

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-08-01 13:39 VZ, revision 22428

documented OnDrawBackground()

2003-08-01 13:38 VZ, revision 22427

1. added flags to splitter drawing functions and replaced GetSplitterBorderAndSash() with GetSplitterParams() 2. added support for "hot tracking" to wxSplitterWindow 3. added GTK2 support for the splitter to GTK renderer

2003-08-01 13:33 VS, revision 22426


2003-07-31 21:30 RD, revision 22425

fixed --basename

2003-07-31 19:21 RD, revision 22424

If a wxPy[Command]Event has been cloned then we need to propogate the Skip value from the original back to the clone after it has been processed.

2003-07-31 19:21 RD, revision 22423

Various testing changes

2003-07-31 19:00 DE, revision 22422


2003-07-31 18:28 RD, revision 22421

If a wxPy[Command]Event has been cloned then we need to propogate the Skip value from the original back to the clone after it has been processed.

2003-07-31 18:27 RR, revision 22420

Further adaptions of wxFileDialog to mini-screens.

2003-07-31 18:27 RR, revision 22419

The GPE window manager doesn"t like SetSizeHints().

2003-07-31 17:54 SC, revision 22418

template<> added for some compilers

2003-07-31 17:53 SC, revision 22417


2003-07-31 17:13 RD, revision 22416

Various testing changes

2003-07-31 17:12 RD, revision 22415

Show how to iterate selected items

2003-07-31 16:47 RD, revision 22414

Fixes for menu items with a bitmap and an accelerator, with thanks to Alberto Griggio. (Previously sometimes an event was not sent for menu items with an image and an accelerator.)

2003-07-31 13:59 JS, revision 22413

Removed some warnings in widgets sample Reduced some flicker in wxNotebook when using XP controls

2003-07-31 11:44 VS, revision 22412

examples of customizing VC++ project files

2003-07-31 11:41 VS, revision 22411

added VC++ project files

2003-07-31 11:33 JS, revision 22410

Suppressed some flicker in standard wxToolBar

2003-07-31 11:31 JS, revision 22409

Added back the copy ctor and assignment warning suppression

2003-07-31 11:15 VS, revision 22408

reference to technote

2003-07-31 10:41 VS, revision 22407

fixed dsw generator on Unix

2003-07-31 10:13 VS, revision 22406

Julian forgot to add wxUSE_UXTHEME

2003-07-31 10:13 VS, revision 22405

new wxUSE_xxx variables must be in chkconf.h

2003-07-31 10:12 VS, revision 22404

compilation fixes