

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-08-23 00:15 VZ, revision 65382

Work around a crash on starting editing in wxGrid under wxOSX/Cocoa. wxOSX/Cocoa currently generates unexpected focus loss events with the window gaining focus being the same one as losing it. This is wrong and shouldn't happen but as long as it does, filter these events out to at least allow editing the grid to work. See #12267.

2010-08-23 00:15 VZ, revision 65381

Don't send event from wxMSW::wxListCtrl::DeleteAllItems() if it did nothing. wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS should only be sent if the control hadn't been empty before. Document this behaviour and adjust wxMSW to match the other platforms. Also document the return value better. Closes #12336.

2010-08-23 00:15 VZ, revision 65380

Extract X11 Display wrapper class in a private header. No real changes, just extract a private Dpy class used by wxGTK to a header and rename it to wxX11Display. This will allow reusing it from X11 wxUIActionSimulator implementation in the upcoming commits.

2010-08-23 00:15 VZ, revision 65379

Add missing header required if wx/mousestate.h is included first. This header uses wxPoint so it must include wx/gdicmn.h (instead of relying on it having been already included).

2010-08-22 01:33 VZ, revision 65378

Don't report spurious errors from wxSocket in "no wait" mode. In wxSOCKET_NOWAIT mode wxSOCKET_WOULDBLOCK is not a real error as it's expected and should be just discarded. Failing to do this could result in the following scenario: 1. Try to read a big buffer with wxSOCKET_NOWAIT (setting wxSocket error to wxSOCKET_WOULDBLOCK). 2. Process small part of it. 3. Read more data from wxSocket -- which now goes to the data containing already cached data without going to the socket itself and this without resetting the error. 4. Check wxSocket::Error() which turns out to be (still) true. And this was exactly what happened in mysteriously failing unit test case reading wxImage contents from a socket: the failure was difficult to reproduce because it depended on how much data exactly did we read from the socket in one go. Fix this by resetting the error properly and reenable the unit test which was previously disabled for the build bot, it should pass now.

2010-08-21 19:06 VZ, revision 65376

Merge with the trunk and some minor fixes. This is the version of this branch which should be easier to merge into the trunk in the future as it's based on a more recent r65375. It also contains some minor changes by me to Julien's work and style fixes.

2010-08-21 12:17 RR, revision 65375

Allow calling wxGenericDirCtrl::GetPath() in multiple selection mode, fixes #12340 ([wxGenericDirCtrl] conflicts wxDirFilterListCtrl::OnSelFilter())

2010-08-21 11:54 RR, revision 65374

make Set/GetLabel() set and return something (albeit unused) as per the docs, fixes #12350: wxWindow Get/SetLabel non-functional in GTK

2010-08-21 11:53 RR, revision 65373

make Set/GetLabel() set and return title in wxTLW, fixes #12371: Dialog::GetLabel() Inconsistent behaviour across operating systems

2010-08-21 11:39 RR, revision 65372

Fix crash by checking if icon is valid before drawing it, fixes #12376: PATCH for Ribbon crash

2010-08-21 11:36 RR, revision 65371

Fix potential crash, fixes #12375: PATCH to fix help controller crash

2010-08-20 22:51 RR, revision 65370

Properly implement Cleared() by calling row_deleted on every child of root, fixes #12327: wxDataViewListCtrl Crash

2010-08-20 20:13 VZ, revision 65369

Mention that not all standard IDs are stock IDs. Also add a link to the list of stock IDs from the standard IDs documentation.

2010-08-20 17:38 JJ, revision 65368

include correct private.h for wxgtk1

2010-08-20 17:22 RR, revision 65367

Make it compile

2010-08-19 20:29 RR, revision 65366

Link to wxRichMessageDialog in some places

2010-08-19 20:17 RR, revision 65365

Make it compile a bit more

2010-08-19 17:41 VZ, revision 65364

Slightly improve wx[Generic]RichMessageDialog layout. Keep the icon at the top instead of centering it, this is more consistent with the native behaviour under both MSW and GTK. Get rid of an unnecessary sizer in wxGenericRichMessageDialog and give the checkbox the right border to align with the rest of the dialog contents.

2010-08-19 17:41 VZ, revision 65363

Make the main message of wxGenericMessageDialog stand out. Use larger bold font for the main message in wxGenericMessageDialog if the extended message is also given to make it stand out similarly to how it happens in the native GTK and MSW dialogs.

2010-08-19 14:12 JS, revision 65362

Better close button placement on tabs, especially for bottom tab alignment

2010-08-19 14:12 JS, revision 65361

Better close button placement on tabs, especially for bottom tab alignment

2010-08-19 11:53 SJL, revision 65360

Disable some more failing tests under wxGTK

2010-08-19 09:14 SC, revision 65359

fixing compilos

2010-08-19 09:13 JJ, revision 65358

update compile configuration for OpenVMS

2010-08-19 02:06 VZ, revision 65357

Compilation fix for STL build in wxGtkCollatableString code. Include wx/string.h to define wxString used by this class.

