

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-01-16 01:46 RD, revision 25203

Send window create events

2004-01-16 00:52 RD, revision 25202

Patch [ 877891 ] Share the DC from DoPaint with FullPaint in ScintillaWX

2004-01-15 23:43 RD, revision 25201


2004-01-15 23:34 RD, revision 25200

prevent checking for empty string

2004-01-15 23:33 RD, revision 25199

tweak the spin button size

2004-01-15 23:15 RD, revision 25198

On Windows the wxBitmapButton can't be borderless if you use wxBU_AUTODRAW, but wxGenBitmapButton can do it easily

2004-01-15 22:44 RD, revision 25197

ON XP when pages are added to a Notebook their colours (and their children's) are modified to match the theme colours for notebook pages rather than normal panel colours. When items are added dynamically after the fact to the notebook pages then we need to fiddle with the colours ourself. Also, since xrced is importing from wxPython.wx then DC.Draw methods now need to use the old parameter syntax.

2004-01-15 22:38 RD, revision 25196

Use unbuffered output

2004-01-15 22:37 RD, revision 25195
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/demo/data/grid.i

Not sure what this was here for

2004-01-15 22:26 RD, revision 25194

Win32 installer script updated for 2.5

2004-01-15 20:12 DE, revision 25193

Allow Clear() to clear the control even when it is not editable. (patch from Kevin Hock)

2004-01-15 17:46 RD, revision 25192


2004-01-15 17:45 RD, revision 25191

new version of fancytext module, added foldmenu

2004-01-15 17:45 , revision 25190

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'WX_2_4_BRANCH'.

2004-01-15 17:43 RD, revision 25189

Move wxPyTreeCtrl declaration to header file

2004-01-15 17:41 RD, revision 25188

Don't allow parameterless wxDropSource

2004-01-15 17:40 RD, revision 25187

Don't forget...

2004-01-15 17:40 RD, revision 25186


2004-01-15 17:39 RD, revision 25185

fix install target for devel package

2004-01-15 17:38 RD, revision 25184

A bunch of little demo tweaks that have accumulated over time...

2004-01-15 17:36 RD, revision 25183

removed unneeded typedef

2004-01-15 13:49 JS, revision 25182

Reverted patch [ 832096 ] Final separation for GUI and console for Open Watcom

2004-01-15 05:26 RD, revision 25181


2004-01-15 01:24 RD, revision 25180

little tweaks

2004-01-15 01:20 DS, revision 25179

Applied patch #877159: Joinable threads might crash app if deleted right after Wait.

2004-01-15 01:11 RD, revision 25178


2004-01-15 01:08 RD, revision 25177

little tweaks

2004-01-15 01:06 RD, revision 25176

Allow nested calls to wxPy[Begin|End]BlockThreads instead of deadlocking when the nested calls try to aquire the Python GIL.

2004-01-15 01:04 RD, revision 25175

Added wrappers for the missing wxSpinEvent, which fixes the deadlock when trying to catch events from wxSpinButton.

2004-01-14 15:28 CE, revision 25174

apply SF patch 876817

2004-01-14 10:05 SC, revision 25173

remove some duplicate defines under Mach

2004-01-14 06:24 RN, revision 25172

A little clarification

2004-01-14 05:57 DE, revision 25171

Added MSWPositionForWxMenu() method which is used to translate wxWindows menu positions to the ones that Windows is using. This mainly accounts for the system menu in maximized MDI child frames.

2004-01-14 04:44 DE, revision 25170

IsInAssert is only available (and only makes sense) in a debug build so don't try to call it in a release build.

2004-01-14 03:52 DE, revision 25169

Added empty base class constructors. This will still be broken for anything other than MSW, Mac, and Univ. Julian: Fix this the right way.

2004-01-14 02:50 DE, revision 25168

* In _GSocket_Get_Mac_Socket(), do not call CFSocketSetSocketFlags to turn off kCFSocketCloseOnInvalidate. Furthermore, kCFSocketAutomaticallyReenableWriteCallback wasn't part of default flags but had been erroneously included here. * Call CFSocketInvalidate() from _GSocket_Diable_Events instead of from _GSocket_GUI_Destroy_Socket. GSocket calls this from GSocket_close and so in combination with the above change and the most recent change to gsocket.c the CFSocket should now be invalidated and closed for all cases and not just planned shutdown.

