

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-04-16 09:21 JS, revision 26828

Updates for Inno Setup 4

2004-04-16 08:36 JS, revision 26827

Updates for Inno Setup 4

2004-04-15 23:21 RD, revision 26826

If the window has a minsize then use that as the BestSize if there is no sizer, contstraints, or children, otherwise use current size as before.

2004-04-15 23:15 VZ, revision 26825

unused variable warning fix (patch 923094)

2004-04-15 23:11 VZ, revision 26824

unused param warning

2004-04-15 23:10 VZ, revision 26823

changed return type of wxCommandEvent::GetClientObject() to wxClientData * from void * and documented it (patch 918655)

2004-04-15 23:02 VZ, revision 26822

use iostream.h and not iostream with OpenWatcom (part of patch 910058)

2004-04-15 22:56 VZ, revision 26821

fixed WaitOnConnect() in non GUI mode (patch 905185)

2004-04-15 22:51 VZ, revision 26820

make XTI compile with VC6 (patch 896614)

2004-04-15 22:43 VZ, revision 26819

fixed DLL build (patch 879706)

2004-04-15 22:34 VZ, revision 26818

define _puttchar for mingw32 as it doesn't have it (patch 875611)

2004-04-15 22:26 VZ, revision 26817

show/hide static box when the wxStaticBoxSizer is shown/hidden (replaces patch 897020)

2004-04-15 22:15 VZ, revision 26816

fixed priority of the mailcap entries (patch 935954)

2004-04-15 22:15 VZ, revision 26815

normalize the case of the volume names too (patch 925887)

2004-04-15 22:07 VZ, revision 26814

fixed priority of the mailcap entries (patch 935954)

2004-04-15 21:53 VS, revision 26813

wxGTK on Mac doesn't need bundles

2004-04-15 20:20 VS, revision 26812

added GetFilenames

2004-04-15 20:12 VS, revision 26811

commdlg.lib is not in evc3

2004-04-15 20:10 RD, revision 26810


2004-04-15 19:57 RD, revision 26809


2004-04-15 19:56 RD, revision 26808

Remove use of m_bestSize

2004-04-15 19:55 RD, revision 26807

Reorder the controls so the RadioButtons work right on Windows

2004-04-15 19:53 RD, revision 26806

Use Update

2004-04-15 19:52 RD, revision 26805

Set stc and xrc to use GENDIR again as SWIG on Mac is still generating slightly different code than the other platforms for some reason

2004-04-15 19:28 RD, revision 26804
