

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-08-28 18:06 VS, revision 23278

added hardcoded values for project files, so that they don't have to be passed on command line

2003-08-28 17:49 DE, revision 23277

Send all menu item actions to a dedicated target. This is to ensure the actions always make it to the proper wxFrame.

2003-08-28 17:13 VS, revision 23276

make dist fixes belong here

2003-08-28 16:37 DE, revision 23275

* Clean up the includes and use wxprec.h * Wrap toolbar related code in wxUSE_TOOLBAR * m_frameToolBar was used where m_frameStatusBar should have been.

2003-08-28 16:34 DE, revision 23274

CreateToolBar/SetToolBar wrapped in #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR

2003-08-28 14:49 SC, revision 23273

-1 , -1 for SetSelection improved

2003-08-28 14:42 SC, revision 23272

-1 , -1 for SetSelection improved

2003-08-28 10:48 VS, revision 23271

unknown container now accepts wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE flag (John Anderson)

2003-08-28 10:40 VS, revision 23270

unknown container now accepts wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE flag (John Anderson)

2003-08-28 09:36 VS, revision 23269

wxCheckList -> wxCheckListBox

2003-08-28 08:47 JS, revision 23268

Added notes for OnPreparePrinting

2003-08-27 21:27 JS, revision 23267

Copy some missing samples, and contrib for Motif/Mac

2003-08-27 20:22 JS, revision 23266

Do archive name case conversion for wxMac and wxMotif

2003-08-27 18:57 SN, revision 23265

Don't treat OS/2 as a Unix-like system in this particular file. This also simplifies some of the #ifdef statments. :-)

2003-08-27 18:42 SC, revision 23264


2003-08-27 18:39 SN, revision 23263

Never use unix/mimetype.h on OS/2. I'm not exactly sure, if that's the right thing to do for the X11 ports when running them on OS/2, though.

2003-08-27 18:19 SN, revision 23262

Want to use wxDir::HasSubDirs on OS/2 with gcc, too.

2003-08-27 18:09 VS, revision 23261


2003-08-27 18:08 VS, revision 23260

wxLayout.cpp is data file as well

2003-08-27 17:53 SC, revision 23259

event exposure

2003-08-27 17:29 SC, revision 23258

event exposure

2003-08-27 17:11 SC, revision 23257

added support for range types to runtime depersister

2003-08-27 17:05 SC, revision 23256

added range of types to delegate type info

2003-08-27 17:02 SC, revision 23255

added range of types for delegate type info

2003-08-27 12:17 SC, revision 23254

constness for accessors of enum data