2004-01-14 02:42 DE, revision 25167

* Revert Darwin specific changes to GSocket_destroy. * In GSocket_Shutdown do not call close on Darwin since gsockosx.c will do it during CFInvalidate which will be called from GSocket_Disable_Events

2004-01-14 02:17 DE, revision 25166

* _GSocket_Enable_Events() and _GSocket_Disable_Events() now call CFRunLoopAddSource() and CFRunLoopRemoveSource() respectively. They no longer call CFSocketEnableCallbacks or CFSocketDisableCallbacks. * In _GSocket_Get_Mac_Socket() no longer disable callbacks and also do not add the runloop source which combined with the above change has the same effect as before. * In _GSocket_GUI_Destroy_Socket() do not remove the runloop source because _GSocket_Disable_Events() should have and even if it didn't Mac OS X will clean it up in CFSocketInvalidate()

2004-01-14 02:11 RD, revision 25165

More packager scripts updates. The RPMs will now install icons and menu items, etc.

2004-01-14 02:10 RD, revision 25164

Corrected install_data files

2004-01-14 01:55 RD, revision 25163


2004-01-14 01:53 RD, revision 25162

Fixed preprocessor warnings

2004-01-14 01:51 RD, revision 25161

Got iewin up and running again.

2004-01-14 01:50 RD, revision 25160

check for existance of output files

2004-01-14 01:28 RD, revision 25159

Fix compile warning when building DLLs

2004-01-13 20:34 RD, revision 25158

Update for new pickle format

2004-01-13 20:33 RD, revision 25157

Added some missing wx namespace corrections

2004-01-13 18:43 ROL, revision 25156

wxGridBahSizer support exception handling while loading resource some fixes (GetFirstChild, XRCID instead of FindByName, ...)

2004-01-13 17:48 JS, revision 25155

Added Emulator, configtool

2004-01-13 17:46 DS, revision 25154

Applied patch #876228: "Current value" always counts up to 100, instead of the max gauge value.

2004-01-13 15:44 ROL, revision 25153
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/wx/tools/XRCed/CHANGES

replaced by CHANGES.txt

2004-01-13 15:31 JS, revision 25152

Corrected wrong reference to Gizmos location

2004-01-13 14:48 JS, revision 25151

Improved colours in wxUniv -- white (window colour) was being used as the default.

2004-01-13 14:45 JS, revision 25150

Suppress spurious icon-related log messages

2004-01-13 14:37 JS, revision 25149

Added extra check in case CopyFromIcon fails

2004-01-13 13:32 JS, revision 25148

Must have event.Skip() in OnSize for wxUniv

2004-01-13 03:42 RD, revision 25147

Starting to update the tarball and rpm spec files for 2.5. Mostly done but some fine tuning still needs done.

2004-01-13 03:41 RD, revision 25146

Use "import wx". wxPython.wx now has backwards compatible DC's and so since this module was using the new DC's it could no longer use wxPython.wx.

2004-01-13 03:33 RD, revision 25145

Fixed the docstring, default module is now wx, not wxPython.wx

2004-01-13 03:32 RD, revision 25144

Forgot to output the first string

2004-01-13 03:31 RD, revision 25143

Don't allow parameterless wxDropSource

2004-01-13 03:28 RD, revision 25142

API and etc. updates

2004-01-13 03:25 RD, revision 25141

new DC API fix

2004-01-13 03:17 RD, revision 25140

More demo conversion and cleanup from Jeff

2004-01-13 02:07 DS, revision 25139

To use "#pragma warning" a #ifdef __VISUALC__ guard should be used, not a #ifdef _MSC_VER one (CW defines _MSC_VER).

2004-01-13 02:02 DS, revision 25138

Applied patch #875647, fixes an unused variable warning reported by Borland; Some minor changes such as tab removal, TRUE/FALSE->true/false.

2004-01-13 01:36 RD, revision 25137

x11/popupwin.h wasn't being installed

2004-01-12 11:42 JS, revision 25136

Added some constants. wxRAISED_BORDER not GTK+-only.

