

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-06-18 08:02 VS, revision 27878

reset fg/bg colour and font to default if set to wxNullColour/Font

2004-06-18 08:01 VS, revision 27877

test colours unsetting

2004-06-18 08:00 VS, revision 27876

minor visual improvements to wxTipDialog

2004-06-18 07:30 VS, revision 27875

new logic applies to SetFont(wxNullFont), too

2004-06-18 07:15 SC, revision 27874

removed use of p2cstr

2004-06-18 06:54 VS, revision 27873

fixed badly looking dialog (different spacing)

2004-06-18 06:52 VS, revision 27872

fixed wxGenericDirCtrl sizing

2004-06-17 23:18 RD, revision 27871

Set the client size as calculated, but use the full size for the size hints

2004-06-17 22:50 RD, revision 27870

Use GetBackgroundColour so it will revert to the default if wxNullColour is used

2004-06-17 22:40 RD, revision 27869

moved metrowerks debugger support in to wxUSE_BASE to avoid suplicate defintion errors when using multi-lib build

2004-06-17 22:24 RD, revision 27868

Updated docs for Set[Fore|Back]groundColour with more hints about using them with themes

2004-06-17 21:40 RD, revision 27867

oops, forgot to remove a bit of test code

2004-06-17 21:37 RD, revision 27866

Don't have to explicitly set the background any more, the default will do the right thing.

2004-06-17 21:36 RD, revision 27865

Use GetBackgroundColour in the default OnEraseBackground so it can use the default if the colour hasn't been explicitly set

2004-06-17 21:31 RD, revision 27864

Set/Reset ThemeEnabled when changing the fore/background colours. Using wxNullColour will reset to defaults.

2004-06-17 20:30 JS, revision 27863

Corrected position of wxUSE_WEBKIT test

2004-06-17 19:51 RD, revision 27862

Hide the dialog after running it as it may be a bit of time before it is destroyed

2004-06-17 19:50 ABX, revision 27861

Separation of wxUSE_FILEDLG and wxUSE_DIRDLG in generic implementations.

2004-06-17 19:44 ABX, revision 27860

Better markup.

2004-06-17 19:42 JS, revision 27859

Added --enable-webkit

2004-06-17 19:23 RD, revision 27858

in unicode mode the return value of gridtable.GetValue must be a string or a unicode object, as the coerce to unicode function used can only convert strings.

2004-06-17 19:00 ABX, revision 27857

Warning fixes. Code cleanup. Whitespaces and tabs removed.

2004-06-17 18:27 SC, revision 27856

moved metrowerks debugger support out of wxUSE_GUI

2004-06-17 17:03 VS, revision 27855

reverted Julian's incorrect rename of wxWindows.dsp

2004-06-17 17:01 VS, revision 27854

it's OK to set background,foreground colour even with theming now