

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-04-12 17:10 VZ, revision 53144

don't stop on NULs in Replace()

2008-04-12 17:05 VZ, revision 53143

test that iterator is valid before comparing with it (another bug introduced when replacing indices with iterators)

2008-04-12 17:03 VZ, revision 53142

fix bugs introduced in wxCmdLineParser::ConvertStringToArgs() during Unicode transition; added a unit test for it

2008-04-12 16:30 RR, revision 53141

Try to escape backward slash with two of them

2008-04-12 15:37 RR, revision 53140

Add wxPopupWindow

2008-04-12 15:14 RR, revision 53139

Mention Scrolled and wxScrolledWindow

2008-04-12 15:12 VZ, revision 53138

forward declare wxVideoMode as struct, not class, now that it was reverted to be struct again

2008-04-12 15:05 RR, revision 53137

added @li to return values in wxStandardPaths

2008-04-12 12:05 CE, revision 53136

add ifacechaek to distrib

2008-04-12 02:31 VZ, revision 53135

use WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE instead of WXDLLEXPORT to avoid newer mingw32 warnings

2008-04-12 02:28 VZ, revision 53134

wxThread::Sleep() is the same as wxMilliSleep() on all platforms but Mac (and maybe it should be the same thing there as well)

2008-04-12 02:24 VZ, revision 53133

correct CallHtmlHelp() overload being called in Quit()

2008-04-12 02:17 VZ, revision 53132
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/apptbase.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/apptrait.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/carbon/apptbase.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/carbon/apptrait.h

remove unused wxAppTraits-related files

2008-04-11 22:12 VS, revision 53131

Added documentation for wxItemContainer class; moved methods docs from wxControlWithItems there and fixed errors in them.

2008-04-11 17:56 VZ, revision 53130

ENDSESSION_LOGOFF is a bit flag, test for it using bit end and not equality in WM_ENDSESSION handler

2008-04-11 13:01 VZ, revision 53129

argh, really, really fix Darwin build

2008-04-11 12:59 VZ, revision 53128

GetSocketManager() has no GUI-specific version under Darwin finally

2008-04-11 12:51 VZ, revision 53127

also use AddProcessCallback() and GetSocketManager() under Darwin

2008-04-11 10:40 RR, revision 53126

Add test for context menu, fixed mem leak, fixed focus problem when re-editing same item

2008-04-11 10:32 RR, revision 53125

Improve wxMenu docs

2008-04-11 09:52 VS, revision 53124

reverted wxVideoMode API breakage by r53049, finished documentation for it

2008-04-11 08:35 JJ, revision 53123

Updates for VMS : new Makefiles, proper type casts

2008-04-11 07:01 BP, revision 53122

Fixed multiple inheritance structure of vscroll.h classes.

2008-04-10 22:09 FM, revision 53121

introduce a new @beginFlagTable

2008-04-10 22:04 FM, revision 53120

other misc fixes

2008-04-10 21:59 FM, revision 53119

use an enum to make it easier to document the values

2008-04-10 21:31 FM, revision 53118

revisions of o-p headers contributed by Utensil Candel and revised by me

2008-04-10 21:17 FM, revision 53117

use a @section instead of <b> tags

2008-04-10 21:16 FM, revision 53116

revisions of o-p headers contributed by Utensil Candel and revised by me

2008-04-10 20:28 RR, revision 53115

More proof-reading in wxImage

2008-04-10 20:06 RR, revision 53114

Rearrange categories, III

2008-04-10 20:02 RR, revision 53113

Rearrange categories, II#

2008-04-10 19:53 RR, revision 53112

Rearrange categories

2008-04-10 18:02 VS, revision 53111

compilation fix after FM's wxBitmapHandler changes

2008-04-10 17:58 VS, revision 53110

compilation fix for newest DirectFB versions (patch #1939443 by Anders Larsen)

2008-04-10 17:58 VS, revision 53109

compilation fix for newest DirectFB versions (patch #1939443 by Anders Larsen)

2008-04-10 16:36 RR, revision 53108

Learning doxygen

2008-04-10 16:36 RR, revision 53107

minor improvements

2008-04-10 14:05 JS, revision 53106

Added wxRichTextCtrl superscript and subscript support (Knut Petter Lehre).

2008-04-10 14:05 JS, revision 53105

Added wxRichTextCtrl superscript and subscript support (Knut Petter Lehre).

2008-04-10 13:45 RR, revision 53104

Minor correction to Unicode overview

2008-04-10 13:36 RR, revision 53103

Correct introduction to wxControlWithItems

2008-04-10 13:21 RR, revision 53102

First attempt to document raw bitmap access

2008-04-10 12:35 RR, revision 53101

Make wxImage correction

2008-04-10 10:45 VZ, revision 53100

oops, added missing #endif

2008-04-10 10:44 VZ, revision 53099

only declare AddProcessCallback for wxMotif and wxGTK

2008-04-10 02:57 BP, revision 53098

Finished initial review of some [co*] interface headers.

2008-04-09 21:30 SN, revision 53097

Added missing (trivial) implementation file for wxMiniFrame on OS/2.

