

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-09-15 15:36 JS, revision 23603

Updated makefiles etc. for 2.5.1

2003-09-15 15:34 DE, revision 23602

Cleaned up some comments, reorganized some code

2003-09-15 15:22 DE, revision 23601

Clean up comments

2003-09-15 14:10 VZ, revision 23600

fixed iODBC detection

2003-09-15 13:00 VZ, revision 23599


2003-09-15 12:28 CE, revision 23598

sf patch #806451

2003-09-15 11:46 VZ, revision 23597

remove us from the parents children list in Destroy()

2003-09-15 11:45 VZ, revision 23596

call RemoveChild() in ~wxWindowBase instead of doing it in each ~wxWindow for each port

2003-09-15 11:42 CE, revision 23595

fix incorrect parameter error fo r DrawArc

2003-09-15 11:39 VZ, revision 23594

IsDialogMessage fix

2003-09-15 11:00 VZ, revision 23593

wxNavigationKeyEvent doesn't derive from wxCommandEvent (but from wxEvent)

2003-09-15 08:55 JS, revision 23592

WinCE bitmap patch from Johannes Schindelin <>

2003-09-14 23:13 VZ, revision 23591

implemented wxDateTime::ParseDateTime() (patch 779794)

2003-09-14 23:01 VZ, revision 23590

backport: adjust m_current when inserting items in the control (patch 799937)

2003-09-14 22:59 VZ, revision 23589

adjust m_current when inserting items in the control (patch 799937)

2003-09-14 22:52 VZ, revision 23588

fix for calculating the header window height (patch 805791)

2003-09-14 21:10 VZ, revision 23587

align the items correctly with wxLC_ALIGN_TOP

2003-09-14 20:40 VZ, revision 23586

added support for wxLC_ALIGN_LEFT/TOP

2003-09-14 19:52 VZ, revision 23585

account for the scrollbars in GetViewRect()

2003-09-14 19:39 JS, revision 23584

Changed version to 2.5.1

2003-09-14 19:37 VZ, revision 23583

disabled (conditionally) separating static line; improved borders

2003-09-14 19:36 VZ, revision 23582

removed the fudge from GetViewRect(), it isn't needed

2003-09-14 19:22 JS, revision 23581

Changed version to 2.4.2

2003-09-14 19:03 VZ, revision 23580

GePageRect() should use the full list size while OnSize() should use the client size

2003-09-14 18:40 SC, revision 23579

removal of pc-mac charset conversion for wxMac