

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-10-25 01:40 VZ, revision 72761

No real changes, just avoid unnecessary string operations in wxSVGFileDCImpl. Simply write string together instead of concatenating them during run-time. See #14462.

2012-10-25 01:39 VZ, revision 72760

No changes, just remove unused variable from wxSVGFileDCImpl. sWarn was never used, drop it. See #14462.

2012-10-25 01:14 VZ, revision 72759

Show some information about the environment in the unit tests. For now just show the system description and the locale, this should already be helpful for diagnosing some test failures.

2012-10-25 01:13 VZ, revision 72758

Test for the shared library existence in DynamicLibraryTestCase. Trying to understand why does the test fail in some build slaves builds.

2012-10-25 01:13 VZ, revision 72757

Add a missing test for wxHAS_CALL_AFTER in the implementation too. This completes the changes of r72743.

2012-10-24 20:34 VZ, revision 72756

Try to avoid accidental use of wxXmlNode in XRC handlers. Now that the handlers can be defined outside of the XRC library, we can't use wxXmlNode in them because this would create an (unsatisfied) link dependency on the xml library. To avoid this happening accidentally, don't include wx/xml/xml.h from the XRC header, unless building the xrc library itself.

2012-10-24 20:33 VZ, revision 72755

Disable dropdown menu support in wxRibbonXmlHandler. The code handling it uses wxXmlNode directly as it's written now which isn't allowed as it introduces a dependency of ribbon library on the xml one and so currently breaks linking of the ribbon DLL under MSW. See #12058.

2012-10-24 20:22 VZ, revision 72754

Don't call wxSafeYield() from wxGenericListCtrl::EditLabel(). This could result in wxYield() reentrancy and while it could be avoided by using wxSafeYield(NULL, true /* only if needed */) it seems that we don't actually need to yield here at all and a simple Update() should be enough. Closes #14727.

2012-10-24 20:22 VZ, revision 72753

Don't iterate over files in wxFileSystemWatcherBase. We ignore the files anyhow when recursively adding watches for the entire tree, so don't include them in the iteration. See #14543.

2012-10-24 20:21 VZ, revision 72752

Remove wxAUI dependency on wxXML as it doesn't depend on it. Don't include wxAUI -> wxXML dependency in the libraries diagram in the manual.

2012-10-24 20:21 VZ, revision 72751

Respect wxFileName::DontFollowLink() in wxFileSystemWatcher. Watch the link itself and not its target if DontFollowLink() had been called. Closes #14543.

2012-10-24 16:02 VZ, revision 72750

Make wxDateTime invalid after Set((time_t)-1) call. Closes #14776.

2012-10-24 16:02 VZ, revision 72749

Close wxLogWindow automatically if it's the last remaining TLW. Don't keep the application opened just because a log window is shown. Closes #14775.

2012-10-24 16:01 VZ, revision 72748

Add wxVector::assign(). Closes #14703.

2012-10-24 15:13 JS, revision 72747

Updated Lativan translation

2012-10-24 15:11 JS, revision 72746

Updated Latvian translation

2012-10-24 02:25 VZ, revision 72745

Don't use std::min(), it's not available everywhere. Fix compilation using Sun CC under Solaris.

2012-10-24 02:25 VZ, revision 72744

Don't use Shift-TAB in keyboard test. This key combination seems to be intercepted by GTK now for keyboard navigation purposes and we never get key up events for it. Just use a different key.

2012-10-24 02:17 VZ, revision 72743

Disable wxEvtHandler::CallAfter() for VC6, it's too broken for it. There is no clear way to implement wxRemoveRef() for VC6 so just disable it, and CallAfter() as it relies on it, for this compiler.

2012-10-24 01:58 VZ, revision 72742

Don't follow symlinks in wxFileName::Rmdir(wxPATH_RMDIR_RECURSIVE). Following symlinks, possibly leading outside of the directory being removed, is at best surprising and at worst dangerous, so don't do it and just mimic the behaviour of "rm -rf", i.e. remove everything inside this directory, including the symlinks themselves, but don't follow them. Closes #14649.

2012-10-24 01:57 VZ, revision 72741

Mention wxFILE_EXISTS_NO_FOLLOW in wxFILE_EXISTS_SYMLINK description. Using wxFILE_EXISTS_SYMLINK without wxFILE_EXISTS_NO_FOLLOW can only be fruitless, so mention that they should normally be used together in the documentation. An alternative solution would be to always add wxFILE_EXISTS_NO_FOLLOW automatically if wxFILE_EXISTS_SYMLINK is used, perhaps we should do this instead. See #14542.

2012-10-24 01:57 VZ, revision 72740

Add wxDIR_NO_FOLLOW flag for wxDir iteration. This flag allows to avoid following the symbolic links during the directory traversal. In particular, this means that links to the directories (potentially outside the directory being traversed) are not considered as directories at all when it is used, potentially avoiding surprises. Closes #14542.

2012-10-24 01:57 VZ, revision 72739

Change the way directory iteration flags are constructed. Instead of explicitly constructing the flags from the flags that should be included, construct them by excluding the flags that shouldn't be used. This makes the code more stable in the sense that it will continue to work when new flags, such as the upcoming wxDIR_NO_FOLLOW, are added. See #14542.

2012-10-23 22:48 JS, revision 72738

We need to generate an event even if the value is the same else combobox event-ignoring behaviour breaks and a combobox in a property editor (for example) can fail to respond to the first key press.

2012-10-23 19:29 PC, revision 72737

non-pch build fix