

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-12-03 03:26 RD, revision 24703

Some little tweaks for debugging

2003-12-03 03:24 RD, revision 24702

Use InheritAttributes for wxGTK widgets so they will check ShouldInheritColours. Set wxButton to not inherit colours.

2003-12-03 01:40 RD, revision 24701


2003-12-03 01:38 RD, revision 24700

Mention that NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE is now the default

2003-12-03 01:38 RD, revision 24699


2003-12-03 01:37 RD, revision 24698

Give wxTimer a GetId accessor

2003-12-03 00:49 RD, revision 24697

New SWIG runtime and commandline param

2003-12-03 00:44 RD, revision 24696

wxLogTrace API change

2003-12-03 00:43 RD, revision 24695

Out typemap for wxString&

2003-12-02 08:56 JS, revision 24694

Patches from "Viktor Voroshylo" <> isses with context menu on real PocketPC device static text not showing full message under WinCE

2003-12-01 09:39 RR, revision 24693

Small fix.

2003-12-01 09:37 RR, revision 24692

Native fonts now seem to require a font size.

2003-11-30 22:36 VZ, revision 24691

added obsolescence note

2003-11-30 20:46 VZ, revision 24690

updated DMC instructions for 8.38

2003-11-30 20:44 VZ, revision 24689

removed wxLogTrace() without mask to fix DMC compilation

2003-11-30 14:05 VZ, revision 24688
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/makefile.bcc

removed old copy (?) of the file which is now in build/msw

2003-11-30 13:53 VZ, revision 24687

added wxRegConfig read test

2003-11-30 13:49 VZ, revision 24686

skip event after loggig

2003-11-30 13:41 VZ, revision 24685

marked FindColour() as deprecated; removed AddColour() which was only used internally

2003-11-30 13:39 VZ, revision 24684

added NULL here too (forgot to commit when added to tex2rtf.ini)

2003-11-28 22:46 DS, revision 24683

Fixed possible usage of uninitialized variable.

2003-11-28 18:45 RD, revision 24682


2003-11-28 18:43 RD, revision 24681

Changed the itemid parameter names back to id

2003-11-28 18:42 RD, revision 24680

Expose SetClippingRegion(point, size)

2003-11-28 18:40 RD, revision 24679

Ensure that __version__ is visible from wxPython/

2003-11-28 18:39 RD, revision 24678

Added some aliases

2003-11-28 09:19 JS, revision 24677

WinCE patches from "Viktor Voroshylo" <> 1) to take care of ShowFullScreen. 2) will make WinCE context menu in listctrl to generate the same event as right click. WinCE does not have right click so I think it is reasonable solution for it.

2003-11-27 12:13 JS, revision 24676

Attempt to fix Borland compilo

2003-11-27 12:09 DS, revision 24675

Fixed signed/unsigned warning (GetCount() returns size_t, not int); Slight cosmetic cleanup.

2003-11-27 01:17 RD, revision 24674


2003-11-27 01:06 RD, revision 24673


2003-11-27 00:53 RD, revision 24672

Updated docstring patch so that it senses multi-line docstrings and does a proper indentation if so.

2003-11-26 20:03 VS, revision 24671

set m_language even when wasn't loaded

2003-11-26 20:01 VZ, revision 24670

resolved conflict (because I forgot to commit before)

2003-11-26 19:57 DS, revision 24669

Declaration of CopySelection is bool instead of void.

2003-11-26 19:33 VS, revision 24668

assert if wxLocale::Init called twice

2003-11-26 11:06 VS, revision 24667

cleanup: don't pass builtin libs includes to CPPFLAGS, it's already taken care of by the {b,m}makefile

2003-11-26 11:03 VS, revision 24666

fixed order of includes

2003-11-26 06:11 RD, revision 24665

wx namespace

2003-11-26 06:09 RD, revision 24664

More docstrings and rearrainged a couple things.