2008-04-09 21:25 SN, revision 53096


2008-04-08 13:52 JS, revision 53094

Try standard XDG location for documents directory

2008-04-08 13:51 JS, revision 53093

Try standard XDG location for documents directory

2008-04-08 12:38 RR, revision 53092

Update Unicode overview to 3.0

2008-04-08 11:17 RR, revision 53091

Adapt MSW's renderer's alignment to use column header's alignment by default

2008-04-08 11:05 JS, revision 53090

Don't send event from ChangeValue

2008-04-08 11:04 JS, revision 53089

Don't send event from ChangeValue

2008-04-08 10:40 RR, revision 53088

We do use templates now

2008-04-08 10:39 RR, revision 53087

By default, align renderers as column header under GTK+, too.

2008-04-08 05:34 BP, revision 53086

Finished initial review of [cl*-cm*] interface headers.

2008-04-08 00:31 KO, revision 53085

Since we use C-style casts to grab the pointer from an item id, we can return an invalid item if the control has extra items appended.

2008-04-07 20:12 VZ, revision 53084

don't ask for bounding rectangle of a hidden root, this fixes a crash introduced by the previous patch

2008-04-07 18:53 RD, revision 53083

wxVideoMode is a class not a struct

2008-04-07 18:52 RD, revision 53082

fix typedef

2008-04-07 17:41 FM, revision 53081

better integration of the window sizing overview in the wx docs; revised it removing python-like syntaxes; misc fixes to the wording

2008-04-07 12:25 JS, revision 53080

Avoid the use font setters to avoid any memory leaks

2008-04-07 10:46 RR, revision 53079

Put sample code back in, removed during conversion to Doxygen

2008-04-07 10:37 RR, revision 53078

Further corrections to container class docs

2008-04-07 09:27 RR, revision 53077

Split wxDataViewVirtualModel fork wxDataViewIndexModel to make the code clearer and let wxDataViewIndexModel behave the same on all platforms

2008-04-07 08:23 RR, revision 53076

Compilo after wxVideoMode change, MSW part

2008-04-07 06:23 KO, revision 53074

Enable popupwin on Mac.

2008-04-07 03:44 KO, revision 53073

Add somehow uncommitted file.

2008-04-07 01:06 VZ, revision 53072

correct positioning of the control and removed workarounds for old MSW bugs

2008-04-07 00:17 RR, revision 53071

Some corrections to container class docs.

2008-04-07 00:07 RR, revision 53070

Mention that the renderer's alignment is ignored under OS X, reorder docs

2008-04-06 23:28 RR, revision 53069


2008-04-06 23:16 RR, revision 53068

Test header and renderer aligment separately, II

2008-04-06 23:07 RR, revision 53067

Test header and renderer aligment separately

2008-04-06 23:04 RR, revision 53066

Added alignment parameter to renderers' constr

2008-04-06 22:59 RR, revision 53065

Mention wxDataViewRenderer Set/GetAlignment

2008-04-06 20:31 RR, revision 53064

Fix compilo

2008-04-06 20:02 VZ, revision 53063

no changes, just fix typo in variable name

2008-04-06 17:02 VZ, revision 53062

don't bounce back events to the text control recursively as this results in infinite recursion under wxGTK and probably other ports

2008-04-06 16:24 FM, revision 53061

stdobjects is used for both objects and pointers

2008-04-06 16:19 FM, revision 53060

my revision of o-p interface headers

2008-04-06 16:14 VZ, revision 53059

delay setting the window shape until it is realized (slightly modified patch 1935497)

2008-04-06 16:01 VZ, revision 53058

added a note about entry point in Unicode build (patch 1934836)

2008-04-06 15:57 VZ, revision 53057

use background colour, not WINDOW_COLOR, in OnDrawItem() (patch 1934179)

2008-04-06 15:55 VZ, revision 53056

use kind, not id, of a menu item to test whether it's a separator: this allows having separators with ids other than wxID_SEPARATOR in case it's useful to distinguish between them (patch 1929039)

2008-04-06 15:46 VZ, revision 53055

demo toggling border and 3D sash styles (last part of patch 1927817)

2008-04-06 15:45 VZ, revision 53054

use wxJoin() instead of redoing it manually in the code logging the messages (part of patch 1927817)

2008-04-06 15:42 VZ, revision 53053

demonstrate fuller about dialog in ShowFullAboutDialog() (part of patch 1927817)

2008-04-06 15:41 VZ, revision 53052

removed (unused) occurrences of _WX_DEFINE_DATE_EVENTS_ (part of patch 1927817)

2008-04-06 15:37 VZ, revision 53051

refresh the item after adding its first child as, apparently, otherwise the '+' is not always drawn immediately (patch 1927179)

2008-04-06 15:35 FM, revision 53050

give a name to the enumeration of the values which can be passed to OnDrawItem to make it easier to document it

2008-04-06 15:34 FM, revision 53049

documented wxVideoMode (otherwise wxDisplay docs are not very useful)

2008-04-06 15:31 VZ, revision 53048

continue with other handlers if some handler fails in LoadFile() after returning true from CanRead() (modified patch 1926226)

2008-04-06 15:28 FM, revision 53047

make sure all wxDefault* and all wxNull* global instances are documented

2008-04-06 15:25 VZ, revision 53046

corrected inverted test in IsEmpty() (patch 1936052)

2008-04-06 15:14 VZ, revision 53045

reset m_selection in DeleteAllPages() (patch 1922215); some cleanup of DoRemovePage() in trunk

2008-04-06 14:49 FM, revision 53044

small typo fix

2008-04-06 14:43 FM, revision 53043

improved rendering of styles and events sections: put the description of those items on new lines; put the prototype of event handlers on a separate line, too. This change requires that @event and @style macros are _not_ followed by a colon.