

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-05-18 01:55 GT, revision 27328

Unicode compilation fixes

2004-05-18 01:50 GT, revision 27327

lastChar was defined as a char when it should have been an int

2004-05-17 20:17 SC, revision 27326

calling FormatV seems to be correct, as we are already passing a va_list

2004-05-17 19:22 RD, revision 27325


2004-05-17 19:21 RD, revision 27324

Removed calls to wx.InitAllImageHandlers.

2004-05-17 19:20 RD, revision 27323

Replaced wx/lib/ with a version that uses weak references to track the subscribers. Thanks go to Oliver Schoenborn and Robb Shecter.

2004-05-17 19:20 RD, revision 27322

Subindent support added

2004-05-17 19:17 RD, revision 27321

Docstring fix

2004-05-17 19:16 RD, revision 27320

wx.InitAllImageHandlers is now an empty function that does nothing but exist for backwards compatibility.

2004-05-17 19:14 RD, revision 27319

wxMac should use /src/mac/carbon/spinctrl.cpp, applied some sizing layout fixes to that file, removed wxMac specific parts from the generic wxSpinCtrl.

2004-05-17 18:37 DS, revision 27318

re-added filter (type-popup) support (lost after introducing long filename support, patch #846732)

2004-05-17 17:02 JS, revision 27317

Check for empty "widths"

2004-05-17 16:16 DS, revision 27316

added missing include required for CW8 Carbon compilation

2004-05-17 04:57 SC, revision 27315

adding a few methods for selection handling in native combobox

2004-05-16 19:32 SC, revision 27314

adding MPYield after releasing constructs like critical regions etc.

2004-05-16 18:11 JS, revision 27313

Don't call SetItemCmd for WXK_UP or WXK_RIGHT since these values have special significance, and cause indentation.

2004-05-16 17:35 SN, revision 27312

Fixed Cut&Waste error.

2004-05-16 13:12 SN, revision 27311

For OS/2 PM builds, check for type SPBCDATA in system headers.

2004-05-16 12:12 SN, revision 27310

Work-around for compilation problems on OS/2.

2004-05-16 10:34 SN, revision 27309

Updated to intermediate version which should work with current bakefile status.

2004-05-16 09:03 SC, revision 27308

adapting for dual implementation native and composited

2004-05-16 06:54 SC, revision 27307

adapting for dual implementation native and composited

2004-05-16 06:49 SC, revision 27306

added the correct spinctrl source file

2004-05-16 05:48 SC, revision 27305

adding pthreads mutex to possible wxMutex implementations

2004-05-16 05:46 SC, revision 27304

using MPSleep also for non Darwin Targets