2003-11-25 23:52 VZ, revision 24663

don't test whether m_selection is NULL both before calling CopySelection() and inside it; one time is enough

2003-11-25 23:50 VZ, revision 24662

fixed memory leak (m_selection wasn't deleted)

2003-11-25 21:50 RD, revision 24661

Don't put the introspected argstr in the docstring if the firstline appears to have one already.

2003-11-24 20:53 DS, revision 24660

Applied patch #809919 (Allows wxMac threads to run at fullspeed).

2003-11-24 19:22 RD, revision 24659

script to make the raw preview tarball

2003-11-24 19:20 RD, revision 24658


2003-11-24 19:10 RD, revision 24657

More Unicode fixes

2003-11-24 18:37 VZ, revision 24656

mention wxTheApp

2003-11-24 17:33 RD, revision 24655

Fixed how the list of files is converted

2003-11-24 17:27 RD, revision 24654

Fixed parameter type

2003-11-24 17:26 RD, revision 24653

Fixed "" default value

2003-11-24 14:48 ROL, revision 24652

correct typemap type

2003-11-24 14:25 DS, revision 24651

Applied patch #809019 (Adds embedded/plugin capabilities to wxMac).

2003-11-23 23:00 VZ, revision 24650

fixed wxDateTime compilation in Unicode mode

2003-11-23 22:49 SN, revision 24649

Enabled handling of drive letters on OS/2.

2003-11-23 22:38 SN, revision 24648

Fixed drive handling on OS/2.

2003-11-23 22:29 SN, revision 24647

Fixed & improved file handling on OS/2.

2003-11-23 22:19 SN, revision 24646

Avoid doubling of path separator (needed to make it work on OS/2).

2003-11-23 22:11 SN, revision 24645

Try to insure usability of this file in non-PM ports.

2003-11-23 22:10 SN, revision 24644

Try to insure usability of this file in non-PM ports. Hack to try to reduce flicker by creating controls without WS_VISIBLE (define WS_VISIBLE to 0).

2003-11-23 22:09 SN, revision 24643

Insure suitable choices of path/drive separator on OS/2.

2003-11-23 18:45 SN, revision 24642

Unified OS/2 and Unix code.

2003-11-23 12:06 GD, revision 24641

applied SF patch #846738 mousewheel support

2003-11-23 08:17 MBN, revision 24640

Avoid double free in wxComboBox::SetClientObject.

2003-11-23 08:16 MBN, revision 24639

Compilation fixes for wxUSE_STL == 1 and for wxUSE_UNICODE == 1.

2003-11-23 08:12 MBN, revision 24638

New wxHashTable implementation when wxUSE_STL == 1. Replaces the old implementation based upon wxHashMap. Removed support for wxHashTable in wxHashMap. Rationale: using wxHashMap for wxHashTable implementation required special support in wxHashMap. This precluded using STL-provided hash_map to implement wxHashMap. This new implementation does not use keyed wxList interface and should be almost totally compatible with the old non-STL wxHashTable.

2003-11-23 08:04 MBN, revision 24637

Compilation fix.

2003-11-23 01:34 RD, revision 24636


2003-11-22 23:26 RD, revision 24635


2003-11-22 22:57 RD, revision 24634

Lots of little bug fixes, API updates, etc.

2003-11-22 22:55 RD, revision 24633

Version number

2003-11-22 22:45 VZ, revision 24632


2003-11-22 22:15 RD, revision 24631

Uses wxSystemSettings for colour when there is no window

2003-11-22 21:16 RD, revision 24630

Forgot to remove the debug prints

2003-11-22 21:08 RD, revision 24629

Fix problems with the wxHtmpTagHandler wrappers and related

2003-11-21 22:49 MBN, revision 24628

Compilation fix.

2003-11-21 21:01 GD, revision 24627

applied SF patch #846732 file dialog long filename support

2003-11-21 20:58 RD, revision 24626


2003-11-21 20:50 RD, revision 24625
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/contrib/gizmos/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/contrib/gizmos/gizmos_wrap.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/contrib/ogl/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/contrib/ogl/ogl_wrap.cpp
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/

Because of some differences in class heirarchy there are a few differences in generated code for the ogl and gizmos extensions, so use separate dirs for them like the core does.

