

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-04-02 20:48 MBN, revision 19941

Make wxIcon more independent from wxBitmap implementation.

2003-04-02 20:46 MBN, revision 19940

Some updates for wxMotif documentation.

2003-04-02 17:55 JS, revision 19939

Applied patch [ 705212 ] wxTextCtrl::SetSelection() for wxGTK2

2003-04-02 17:18 MBN, revision 19938

Regenerated configure scripts.

2003-04-02 14:40 JS, revision 19937

Applied [ 703017 ] TreeCtrl sample build fails when using generic control

2003-04-02 14:26 JS, revision 19936

Applied patch [ 700313 ] Allow wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN = 0

2003-04-02 14:25 JS, revision 19935

Correction to last patch

2003-04-02 14:18 JS, revision 19934

Applied patch [ 700313 ] Allow wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN = 0

2003-04-02 14:14 JS, revision 19933

Applied [ 700293 ] FL Unicode patches

2003-04-02 13:54 JS, revision 19932

Removed treectrl.h inclusion

2003-04-02 11:15 JS, revision 19931

Applied patch [ 694561 ] FL Release build DLL include path

2003-04-02 11:10 JS, revision 19930

Applied some of patch [ 688466 ] MSVC7 build & bug fixes by Darren Whobrey

2003-04-02 08:32 SC, revision 19929

better spacing

2003-04-02 08:21 SC, revision 19928

setting origin to printable area for wxMac

2003-04-02 08:07 JS, revision 19927

Fixed version convention for VC++ project files

2003-04-02 01:49 RD, revision 19926

Made the version number information more robust and uh, informative. Also added asserts to check that the major.minor versions of wxPython and wxWindows match.

2003-04-02 01:47 RD, revision 19925

Demo tweaks

2003-04-02 01:46 RD, revision 19924

Added missing method

2003-04-02 01:46 RD, revision 19923


2003-04-01 17:59 DE, revision 19922

Implemented wxWindowCocoa::Cocoa_drawRect Implemented drawRect override in wxPoserNSView Declared pure virtual wxCocoaNSView::Cocoa_drawRect Made wxWindowCocoa::Cocoa_FrameChanged protected (unrelated)

2003-04-01 17:16 DE, revision 19921

Changed defined(__DARWIN__) to (defined(__DARWIN__) && defined(__WXMAC__)) wxGTK running on Darwin certainly can not use the CF process callback and I don't plan for wxCocoa to use it either.

2003-04-01 16:49 JS, revision 19920

Version changes

2003-04-01 16:44 DE, revision 19919

Removed deprecated parser.o from cocoa.t, reran tmake

2003-04-01 15:50 DE, revision 19918

Wrap file with #if wxUSE_SPINBTN instead of #if 1

2003-04-01 05:15 RD, revision 19917

SWIGged updates for wxMac