

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-07-12 07:04 SC, revision 28203

add implementation fallback for not yet instantiated control peers

2004-07-12 05:40 SC, revision 28202

non-unicode build fix

2004-07-11 17:49 SC, revision 28201

adaptions to m_peer methods

2004-07-11 17:03 SC, revision 28200

combobox and textctrl fixes

2004-07-11 16:19 SC, revision 28199

further separating implementation

2004-07-09 21:27 VZ, revision 28198

include wx/dynlib.h, not wx/dynload.h, we don't need the latter

2004-07-09 21:19 VZ, revision 28197

fixed a warning about unusable code in release build

2004-07-09 17:54 VZ, revision 28196

show stderr in popen() test; show how to deal with piping big amounts of data to child process without deadlocking

2004-07-09 10:42 VZ, revision 28195

added wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsBackward to be able to call wxWindow::Navigate(IsBackward) and not only Navigate(IsForward)

2004-07-08 19:02 VZ, revision 28194

fixed warning about deprecated wxUsleep

2004-07-07 19:47 DS, revision 28193

removed redundant wx_PPC.rsrc from project as well as ftp, java and x86 related Preference Panel settings

2004-07-07 08:24 JS, revision 28192

Open files in binary mode to convert DOS to Unix

2004-07-06 21:36 RD, revision 28191

Add some grid related constants

2004-07-06 21:19 RD, revision 28190


2004-07-06 21:13 RD, revision 28189


2004-07-06 21:12 RD, revision 28188

Use -c

2004-07-06 21:12 RD, revision 28187

removed commented out code

2004-07-06 21:12 RD, revision 28186

Use maxint for appending to the listctrl

2004-07-06 21:11 RD, revision 28185

Check for app before making a colour from a name

2004-07-06 21:02 RD, revision 28184


2004-07-06 21:01 RD, revision 28183

little tweaks to match recent CVS changes

2004-07-06 21:00 RD, revision 28182

Fix bad keyword args

2004-07-06 20:59 RD, revision 28181

mention extra flag for OGL build

2004-07-06 20:59 RD, revision 28180

path fixes

2004-07-06 20:58 RD, revision 28179

master build tweaks, move the untarring and etc to the remote builder

2004-07-06 18:26 VZ, revision 28178

another compilation fix for after last check in

2004-07-06 17:56 RD, revision 28177

unicode compilation fix

2004-07-06 16:58 VZ, revision 28176

suppress new lines in the details pane

2004-07-06 16:55 VZ, revision 28175

blind compilation fix for wxUSE_STL==1 (bug 985662)

2004-07-06 12:48 DS, revision 28174

removed deprecated source files from project (as well as a few unneeded panel settings such as those related to Java and x86)

2004-07-06 10:33 VZ, revision 28173

corrected misleading IsSelection() docs

2004-07-05 19:29 DS, revision 28172

removed tab character; replaced -1 with wxID_ANY

2004-07-05 19:27 DS, revision 28171

use a default position for frames and in some cases a default size as well (otherwise the menubar is partially hidden (with MSW) due to too small frame height)

2004-07-05 13:53 DS, revision 28170

use slashes in #include, not backslashes

2004-07-05 12:46 DS, revision 28169

fixed typo (no code changes)

2004-07-05 10:40 VZ, revision 28168

renamed errcode to fix compilation with VC++ 8 (replaces patch 982303)

2004-07-05 10:35 VZ, revision 28167

fixed syntax error

2004-07-04 18:41 JS, revision 28166

Enclosed control in a panel to demonstrate display glitches

2004-07-04 11:20 VZ, revision 28165

don't set font unless necessary (patch 984853)

2004-07-04 11:19 VZ, revision 28164

typo/spelling fixes (patch 983448)

2004-07-04 11:17 VZ, revision 28163

corrections from Andreas Mohr (part of patch 983448)

2004-07-04 11:13 JS, revision 28162

Should set event object to relevant window when dispatching wxEVT_HELP

2004-07-04 11:13 VZ, revision 28161

typo fix in Restore(): __GTK20__ -> __WXGTK20__ (patch 984852)

2004-07-04 11:11 VZ, revision 28160

(blind) compilation fix for GTK+ 1.x after last commit

2004-07-03 16:58 VS, revision 28159

a better way of applying style changes to label_widget

2004-07-03 16:28 RR, revision 28158

Not sure how important that is, but now you can set the font of a static box.