2003-11-21 20:37 RD, revision 24624

Updated the devel doc as the wxPy_newswig branch is not needed any more.

2003-11-21 20:31 RD, revision 24623

Added HTML_FONT_SIZE values

2003-11-21 17:05 RD, revision 24622

Updates for the autodoc/docstring patch, fixes overloaded functions where one or more of them have a specific autodoc (not "0" or "1")

2003-11-21 07:39 RD, revision 24621

Lots of bup fixes, API updates, etc

2003-11-21 07:36 RD, revision 24620

Lots of demo tweaks for API updates, bug fixes and new images for the wxListbook demo

2003-11-21 02:32 DS, revision 24619

Cosmetic cleanup (-1 -> wxID_ANY, TRUE->true).

2003-11-21 01:54 DS, revision 24618

Applied patch #845888 (Fixes compilation of regtest sample in Unicode/ANSI, debug/release, MSW/Univ builds of with OpenWatcom, Borland and MinGW); Cosmetic cleanup.

2003-11-20 23:49 DS, revision 24617

Applied patch #845884 (Fixes Unicode compilation of stc sample with Watcom).

2003-11-20 23:12 RD, revision 24616

When used from wxHtmlListBox it's possible for GetWindow to return NULL.

2003-11-20 20:41 RD, revision 24615

More docstring updates for OUTPUT parameters

2003-11-20 18:18 DS, revision 24614

Fixed gcc compiler warning (size_t was assumed to equal an unsigned int).

2003-11-20 17:43 DS, revision 24613

Applied patch #845402 ("RichEdit sample fixing and cleaning"); In addition made compilation with MSVC (nearly) warning free+some more cleaning up.

2003-11-20 01:19 RD, revision 24612

More docstrings. Fixed wxWave compilation on Linux.

2003-11-20 01:10 RD, revision 24611

Don't run SWIG when we're doing a clean

2003-11-19 22:39 DS, revision 24610

Fixed repainting problems when resizing window, now using wxFULL_REPAINT_RESIZE flag (At least wxMSW and wxMac had this problem).

2003-11-19 22:25 JS, revision 24609

Fixed WinCE compilo

2003-11-19 20:51 VS, revision 24608

don't define ngettext, causes problems

2003-11-19 20:11 DS, revision 24607

A few minor corrections.

2003-11-19 19:29 DS, revision 24606

Implemented missing pure virt functions (stub functions for now).

2003-11-19 18:38 RD, revision 24605


2003-11-19 18:17 RD, revision 24604


2003-11-19 17:35 RD, revision 24603

Updated docstring patch for new SWIG CVS

2003-11-19 17:32 RD, revision 24602

SWIG Runtime update

2003-11-19 16:30 SC, revision 24601

XTI support for checklist

2003-11-19 14:50 GT, revision 24600

Added a parameter 'failOnDataTypeUnsupported' to getDbInfo (that defaults to TRUE keeping current functional behavior intact)), that will allow the user to override whether a call to getDbInfo() should fail immediately if a data type request reports back that it is unsupported/unavailable fixed issues with wxDb::DBMS() that were not correctly detecting MySQL databases using MySQL v4. also removed erroneous/duplicated code in this function that looked like a result of a bad merge at some point

2003-11-19 14:44 GT, revision 24599

Added a parameter 'failOnDataTypeUnsupported' to getDbInfo (that defaults to TRUE keeping current functional behavior intact)), that will allow the user to override whether a call to getDbInfo() should fail immediately if a data type request reports back that it is unsupported/unavailable

2003-11-19 06:42 RD, revision 24598

Added accessors for m_rowHeights, m_colWidths

2003-11-19 06:41 RD, revision 24597

Tests for FindItemAtPoint

2003-11-19 06:41 RD, revision 24596

Show using GetAtter in wxPyGridTbaleBase

2003-11-19 06:39 RD, revision 24595

Fix compilation error in gizmos

2003-11-19 06:36 RD, revision 24594


2003-11-19 06:31 RD, revision 24593

Changed all TRUE/true --> True and all FALSE/false --> False so the Python docstrings will have the correct case. Started adding extra docstrings where needed. Some other little tweaks and fixes.

