

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-09-05 14:47 SJL, revision 65469

Wrap BitmapToggleButtonTestCase in a preprocessor check so compilation shouldn't fail on platforms that don't support it.

2010-09-04 15:33 VZ, revision 65468

Remove unused wxProgressDialogTaskRunner::m_parent field. This seems to be a left over from old version of the code and is not used any longer. See #12414.

2010-09-04 15:33 VZ, revision 65467

Fix crash in wxMSW wxProgressDialog without wxPD_APP_MODAL style. Use the correct method to retrieve the parent window to disable and check that this pointer is not NULL before dereferencing it. Closes #12414.

2010-09-04 15:33 VZ, revision 65466

Improve main and extended messages handling in new wxMSW wxMessageDialog. Don't use the main message if there is no extended message: this looks bad as the main message is emphasized to contrast with the extended one which doesn't make sense visually if there is no extended message. Also recognize the common use of wxMessageBox() with a multiline text composed of the first string that plays the role of the main message with the rest being the extended one and handle this appropriately automatically. This results in a better appearance by default for a lot of message boxes, including even the one in our own minimal sample.

2010-09-04 11:36 VZ, revision 65465

Add a link to Microsoft guidelines from wxICON_QUESTION documentation. Microsoft documentation provides explanations as to how the icons should be used in the message dialogs which can be useful for people wondering which icon style to use an when. See #12417.

2010-09-04 00:48 VZ, revision 65464

Don't link with long obsolete ctl3d32 library when using MinGW. ctl3d32 was used for Win16 development and is not used by wxMSW since many years, don't link with it unnecessarily when using MinGW. Also remove a FIXME comment about an issue which doesn't seem to need any fixing.

2010-09-03 21:33 VS, revision 65463

Fix wxOwnerDrawnComboBox keyboard navigation with duplicate items. If the combobox contained duplicate strings (i.e. multiple items with the same string value, but differing indexes), then navigating to the second and subsequent ones skipped to the first occurence instead. We need to preserve the index.

2010-09-03 21:33 VS, revision 65462

Fixed wxscintilla compilation for wxDFB.

2010-09-01 17:25 SJL, revision 65457

Fix compilation under MinGW, also add missing SVN properties.

2010-09-01 16:48 JS, revision 65456

wxRichTextCtrl::ApplyStyle now applies a paragraph style at the cursor without needing a selection, and setting the default style now avoids duplicating character attributes in subsequently typed text when they exist in the paragraph style.

2010-09-01 16:48 JS, revision 65455

wxRichTextCtrl::ApplyStyle now applies a paragraph style at the cursor without needing a selection, and setting the default style now avoids duplicating character attributes in subsequently typed text when they exist in the paragraph style.

2010-09-01 15:28 VS, revision 65454

Reduce flicker when removing wxNotebook page. wxMSW implementation hides all pages except the selected one. But when removing selected page from the control, this invariant is temporarily broken and this results in visible flicker. Hiding the page as soon as it gets removed fixes it.

2010-09-01 11:48 VZ, revision 65453

Update wx_dll.dsw to include the ribbon library. Add wx_ribbon project with dependency on core library.

2010-08-31 21:04 JS, revision 65452

Forgotten commits - image loading and XML speedups

2010-08-31 00:18 VZ, revision 65451

Add wxGrid::RefreshAttr() method to force attribute refresh. A cached attribute may continue to be used even though the attribute returned by a custom wxGridCellAttrProvider has changed so add a method to force wxGrid to update the attribute by forgetting the cached copy. Closes #12406.

2010-08-30 23:48 VZ, revision 65450

Don't center wxGenericMessageDialog elements. Centering doesn't seem to be appropriate on neither of the major platforms and makes wxGenericMessageDialog and wxGenericRichMessageDialog which uses it look even less native than otherwise. Simply don't do it neither for the text nor, especially, for the buttons where wxStdDialogButtonSizer already exists to take care of their alignment.

2010-08-30 23:48 VZ, revision 65449

Allow using custom labels for wxGenericMessageDialog buttons. Custom labels set for wxGenericMessageDialog buttons were simply ignored as it used CreateSeparatedButtonSizer() to create the actual buttons which in turn always used the standard labels. Fix this by explicitly creating the buttons with custom labels if necessary. This also fixes custom label support in wxGenericRichMessageDialog deriving from this class.

2010-08-30 23:48 VZ, revision 65448

Extract CreateSeparatedSizer() from wxDialog::CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(). Extract the code adding a separating wxStaticLine to the sizer in its own function to be able to reuse it in upcoming commits.

2010-08-30 23:48 VZ, revision 65447

Fix button order in wxStdDialogButtonSizer in all cases under GTK. The order of Yes/No/Cancel was recently fixed by the changes in r65346 but it broke the order of the buttons in Ok/Cancel case. Ensure the correct order is used in all cases now: the one described by GNOME HIG by default but different order for the special case of Yes/No/Cancel which follows the native message box.

2010-08-30 23:48 VZ, revision 65446

Rewrite GTK section of wxStdDialogButtonSizer using wxSizerFlags. Using wxSizerFlags makes the code shorter and more understandable but otherwise there are no real changes in behaviour except for a minor fix to one of the border which was wrong before.

2010-08-30 13:30 JS, revision 65445

Documented recent wxRTC fixes.

