

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-12-29 10:47 JS, revision 25028

Fixed palette so all tools are visible

2003-12-29 09:32 VS, revision 25027

bad idea, fn_str() returns wchar_t on win32 in Unicode build, we need char* here no matter what

2003-12-28 22:46 RN, revision 25026

Added/Fixed some things in wxGetKeyState

2003-12-28 17:34 JS, revision 25025

Removed statusbar removal under WinCE

2003-12-28 17:09 SN, revision 25024


2003-12-28 09:44 JS, revision 25023

Fixed missing semicolon

2003-12-28 01:07 JS, revision 25022

Added wxUSE_POCKETPC_UI to distinguish between using combined toolbar/menubar and using separate ones

2003-12-27 22:31 JS, revision 25021

Corrected typo

2003-12-27 18:02 JS, revision 25020

Updated for eVC4

2003-12-27 17:57 JS, revision 25019

eVC4 updates

2003-12-27 17:28 JS, revision 25018

Can't yet use RegisterDragDrop, RevokeDragDrop on eVC4

2003-12-27 17:24 JS, revision 25017

WinCE 4 cleanup

2003-12-27 17:17 JS, revision 25016

Some further missing symbols for WinCE 4

2003-12-27 08:52 VS, revision 25015

unified to use ASCII for ZIP entries and fn_str() when passing archive name to unzip.c

2003-12-26 11:43 JS, revision 25014


2003-12-26 11:33 JS, revision 25013


2003-12-25 23:28 ROL, revision 25012

added subclass attribute

2003-12-25 11:59 JS, revision 25011

Added FindById doc

2003-12-25 11:55 JS, revision 25010

As per 2.5, wxToolBarBase::FindById should be available to apps

2003-12-24 21:53 RN, revision 25009


2003-12-24 20:23 VS, revision 25008

backport of initialization from xfont fix (patch #863847)

2003-12-24 19:53 DE, revision 25007

Added note about (not) multiply inheriting from wxEvtHandler which includes a very brief technical overview of how events work.

2003-12-24 19:43 DE, revision 25006

Regenerated with Bakefile which removes the regextest sample.

2003-12-24 19:37 DE, revision 25005

Regenerated with Bakefile. wxCocoa: Added src/mac/gsockosx.c to build.

2003-12-24 19:27 RN, revision 25004

Fixed compilation and only does mdi tests when enabled in setup.h