2003-11-19 06:28 RD, revision 24592

Correct a compile warning

2003-11-19 06:27 RD, revision 24591

SWIG patch for "autodoc" and "docstring" %features

2003-11-18 21:25 JS, revision 24590

WinCE fixes from "Viktor Voroshylo" <>

2003-11-18 21:21 RD, revision 24589

Fixed a tex2rtf warning

2003-11-18 21:20 RD, revision 24588

Added FindItemAtPoint

2003-11-18 19:05 ROL, revision 24587

XMLID -> XRCID, Number -> GetCount, etc.

2003-11-18 19:04 ROL, revision 24586

removed second parameter from GetFirstChild calls

2003-11-18 17:52 DS, revision 24585

Don't leave behind trails from glowing OS X button (By extending invisible button border).

2003-11-18 16:54 DS, revision 24584

Ignore ReleaseBuild directory (Created by MSVC's "Win32 Release With Debug Info" config).

2003-11-18 16:38 DS, revision 24583

Horizontally aligned header (Like other technotes).

2003-11-18 16:37 DS, revision 24582

Updated translation technote to mention Makefile usage under Windows.

2003-11-17 19:57 RD, revision 24581

Bugfix patch from Alberto

2003-11-16 22:20 SN, revision 24580

Modified wxGetHomeDir to take environment variable HOME into account.

2003-11-16 21:56 SN, revision 24579

Fixed the code to actually work.

2003-11-16 20:53 DS, revision 24578

wxPopupWindow was not compiled when not using pch.

2003-11-16 20:43 DS, revision 24577

Fixed wxMSW compilation with wxUSE_POPUPWIN = 0.

2003-11-16 15:13 VS, revision 24576

fixed wx-config together with gcc-3.4

2003-11-16 11:28 MBN, revision 24575

Changes corresponding to patch #841324 from Ian Brown: "GetPosition() returns wrong result for dialog". Moved implementation from wxFrame to wxTopLevelWindow thus sharing it between wxFrame and wxDialog.

2003-11-16 11:19 MBN, revision 24574

Applied patch #841324 from Ian Brown: "GetPosition() returns wrong result for dialog" modified for better backward binary compatibility.

2003-11-16 11:14 MBN, revision 24573

Made element layout consistent with wxMSW/wxGTK when radiobox is wider/taller than necessary. Previously the last element was stretched to fit remaining space.

2003-11-16 11:07 MBN, revision 24572

Applied changes corresponding to patch #840617.

2003-11-16 11:05 MBN, revision 24571

Applied patch #840617 from Ian Brown: "motif 2.4.2, menu codes in static text"

2003-11-16 10:51 MBN, revision 24570

Compilation fix after last commit.

2003-11-15 21:12 MBN, revision 24569

Applied patch #840643 from Ian Brown with some modifications: use DisplayWidth/DIsplayHeight instead of hardcoded values.

2003-11-15 15:42 VZ, revision 24568

expand the value of HOME env var in wxGetHomeDir() because it may contain env vars inside it

2003-11-15 15:08 VZ, revision 24567

iconMove was incorrectly called iconCopy in ctor docs

2003-11-15 15:05 VZ, revision 24566

IsAlive/Running() may only be used with joinable threads

2003-11-15 11:14 , revision 24565
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/COPYRIGHT
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/cclass.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/cname.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/debug.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/engine.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/Makefile
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/main.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/mkh
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/README
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/regex.3
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/regex.7
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/regex2.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/split.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/tests
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/utils.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/TCL_8_4_5/src/regex/WHATSNEW

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'TCL_8_4_5'.