2010-08-30 13:27 JS, revision 65444

Fixed wrong line spacing calculation

2010-08-30 13:27 JS, revision 65443

Fixed wrong line spacing calculation

2010-08-30 10:47 JS, revision 65442

Don't add space before para twice in paragraph layout Discard attributes from empty text object when merging

2010-08-30 10:47 JS, revision 65441

Don't add space before para twice in paragraph layout Discard attributes from empty text object when merging

2010-08-29 18:53 PMO, revision 65439

Replaced copy&paste code to create the underlying qt widget with a template function

2010-08-29 17:18 PMO, revision 65438

Update to trunk r65433

2010-08-29 14:24 RR, revision 65437

include wx/sizer.h as buildbot complained

2010-08-29 11:42 RR, revision 65436

Add possibility to use sizers in ribbon panel, fixes #12404: wxRibbonPanel and wxSizer

2010-08-28 19:05 VS, revision 65435

Scale sizes more accurately in generic SetWindowVariant().

2010-08-28 13:29 PMO, revision 65434

Update to trunk r65433

2010-08-26 15:51 JMS, revision 65424

Changed wxArrayStringProperty default delimiter to comma. It should allow for better looking and more easily editable property values for common cases.

2010-08-26 15:25 JMS, revision 65423

Added missing wx/defs.h includes in propgrid headers

2010-08-26 08:53 JJ, revision 65422

correcting wxX11 for wxkeysym as was done for wxMOTIF

2010-08-25 17:02 VS, revision 65406

Fix wxListBox selection handling broken by r64500. r64500 introduced tracking of previous selection in wxMSW's wxListBox so that an event isn't sent when the user clicks already selected item again. Unfortunately, it forgot to account for programatic changes of selection (e.g. when all items are removed, so is the selection) and didn't update selection book-keeping information in that case. The result was that the event wasn't sent when it should be in some cases. Fixed by using UpdateOldSelections() even in single-selection case in wxMSW.

2010-08-24 19:22 RR, revision 65400

Reenable sorting tests for GTK

2010-08-24 19:06 RR, revision 65399

Make sorting of wxListBox, wxChoice and wxComboBox identical to the MSW sorting

2010-08-24 13:36 VZ, revision 65398

Remove unused wxDisplay implementation using DirectDraw from wxMSW. Remove commented out version of DirectDraw-based wxDisplayFactory implementation. It doesn't seem to have any advantages compared to the currently used version and nobody uses it anyhow. Closes #12387.

2010-08-24 13:23 JJ, revision 65397

wxKeysym problem for wxMOTIF fixed

2010-08-24 00:04 JTN, revision 65395

Clean up bakefile: Use platform specific evtloop, timer... Also, create a QCoreApplication before a QEventLoop if the former doesn't already exists (required by Qt)

2010-08-23 20:54 VZ, revision 65393

Compilation fix: forward declare wxTextEntry in unit tests code. This should fix tests compilation on the build bot Mac OS X slaves.

2010-08-23 09:50 JJ, revision 65392

Update openVMS compile support

2010-08-23 01:46 VZ, revision 65390

Use "C" locale for locale-dependent part of TextCtrlTestCase. As we expect to get decimal points in the text control when we stream floating point numbers into it, we must do it in a locale which uses decimal point, e.g. "C" one. Otherwise the test failed when ran in e.g. French locale.

2010-08-23 01:45 VZ, revision 65389

Document that wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST is implied under OS X. Mention in the documentation that the standard file open dialog under OS X can't be used to select a non-existing file.

2010-08-23 01:45 VZ, revision 65388

Remove unused src/osx/cocoa/ file. This file was empty and unused any more so simply remove it and all references to it in the makefiles. This avoids warnings about empty object files in static builds of the library.

2010-08-23 00:58 VZ, revision 65387

Don't use uninitialized variable in wxCharCodeWXToOSX(). If an unsupported wxKeyCode was passed to this function, an undefined value was returned. Return -1 instead to indicate failure.

2010-08-23 00:16 VZ, revision 65386

Merge the new GUI tests from SOC2010_GUI_TEST branch. Add a lot of tests for many wx GUI classes. Add tests using the new wxUIActionSimulator class but disable them under OS X as too many of them currently fail there. Refactor the test suite to make organizing the existing tests and adding the new ones easier. Improve documentation using the information gathered while testing the classes. Also update the documentation of the testing system itself.

2010-08-23 00:15 VZ, revision 65385

Merge wxUIActionSimulator fixes from SOC2010_GUI_TEST branch. Correct a lot of problems with the initial implementation, notably make the API consistent across all platforms, e.g. all keyboard-related methods now take just a wxKeyCode. Add some useful higher-level helpers such as Text() and MouseDragDrop(). Improve documentation. wxUIActionSimulator now works under MSW, GTK and OS X and is enabled by default.

2010-08-23 00:15 VZ, revision 65384

Fix selection corner cases in wxOSX wxComboBox. Don't crash in wxComboBox::GetString() if it's passed an invalid index. Don't call GetString() with invalid index from GetStringSelection() if there is no selection. Do accept wxNOT_FOUND in SetSelectedItem() as it means, according to the docs, that the existing selection should be reset.

2010-08-23 00:15 VZ, revision 65383

Don't crash in wxOSX::wxClipboard::Clear() if initialization failed. Creating the clipboard may fail (e.g. when running from a ssh session to an OS X machine), don't crash by passing NULL pointer to PasteboardClear() if this happens but assert and return instead.