2004-01-12 10:51 JS, revision 25135

Unicode and ODBC are now compatible

2004-01-11 22:08 JS, revision 25134

Applied patch [ 825396 ] dbbrowse demo compatible with Unicode Wlodzimierz Skiba

2004-01-11 20:58 JS, revision 25133

Applied patch [ 838940 ] notebook labels are not shown when built with GTK2

2004-01-11 20:52 JS, revision 25132

Applied patch [ 827399 ] sqltypes.h included without windows.h under Borland

2004-01-11 18:41 JS, revision 25131

Applied patch [ 851052 ] [msw] Clipboard: Allow automatic format conversions By Kevin Edwards (ingenuus)

2004-01-11 17:38 JS, revision 25130

Reverted bad fix.

2004-01-11 17:32 JS, revision 25129

Reverted last change.

2004-01-11 16:54 JS, revision 25128

Applied patch [ 849212 ] Sets SO_REUSEADDR flag on server sockets

2004-01-11 16:42 JS, revision 25127

Applied patch [ 850483 ] Toolbar bugfix (Mac)

2004-01-11 16:34 JS, revision 25126

Applied patch [ 858324 ] Calling EndModal inside an EVT_INIT_DIALOG event handler

2004-01-11 16:03 JS, revision 25125

Applied patch [ 791573 ] New feature for FL toorbar buttons

2004-01-11 15:52 JS, revision 25124

Recorded patch [ 837515 ] wxIPaddress + docs patch

2004-01-11 15:50 JS, revision 25123

Applied patch [ 837515 ] wxIPaddress + docs patch (Ray Gilbert)

2004-01-11 15:47 JS, revision 25122

Compatibility with 2.5 wxIPaddress, patch [ 837515 ]

2004-01-11 15:33 JS, revision 25121

Applied patch [ 832096 ] Final separation for GUI and console for Open Watcom (Watcom compiler doesn't like ctor implementation in headers)

2004-01-11 15:28 JS, revision 25120

Always use XPMs in this sample

2004-01-11 14:35 JS, revision 25119

Applied patch [ 864469 ] WaitForAccept(): 100% CPU Usage (NON-GUI application) (Alex Thuering)

2004-01-11 14:28 JS, revision 25118

Applied patch [ 800086 ] GridCellTextEditor wxTE_RICH misbehaving Don't set the value of the hidden editor control (useless)

2004-01-11 14:22 JS, revision 25117

Applied patch [ 842285 ] comparison for wxIPV4address

2004-01-11 14:16 JS, revision 25116

Applied patch [ 853850 ] Fixes for wxFormatConverter (M.J.Wetherell) Added wxConvertFormat function in debug mode to allow for unit testing Added tests/formatconverter

2004-01-11 11:49 JS, revision 25115

Applied patch [ 869522 ] Cleaning of deprecated contrib

2004-01-11 11:47 JS, revision 25114

Applied patch [ 874495 ] wxMSW: Flat buttons

2004-01-11 11:46 JS, revision 25113

Added missing description for wxNO_BORDER

2004-01-10 10:38 RN, revision 25112

Removed old tests file and replaced with tcl version....

2004-01-09 18:34 RD, revision 25111

Beginings of wxX11 support. Much more to do but I have no more time for it today.

2004-01-09 11:32 JS, revision 25110

Added FromAscii, ToAscii docs

2004-01-09 08:41 JS, revision 25109

Removed duplicated style

2004-01-09 02:11 RD, revision 25108

doc tweaks, typo fixed, etc.

2004-01-09 02:10 RD, revision 25107

little tweaks to match wxWin changes

2004-01-08 22:20 RD, revision 25106

Updated layout

2004-01-08 22:20 JS, revision 25105

Added wxWS_EX_BLOCK_EVENTS style

2004-01-08 21:37 RD, revision 25104

Set the DC font before drawing the label

2004-01-08 15:52 JS, revision 25103

Applied patch [ 863936 ] wxGrid scroll bars not drawn.

2004-01-08 15:43 JS, revision 25102

Applied patch [ 863936 ] wxGrid scroll bars not drawn.