2003-11-15 11:14 RN, revision 24564

Import regex from tcl 8.4.5

2003-11-15 10:26 JS, revision 24563

Fixes for previous fixes

2003-11-15 04:50 DS, revision 24562

Initial revision; Ignore setup.h.

2003-11-15 04:50 DS, revision 24561

Ignore isosurf.dat.

2003-11-15 04:21 DS, revision 24560

Fixed Open Watcom compilation of OpenGL samples; Code cleanup.

2003-11-15 01:06 DS, revision 24559

Applied patch #825402 ("Fix for Unicode Open Watcom build of life demo"), second part.

2003-11-14 21:06 JS, revision 24558

Fixes for later WinCE versions

2003-11-14 21:04 JS, revision 24557

Corrected semaphores for WinCE >= 3

2003-11-14 18:05 VZ, revision 24556

reverted the change to the values of DEFAULT_wxUSE_XXX for the 3rd party libs

2003-11-14 17:19 DS, revision 24555

Applied patch #825402 ("Fix for Unicode Open Watcom build of life demo"); Code cleanup.

2003-11-14 15:33 DS, revision 24554

Include wx/file.h in case previous includes don't do it.

2003-11-14 13:55 DS, revision 24553

Applied patch #827025 (Removes last warnings from emulator util); Cosmetic cleanup.

2003-11-14 13:23 DS, revision 24552

Ignore Watcom build directory.

2003-11-14 12:59 DS, revision 24551

Fixed wxUniv+OpenGL compilation for MSW; Cosmetic cleanup.

2003-11-14 12:55 DS, revision 24550

Fixed Digital Mars compilation; Cosmetic cleanup.

2003-11-13 18:43 RD, revision 24549

Removed %noautorepr directives

2003-11-13 18:42 RD, revision 24548

Recent changes in SWIG make this patch no longer necessary

2003-11-13 16:05 DE, revision 24547

wxCocoa: Use the new native MDI implementation instead of generic

2003-11-13 16:03 DE, revision 24546

Added implementation of MDI using top level windows

2003-11-13 15:13 DE, revision 24545

Added a mechanism allowing a toplevel window to delay its deactivation event. This will come in handy for MDI among other things.

2003-11-13 14:33 DE, revision 24544

Very lame fix for windows with -1 for a component of position or size

2003-11-13 14:28 DE, revision 24543

Fix file header and remove unused include "wx/cocoa/mbarman.h"

2003-11-13 14:23 DE, revision 24542

Renamed UpdateWindowMenuBar to UpdateMenuBar and removed unused parameter

2003-11-12 21:34 RD, revision 24541

Merged the wxPy_newswig branch into the HEAD branch (main trunk)

2003-11-12 20:29 RD, revision 24540
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/wxPy_newswig/wxPython/wxSWIG

Removed my customized wxSWIG since I have now converted to using the new SWIG 1.3.x (cvs version)

2003-11-12 20:15 RD, revision 24539

more details for some things

2003-11-12 20:14 RD, revision 24538

fixed reverse renamers for grid module

2003-11-11 23:09 RD, revision 24537


2003-11-11 23:08 RD, revision 24536


2003-11-11 22:44 RD, revision 24535


2003-11-11 22:42 RD, revision 24534


2003-11-11 22:33 RD, revision 24533

API updates

2003-11-11 22:32 RD, revision 24532


2003-11-11 22:31 RD, revision 24531

Added note about some old aliases that have gone into the bit-bucket.

