

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-03-08 14:39 FM, revision 52382

make it callable from any path

2008-03-08 13:52 FM, revision 52381

added interface headers with latest discussed changes

2008-03-07 19:38 SC, revision 52378

cleaning up common OSX code

2008-03-07 16:56 SC, revision 52377

cleaning up common OSX code

2008-03-07 16:54 SC, revision 52376

cleaning up common OSX code

2008-03-07 16:53 SC, revision 52375

cleaning up common OSX code

2008-03-07 16:51 SC, revision 52374

cleaning up common OSX code

2008-03-07 16:50 SC, revision 52373

cleaning up common OSX code

2008-03-07 16:50 SC, revision 52372

cleaning up common OSX code

2008-03-07 16:44 SC, revision 52371

xcode_config moved

2008-03-07 16:41 SC, revision 52370

adding Aspen (iPhone)

2008-03-07 16:31 SC, revision 52369
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/carbon/config_xcode.h

moving out of 'carbon' dir

2008-03-07 16:30 SC, revision 52368

moving out of 'carbon' dir

2008-03-07 16:29 SC, revision 52367

adding DLOPEN

2008-03-07 12:59 VS, revision 52366

fixed syntax error

2008-03-07 08:55 JS, revision 52365

Only use fonts in wxTextAttr::Combine if they are really present in the attributes.

2008-03-06 22:23 VS, revision 52364

fixed minsize setting after wxCollapsiblePane is expanded - should set client, not window, minsize

2008-03-06 19:28 VS, revision 52363

deprecated wxWindow::SetHelpTextForId()

2008-03-06 18:02 SC, revision 52362

fix for 1742682

2008-03-06 17:11 VZ, revision 52361

use %p for printing out a pointer

2008-03-06 14:41 VZ, revision 52360

use \newsince instead of incorrect \since

2008-03-06 13:48 VS, revision 52359

Unicode compilation fix

2008-03-06 12:24 SC, revision 52358

64/32 bit fixes

2008-03-06 12:20 SC, revision 52357

64/32 bit fixes

2008-03-06 10:12 VS, revision 52356

use 6px as the default wxSizer border in wxGTK to be a little bit closer to GNOME HIG

2008-03-06 09:44 SC, revision 52355

include fixed for non-precomp

2008-03-06 06:46 JJ, revision 52349

Update OpenVMS compile configuration

2008-03-05 23:12 VZ, revision 52348

remove wxFindFocusedChild() declaration too as g++ gets upset if an extern function is redefined as static

2008-03-05 21:27 SC, revision 52347

graphics context additions (work in progress for cocoa integration) and merging graphics bitmap additions from Kevin O.

2008-03-05 21:19 SC, revision 52346

graphics context additions (work in progress for cocoa integration) and merging graphics bitmap additions from Kevin O.

2008-03-05 21:16 SC, revision 52345

shaped can be minimized

2008-03-05 21:14 SC, revision 52344

graphics context additions and merging graphics bitmap additions from Kevin O.

2008-03-05 21:13 SC, revision 52343

graphics context additions and merging graphics bitmap additions from Kevin O.

2008-03-05 21:11 SC, revision 52342

graphics context additions and merging graphics bitmap additions from Kevin O.

2008-03-05 21:10 SC, revision 52341

merging graphics bitmap additions from Kevin O.

2008-03-05 19:13 FM, revision 52340

fix links to overviews

2008-03-05 19:08 FM, revision 52339

fixed all doxygen warnings fixable

2008-03-05 15:31 VS, revision 52338

made wxFindFocusedChild static, the comment wasn't telling truth anymore

2008-03-05 15:22 VZ, revision 52337

ignore more build files

2008-03-05 15:18 VZ, revision 52336

check that parent is non-NULL in CreateWindowFromHWND() instead of just crashing if it is; don't call SetEventHandler() unnecessarily; inherit the id from HWND in AdoptAttributesFromHWND()

2008-03-05 15:16 VZ, revision 52335

call SetHWND(hWnd) from SubclassWin(), this is consistent with calling SetHWND(0) from UnsubclassWin()

2008-03-05 15:14 VS, revision 52334


2008-03-05 15:14 VS, revision 52333


2008-03-05 15:09 VS, revision 52332

backported wxSizer::SetSizeHints() fix to make it work correctly when the best size decreases

2008-03-05 15:02 VS, revision 52331

backported wxSizer::ComputeFittingClientSize() and ComputeFittingWindowSize() to 2.8

2008-03-05 14:19 VS, revision 52330

backported ClientToWindowSize(), WindowToClientSize() to 2.8

2008-03-05 13:20 VZ, revision 52329

really use the position passed to ShowHelpAtPoint() when using CHM help controller [backport of r52203 from trunk]

2008-03-05 12:39 VZ, revision 52328

disable wxHAS_TEXT_WINDOW_STREAM for the old MSVC iostream.h library; don't disable it for DLL builds (why?)