2004-01-08 15:15 JS, revision 25101

Applied patch [ 851044 ] wxGrid receives wxFocusEvent

2004-01-08 15:05 JS, revision 25100

Applied patch [ 871014 ] Adding size of control to its position

2004-01-08 14:59 JS, revision 25099

Applied patch [ 873021 ] Bug fix for MSW wxComboBox wxComboBox::GetValue within a wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED event should now pass the correct value even if the handler for wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED changed the selection

2004-01-08 14:47 JS, revision 25098

Added change log for patch: wxGenericDirCtrl does not accept multiple wildcards

2004-01-08 14:44 JS, revision 25097

Applied patch [ 866387 ] wxGenericDirCtrl does not accept multiple wildcards

2004-01-08 14:35 JS, revision 25096

Applied patch [ 868061 ] Warning free OGL

2004-01-08 11:54 JS, revision 25095

Applied patch [ 867187 ] wxWindows-like markup in TEX2RTF tool

2004-01-08 11:36 JS, revision 25094

Applied patch [ 868373 ] Missed Unicode markup in menu sample

2004-01-08 11:33 JS, revision 25093

Applied patch [ 872338 ] Minor fixes to forty, fractal and poem demos

2004-01-08 08:43 JS, revision 25092

Applied [ 866603 ] Fixes the listctrl demo's 'Toggle' menu item

2004-01-08 08:35 JS, revision 25091

Applied patch [ 867158 ] Warning free gizmos

2004-01-08 08:29 JS, revision 25090

Applied [ 872574 ] fix of fatal error of preview without printer

2004-01-08 07:41 JS, revision 25089

Applied patch [ 871762 ] Solution to losing strings in Open Watcom

2004-01-08 00:31 RD, revision 25088

Typo fix

2004-01-08 00:31 RD, revision 25087

Copy Solaris note from 2.4's

2004-01-08 00:30 RD, revision 25086

Updated build and install docs

2004-01-07 21:15 RN, revision 25085

Fixed include path for wx/wxchar.h on all configurations

2004-01-07 21:12 RN, revision 25084

Fixed include path for wx/wxchar.h

2004-01-07 20:44 RD, revision 25083


2004-01-07 18:46 RD, revision 25082

Updated overview

2004-01-07 15:36 JS, revision 25081


2004-01-07 14:53 VS, revision 25080

htmlproc.h wasn't installed

2004-01-07 14:21 VS, revision 25079

htmlproc.h wasn't installed

2004-01-07 02:57 RD, revision 25078

updated Joystick demo, is now wxDesigner-less

2004-01-06 21:46 RD, revision 25077

It *does* work now

2004-01-06 21:34 RD, revision 25076


2004-01-06 21:33 RD, revision 25075

Rename the grid selection mode flags

2004-01-06 21:32 RD, revision 25074

Added a set of 2.4 compatibility classes for the wxDC classes that replaces the normal Draw methods with those that have 2.4 compatible parameter lists. These classes are used by default only when importing from wxPython.wx (the "old" namespace.)

2004-01-06 21:17 RD, revision 25073

Fixes for the UNICODE build

2004-01-06 08:54 JS, revision 25072

Added missing event.Skip()

2004-01-05 23:06 RD, revision 25071

fixed the fix

2004-01-05 21:03 RR, revision 25070


2004-01-05 19:54 RD, revision 25069

Ensure that the dirdialog is destroyed after use

2004-01-05 07:18 JS, revision 25068

Typo corrected

2004-01-03 18:00 JS, revision 25067

Removed duplicate code introduced during wxUniv merge in revision 1.132

2004-01-03 17:58 JS, revision 25066

Removed code duplication introduced during wxUniv merge in 1.132

2004-01-03 01:20 RD, revision 25065
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxPython/demo/pyfiles.tgz

This file should not have been checked in!

2004-01-03 01:14 RD, revision 25064

Renamed demo modules to be wx-less.