2004-07-03 15:51 SC, revision 28157

going on with wxMacControl functionality

2004-07-03 15:50 SC, revision 28156

SetFont implementation moved to peer

2004-07-03 15:49 SC, revision 28155

wxMacControl extensions, sleep implementations header corrected

2004-07-03 15:49 RD, revision 28154

Invalidate notebook best size when pages are added or removed

2004-07-03 12:17 VS, revision 28153

don't mess with tooltips' colour in 2.4 either

2004-07-03 11:56 GD, revision 28152

added missing include files for compilation with Apple Developer Tools

2004-07-03 11:16 VS, revision 28151

implemented tab order in wxGTK2

2004-07-03 11:14 VS, revision 28150

demonstrate tab order

2004-07-03 10:06 VS, revision 28149

don't use deprecated wxUsleep

2004-07-03 10:02 VS, revision 28148

m_queuedFullRedraw is not used anymore

2004-07-02 22:22 VS, revision 28147

wxTaskBarIconBase event handlers were never called in 2.4 compatibility mode

2004-07-02 20:54 VS, revision 28146

fixed memory leak in wxNativeFontInfo when using Pango

2004-07-02 19:38 VS, revision 28145

BCC compilation fix

2004-07-02 19:05 GT, revision 28144

Patch # 984209 - Calls to wxFind() were using an old signature. They now check for wxNOT_FOUND

2004-07-02 18:54 GT, revision 28143

Patch # 984215 - Insert was returning SUCCESS after an error

2004-07-02 12:06 SC, revision 28142

sleep methods in synch with last changes

2004-07-02 12:03 SC, revision 28141

moving implementation out of class declaration

2004-07-01 22:54 VZ, revision 28140

added wxMilli/MicroSleep(), deprecated wxUsleep()

2004-07-01 22:52 VZ, revision 28139

fix wxTolower/upper() behaviour with signed chars > 0x7f with VC++ 6

2004-07-01 22:51 VZ, revision 28138

call InheritAttributes() during creation

2004-07-01 17:45 VS, revision 28137

don't force excessively large minsize, it makes the sample nearly unusable on X11

2004-07-01 14:17 JS, revision 28136

Comboboxes should have default height

2004-07-01 12:15 VZ, revision 28135

added wxMilli/MicroSleep(), deprecated wxUsleep()

2004-07-01 11:51 VZ, revision 28134

added wxGetKeyState() doc (patch 967255)

2004-07-01 11:47 VZ, revision 28133

implementation of the range insert for wxStringArray (patch 975003)

2004-07-01 11:44 VZ, revision 28132

added and documented wxWindow::MoveBefore/AfterInTabOrder()

2004-07-01 11:43 VZ, revision 28131

removed spurious semicolon

2004-07-01 10:46 VZ, revision 28130

font inheritance fixes (patch 983251)

2004-07-01 09:32 VZ, revision 28129

recognize EUC-KR charset (patch 983264)

2004-07-01 09:25 VZ, revision 28128

update from Hiroshi Saito (patch 981938)

2004-07-01 08:56 VS, revision 28127

set descent in GetTextExtend; use PANGO_PIXELS instead of dividing by PANGO_SCALE

2004-07-01 07:59 VS, revision 28126

simplified justification code; fixed incorrect positioning of first cell on line in justified paragraph

2004-07-01 07:40 VS, revision 28125

fixed a bug that prevented wxLogGui from being used by default

2004-07-01 07:07 VS, revision 28124

copy doc/ directory to builddir

2004-07-01 00:57 RD, revision 28123


2004-07-01 00:53 RD, revision 28122

Print start and stop time

2004-07-01 00:48 RD, revision 28121

a little cleanup

2004-07-01 00:45 RD, revision 28120

added CmdDown()

2004-07-01 00:05 VZ, revision 28119

use CmdDown() instead of #ifdefs for Mac

2004-07-01 00:04 VZ, revision 28118

added and documented wxKey/MouseEvent::CmdDown()

2004-06-30 23:43 RD, revision 28117

The gaps should *not* be included in the space given to the item, and so should also not be accounted for in the alignment adjustmanets

2004-06-30 23:28 VZ, revision 28116

mention that wxPostEvent() only works for sending messages to the main thread

2004-06-30 23:21 VZ, revision 28115

mention that detached threads shouldn't be deleted

2004-06-30 22:00 RD, revision 28114

Need to ensure that the right background is explicitly set.

