

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-07-22 09:01 CE, revision 22228

borland does not like ; at end of macros

2003-07-22 08:57 RR, revision 22227

Applied bitmap safer return patch. Applied gtk pop up menu patch. Applied fontutil patch for better font matching in GTK 1.2

2003-07-22 01:47 VZ, revision 22226

don't sort filenames returned from the dialog

2003-07-22 01:42 VZ, revision 22225

more warning fixes; removed references to wxToolBarBase from wxRTTI

2003-07-22 01:10 RD, revision 22224

Compile fixes

2003-07-22 01:00 RD, revision 22223

Patch #775355 Unicode fix for STC

2003-07-22 00:24 VZ, revision 22222

undisable many warnings for VC++ in defs.h and fixed several thousands of them in the sources

2003-07-21 23:16 VZ, revision 22221

suppress warning about not being able to generate copy ctor/operator=()

2003-07-21 23:13 VZ, revision 22220

must derive from wxDC, not wxDCBase

2003-07-21 23:13 VZ, revision 22219

added default parameters to wxBrush/wxPen ctors

2003-07-21 23:12 VZ, revision 22218

virtualized splitter drawing; removed/deprecated some styles and moved others from wx/defs.h; eliminated flicker

2003-07-21 23:00 VZ, revision 22217

make it possible to have flickerless splitter by not forcing repaint on resize

2003-07-21 22:23 VS, revision 22216

expand wildcards on windows (patch #773160)

2003-07-21 22:18 VS, revision 22215

detect broken expat.h

2003-07-21 21:53 VS, revision 22214

install resource files with wxMSW

2003-07-21 20:57 DE, revision 22213

dcmemory.cpp is now

2003-07-21 20:55 DE, revision 22212

wxCocoa: Preliminary wxMemoryDC implementation

2003-07-21 20:48 VZ, revision 22211

gave default parameters for wxBrush() ctor from wxColour (this is what is used in 99 of cases...)

2003-07-21 20:41 VZ, revision 22210

gave default parameters for wxBrush() ctor from wxColour (this is what is used in 99 of cases...)

2003-07-21 20:00 MBN, revision 22209

wxX11 and wxMotif STL-ification, part 1. it does not compile. yet, but keeps the diff between my local copy and HEAD < 4000 lines...

2003-07-21 19:55 MBN, revision 22208

Compilation fixes for wxUSE_STL=1 and for WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4=0.

2003-07-21 19:39 VZ, revision 22207

gave default parameters for wxPen() ctor from wxColour (this is what is used in 99 of cases...)

2003-07-21 19:15 VZ, revision 22206

added wxMirrorDC

2003-07-21 18:58 VS, revision 22205

fixed inclusion of expat include dir

2003-07-21 18:57 DE, revision 22204

Don't depend on wx/dcmemory.h to include wx/dcclient.h for wxPaintDC