2004-01-02 23:41 RD, revision 25063

Version number update

2004-01-02 22:00 RD, revision 25062


2004-01-02 20:45 JS, revision 25061

Cure link error under wxGTK on Mac

2004-01-02 20:42 RD, revision 25060

Fix addtofunc directives foir wxCheckListBox

2004-01-02 20:41 RD, revision 25059

Don't use wx[H|V]SCROLL styles

2004-01-02 20:38 RD, revision 25058


2004-01-02 20:37 RD, revision 25057

Some wxOGL tweaks to match what has been done in the C++ classes

2004-01-02 19:36 RD, revision 25056

New wxDesigner-less version of the MimeTypesManager demo

2004-01-02 17:35 RD, revision 25055

wxBell --> wx.Bell

2004-01-02 13:49 JS, revision 25054

Fixed menu creation in eVC3

2004-01-02 11:56 JS, revision 25053

wxShapeRegion::SetText shouldn't append to formatted strings list Addition of accessors to allow an app to do alternate diagram streaming

2003-12-31 20:49 RD, revision 25052

Track and translate typenames where possible

2003-12-31 17:20 VS, revision 25051
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/msw/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/msw/makefile.wat

removed obsolete files

2003-12-31 15:13 JS, revision 25050

Use on-idle updating of menus in wxUniversal

2003-12-30 23:41 RN, revision 25049


2003-12-30 23:19 VS, revision 25048

regex libs needs _UNICODE define

2003-12-30 22:21 RN, revision 25047

Cleaned up regex.cpp fixed strlen problem in regex many other things related to cleanup of regex.cpp

2003-12-30 22:18 RN, revision 25046

more ifdef C++ stuff

2003-12-30 22:07 RD, revision 25045

Use correct method name for GetRowLabelValue

2003-12-30 01:53 RD, revision 25044


2003-12-30 01:48 RD, revision 25043

Ensure we have the capture before releasing it.

2003-12-30 01:45 RD, revision 25042

Make sure the comment is output in the pythoncode

2003-12-30 01:43 RD, revision 25041

shift the print position a little

2003-12-30 01:39 RD, revision 25040

a bit of tweaking

2003-12-30 01:38 RD, revision 25039

Force integer values for positions and sizes

2003-12-30 01:06 RD, revision 25038

wx* and other name fixes

2003-12-29 23:51 RD, revision 25037

Rename the .tar.gz to a .tgz

2003-12-29 23:50 RD, revision 25036

Compatibility modules for a couple that have gone AWOL in the new namespace

2003-12-29 23:21 RD, revision 25035

Apparently wxPopupWindow position is not screen relative any longer

2003-12-29 23:21 RD, revision 25034

Show how to set print data options when using HTMLEasyPrinting

2003-12-29 23:08 RD, revision 25033

Added SF Patch#

2003-12-29 23:07 RD, revision 25032

Fix compile error when building for Python 2.2

2003-12-29 23:06 RD, revision 25031

Since they are new style classes we need to use the __reduce__ protocol for pickling.

2003-12-29 19:25 RD, revision 25030

Fixed drawing of the lines data, also ensure that only tuples are pickled since there is currently a problem with unpickling wx.Points...

2003-12-29 19:24 RD, revision 25029

Set foreground colour when drawing items in the VListBox

2003-12-29 10:47 JS, revision 25028

Fixed palette so all tools are visible

2003-12-29 09:32 VS, revision 25027

bad idea, fn_str() returns wchar_t on win32 in Unicode build, we need char* here no matter what

2003-12-28 22:46 RN, revision 25026

Added/Fixed some things in wxGetKeyState

2003-12-28 17:34 JS, revision 25025

Removed statusbar removal under WinCE

2003-12-28 17:09 SN, revision 25024


2003-12-28 09:44 JS, revision 25023

Fixed missing semicolon

2003-12-28 01:07 JS, revision 25022

Added wxUSE_POCKETPC_UI to distinguish between using combined toolbar/menubar and using separate ones

2003-12-27 22:31 JS, revision 25021

Corrected typo

2003-12-27 18:02 JS, revision 25020

Updated for eVC4

2003-12-27 17:57 JS, revision 25019

eVC4 updates

2003-12-27 17:28 JS, revision 25018

Can't yet use RegisterDragDrop, RevokeDragDrop on eVC4

2003-12-27 17:24 JS, revision 25017

WinCE 4 cleanup

2003-12-27 17:17 JS, revision 25016

Some further missing symbols for WinCE 4

2003-12-27 08:52 VS, revision 25015

unified to use ASCII for ZIP entries and fn_str() when passing archive name to unzip.c