2004-06-30 21:55 RD, revision 28113

fixed typo

2004-06-30 21:50 RD, revision 28112

Fixed typos and added test case that changes the font of a CalendarCtrl

2004-06-30 21:49 RD, revision 28111

Layout fixes due to measuring with the wrong font. Also added GetDefaultAttributes and switched everything to use GetXXX instead of m_XXX.

2004-06-30 20:12 RD, revision 28110

Since the wxPyMake_wxObject typemap is also used for constructors we need to allow it to use the $owner value to specify if the thisown attribute shoudl be set to true.

2004-06-30 20:10 RD, revision 28109

Allow the size, pos, and title of the default output window to be modified

2004-06-30 18:44 VS, revision 28108

update for CVS versions of bakefile

2004-06-30 17:12 VS, revision 28107

SetDefaultXXX -> SetOwnXXX

2004-06-30 16:25 VZ, revision 28106

trying to fix missing new line before a heading start

2004-06-30 15:47 VZ, revision 28105

made GetTextExtent() work correctly with NULL theFont parameter (m_font might nto be set); drastically simplified it by using helper WindowHDC and SelectInHDC classes instead of the old mess

2004-06-30 15:45 VZ, revision 28104

don't use &this->GetFont(), this is _not_ valid C++ and GetTextExtent() should work correctly with the default value of font parameter anyhow

2004-06-30 15:44 VZ, revision 28103

added WindowHDC similar to Screen/MemoryHDC

2004-06-30 15:35 VZ, revision 28102

fix VC++ warning about redeclaring wxHtmlHelpMergedIndexItem class as struct in .cpp

2004-06-30 13:06 VS, revision 28101

implemented wxSS::GetMetric on wxGTK2 (patch 950618)

2004-06-30 13:05 VS, revision 28100

decoupled attributes inheritance and m_hasXXX flags

2004-06-30 12:32 VS, revision 28099

wxXXChoiceDialog documentation fixes

2004-06-30 10:22 VS, revision 28098

made GetEntitiesParser public, it's useful for some tag handlers

2004-06-30 10:21 VS, revision 28097

fixed HTML entities parsing inside <titl e> tag

2004-06-29 21:06 RD, revision 28096

Lots of SWIGging

2004-06-29 20:36 VS, revision 28095


2004-06-29 19:33 RD, revision 28094

cleanup whitespace

2004-06-29 19:29 RD, revision 28093

Allow the MustHaveApp exception feature to be inherited

2004-06-29 18:04 RD, revision 28092

Add SetState/GetState for wxMSW

2004-06-29 18:03 RD, revision 28091

Don't need to adjust the position for HitTest any longer

2004-06-29 18:02 RD, revision 28090

removed some commented out code that should have been removed in the last commit

2004-06-29 17:44 RD, revision 28089

minsize and attribute tweaks

2004-06-29 16:55 VZ, revision 28088

removed gtk.h include

2004-06-29 07:53 VZ, revision 28087

documented return value of Find[Absolute]ValidPath() correctly

2004-06-29 07:52 VZ, revision 28086

fixed bug in FindAbsoluteValidPath() which returned cwd instead of empty string if the path was not found

2004-06-29 07:48 VZ, revision 28085

recognize roman8 charset as us-ascii (this is wrong but better than not recognizing it at all) (fixes bug 978251)

2004-06-29 07:25 VS, revision 28084

implemented wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR for wxGTK2

2004-06-29 07:16 VS, revision 28083

implemented nested index entries and index entries pointing to multiple documents in wxHtmlHelpController; modified wxHtmlHelpData API to make it possible

2004-06-29 03:02 RD, revision 28082


2004-06-29 02:58 RD, revision 28081

use TWIST buttons by default on the Mac, but also make it possible to skip the style adjustments so the programmer can do what they want too.

2004-06-29 02:08 RD, revision 28080


2004-06-29 02:06 RD, revision 28079

Tweaks for testing styles

2004-06-29 02:05 RD, revision 28078

Add some refreshes to try and workaround a display glitch

2004-06-29 02:04 RD, revision 28077

Refresh after changing the bitmap

2004-06-29 02:03 RD, revision 28076

Use root for OSX build

2004-06-29 02:03 RD, revision 28075

fixed icon image data

2004-06-29 02:02 RD, revision 28074

tweaked comment

2004-06-29 02:01 RD, revision 28073

A little better failure message

2004-06-29 01:58 RD, revision 28072

Fixed HitTest for columns > 1

2004-06-29 01:09 RD, revision 28071

Allow for Cmd-click on wxMac

2004-06-29 01:00 RD, revision 28070

Oops, forgot to remove som testing code

2004-06-29 00:57 RD, revision 28069

wxTreeListCtrl still uses the wxTR_TWIST_BUTTONS style

2004-06-29 00:56 RD, revision 28068

Fixed lots of painting, clipping and alignment issues.

