

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-11-11 22:24 RD, revision 24528

typo fixked

2003-11-11 22:23 RD, revision 24527

Correctly handle the GIL in wxImage %extend methods

2003-11-11 22:22 RD, revision 24526

new typedefs and a little cleanup

2003-11-11 19:12 RD, revision 24525


2003-11-11 19:11 RD, revision 24524

little tweaks

2003-11-11 19:08 RD, revision 24523

Use %constant wxEventTypeType instead of enums for wxEVT_ values

2003-11-11 18:26 RD, revision 24522

Typemap for wxEvtType

2003-11-11 18:25 RD, revision 24521

Delay redirecting stdio until the last poissible moment

2003-11-11 13:19 VS, revision 24520

Always set background colour prior to any HTML rendering (this fixes assert in GTK2 build because BgColor of wxHtmlRenderingState was unset=invalid)

2003-11-11 12:35 VS, revision 24519

part of DS' change _was_ corrent, restored

2003-11-10 23:23 RD, revision 24518

Made the packages list refelct reality

2003-11-10 22:33 RD, revision 24517


2003-11-10 22:33 RD, revision 24516

warn if print arch is not configured

2003-11-10 22:33 RD, revision 24515

Handle the GIL properly in the %addmethods

2003-11-10 22:32 RD, revision 24514

Guard against double cleanup

2003-11-10 22:32 RD, revision 24513

Make an alias for GetPoint

2003-11-10 17:32 DS, revision 24512

Really fixed Borland release build warning (without sabotaging code this time).

2003-11-10 16:25 RD, revision 24511


2003-11-10 15:49 VS, revision 24510

previous DS' change was broken, reverted

2003-11-10 15:49 VS, revision 24509

added test for CDATA handling

2003-11-10 15:17 DS, revision 24508

Added wxUnusedVar for Borland and fixed 2 release mode warnings for Borland (patch #835707); Slight code cleanup.

2003-11-10 13:46 VS, revision 24507

bakefile cleanup: use consistent way of setting lists

2003-11-10 12:47 VS, revision 24506

fixed msvc6prj - missing oleacc library

2003-11-10 12:46 VS, revision 24505

added bakefile's new tag <objects-depend>

2003-11-10 10:08 JS, revision 24504

Removed MGL_ROOT