2003-12-26 11:43 JS, revision 25014


2003-12-26 11:33 JS, revision 25013


2003-12-25 23:28 ROL, revision 25012

added subclass attribute

2003-12-25 11:59 JS, revision 25011

Added FindById doc

2003-12-25 11:55 JS, revision 25010

As per 2.5, wxToolBarBase::FindById should be available to apps

2003-12-24 21:53 RN, revision 25009


2003-12-24 20:23 VS, revision 25008

backport of initialization from xfont fix (patch #863847)

2003-12-24 19:53 DE, revision 25007

Added note about (not) multiply inheriting from wxEvtHandler which includes a very brief technical overview of how events work.

2003-12-24 19:43 DE, revision 25006

Regenerated with Bakefile which removes the regextest sample.

2003-12-24 19:37 DE, revision 25005

Regenerated with Bakefile. wxCocoa: Added src/mac/gsockosx.c to build.

2003-12-24 19:27 RN, revision 25004

Fixed compilation and only does mdi tests when enabled in setup.h

2003-12-24 12:42 VS, revision 25003

fixing the regex mess that Ryan wasn't yet able to fix himself

2003-12-24 04:52 RN, revision 25002

wxMenuBar derives from wxWindow...

2003-12-24 04:47 RN, revision 25001

Fixed one of the two MDI problems...see comments for possible solutions to the others.

2003-12-24 04:39 DE, revision 25000

wxCocoa: Enable wxSocket support using new CFSocket implementation from wxMac

2003-12-24 04:04 DE, revision 24999

* Implemented according to Apple CFSocket documentation: kCFSocketConnectCallBack: Called in response to a successful connect() and of course applies to client sockets only. Fails assertion if received from a server socket. Calls GSocket's Detected_Write otherwise. kCFSocketReadCallBack: Called whenever data is available to read or in the event that a new connection is waiting to be accepted. Call's GSocket's Detected_Read. kCFSocketWriteCallBack: Called whenever data can be written to kernel buffer. Call's GSocket's Detected_Write * Added ALL_CALLBACK_TYPES macro which specifies all of the above three. * Added (by virtue of ALL_CALLBACK_TYPES) the kCFSocketConnectCallBack to the calls to CFSocketCreateWithNative and CFSocketDisableCallBacks during GUI socket data creation. * Use the default flags for CFSocket which automatically reenable the callbacks, but continue to disable close of fd on CFSocket invalidation. Eventually, GSocket should allow the GUI implementation to override close so that we can avoid calling the > 10.2 CFSocketSetSocketFlags function. * CFRelease the socket after invalidating it (fixes memory leak) * When adding/removing callbacks use kCFSocketReadCallBack for server GSOCK_CONNECTION and kCFSocketConnectCallback for client. * When adding/removing callbacks GSOCK_LOST should do the same thing as GSOCK_INPUT (Thanks Kevin Hock) * When enabling events, do not enable kCFSocketConnectCallBack for servers. It should never be called anyway since connect() should never be used on a server socket. * When disabling events, disable ALL_CALLBACK_TYPES.

2003-12-24 03:09 RD, revision 24998


2003-12-24 02:49 DE, revision 24997

In GSocket_Destroy reorder GUI_Destroy and Shutdown when compiling for Darwin. This is necessary to comply with the Apple documentation for CFSocket which states quite explcitly that the CFSocket must be invalidated prior to close. Likewise in GSocket_Read don't enable input events until we have finished reading the data. This is necessary because an input event will be immediately generated but all the data will have been read by the current callback which leads to the GSocket code thinking the connection has been lost and when wxYield recursion is involved will lead to crashes or an assert. Because we are doing a compile time test only for Darwin this will also affect wxGTK running on Darwin. It appears possible for the new order to work on all platforms but more testing would be required.