2004-06-28 21:47 VS, revision 28067

implemented wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR for wxGTK2

2004-06-28 21:46 VS, revision 28066

respect absence of wxCENTRE

2004-06-28 21:45 VS, revision 28065

implemented nested index entries and index entries pointing to multiple documents in wxHtmlHelpController; modified wxHtmlHelpData API to make it possible

2004-06-28 21:43 VS, revision 28064

wxHTML_REALLOC_STEP not used anymore

2004-06-28 21:42 VS, revision 28063

wxObjArray::empty() was missing

2004-06-28 21:42 VS, revision 28062

test nested indexes

2004-06-28 21:37 VS, revision 28061

create wxDialog with proper _NET_WM hint so that the WMs recognize it as a dialog

2004-06-28 21:30 RD, revision 28060

Fix HitTest offset, and some other little things that had been changed in our old copy of treelistctrl

2004-06-28 19:27 RD, revision 28059

Added GetUnicodeKey

2004-06-28 19:23 RD, revision 28058

Use top-level parent for the dialog parent

2004-06-28 19:22 MBN, revision 28057

Compilation fixes.

2004-06-28 19:22 RD, revision 28056

Add flush() to PyOnDemandOutputWindow

2004-06-28 19:21 RD, revision 28055

override GetLabe/SetLabel as on wxMac it will draw its own label that interferes with ours.

2004-06-28 19:02 KO, revision 28054

Fixing crash due to referencing a NULL m_font.

2004-06-28 18:18 KO, revision 28053

Fixed wxMDIChildWindow to be a native window on Mac. Otherwise, functions like SetSize would crash.

2004-06-28 18:16 KO, revision 28052

Fixed typo in show available drives.

2004-06-28 16:26 VS, revision 28051

documentation fix

2004-06-28 10:48 VZ, revision 28050

update from Herbert Breunung which I forgot to commit some time ago

2004-06-28 10:47 VZ, revision 28049

added include files section

2004-06-28 10:46 VZ, revision 28048

added test for Lower()/Upper() with 8bit chars

2004-06-28 10:38 VZ, revision 28047

don't duplicate code checking for X for X11 and Motif ports; filter out -RNONE from the X_LIBS set by AC_PATH_XTRA (see patch 956017)

2004-06-27 22:17 VS, revision 28046

don't mess with the fonts if not asked to

2004-06-27 22:16 VS, revision 28045

removed wrong bg colour handling code

2004-06-27 19:40 VS, revision 28044

more fixes to HTML entities parsing when loading .hhk and .hhc

2004-06-27 13:47 VS, revision 28043

fixed typo

2004-06-27 13:42 VS, revision 28042

warning fix

2004-06-27 13:42 VS, revision 28041

fixed setting colour of wxStaticText in case the label contains XML special characters

2004-06-27 13:10 VS, revision 28040

implemented underlined text drawing for GTK2

2004-06-27 13:09 VS, revision 28039

fixes to charset conversion when loading non-Latin1 helpbooks; use wxString instead of wxChar* in data structures

2004-06-27 09:00 VS, revision 28038

re-added --inplace documentation

2004-06-26 18:45 RD, revision 28037

don't create the font until after the app is initialized

2004-06-26 17:29 VS, revision 28036

fixed sash dragging after programatically trying to set sashpos < minsize

2004-06-26 15:53 VS, revision 28035

implemented 3state checkboxes in wxGTK with GTK2

2004-06-26 15:51 VS, revision 28034

doubleclick selects cell for editing

2004-06-26 15:25 VS, revision 28033

more fixes to keypress handling in wxGTK: 1. don't eat unprocessed events originating from child widgets 2. tell IM context about focus changes 3. set wxKeyEvent modifiers information from last GdkEventKey leading to IM's commit signal

2004-06-26 14:11 VS, revision 28032

change of msgids patch description was inaccurate; fixed

2004-06-26 13:34 VZ, revision 28031

added and documented wxKeyEvent::GetUnicodeKey(); made it work for MSW; added test for it to the text sample

2004-06-26 13:14 VZ, revision 28030

added and documented wxKeyEvent::GetUnicodeKey(); made it work for MSW; added test for it to the text sample

2004-06-26 10:02 SC, revision 28029

allow a - at the beginning of a menu item (would become a separator by default)

2004-06-26 09:39 SC, revision 28028

rely on built-in best size...

