

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-11-06 20:02 DE, revision 24428

Don't call wxMenuBarManager::CocoaInternalIdle(). It is about to be removed.

2003-11-06 19:53 DE, revision 24427

Add virtual wxMenuBar* GetAppMenuBar();

2003-11-06 19:41 VZ, revision 24426

fixed vertical scrollbar handling (broken by some relatively recent but unknown precisely change)

2003-11-06 19:28 VZ, revision 24425

update list ctrl size after recreating it (when the mode changes)

2003-11-06 19:25 DE, revision 24424

wxMenuBarManager::InstallMenuBarForWindow no longer looks for a menubar attached to the parent of a window without one. Instead, it is now up to the GetAppMenuBar() function to do so. The new implementation in wxTopLevelWindow does just that. The wxFrame implementation now calls the base class version if it does not have a menubar. Also, it is now invalid to call the function with a NULL window (it is internal anyway).

2003-11-06 18:53 RD, revision 24423

Tweaked the layout sample a bit for wxGridBagSizer

2003-11-06 18:36 DE, revision 24422

Include mondrian.xpm for _all_ platforms except wxMSW

2003-11-06 18:33 DE, revision 24421

Wrap ToolBar stuff with #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR

2003-11-06 18:22 DE, revision 24420

Wrap some toolbar code in #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR

2003-11-06 18:14 DE, revision 24419

Changed Command to ProcessCommand

2003-11-06 18:09 DE, revision 24418

Replaced all occurences of id with winid for Objective-C++ compatibility

2003-11-06 15:21 JS, revision 24417

Removed some old doc targets Fixed doc typos No longer convert OS/2 files to lower case

2003-11-06 01:31 RD, revision 24416

Added wxGridBagSizer, a grid sizer where item positions can be specified and row/col spanning is allowed. Updated docs, the layout sample, files.bkl, and updated makefiles.

2003-11-05 23:33 VS, revision 24415

generate build.cfg file on Windows, with information about settings used to build the library

2003-11-05 22:53 VS, revision 24414

fixed wrong format names

2003-11-05 16:10 DS, revision 24413

Fixed bug introduced by previous commit (Swapped if/else order).

2003-11-05 15:46 DS, revision 24412

Ignore Borland build directory; Ignore 3 .lib files generated by DigitalMars.

2003-11-04 20:00 DE, revision 24411

Use a lowercase 'q' for the Quit menu item's keyEquivalent.

2003-11-04 19:45 DE, revision 24410

Removed call to InitBase() from wxWindowCocoa::Init()

2003-11-04 13:16 DS, revision 24409

Removed usage of deprecated methods (patch #827023); Slight code cleanup.

2003-11-04 12:21 DS, revision 24408

Ignore expat*.lib files and vc_lib directory which are created during build.

2003-11-04 09:22 DS, revision 24407

wxWindowsPrinter::Print ignored the "All pages" option, instead it was using the (invalid) from-to range (patch #835254); Slight code cleanup.

2003-11-04 05:31 RD, revision 24406

Don't import from wxd as the decorators are currently broken

2003-11-04 05:24 RD, revision 24405


2003-11-04 04:37 RD, revision 24404