2003-12-24 02:45 RD, revision 24996


2003-12-24 02:38 RD, revision 24995


2003-12-24 02:36 RD, revision 24994

regnenerated image modules

2003-12-24 02:35 RD, revision 24993

Fixed a couple wxString typemaps

2003-12-24 01:39 RD, revision 24992

delete the .pyc files before making a preview

2003-12-24 01:26 RD, revision 24991

Fixed a typo

2003-12-24 01:24 RD, revision 24990

Aliasing wxDC methods like was dangerous...

2003-12-24 01:12 RD, revision 24989

More adjustments to aliases

2003-12-24 01:09 RD, revision 24988

Tool tweaks and metadata update

2003-12-23 23:27 RD, revision 24987


2003-12-23 21:39 RD, revision 24986


2003-12-23 21:37 RD, revision 24985

backwards compatibility aliases can be used in the wxPython namespace

2003-12-23 21:35 RD, revision 24984

typo fixed

2003-12-23 19:56 RD, revision 24983

Updated tools

2003-12-23 19:42 JS, revision 24982

MOre wxUSE_... fixes

2003-12-23 19:31 RD, revision 24981

wxPython metadata xml

2003-12-23 17:45 RD, revision 24980

Added XML simplification scripts for generating the wxPython metadata xml.

2003-12-23 16:07 JS, revision 24979

Removed out of date comment about Unicode

2003-12-23 15:56 RN, revision 24978

Fixed newlines :)

2003-12-23 12:39 JS, revision 24977


2003-12-23 10:47 JS, revision 24976

Applied patch [ 864570 ] adjustement of FL contrib to change in wx/log.h

2003-12-23 10:45 JS, revision 24975

Applied patch [ 861884 ] adjustement of bombs demo to wxBombsCE

2003-12-23 10:32 JS, revision 24974

Added Bombs demo eVC project file from ABX

2003-12-23 10:17 JS, revision 24973

Added minimal sample WinCE project files

2003-12-23 10:02 JS, revision 24972

Added comments for WinCE shortcut suggestion

2003-12-23 09:18 JS, revision 24971

Some WinCE fixes from ABX

2003-12-23 03:16 RN, revision 24970

Added note about deleting returned object (OpenFile)

2003-12-23 03:01 DS, revision 24969

Applied patch #864557 (Adjustment of richedit sample to new FindColour solution).

2003-12-22 21:25 RD, revision 24968

wxTaskBarIcon works on wxGTK now too.

2003-12-22 20:59 RD, revision 24967

Make the comment colors have a bit more contrast, and reduce the timeout on the splashscreen.

2003-12-22 20:38 RN, revision 24966

Removed regextest :).

2003-12-22 19:09 RD, revision 24965

More lib and demo patches to drop the wx prefix (Jeff has been busy!)

2003-12-22 09:36 RN, revision 24964

1. Changed things others suggested 2. Changed search text cntrl to a multiline one

2003-12-21 22:44 RN, revision 24963

1. Only owner draw menus on MSW 2. Handle GRETA compilations errors

2003-12-21 22:19 RN, revision 24962

Added Status Bar

2003-12-21 22:03 RN, revision 24961

Added - 1. Owner drawn menu items (sort of) 2. Match/Compile time

2003-12-21 20:37 RN, revision 24960

Changed main frame style to wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL

2003-12-21 13:19 JS, revision 24959

Correction for gcc

2003-12-21 12:22 RN, revision 24958

Changed GRETA compile flag - fixing output (was matching in reverse before....)

2003-12-21 11:51 RN, revision 24957

Too many changes :)

2003-12-21 10:27 VS, revision 24956

link against the net library, too

2003-12-21 10:09 RN, revision 24955

Added some notes and other changes.....

2003-12-21 10:02 RN, revision 24954

Fixed TEST_SCOPEGUARD (newer version prepends wx to macros...) C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3379) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT0' : undeclared identifier C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3380) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT1' : undeclared identifier C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3381) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT2' : undeclared identifier C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3384) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ0' : undeclared identifier C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3385) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ1' : undeclared identifier C:\\wxWindows\\samples\\console\\console.cpp(3386) : error C2065: 'ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ2' : undeclared identifier