW makefiles improvements from Greg Chicares.

2003-02-04 10:36 JS, revision 19107

2nd step

2003-02-04 10:35 JS, revision 19106

First step in eol fix

2003-02-04 10:31 JS, revision 19105

1st step

2003-02-04 10:28 JS, revision 19104

First step in fix

2003-02-04 10:24 JS, revision 19103

Fixed .dsw file

2003-02-04 10:18 JS, revision 19102

Now commit actual file with correct line endings

2003-02-04 10:16 JS, revision 19101

Fooling CVS into thinking there's been a change

2003-02-04 00:57 VZ, revision 19100

fix for warnings when wxUSE_RESOURCE_LOADING_IN_MSW == 0

2003-02-04 00:56 VZ, revision 19099

added Watcom mention

2003-02-04 00:54 VZ, revision 19098

corrected the value of EUC_JP

2003-02-03 23:31 VS, revision 19097

fixes to ShowFullScreen (KDE 3.1)

2003-02-03 23:23 VS, revision 19096

fixes to ShowFullScreen (KDE 3.1)

2003-02-03 23:09 VZ, revision 19095

added (woefully incomplete) Japanese translations

2003-02-03 22:45 MBN, revision 19094

More changes to be backported.

2003-02-03 22:39 MBN, revision 19093

Make wxr resources work in Unicode mode.

2003-02-03 22:35 MBN, revision 19092

MSVC 5 does not have BIF_EDITBOX.

2003-02-03 20:56 MBN, revision 19091

Do not #include an header where a forward declaration suffixes. Do not include wx/wx.h directly.

2003-02-03 20:56 MBN, revision 19090

Fix a typo.

2003-02-03 12:51 JJ, revision 19089

Committing in . One #undef for OpenVMS only Modified Files: wxWindows/src/gtk/app.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2003-02-03 10:01 ROL, revision 19088

BSD license

2003-02-02 22:54 VZ, revision 19087

changed C++ comments in C comments

2003-02-02 22:21 VZ, revision 19086

fixed First() signatures

2003-02-02 21:01 MBN, revision 19085

Mark for backporting.

2003-02-02 21:00 MBN, revision 19084

Fix client data handling: delete client data for all items when a wxChoice is deleted, delete client data for an item when that item is deleted.

2003-02-02 20:31 SN, revision 19083

Some OS/2 specific improvements.

2003-02-02 20:25 SN, revision 19082

Some OS/2 specific improvements.

2003-02-02 19:56 SN, revision 19081

backported configure test for WX_STATVFS_T. (Adding some braces as newer autoconf version love them, IIRC).

2003-02-02 18:31 VZ, revision 19080

compilation fix for wxUSE_RESOURCE_LOADING_IN_MSW == 0

2003-02-02 17:11 SC, revision 19079

set interpretation of ampersand shortcuts to false as default

2003-02-02 15:48 MBN, revision 19078

Implemented wxEventLoop for wxMotif, and used it in wxDialog::ShowModal, wxWindow::DoPopupMenu and for the application main loop. Implemented wxWakeUpIdle. Fixed crash when a popup menu entry is used to close/destroy the parent window of the menu.

2003-02-02 15:28 SC, revision 19077

optimizing sleep values

2003-02-02 15:20 VZ, revision 19076

compilation fix for non-PCH

2003-02-02 15:19 VZ, revision 19075

added Unicode build configurations

2003-02-02 15:07 JS, revision 19074

Applied patch [ 678788 ] Dialog command event propagation problem

2003-02-02 15:02 VZ, revision 19073

the Russian translations were somehow corrupted, fixed

2003-02-02 14:58 JS, revision 19072

Applied patch [ 675376 ] Improves wxStaticBoxSizer (uses GetCharHeight() instead of guessing).

2003-02-02 14:50 JS, revision 19071

Applied patch [ 677730 ] Menus with radio items (wxUniv)

2003-02-02 14:47 JS, revision 19070

Applied patch [ 670782 ] Combobox uses popup window width (wxUniv)

2003-02-02 14:39 JS, revision 19069

Applied Patch 664399: wxButton default size should not be adjusted (wxUniv)

2003-02-02 14:17 VZ, revision 19068

Unicode compilation fixes after wxFFile change

2003-02-02 14:14 VZ, revision 19067
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/internat/wxstd.po

unused any more

2003-02-02 14:09 VZ, revision 19066

allow choosing language from the command line; small cleanup

2003-02-02 13:29 VZ, revision 19065

more std iostream + Unicode fixes; copy streams in blocks of 4Kb, not char by char