2003-11-11 22:27 RD, revision 24530

Added the Custom Controls category in the demo tree

2003-11-11 22:26 RD, revision 24529

API updates

2003-11-11 22:24 RD, revision 24528

typo fixked

2003-11-11 22:23 RD, revision 24527

Correctly handle the GIL in wxImage %extend methods

2003-11-11 22:22 RD, revision 24526

new typedefs and a little cleanup

2003-11-11 19:12 RD, revision 24525


2003-11-11 19:11 RD, revision 24524

little tweaks

2003-11-11 19:08 RD, revision 24523

Use %constant wxEventTypeType instead of enums for wxEVT_ values

2003-11-11 18:26 RD, revision 24522

Typemap for wxEvtType

2003-11-11 18:25 RD, revision 24521

Delay redirecting stdio until the last poissible moment

2003-11-11 13:19 VS, revision 24520

Always set background colour prior to any HTML rendering (this fixes assert in GTK2 build because BgColor of wxHtmlRenderingState was unset=invalid)

2003-11-11 12:35 VS, revision 24519

part of DS' change _was_ corrent, restored

2003-11-10 23:23 RD, revision 24518

Made the packages list refelct reality

2003-11-10 22:33 RD, revision 24517


2003-11-10 22:33 RD, revision 24516

warn if print arch is not configured

2003-11-10 22:33 RD, revision 24515

Handle the GIL properly in the %addmethods

2003-11-10 22:32 RD, revision 24514

Guard against double cleanup

2003-11-10 22:32 RD, revision 24513

Make an alias for GetPoint

2003-11-10 17:32 DS, revision 24512

Really fixed Borland release build warning (without sabotaging code this time).

2003-11-10 16:25 RD, revision 24511


2003-11-10 15:49 VS, revision 24510

previous DS' change was broken, reverted

2003-11-10 15:49 VS, revision 24509

added test for CDATA handling

2003-11-10 15:17 DS, revision 24508

Added wxUnusedVar for Borland and fixed 2 release mode warnings for Borland (patch #835707); Slight code cleanup.

2003-11-10 13:46 VS, revision 24507

bakefile cleanup: use consistent way of setting lists

2003-11-10 12:47 VS, revision 24506

fixed msvc6prj - missing oleacc library

2003-11-10 12:46 VS, revision 24505

added bakefile's new tag <objects-depend>

2003-11-10 10:08 JS, revision 24504

Removed MGL_ROOT

2003-11-10 09:51 JS, revision 24503

Corrections to allow compilation in DLL mode

2003-11-10 00:17 RD, revision 24502


2003-11-10 00:08 RD, revision 24501

API fix. All of them need to check the mapped names

2003-11-09 22:05 RD, revision 24500

wxOGL demo update

2003-11-09 22:04 RD, revision 24499

API tweaks: wxPy_ConvertList doesn't need the classname any more, and wxPyCheckSwigType needs to check for mapped names too.

2003-11-09 22:03 RD, revision 24498
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/wxPy_newswig/wxPython/contrib/ogl/oglbasic.i
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/wxPy_newswig/wxPython/contrib/ogl/oglcanvas.i
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/wxPy_newswig/wxPython/contrib/ogl/oglshapes.i
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/wxPy_newswig/wxPython/contrib/ogl/oglshapes2.i
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/wxPy_newswig/wxPython/contrib/ogl/

removed more of the old ogl files

2003-11-09 22:02 RD, revision 24497

ogl converted to new swig. Builds, but has troubles still...

2003-11-09 21:57 RD, revision 24496

ogl converted to new swig. Builds, but has troubles still...

2003-11-09 21:43 MBN, revision 24495

Fix after last commit.

2003-11-09 21:40 MBN, revision 24494

Warning fixes and deprecated method elimination from ABX.

2003-11-09 13:59 VS, revision 24493

addedd support for <pre width=...>

2003-11-09 12:27 VS, revision 24492

fixed wxConvLocal to work with C locale (and probably some others)

2003-11-09 12:09 VS, revision 24491

prevent deadlock in wxCSConv::DoCreate if it fails for wxConvLocal -- ugly but works

2003-11-08 23:50 RD, revision 24490


2003-11-08 23:50 RD, revision 24489


2003-11-08 21:30 SN, revision 24488

Commited regenerated file (adding rgncmn.cpp).

