

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-11-07 14:08 JJ, revision 78094

Fix compilation for wxGTK1

2014-11-05 10:33 JJ, revision 78093

Update setup.h for OpenVMS

2014-11-04 23:56 AW, revision 78092

In 3.0 compatibility mode member variable holding pending delete editor objects is emulated by hash map item.

2014-11-04 20:23 AW, revision 78091

Do not mark selected wxPG property as 'being deleted'. Only unselected wxPG property can be marked as 'being deleted'. If this is done for selected wxGP property then in some circumstances it cannot be unselected and hence cannot be safely deleted. See #16617.

2014-11-04 17:21 VS, revision 78090

Fix simulated toggle in OS X wxToolBar wiht HiDPI bitmaps Use scaled size and scale factor when creating wxMemoryDC so that the modified output bitmap has same physical dimensions as the source one.

2014-11-04 17:21 VS, revision 78089

Fix simulated toggle in OS X wxToolBar wiht HiDPI bitmaps Use scaled size and scale factor when creating wxMemoryDC so that the modified output bitmap has same physical dimensions as the source one.

2014-11-02 17:28 VS, revision 78088

Fix wxToolBarBase::AdjustToolBitmapSize() for HiDPI on OS X wxOSX's wxToolBar code uses toolbar size computed by AdjustToolBitmapSize() to determine which of the builtin toolbar sizes to use. Because AdjustToolBitmapSize() returned 2x the "logical" size, it would always pick NSToolbarSizeModeRegular regardless of icon size, resulting in differently-sized toolbar on HiDPI and low-DPI screens. Use scaled size instead.

2014-11-02 17:28 VS, revision 78087

Fix wxToolBarBase::AdjustToolBitmapSize() for HiDPI on OS X wxOSX's wxToolBar code uses toolbar size computed by AdjustToolBitmapSize() to determine which of the builtin toolbar sizes to use. Because AdjustToolBitmapSize() returned 2x the "logical" size, it would always pick NSToolbarSizeModeRegular regardless of icon size, resulting in differently-sized toolbar on HiDPI and low-DPI screens. Use scaled size instead.

2014-11-01 15:00 VZ, revision 78086

Restore code for closing inherited file descriptors under non-OS X. The code for doing this was accidentally disabled in r74957, which intended to disable it for Darwin, but ended up disabling it for everything but Darwin. Reenable it for all platforms now, clearly it didn't hurt to have it enabled under Darwin, and we do need to do it, e.g. see #12636.

2014-11-01 14:56 VZ, revision 78085

Fix clearing wxCB_READONLY wxComboBox in wxGTK. wxComboBox::Clear() must call wxTextEntry::SetValue() explicitly instead of calling its Clear() which just forwards back to wxComboBox own SetValue(), which (correctly) doesn't work for read-only comboboxes when passed an empty string. Closes #16654.

2014-11-01 14:56 VZ, revision 78084

No changes, just move wxComboBox::Clear() out of line in wxGTK. Make this function non-inline to facilitate further modifications.

2014-10-31 17:04 AW, revision 78083

Fix deleting wxPG properties with sub-properties. If property contains sub-properties they should be deselected prior deleting the property. See #16617.

2014-10-31 14:19 VZ, revision 78082

Make Clear() virtual in wxItemContainer base class. This ensures that overridden wxComboBox::Clear() is called even when it's invoked via a pointer or a reference to wxItemContainer (and not just one to wxComboBox itself or its other base wxTextEntry). Closes #16654.

2014-10-30 13:56 VZ, revision 78081

Fixes to wxGA_TEXT and wxGA_PROGRESS documentation. Correct the HTML output format for wxGA_PROGRESS, it was indented incorrectly because Doxygen appears to need a blank line (i.e. end of paragraph) after a "@since". Also improve the wording of the styles descriptions a little.

2014-10-28 19:57 VZ, revision 78080

Re-add wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT and wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST to wxGenericFileDialog. Support for these styles was accidentally removed in r48733, re-add them back. Closes #16652.

2014-10-28 09:06 JS, revision 78079

Backported wxFontDialog NSView fix r78070, fixing bug #16643

2014-10-27 21:09 VZ, revision 78078

Don't use "@overload" to document methods without parameters. Documentation generated by @overload is misleading in this case as it refers to the "different argument [the function] accepts", but there are none, the methods can be overloaded only by const modifier as well. Use \copydetails instead to reuse the original documentation, this is less confusing and arguably more useful as well.

2014-10-27 18:36 VZ, revision 78077

German translation fixes from Sebastian Walderich.

2014-10-27 18:31 VZ, revision 78076

Update mouse capture stack when showing modal dialog in wxGTK. GTKReleaseMouseAndNotify(), which is called before showing a modal dialog in wxGTK to ensure that the mouse does not remain captured by the window which will be disabled by the modal dialog soon, should update the mouse capture stack and so must call ReleaseMouse() to do it, not just DoReleaseMouse(). See #16647, #8657.

2014-10-26 12:44 VS, revision 78075

Use subtler grey for emulated toolbar toggle on OS X Use a lighter shade of gray to avoid problems with user icons and to match the look of OS X 10.10's rendering of selected toolbar items. Fixes #16645.

2014-10-26 12:44 VS, revision 78074

Use subtler grey for emulated toolbar toggle on OS X Use a lighter shade of gray to avoid problems with user icons and to match the look of OS X 10.10's rendering of selected toolbar items. Fixes #16645.

2014-10-25 20:06 PC, revision 78073


2014-10-25 20:05 PC, revision 78072

backport r77741: Return the caption from wxMessageDialog::GetTitle()

2014-10-25 14:49 VS, revision 78071

Fix wxFontDialog exceptions on OS X Yosemite Opening the font dialog would result in an exception in RunMixedFontDialog: -[NSView resetFlags]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6080001285c0 The code in question assumed that NSFontPanel's accessory view either didn't exist or was created by wx, and casted it to wxMacFontPanelAccView* without checking. But this assumption is no longer true on OS X 10.10, the view is apparently pre-set to some default NSView instance. Fix the code to check accessoryView's class before treating it as wxMacFontPanelAccView.

2014-10-25 14:49 VS, revision 78070

Fix wxFontDialog exceptions on OS X Yosemite Opening the font dialog would result in an exception in RunMixedFontDialog: -[NSView resetFlags]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6080001285c0 The code in question assumed that NSFontPanel's accessory view either didn't exist or was created by wx, and casted it to wxMacFontPanelAccView* without checking. But this assumption is no longer true on OS X 10.10, the view is apparently pre-set to some default NSView instance. Fix the code to check accessoryView's class before treating it as wxMacFontPanelAccView.