2003-02-02 13:22 SC, revision 19064

native picture clipboard support improved

2003-02-02 13:18 SC, revision 19063

pict setter added for clipboard support

2003-02-02 13:17 SC, revision 19062

factoring out common carbon/non-carbon clipboard support code

2003-02-02 12:46 VZ, revision 19061

use wxChar, not char, for the second argument of Open() and also use wxFopen() in the implementation

2003-02-02 03:05 VZ, revision 19060

indicate whether this is a selection or a deselection in wxCommandEvent generated by a multiselection wxListBox

2003-02-02 02:40 VZ, revision 19059

(blind) fix for compilation in standard iostreams + Unicode mode

2003-02-02 02:06 VZ, revision 19058

big wxCursor cleanup

2003-02-02 01:50 VZ, revision 19057

removed wxCURSOR_SIZING (we now use the std one)

2003-02-02 00:38 VZ, revision 19056

unsuccessful attempts to create resizable dir dlg without new folder button; added BIF_EDITBOX style; minor code cleanup

2003-02-01 23:30 VZ, revision 19055

what do we need a separate (from m_windowStyle) m_dialogStyle here for? removed

2003-02-01 22:51 VZ, revision 19054

show dir selection dialog both with and without new dir button

2003-02-01 21:10 CE, revision 19053

fix for bcc5.5 on XP

2003-02-01 21:08 CE, revision 19052

borland 5.5 on XP dislikes -WE line and dies; earlier systems ignore error

2003-02-01 21:04 VZ, revision 19051

implemented wxFileSelectorEx() (this fixes docview behaviour when multiple selections are specified in doc template)

2003-02-01 20:47 VZ, revision 19050

don't print 2 empty commands after building the program under non-Mac

2003-02-01 19:54 CE, revision 19049

fix bcc bug

2003-02-01 17:38 SC, revision 19048

corrected rectangle for refresh

2003-02-01 13:45 GD, revision 19047

Only call use uppercase letter if control, alt, or shift is held down, otherwise lower case accelerators won't work.

2003-02-01 00:59 RD, revision 19046

More tweaks for the MacPython distribution

2003-02-01 00:57 RD, revision 19045

Mad tabs consistent

2003-02-01 00:54 RD, revision 19044

Added RootVolumeOnly support

2003-01-31 23:09 VZ, revision 19043

silently ignore any X-fields in mime.types

2003-01-31 22:56 VZ, revision 19042

compilation fix for HP-UX CC

2003-01-31 21:56 RR, revision 19041

Uncommented warning that causes crashes while reading .mime.types.

2003-01-31 16:48 SC, revision 19040

Show corrected

2003-01-31 16:29 SC, revision 19039

was still containing binary data

2003-01-31 16:04 SC, revision 19038

was committed using macbin, corrected

2003-01-31 16:01 SC, revision 19037

backported fixes

2003-01-31 15:52 SC, revision 19036

using SelectWindow for Raise Implementation

2003-01-31 15:50 SC, revision 19035

added AppleEvent Handler, somehow the standard event handler does not take care of all of them..

2003-01-31 14:55 RR, revision 19034


2003-01-31 14:45 RR, revision 19033

Compile fix.

2003-01-31 10:31 RR, revision 19032

Removed unnecessary SET_STYLE.. macros.

2003-01-31 10:31 RR, revision 19031

Corrected GTK2 creation of default font. Removed ugly SET_STYLE_FONT code.

2003-01-30 23:40 RR, revision 19030

Printing update for Pango (GTK2 and X11-Unicode).

2003-01-30 23:10 VS, revision 19029

don't indent text body

2003-01-30 19:49 VS, revision 19028

restored #ifndef wxUSE_UNICODE accidentaly removed by my previous commit

2003-01-30 18:44 ROL, revision 19027

fixed a problem with default selection

2003-01-30 18:37 ROL, revision 19026

changed to .txt

2003-01-30 18:16 ROL, revision 19025

xxxParamBitmap, support for wxArtProvider bitmaps

2003-01-30 10:36 ROL, revision 19024

fixed a small file selection problem

2003-01-30 10:21 ROL, revision 19023

changed toggle to bool type for xxxTool

2003-01-30 02:27 RD, revision 19022

1. If EVT_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS was not handled then the post-processing code to prevent LVN_DELETEITEM messages was not getting executed. Changed it so the post processing always happens. 2. It's possible with some versions of comctl32 that garbage values can be passed in nmLV->lParam so don't try to get the internal item data pointer from it. This should close bug# 659939