2003-11-08 19:40 DS, revision 24487

Fixed MSVC warnings from Win32 Unicode Release build.

2003-11-08 19:14 SN, revision 24486

Backported various changes from HEAD to fix a couple of bugs, details: - backported changed ProcessGridCellMouseEvent to fix bug #834929. - backported enforcement of column width/row height checking to fix bug #832991. - backported fix for bug #837656.

2003-11-08 19:03 RD, revision 24485

Rearrainged where headers are included from so external modules like gizmos can see all of the definitions it needs. Added a varout typemap for wxString.

2003-11-08 18:58 SN, revision 24484

Allow minimal acceptable row height/column width to be set to 0 for hiding rows/columns. Only return true from CanEnableCellControl if a valid cell is selected (fixing Bug #837656).

2003-11-08 18:52 SN, revision 24483

Avoid referencing WinInitialize/Finalize for non-PM builds.

2003-11-08 18:48 MBN, revision 24482

wxXRC STL-ification.

2003-11-08 18:45 MBN, revision 24481

Compilation fix for !WXWN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4.

2003-11-08 18:29 RD, revision 24480

Made the comment in the reverse renamer modules more clear

2003-11-08 18:29 RD, revision 24479
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/wxPy_newswig/wxPython/contrib/xrc/xrc.cpp

Forgot to remove this

2003-11-08 18:21 RD, revision 24478

Converted gizmos to the new swig

2003-11-08 15:40 VZ, revision 24477

add -lXpm to the GUI libs

2003-11-08 15:16 VZ, revision 24476

added comments to the makefile; added WX_CONFIG var to be able to use a different wx-config easily

2003-11-08 15:06 VZ, revision 24475

1. fixed --with-libxpm switch handling, added it to the summary 2. show toolkit name in lower case in the summary 3. changed defaults for all external libraries to "sys", didn't we agree to do this some long, long time ago?

2003-11-08 14:10 VZ, revision 24474

restored double square brackets for now, my last fix was wrong

2003-11-08 13:09 VZ, revision 24473

fix for previous commit

2003-11-08 12:43 VZ, revision 24472

use [A-Z] instead of [[A-Z]] in tr (replaces patch 838397)

2003-11-08 12:28 VZ, revision 24471

removed assert which became incorrect after last change

2003-11-08 10:31 VS, revision 24470

build_cfg_file is phony target

2003-11-08 04:06 RD, revision 24469


2003-11-07 22:16 RD, revision 24468

Some demo fixes for true --> True, dc.Draw API changes, etc.

2003-11-07 22:14 RD, revision 24467

fixed wxTimer. Without its event class defined a deadlock can happen when it is trying to raise the exception.

2003-11-07 20:55 RD, revision 24466

Get the wxSize properly for Add[Spacer]

2003-11-07 20:55 RD, revision 24465

minor tweaks

2003-11-07 20:53 RD, revision 24464

use a panel

2003-11-07 20:52 RD, revision 24463

Fixed an accidental name clash, and added back a wxCHECK

2003-11-07 19:38 RD, revision 24462

Refactored the *_typecheck functions

2003-11-07 19:35 RD, revision 24461

Added demo of wxGridBagSizer

2003-11-07 19:33 RD, revision 24460

A little narrower initial layout

2003-11-07 17:45 RD, revision 24459

Set m_rows, m_cols so GetRows/GetCols in the base class work. Added GetCellSize method.

2003-11-07 11:42 VZ, revision 24458

fix for infinite loop in wxFileConfig when reading from input stream fails (patch 837134)

2003-11-07 11:34 VZ, revision 24457

fixed bug with looking beyond the end of string in ConvertStringToArgs() (patch 828609)

2003-11-07 10:23 SC, revision 24456

after rearrangement to-Page got lost

2003-11-07 08:33 RD, revision 24455

Test using wxGridBagSizer from XRC

2003-11-07 08:30 RD, revision 24454

Forgot to change the pos and span names