

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-02-03 20:56 MBN, revision 19091

Do not #include an header where a forward declaration suffixes. Do not include wx/wx.h directly.

2003-02-03 20:56 MBN, revision 19090

Fix a typo.

2003-02-03 12:51 JJ, revision 19089

Committing in . One #undef for OpenVMS only Modified Files: wxWindows/src/gtk/app.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2003-02-03 10:01 ROL, revision 19088

BSD license

2003-02-02 22:54 VZ, revision 19087

changed C++ comments in C comments

2003-02-02 22:21 VZ, revision 19086

fixed First() signatures

2003-02-02 21:01 MBN, revision 19085

Mark for backporting.

2003-02-02 21:00 MBN, revision 19084

Fix client data handling: delete client data for all items when a wxChoice is deleted, delete client data for an item when that item is deleted.

2003-02-02 20:31 SN, revision 19083

Some OS/2 specific improvements.

2003-02-02 20:25 SN, revision 19082

Some OS/2 specific improvements.

2003-02-02 19:56 SN, revision 19081

backported configure test for WX_STATVFS_T. (Adding some braces as newer autoconf version love them, IIRC).

2003-02-02 18:31 VZ, revision 19080

compilation fix for wxUSE_RESOURCE_LOADING_IN_MSW == 0

2003-02-02 17:11 SC, revision 19079

set interpretation of ampersand shortcuts to false as default

2003-02-02 15:48 MBN, revision 19078

Implemented wxEventLoop for wxMotif, and used it in wxDialog::ShowModal, wxWindow::DoPopupMenu and for the application main loop. Implemented wxWakeUpIdle. Fixed crash when a popup menu entry is used to close/destroy the parent window of the menu.

2003-02-02 15:28 SC, revision 19077

optimizing sleep values

2003-02-02 15:20 VZ, revision 19076

compilation fix for non-PCH

2003-02-02 15:19 VZ, revision 19075

added Unicode build configurations

2003-02-02 15:07 JS, revision 19074

Applied patch [ 678788 ] Dialog command event propagation problem

2003-02-02 15:02 VZ, revision 19073

the Russian translations were somehow corrupted, fixed

2003-02-02 14:58 JS, revision 19072

Applied patch [ 675376 ] Improves wxStaticBoxSizer (uses GetCharHeight() instead of guessing).

2003-02-02 14:50 JS, revision 19071

Applied patch [ 677730 ] Menus with radio items (wxUniv)

2003-02-02 14:47 JS, revision 19070

Applied patch [ 670782 ] Combobox uses popup window width (wxUniv)

2003-02-02 14:39 JS, revision 19069

Applied Patch 664399: wxButton default size should not be adjusted (wxUniv)

2003-02-02 14:17 VZ, revision 19068

Unicode compilation fixes after wxFFile change

2003-02-02 14:14 VZ, revision 19067
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/internat/wxstd.po

unused any more