2004-06-26 09:31 SC, revision 28027

correctly positioning vertical slider labels

2004-06-25 15:09 DS, revision 28026

fixed include dependency

2004-06-25 13:40 SC, revision 28025

colors are only set if non-black, otherwise Enable(false) does not gray them out

2004-06-25 12:59 JS, revision 28024

Added braces to remove initialisation error

2004-06-25 12:19 SC, revision 28023

font retrieval synched for setsize and bestsize

2004-06-25 11:33 SC, revision 28022

best size handling fix

2004-06-25 11:18 SC, revision 28021

cursor handling fix

2004-06-25 09:21 SC, revision 28020

two-level switch statement for event types

2004-06-25 08:25 SC, revision 28019

fix missing mouse-up events (eg when track control was called, which is consuming the mouse-up event)

2004-06-24 21:58 RD, revision 28018

SetSizeHints hacks are not needed any longer since the minsize is not set by default any longer

2004-06-24 21:09 RD, revision 28017


2004-06-24 21:02 RD, revision 28016


2004-06-24 20:52 VS, revision 28015

inform the IM context about focus changes

2004-06-24 20:27 VS, revision 28014

GtkIMContext must be the first to process keypress events, otherwise you won't be able to enter all characters with some IMs; this is same thing as what GtkEntry and GtkTextView do

2004-06-24 20:25 RD, revision 28013

testing tweaks

2004-06-24 20:21 RD, revision 28012

Optimized sizers to not call CalcMin more often than neccessary Window items added with wxFIXED_MINSIZE flag will set the window's minsize to its curent size.

2004-06-24 20:13 RD, revision 28011

Optimized sizers to not call CalcMin more often than neccessary Window items added with wxFIXED_MINSIZE flag will set the window's minsize to its curent size.

2004-06-24 20:09 RD, revision 28010

* Implemented BestSize cache * Added calls to InvalidateBestSize where things affecting BestSize are modified. There are probably several other places where this still needs to be done... * Added wxWindowBase::GetBestFittingSize that will merge the BestSize into the MinSize, (if any) and return the result. * SetBestFittingSize will now only set the MinSize to the value that was passed to it, without merging in the BestSize

2004-06-24 19:51 VS, revision 28009

fixed keypresses handling to correctly translate Unicode characters to current locale's charset in GTK2+ANSI build

2004-06-24 18:11 VS, revision 28008

fixed memory leak and removed duplicated code

2004-06-24 17:54 VS, revision 28007

use GtkIMContext variable, not GtkIMMulticontext, we don't use functions that take the latter as their argument

2004-06-24 16:36 DE, revision 28006

We don't need to pose for NSMenuItem, target/action is used instead.

2004-06-24 15:14 DE, revision 28005

* Do not use class posing to handle target/action.

2004-06-24 14:25 VS, revision 28004

fixed warnings after GetFont prototype change

2004-06-24 11:59 VS, revision 28003

Removed references to now-deprecated wxNotebookSizer from documentation.

2004-06-24 11:58 VS, revision 28002

deprecated wxBookCtrlSizer and wxNotebookSizer, they are no longer needed

2004-06-24 09:32 ABX, revision 28001

Fixed stream test.

2004-06-24 09:04 VS, revision 28000

set size hints so that the window won't shrink too much

2004-06-24 08:15 JJ, revision 27999

Committing in . OpenVMS updates Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/src/gtk/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/motif/checkbox.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2004-06-24 08:05 ABX, revision 27998

Regenerated makefiles.

2004-06-24 08:00 ABX, revision 27997

Removed unused code.

2004-06-24 07:28 SC, revision 27996

unicode fix

2004-06-24 06:59 ABX, revision 27995

Fixes for Smartphone builds. Sample does not work yet but at least creates exacutable.

2004-06-24 06:54 ABX, revision 27994

Fixed WinCE build.

