

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-03-29 15:07 SC, revision 19866

fixed missing Idle events

2003-03-29 14:43 VZ, revision 19865

start of Japanese translation

2003-03-29 14:19 VZ, revision 19864

updated Japanese translation, minor changes to the code

2003-03-29 13:53 JS, revision 19863

Copyright cleanup Added shaped sample to scripts

2003-03-29 13:48 JS, revision 19862

Copyright cleanup

2003-03-29 10:19 VS, revision 19861

fixed bug #708570: Request 'silver' be allowed as a XPM value

2003-03-28 23:56 RD, revision 19860

Typo and compilation fix

2003-03-28 23:35 RD, revision 19859

Compilation fix

2003-03-28 23:34 RD, revision 19858

Added wxTLW::SetShape and implementations for wxGTK, wxMSW and an empty stub for wxMac. Added some generic helpers and a new ctor to wxRegion. Added samples/shaped.

2003-03-28 23:05 RD, revision 19857

Added wxTLW::SetShape and implementations for wxGTK, wxMSW and an empty stub for wxMac. Added some generic helpers and a new ctor to wxRegion. Added samples/shaped.

2003-03-28 20:57 SC, revision 19856

simplified definition

2003-03-28 20:55 SC, revision 19855

better mb2wc conversions for mac unicode

2003-03-28 19:18 SC, revision 19854

mach-o addition

2003-03-28 17:41 VZ, revision 19853

warning fix

2003-03-28 17:30 SC, revision 19852

unicode fixes

2003-03-28 16:26 SC, revision 19851

mach targets added

2003-03-28 15:36 SC, revision 19850

no message

2003-03-28 15:32 VZ, revision 19849

backport wxFileConfig::DeleteEntry fix

2003-03-28 15:28 VZ, revision 19848

added test for wxFileConfig::DeleteEntry

2003-03-28 15:25 VZ, revision 19847

fixed deleting entries at root level

2003-03-28 15:22 SC, revision 19846

bundle icon

2003-03-28 15:19 SC, revision 19845

version support

2003-03-28 09:46 JS, revision 19844

Removed pointless Salford C++ support

2003-03-28 09:15 JS, revision 19843

Use wxDateTime

2003-03-27 23:21 VS, revision 19842

fixed DrawTextFormatted to work in O(n) instead of O(n^2) if the text doesn't fit into the column