

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2024-04-23 14:00:01

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for FileZilla 3 (8010 changes):

2010-05-03 20:41 codesquid, revision 3707

Clarify wording, require absolute path.

2010-05-02 18:11 codesquid, revision 3706

Reset cursor in statuslinectrl as well

2010-05-02 17:41 codesquid, revision 3705

Improve drawing performance, only redraw what actually needs to be redrawn.

2010-05-02 00:03 codesquid, revision 3704

Further cursor stuff on wxGTK

2010-05-01 18:47 codesquid, revision 3703

Nice performance boost under GTK, get rid of some really slow, uneeded wx internal mouse cursor updating.

2010-04-25 13:51 codesquid, revision 3702

Fix typo

2010-04-25 10:46 codesquid, revision 3701

Remember hidden state of toolbar on OS X, make main window appear more visually pleasing for OS X users.

2010-04-24 13:26 codesquid, revision 3700

Fix #5310, show "Not connected." in remote file list status bar if not connected.

2010-04-20 16:51 codesquid, revision 3699

Properly escape hypen-minus and hyphen.

2010-04-10 18:44 codesquid, revision 3698

Filter out additional invalid characters on MSW.

2010-04-04 18:33 codesquid, revision 3697

Option to display momentary transfer speeds. Patch by Michael Parting.

2010-04-04 13:19 codesquid, revision 3696

Location of fzsftp should be internal option.

2010-04-04 13:08 codesquid, revision 3695

Use correct plural form for bytes

2010-03-21 17:58 codesquid, revision 3693

Version bump

2010-03-21 17:44 codesquid, revision 3692

Updated translations.

2010-03-21 11:16 codesquid, revision 3691

#5272, Downloading through double-click also needs to replace invalid characters.

2010-03-21 09:50 codesquid, revision 3690

Need to replace invalid characters even adding files from search dialog.

2010-03-14 11:23 codesquid, revision 3688


2010-03-14 11:10 codesquid, revision 3687

Need to cancel and block editing if dragging is started, fixes #5267

2010-03-13 16:36 codesquid, revision 3686

Fix accidental renaming if for example changing sort order while editing. #5011

2010-03-11 22:15 codesquid, revision 3685

Correctly initialize preserve option.

2010-03-11 22:15 codesquid, revision 3684

Files missing from update download dir commit.

2010-03-07 18:50 codesquid, revision 3683

If updating/reinstalling, keep start menu dir. Preserves custom sort order some user have (why they don't sort alphabetically is beyond my imagination)

2010-03-07 11:14 codesquid, revision 3682

Remember update download dir.

2010-03-07 10:56 codesquid, revision 3681

Fix a typo