2004-06-24 06:46 VS, revision 27993

reverted previous commit: the _real_ bug was already fixed

2004-06-24 04:46 RD, revision 27992

work around a bug in TabCtrl_AdjustRect which will cause a crash on win2k, or on XP with themes disabled, if the wxNB_MULTILINE style is used and the rectangle is very small, (such as when the notebook is first created.)

2004-06-24 04:45 RD, revision 27991

removed a SetFont(parent->GetFont())

2004-06-24 04:45 RD, revision 27990

tweaks for testing

2004-06-24 03:04 RD, revision 27989


2004-06-23 22:20 VS, revision 27988

fixed UNC paths handling (patch #975038)

2004-06-23 22:18 VS, revision 27987

test UNC filenames conversion on MSW

2004-06-23 22:18 VS, revision 27986

compilation fix for gcc-3.4

2004-06-23 22:12 DS, revision 27985

fixed bug #976725: "RETURN closes dialog instead of combobox dropdown" (applied fix suggested in the bug's comment)

2004-06-23 21:54 VZ, revision 27984

added Set(jdn) test

2004-06-23 21:53 VZ, revision 27983

fixed bug in wxDateTime::Set(jdn) when DST was in effect

2004-06-23 21:18 VZ, revision 27982

extracted some wxDateTime tests from console sample to the unit test suite

2004-06-23 20:31 VS, revision 27981

ngettext() macro was removed

2004-06-23 20:30 VS, revision 27980

allow msgids in !=English languages (based on Stefan Kowski's patch)

2004-06-23 18:26 VZ, revision 27979

fixed sending 2 events (normal and bogus cancel one) when ending to edit a tree ctrl item (patch 978403)

2004-06-23 17:42 VZ, revision 27978

use ES_AUTOHSCROLL for multiline controls as well (fixes 966692)

2004-06-23 17:42 VZ, revision 27977

don't use wxHSCROLL for the rich edit window, not that it really works as expected it looks ugly in the sample

2004-06-23 17:39 RD, revision 27976

Create the wxPython dir (for the reverse renamers) if it doesn't exist

2004-06-23 17:31 VS, revision 27975

default colours are not stored in m_fore/backgroundColour variables anymore

2004-06-23 16:41 VS, revision 27974

refresh the window in OnSysColourChanged

2004-06-23 16:41 VS, revision 27973

no need to update default colours and refresh if syscolours change, wxWindow does it

2004-06-23 16:04 ABX, revision 27972

Make some long #ifs shorter but multiline so diffs of other ports are more readable.

2004-06-23 16:04 CE, revision 27971

fix bug with button doing nothing

2004-06-23 16:01 DE, revision 27970

wxCocoa: don't force DEFAULT_wxUSE_SCROLLBAR=no

2004-06-23 15:33 VS, revision 27969

gtk_widget_get_display is documented to be GTK >= 2.2 thing -- fixes report about compilation failure

2004-06-23 15:30 VS, revision 27968

GetFont doesn't return reference anymore

2004-06-23 15:26 DE, revision 27967

wxCocoa: Added wxScrollBar

2004-06-23 15:01 ABX, revision 27966

Make some long #ifs shorter but multiline so diffs of other ports are more readable.

2004-06-23 14:49 DS, revision 27965

fixed unresolved symbol main (occurred with wxMac)

2004-06-23 14:06 DE, revision 27964

Regenerated with Bakefile 0.1.4 (some WinCE files were added by someone else)

2004-06-23 11:55 ABX, revision 27963

Private macro moved in waiting for DektopPolicy implementation.

2004-06-23 11:52 VS, revision 27962

don't cache default colours

2004-06-23 11:51 VS, revision 27961

removed non-const wxWindow::GetFont and GetCursor

2004-06-23 11:34 VS, revision 27960

removed non-const wxWindow::GetFont and GetCursor

2004-06-23 10:57 ABX, revision 27959

Preserve previous state of sizers.

2004-06-23 10:44 ABX, revision 27958

Shortcuts for avoiding #ifdef __SMARTPHONE__ conditions.

2004-06-23 09:39 ABX, revision 27957

According to C99 standard (6.10.1 p3) defined() in #define is undefined, so we need replacement.

2004-06-23 09:06 VS, revision 27956

include bitmap.h not needed anymore

2004-06-23 08:22 JS, revision 27955

Font correction

2004-06-23 00:46 DE, revision 27954

Remove SendDestroyEvent() call from SetNSView() and call it from ~wxWindow and ~wxTopLevelWindow instead.