2003-01-30 01:53 RD, revision 19021

1. Added m_count and maintain its value in InsertItem, RemoveItem etc. and return it from GetItemCount to save so many calls to ListView_GetItemCount. 2. If EVT_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS was not handled then the post-processing code to prevent LVN_DELETEITEM messages was not getting executed. Changed it so the post processing always happens. 3. It's possible with some versions of comctl32 that garbage values can be passed in nmLV->lParam so don't try to get the internal item data pointer from it. This should close bug# 659939 4. Added FreeAllInternalData from DeleteAllItems, (part of patch #672065) and also guard against processing LVN_CHANG* messages while freeing the internal data.

2003-01-30 01:51 RD, revision 19020

Revert last change so the right log message gets put on the file. (I did the last check in just a wee bit too fast...)

2003-01-30 01:48 RD, revision 19019

Fix for export warning when compiling a DLL.

2003-01-29 23:45 VS, revision 19018

added MSLU reference to wxUSE_UNICODE

2003-01-29 23:29 VS, revision 19017

added MSLU reference to wxUSE_UNICODE

2003-01-29 15:23 SC, revision 19016

carbon event support completed

2003-01-29 15:21 SC, revision 19015

bug fix & carbon support

2003-01-29 15:07 SC, revision 19014

string conversion

2003-01-29 15:06 SC, revision 19013

carbon modal state

2003-01-29 15:06 SC, revision 19012

bugfix : text background when using appearance text drawing

2003-01-29 15:04 SC, revision 19011

getting rid of wxBuffer

2003-01-29 15:04 SC, revision 19010

adaptions for cleaned up string conversions & carbon events support

2003-01-29 15:03 SC, revision 19009

adaptions for cleaned up string conversions

2003-01-29 15:02 SC, revision 19008

moving string conversions at one place

2003-01-29 15:00 SC, revision 19007

removing path corrections for wxMac, we now want a correct platform string for unzOpen

2003-01-29 14:59 SC, revision 19006

moving all string conversions to private.h

2003-01-29 14:58 SC, revision 19005

moving all string conversions here

2003-01-29 14:56 SC, revision 19004

additional mac alias types

2003-01-29 14:55 SC, revision 19003

getting rid of wxBuffer

2003-01-29 11:54 JJ, revision 19002

Committing in . wxIcon creation changed -> MOTIF code had to be changed likewise the GTK version. Modified Files: wxWindows/src/common/resource.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2003-01-29 11:52 JJ, revision 19001

Committing in . OpenVMS updates Modified Files: wxWindows/setup.h_vms wxWindows/src/common/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/motif/toplevel.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2003-01-29 03:25 RD, revision 19000

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2003-01-29 03:25 RD, revision 18999

Preload file if given on command line

2003-01-29 03:24 RD, revision 18998


2003-01-29 03:23 RD, revision 18997

Ensure object is a window before calling AddWindow, etc.

2003-01-29 03:22 RD, revision 18996

Load class into wx namespace when the module is imported.

2003-01-29 03:20 RD, revision 18995

Make wxColour, wxPoint, wxSize, and etc. picklable.

2003-01-29 03:19 RD, revision 18994

Don't use string module

2003-01-29 03:18 RD, revision 18993

Fixes to dependencies, and doesn't lose the wxgtk*-config script any longer

2003-01-29 02:54 RD, revision 18992

Demo Tweaks

2003-01-29 02:53 RD, revision 18991

Use the existing pythonw as a template, rather than a hard coded one. Other fixes for when making the dist

2003-01-29 02:50 RD, revision 18990

Added more tools for building distributions, and new scripts for the wxPythonOSX dist.

2003-01-29 02:43 RD, revision 18989

The validator is already set in CreateBase, doing it twice causes problems for wxPython

2003-01-28 23:21 DW, revision 18988

listctrl update

2003-01-28 22:26 GD, revision 18987

added definition of TARGET_CARBON when compiling with non generated setup.h using Project Builder

2003-01-28 22:23 GD, revision 18986

moved definition of TARGET_CARBON to generated setup.h when compiling with Apple Developer Tools

2003-01-28 21:02 MBN, revision 18985

Regenerate makefiles.