2010-08-19 02:06 VZ, revision 65356

Compilation fix for non-PCH build in wxGenericRichMessageDialog code. Move IsCheckBoxChecked() to the .cpp file where wxCheckBox is fully defined and not just forward declared (at least when not using PCH).

2010-08-19 01:57 VZ, revision 65355

Compilation fix for old SDKs in new native MSW wxHyperLinkCtrl code. Define WC_LINK ourselves if it's not defined in the headers.

2010-08-19 01:55 VZ, revision 65354

VC6 compilation fix for native wxProgressDialog implementation. Don't use return with a void value, VC6 doesn't support this and it's unnecessary here anyhow.

2010-08-19 00:49 VZ, revision 65352

Use task dialog for wxProgressDialog implementation in wxMSW. If available, the task dialog is now used for the wxProgressDialog under Windows. This provides a much more native looking dialog which doesn't look out of place under modern Windows versions, unlike the generic implementation. The internals of the code had to be significantly changed as the task dialog can only be shown modally so, to emulate wxProgressDialog modeless nature, a separate thread is used for the progress dialog management.

2010-08-19 00:48 VZ, revision 65351

Only use native wxHyperlinkCtrl in Unicode build under MSW. The native control is available to Unicode applications only so disable its use in non-Unicode build.

2010-08-19 00:48 VZ, revision 65350

Don't use native MSW wxCommandLinkButton in wxUniversal. Test for __WXUNIVERSAL__ when selecting the version of this class to use.

2010-08-19 00:48 VZ, revision 65349

Add wxRichMessageDialog class. This is a generalization of wxMessageDialog based on the native task dialog under recent (Vista and later) Windows versions and implemented generically for the other ports for now. It provides the possibility to use additional controls in the message boxes (checkbox useful for the "Don't ask me again" kind of dialogs and collapsible detailed explanations field) and better look and feel under Windows.

2010-08-19 00:48 VZ, revision 65348

Provide a task-dialog based wxMSW wxMessageDialog implementation. Use the task dialog instead of the legacy message box for wxMessageDialog implementation under wxMSW on recent (Vista and later) Windows versions. As part of this change, remove wxMessageDialogWithCustomLabels and integrate its functionality in wxMessageDialogBase itself as it's now used by all platforms.

2010-08-19 00:48 VZ, revision 65347

Handle mnemonics correctly in wxGTK::wxCollapsiblePaneSetLabel(). Convert mnemonics in wx format to the one used by GTK+, just as we already do in the ctor.

2010-08-19 00:48 VZ, revision 65346

Fix Yes/No/Cancel buttons order in wxGTK wxStdDialogButtonSizer. "Yes" and "No" buttons should be positioned next to each other for consistency with the native message box instead of separating them with the "Cancel" button.

2010-08-18 23:40 RR, revision 65345

Document recetnyl added name parameter in wxDataViewCtrl

2010-08-18 23:36 RR, revision 65344

Mention that you cannot call wxRadioButton::SetValue(false) if that radiobutton belongs to a group

2010-08-18 23:32 RR, revision 65343

GTK+ just won't let you uncheck any radiobutton that belongs to a group.

2010-08-18 23:29 RR, revision 65342

make wxChoice and wxComboBox sort in a case insensitive and locale adapted way, fixes #12351: Incorrect sort order in wxChoice / wxComboBox

2010-08-18 23:28 RR, revision 65341

Make wxListBox sort in a case insensitive way, fixes #12352: Incorrect sort order in wxListBox

2010-08-18 21:44 SJL, revision 65340

Enable wxUIActionSimulator by default

2010-08-18 20:34 SJL, revision 65339

Disable tests that fail under wxOSX so that they play nicely with the buildbot.

2010-08-18 18:46 SJL, revision 65338

Disable tests that fail under wxGTK so that they play nicely with the buildbot.

2010-08-18 15:57 MYA, revision 65337

Add a readme file of the implmentation detail

2010-08-18 14:59 JS, revision 65336

Use common inline version of wxHexToDec

2010-08-18 14:50 MYA, revision 65335

'Image para moving' feature works well now

2010-08-17 18:55 VZ, revision 65334

Provide native wxHyperlinkCtrl implementation for wxMSW. Use the "syslink" native control to implement wxHyperlinkCtrl under (recent enough, i.e. XP or later) versions of Windows.

2010-08-17 18:12 VZ, revision 65333

Compilation fix: include wx/button.h from wx/commandlinkbutton.h. Include the base class declaration to fix compilation under non-MSW.

2010-08-17 17:24 RAW, revision 65332

Parent window of MSW wxProgressDialog gains focus when the dialog ends.

2010-08-17 17:22 RAW, revision 65331

Updated documentation for wxMessageDialog.