2008-03-05 12:27 VZ, revision 52327

include wx/artprov.h to define wxArtID used in this header

2008-03-04 22:18 VS, revision 52320

format strings with no real text don't need translating

2008-03-04 17:46 VS, revision 52319

backported wxRESERVE_SPACE_EVEN_IF_HIDDEN to 2.8

2008-03-04 12:16 VZ, revision 52314

set wxUSE_IOSTREAMH to 0 by default, we're in 2008, not 1988

2008-03-04 12:14 VZ, revision 52313

remove leading dots from .ini/.conf in AddConfFileExtIfNeeded() as this results in double dots in the resulting file name

2008-03-04 12:06 VZ, revision 52312

remove duplicate end iterator declaration from Destroy()

2008-03-04 12:06 VZ, revision 52311

VC6 doesn't have wostream when using old iostream.h

2008-03-04 12:03 VS, revision 52310

added macros for checking for conflicts between flags values; use it in wxSizer code

2008-03-04 12:01 VS, revision 52309

added wxRESERVE_SPACE_EVEN_IF_HIDDEN sizer flag that prevents the sizer from changing size if a window is hidden

2008-03-04 10:06 VS, revision 52308

fixed wxGenericTreeCtrl::DoThaw to call base class' method

2008-03-04 10:05 VS, revision 52307

removed IsFrozen() from paint handler, no need for it there

2008-03-04 10:04 VS, revision 52306

test Freeze/Thaw completely, including clearing and setting insertion point

2008-03-04 10:03 VS, revision 52305

implemented Freeze/Thaw in wxGTK

2008-03-04 04:20 BP, revision 52297

Converted bitmaps to PNG (saving 600KB+), flattened any transparent PNGs in case of incompatible browsers/printing, and renamed a number of images to indicate what page it's used on.

2008-03-04 00:21 BP, revision 52296

Fixed non-precomp headers build.

2008-03-03 23:35 FM, revision 52295

add some explanation text for the new sections

2008-03-03 23:33 VZ, revision 52294

use the selection background colour set using SetSelectionBackground() in GetSelectedTextBgColour() by default

2008-03-03 23:27 FM, revision 52293

added the @appearance tag with a first test screenshot

2008-03-03 22:58 FM, revision 52292

added the logos for our main ports

2008-03-03 22:57 FM, revision 52291

use page_port as prefix since it's shorter and more suited to the new aliases added to

2008-03-03 22:56 FM, revision 52290

typo fix

2008-03-03 20:38 MW, revision 52289

Add stylesheet.

2008-03-03 12:23 FM, revision 52285

use rtti as shortcut for runtime type information

2008-03-03 12:22 FM, revision 52284

use rtti as shortcut for runtime type information

2008-03-03 11:30 VS, revision 52283

made Freeze/Thaw recursively (un)freeze child windows too

2008-03-03 10:15 BP, revision 52282

Updated library dependancy graph to use Graphviz (through Doxygen) while removing wxODBC library.

2008-03-03 03:05 BP, revision 52273

Removed wxImageList overview, and other @ref fixes.

2008-03-03 02:01 VZ, revision 52272

position help windows shown when Shift-F1 is pressed near the window and not at the mouse position unless the mouse is over the window [backport of r52271 from trunk]

2008-03-03 01:58 VZ, revision 52271

position help windows shown when Shift-F1 is pressed near the window and not at the mouse position unless the mouse is over the window (this avoids showing the tooltip in the opposite corner of the screen)

2008-03-02 23:50 BP, revision 52270

Fixed WX_2_8_7 tag from revision 50130.

2008-03-02 23:49 BP, revision 52269
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_8_7

Removed faulty tag with two copies of wxWidgets to make room for fixed tag in next commit.

2008-03-02 23:28 VZ, revision 52268

always draw toolbar background ourselves under XP as it isn't drawn correctly with some themes (e.g. Zune one) otherwise (replaces patch 1783181)

2008-03-02 23:27 VZ, revision 52267

add test for setting toolbar background colour

2008-03-02 23:21 VZ, revision 52266

reverted the last 2 changes to this file, the border stuff has nothing to do with toolbar sample and is really confusing

2008-03-02 23:19 VS, revision 52265

there's no such thing as LANG_VALENCIAN

2008-03-02 23:05 VZ, revision 52264

use custom selection colours in wxHtmlListBox again (restores functionality broken by patch 1650804 in r44640)

2008-03-02 20:40 VS, revision 52263

fixed rendering of wxTextCtrl's border with wxTE_RICH(2) styles and XP's Classic theme

2008-03-02 20:24 FM, revision 52262

keep the list of event classes in a single place

2008-03-02 17:29 FM, revision 52261

fix include file syntax

2008-03-02 17:22 FM, revision 52260

added category pages for macros and functions

2008-03-02 17:21 FM, revision 52259

fix topic overview name

2008-03-02 15:35 FM, revision 52258


2008-03-02 15:33 FM, revision 52257

ensure all topic overviews have an horizontal rule with the list of the sections above

2008-03-02 15:18 FM, revision 52256

fixed @code sections

2008-03-02 15:03 FM, revision 52255

fix the @section tag

2008-03-02 14:55 VZ, revision 52254

decouple item index from string value (patch 1905702)

2008-03-02 14:45 VZ, revision 52253

don't post WM_NULL if there is already a WM_NULL in the queue to avoid overflowing it (patch 1904771)

2008-03-02 14:33 VZ, revision 52252

add support for custom controls in file dialog in wxGTK and generic versions; also allow using generic dialogs in the sample with wxGTK2 (patch 1846837)

2008-03-02 14:29 VZ, revision 52251

don't clear value index in SetStringValue() if the value is invalid (patch 1905695)

2008-03-02 14:03 VZ, revision 52250

fix WPARAM typo

2008-03-02 11:00 VS, revision 52248

header files are not executable

2008-03-02 10:59 VS, revision 52247

wxMac: Fixed wxListCtrl to respect items' non-default fonts.