

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-07-07 18:56 DE, revision 21748

Use NSColor from wxColour and wxBrush #if 0 the bounding box drawn around all text (which was for testing)

2003-07-07 18:53 DE, revision 21747

First hack at wxBrush for wxCocoa

2003-07-07 16:21 JS, revision 21746

Added wxFrameBase::OnMenuOpen, and wxUSE_IDLEMENUUPDATES in platform.h Experimental wxUpdateUIEvent::SetUpdateInterval() function to limit UI update frequency

2003-07-07 14:21 RR, revision 21745

Added code for better mouse click detection in various native controls. wxChoice and wxSpinCtrl look better, wxListBox doesn't.

2003-07-07 14:20 RR, revision 21744

Added IsOwnGtkWindow() to wxChoice for mouse click interception.

2003-07-07 11:59 VZ, revision 21743

document the functions sending page changing events

2003-07-07 11:58 VZ, revision 21742

compilation fix (extra semicolon)

2003-07-07 11:48 VZ, revision 21741

warning (in Unicode only) fix

2003-07-07 11:48 VZ, revision 21740

added wxEntry(char **) declaration

2003-07-07 11:14 VZ, revision 21739

mention that OnInit/Exit() should be used instead of wxApp/~wxApp

2003-07-07 08:56 VS, revision 21738

Unicode compilation fixes

2003-07-07 08:52 VS, revision 21737

caret.cpp was missing

2003-07-07 08:33 VS, revision 21736

compilation fix for #ifdef __WXDEBUG__

2003-07-07 08:28 VS, revision 21735

applied modified UTF-8 locales patch (766893)

2003-07-07 08:05 VS, revision 21734

configure didn't define __WXDEBUG__, fixed

2003-07-06 23:29 VZ, revision 21733

backported patch 762500 (don't eas 100% of CPU when showing popup menu)

2003-07-06 23:26 VZ, revision 21732

don't east 100% of CPU when showing popup menu (patch 762500)

2003-07-06 23:08 VS, revision 21731


2003-07-06 23:01 VS, revision 21730

regen XRC makefiles

2003-07-06 22:53 VS, revision 21729

updated main makefiles

2003-07-06 22:53 VS, revision 21728

don't link wxBase against GUI libraries

2003-07-06 22:47 VS, revision 21727

added ability to build contrib samples

2003-07-06 22:19 VS, revision 21726

added xrcdemo bakefile

2003-07-06 22:00 VZ, revision 21725

check for wrong wxID_OK usage (patch 758388)

2003-07-06 21:54 VZ, revision 21724

documented Fit() brokenness if sizers are not used