2003-01-28 16:45 SC, revision 18984

only handling inContent CarbonEvents if we are the active window

2003-01-28 12:29 SC, revision 18983

CarbonEvents Added

2003-01-28 12:27 SC, revision 18982

Review, Carbon Events support

2003-01-28 12:26 SC, revision 18981

static box parent warning added

2003-01-28 08:30 SC, revision 18980

no new install of event handler

2003-01-28 08:27 SC, revision 18979

cleanup, Carbon Events

2003-01-28 08:25 SC, revision 18978

clipping before redraw in the setbackground callback

2003-01-28 08:24 SC, revision 18977

closer clipping

2003-01-28 08:23 SC, revision 18976

mini-patch for better layout under OSX

2003-01-28 08:22 SC, revision 18975

new menu code

2003-01-28 08:22 SC, revision 18974

not neede anymore

2003-01-28 07:55 SC, revision 18973

corrected Yes/No

2003-01-28 07:55 SC, revision 18972

wxMenu Review, added Carbon Events and full OSX Support

2003-01-28 07:01 SC, revision 18971

Carbon Events

2003-01-28 07:00 SC, revision 18970


2003-01-28 06:54 SC, revision 18969

wxMenu Review, added Carbon Events and full OSX Support

2003-01-28 06:53 SC, revision 18968

not needed anymore

2003-01-28 06:49 SC, revision 18967


2003-01-28 03:49 RL, revision 18966

fix broken doc build.

2003-01-28 02:52 RL, revision 18965


2003-01-28 02:10 RL, revision 18964

Added wxPy/distutils to the source package and try again for

2003-01-27 22:18 GD, revision 18963

improved Mac resource creation step in order to allow samples to provide specific Rez options (used in docview sample) added separate Mac Finder flag modification step (using SetFile)

2003-01-27 21:41 MBN, revision 18962

Remove some redefinition warnings.

2003-01-27 11:27 JS, revision 18961

Corrected printing docs

2003-01-27 09:09 RL, revision 18960

Add SetScrollbars patch, assuming this one really fixes things.

2003-01-27 09:02 RL, revision 18959

Fixed bug in FlexGridSizer mods that prevented them from ever shrinking. Reverted the earlier SetScrollbars patch and fixed a bug in GetVirtualSize that was hopefully the real cause of all the preceding woe. Added a comment and a kludge for a most unusual bug manifesting in the scrollsub sample. If it is resized quickly size events appear to get lost and the scrollbar is set incorrectly. Adding an extra call to AdjustScrollbars masks the problem, though its clearly superfluous since the FitInside above already calls it. This seems to be a brand new problem (on both Gtk and msw) as of some time prior to this patch and it should be looked into further.

2003-01-27 01:13 VZ, revision 18958

added Add/InsertTool() (patch 672032)

2003-01-27 01:04 VZ, revision 18957

the string 'Goto...' should be translated (patch 674569)

2003-01-27 00:19 VZ, revision 18956

updated sample evrsion from Greg Chicares

2003-01-27 00:18 VZ, revision 18955

fixed a crash in socket server test and added quit command to the server

2003-01-26 23:20 VS, revision 18954

fixed someone's typo

2003-01-26 23:20 VS, revision 18953

added wxHtmlWindow::LoadFile

2003-01-26 23:19 VS, revision 18952

1. added wxHtmlWindow::LoadFile 2. interpret LoadPage's argument as filename if it fails as URL

2003-01-26 23:19 VS, revision 18951

added wxSplitterWindow to XRC

2003-01-26 21:04 RR, revision 18950

Now scaling doesn't scale GetTextExtent() anymore. This make print previewing look fine for now. Next is actually printing what you preview :-)

2003-01-26 20:56 VS, revision 18949

fixed loading of GNOME2 mime icons (still not working as desired)

2003-01-26 20:54 VS, revision 18948

use all MIME data sources on Unix, not only mailcap/mime.types

2003-01-26 19:04 JS, revision 18947

Fixed problem with kill focus event getting sent to control that is getting the focus.

2003-01-26 19:02 JS, revision 18946

Fixed problem where kill focus event was sent to control getting the focus.

2003-01-26 16:22 VS, revision 18945

compilation fixes (bug #672413)

2003-01-26 16:16 VS, revision 18944

compilation fixes (bug #672413)

2003-01-26 16:15 VS, revision 18943

eliminate __WIN32__ only code

2003-01-26 14:11 VZ, revision 18942

moved OLE files group under MSW files -- this is more logical