

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-08-17 17:21 RAW, revision 65330

Finalized handling of right-alignment for MSW wxHyperlinkCtrl and updated the documentation.

2010-08-17 17:13 MYA, revision 65329

Move feature works mostly

2010-08-17 17:13 VZ, revision 65328

Export wxMSWButton::GetFittingSize() private function. It is now used by wxCommandLinkButton from adv library and so needs to be exported from core.

2010-08-17 16:48 VZ, revision 65327

Add new wxCommandLinkButton class. A command link button wraps a native MSW control under recent Windows versions and is implemented generically as a simple bitmap button elsewhere. In the future, GTK implementation should allow using a different font for the button label and its note.

2010-08-17 12:10 JS, revision 65326

Large image-loading speedup and small attribute-loading speedup

2010-08-17 08:21 SC, revision 65325

fixes horizontal scrolling in textfields, fixes #12322

2010-08-16 19:48 RR, revision 65324

Ignore non-existant string selection in wxComboBox::SetValue() in read-only mode, as per the very exact docs, fixes #12329: wxComboBox can set non-existing string in read only mode

2010-08-16 17:33 RR, revision 65323

Uncheck radiobutton when calling ::SetValue(false) as per wxMSW, fixes #12344: Cannot set GTK wxRadioButton to fasle

2010-08-16 17:01 MYA, revision 65321

Some fast fixup

2010-08-16 16:50 SJL, revision 65320

Add an extra paragraph to the unit testing tech-note about the classes that are available to help with GUI testing.

2010-08-16 16:28 MYA, revision 65319

Paragraph move feature

2010-08-16 12:45 RAW, revision 65318

Fixed crash when invoking a dynamically loaded TaskDialogIndirect().

2010-08-15 23:49 JWE, revision 65317

add svn:eol

2010-08-15 23:14 VZ, revision 65316

Improve EVT_SHOW documentation. Mention that it applies to the TLWs only and explain when it is generated (and not generated). Closes #12353.

2010-08-15 23:14 VZ, revision 65315

Fix wxMSW compilation in wxUSE_STL==1 case. A wxDECLARE_NO_ASSIGN_CLASS() was recently added to ClassRegInfo but storing it in a vector requires it to be "Assignable" so this broke compilation in STL case (wxVector<> doesn't enforce this requirement currently). Make ClassRegInfo assignable again to fix this. Closes #12355.

2010-08-15 23:14 VZ, revision 65314

Revert "Make wxComboBox::Popup() and ::Dismiss() emit events" This reverts commit r65310 which was not, in fact, necessary as the events were already sent. See #12335.

2010-08-15 21:31 JWE, revision 65313

correct WXK_BACK error

2010-08-15 20:32 JWE, revision 65312

resolved Visual c++ assert.

2010-08-15 19:53 JWE, revision 65311

correct focus feature under windows

2010-08-15 18:16 RR, revision 65310

Make wxComboBox::Popup() and ::Dismiss() emit events as per the docs, fixes (wxComboBox not sending popup and dismiss events)

2010-08-15 18:02 JWE, revision 65309

correct a error in default constructor

2010-08-15 17:45 JWE, revision 65308

add doc for change key features

2010-08-15 15:23 SJL, revision 65306

Set right button click value to 2. This fixes the tests that simulate right click events in wxGTK.

2010-08-15 15:11 SJL, revision 65305

Add extra wxYield calls to allow many more tests to run correctly in wxGTK. This needs to be done after every action rather than after batches of operations.

2010-08-15 14:29 RAW, revision 65304

GTK wxCollapsiblePane correctly handles mnemonics in SetLabel().

2010-08-15 12:59 RAW, revision 65303

Fixed bug with setting message dialog button labels for the dialog sample.

2010-08-15 10:34 RAW, revision 65302

Removed a black border from the MSW commandlink button image.

2010-08-15 06:38 RAW, revision 65301

Set eol-style property on new files.

2010-08-14 17:11 RAW, revision 65300

wxHyperlinkCtrl calculates size correctly under Win XP and can be right-aligned under Vista and greater.

2010-08-14 12:24 RAW, revision 65299

Calls to TaskDialogIndirect() are now done dynamically by retrieving the symbol from relevant DLL.

2010-08-13 22:12 JMS, revision 65297

Allow wxVariant::Convert(wxUniChar* value) to convert single-character string into a character.

2010-08-13 17:17 SJL, revision 65295

Only run BitmapComboBoxTestCase when it is natively supported.

2010-08-13 13:57 VZ, revision 65292

Fix harmless MSVC warning about double to float conversion. Make the constant double as well as it's compared with other doubles in the code below.

2010-08-13 13:04 SJL, revision 65291

Remove some assumptions in WindowTestCase that are not necessarily true.

2010-08-13 13:02 SJL, revision 65290

Remove assumption that no item is focussed by default in wxTreeCtrl.

2010-08-13 13:00 SJL, revision 65289

Stop wxRadioButton::SetValue(false) test under GTK as this is not supported.

2010-08-13 12:57 SJL, revision 65288

Set a sensible initial size for the wxListBook.

2010-08-13 12:55 SJL, revision 65287

Do not test values outside the range as the behaviour is unspecified. Also make sure a small enough indent is set.

2010-08-13 12:51 SJL, revision 65286

Test that no events are sent when an empty wxListControl is cleared.

2010-08-13 11:55 VZ, revision 65285

Update wxWinCE compilation instructions. Remove obsolete information about eVC. Give the example of using bakefile to generate VC[89] CE projects directly.

2010-08-13 11:36 JWE, revision 65284

add change choice key feature

2010-08-13 06:23 SC, revision 65283

no-op change to get build bot running

2010-08-12 15:30 SJL, revision 65282

Only include testableframe.h if we are compiling with wxUSE_GUI otherwise many compiler errors occur when compiling the non-gui tests.

2010-08-12 15:21 SJL, revision 65281

Wrap all individual tests in #if wxUSE_UIACTIONSIMULATOR blocks so they compile correctly when wxUIActionSimulator isn't available. The technote has also been updated to specify that this must be done.

2010-08-12 14:36 JTN, revision 65278

Move timer.cpp from core to base library

2010-08-12 10:52 SJL, revision 65277

Define a new macro WXUISIM_TEST that is only defined if wxUSE_UIACTIONSIMULATOR is defined. Wrap all existing tests that use wxUIActionSimulator in it and document that it should always be used for this reason. This will allow the tests to run on platforms that don't support wxUIActionSimulator and is especially important as it is not enabled be default.

2010-08-12 10:25 SC, revision 65276

no-op change to get build bot running

2010-08-12 01:11 JTN, revision 65273

New build slave for wxQt

2010-08-11 18:51 PJC, revision 65265

Improve wxRibbonMSWArtProvider's colour scheme generation when the primary and/or secondary colours are grey (see ticket #12331).

2010-08-11 18:46 SJL, revision 65264

Don't test a backwards range as this is properly handled by wxSL_INVERSE in wxSlider.