

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-07-01 09:25 VZ, revision 28128

update from Hiroshi Saito (patch 981938)

2004-07-01 08:56 VS, revision 28127

set descent in GetTextExtend; use PANGO_PIXELS instead of dividing by PANGO_SCALE

2004-07-01 07:59 VS, revision 28126

simplified justification code; fixed incorrect positioning of first cell on line in justified paragraph

2004-07-01 07:40 VS, revision 28125

fixed a bug that prevented wxLogGui from being used by default

2004-07-01 07:07 VS, revision 28124

copy doc/ directory to builddir

2004-07-01 00:57 RD, revision 28123


2004-07-01 00:53 RD, revision 28122

Print start and stop time

2004-07-01 00:48 RD, revision 28121

a little cleanup

2004-07-01 00:45 RD, revision 28120

added CmdDown()

2004-07-01 00:05 VZ, revision 28119

use CmdDown() instead of #ifdefs for Mac

2004-07-01 00:04 VZ, revision 28118

added and documented wxKey/MouseEvent::CmdDown()

2004-06-30 23:43 RD, revision 28117

The gaps should *not* be included in the space given to the item, and so should also not be accounted for in the alignment adjustmanets

2004-06-30 23:28 VZ, revision 28116

mention that wxPostEvent() only works for sending messages to the main thread

2004-06-30 23:21 VZ, revision 28115

mention that detached threads shouldn't be deleted

2004-06-30 22:00 RD, revision 28114

Need to ensure that the right background is explicitly set.

2004-06-30 21:55 RD, revision 28113

fixed typo

2004-06-30 21:50 RD, revision 28112

Fixed typos and added test case that changes the font of a CalendarCtrl

2004-06-30 21:49 RD, revision 28111

Layout fixes due to measuring with the wrong font. Also added GetDefaultAttributes and switched everything to use GetXXX instead of m_XXX.

2004-06-30 20:12 RD, revision 28110

Since the wxPyMake_wxObject typemap is also used for constructors we need to allow it to use the $owner value to specify if the thisown attribute shoudl be set to true.

2004-06-30 20:10 RD, revision 28109

Allow the size, pos, and title of the default output window to be modified

2004-06-30 18:44 VS, revision 28108

update for CVS versions of bakefile

2004-06-30 17:12 VS, revision 28107

SetDefaultXXX -> SetOwnXXX

2004-06-30 16:25 VZ, revision 28106

trying to fix missing new line before a heading start

2004-06-30 15:47 VZ, revision 28105

made GetTextExtent() work correctly with NULL theFont parameter (m_font might nto be set); drastically simplified it by using helper WindowHDC and SelectInHDC classes instead of the old mess

2004-06-30 15:45 VZ, revision 28104

don't use &this->GetFont(), this is _not_ valid C++ and GetTextExtent() should work correctly with the default value of font parameter anyhow