

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-07-25 11:16 VZ, revision 28453

basic UDP support (patch 835128)

2004-07-25 11:10 VZ, revision 28452

GTK2 fixes (patch 966803)

2004-07-25 11:01 VZ, revision 28451

docs for Change/GetMode(s) (patch 966312)

2004-07-25 11:00 VZ, revision 28450

tided up the code a little (replaces part of patch 966312)

2004-07-25 10:07 VS, revision 28449

documentation fixes

2004-07-24 10:46 VZ, revision 28448

compilation fix for !MSW

2004-07-24 09:57 VS, revision 28447

wxSound wasn't in alphabetically correct place

2004-07-24 04:00 DE, revision 28446

Incorporated gsocket.c 1.80 to 1.86 changes

2004-07-23 23:25 RD, revision 28445


2004-07-23 22:13 VZ, revision 28444

generate EVT_CONTEXT_MENU when right mouse button is pressed, not released

2004-07-23 21:56 VZ, revision 28443

show the cursor on screen after moving it

2004-07-23 21:34 VZ, revision 28442

don't crash if WriteText() argument can't be converted to UTF-8

2004-07-23 21:32 VZ, revision 28441

implemented ScrollLines/Pages() for GTK+ 2

2004-07-23 20:55 RD, revision 28440

Fixed typo

2004-07-23 20:52 VZ, revision 28439

unhide the other HitTest() overload

2004-07-23 20:48 DS, revision 28438

adding missing closing bracket

2004-07-23 20:28 RD, revision 28437

Wrapper for new HitTest

2004-07-23 20:26 RD, revision 28436

Fix for unhiding the other version of the base class HitTest

2004-07-23 19:59 VZ, revision 28435

fixed inserting styled text into an empty control under GTK+ 2.0

2004-07-23 18:52 VZ, revision 28434

don't modify all wxBitmaps sharing the same wxBitmapRefData when SetMask() is called

2004-07-23 18:43 VZ, revision 28433

implement HitTest(pos) variant and not HitTest(x, y) one as this is what Windows gives us

2004-07-23 18:43 VZ, revision 28432

cosmetic change

2004-07-23 18:31 RD, revision 28431

Avoid an assert in wxFrame::SetTitle

2004-07-23 18:07 VZ, revision 28430

implemented HitTest() for GTK2; test it in the sample

2004-07-23 18:06 ABX, revision 28429


2004-07-23 18:04 ABX, revision 28428

wxUSE_STL fixes.

2004-07-23 17:49 VZ, revision 28427

compilation fix for gcc (closes bug 996701)

2004-07-23 16:45 VS, revision 28426

changed to behave in same way as native win32 control and generic wxListCtrl when wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT is vetoed

2004-07-23 16:45 VS, revision 28425

documented while event.Skip() is necessary so that nobody removes it

2004-07-23 16:44 VS, revision 28424

reverted JS' rev. 1.27 - the real fix was 1.28, disabling recursion protection is not good idea

2004-07-23 15:41 RD, revision 28423

Changed to match wxPython's current subrelease number

2004-07-23 14:33 ABX, revision 28422

wxUSE_STL/wxArrayString fixes.

2004-07-23 11:26 ABX, revision 28421

Correct definition of sorting function.

2004-07-23 10:38 VZ, revision 28420

added wxSUBRELEAS_NUMBER and macro to check for it

2004-07-23 10:01 VZ, revision 28419

fixed ShowModal() return value typo

2004-07-23 09:21 ABX, revision 28418

wxUSE_BUTTONBAR removed.

2004-07-23 09:04 ABX, revision 28417

wxUSE_STL fixes.

2004-07-23 08:58 ABX, revision 28416

wxUSE_STL fix.

2004-07-23 08:56 ABX, revision 28415

Simplified html reading because previous one caused conflicts in wxUSE_STL=1.

2004-07-23 08:51 ABX, revision 28414


2004-07-23 05:07 RD, revision 28413

Default value for WX_CONFIG

2004-07-23 01:41 DE, revision 28412

Revert my id10t error.

2004-07-22 20:25 DE, revision 28411

Fix compilation with older (before C99) C compilers.

2004-07-22 20:24 RD, revision 28410

Just to be sure...

2004-07-22 20:23 RD, revision 28409

Also don't send set focus events when the window is being deleted.

2004-07-22 19:59 ABX, revision 28408


2004-07-22 19:34 ABX, revision 28407


2004-07-22 19:24 VS, revision 28406

fixed symlinks creation on platforms where ln -s is cp

2004-07-22 19:14 ABX, revision 28405


2004-07-22 19:08 MBN, revision 28404

Added compatibility functions for wxUSE_STL = 1: void wxArrayString::Sort(CompareFunction function) void wxArrayString::Sort(bool reverseOrder).

2004-07-22 19:07 ABX, revision 28403

wxUSE_STL fixes.

2004-07-22 18:51 ABX, revision 28402

wxUSE_STL fixes.

2004-07-22 18:47 ABX, revision 28401


2004-07-22 18:38 RD, revision 28400

Patches from Will Sadkin: MaskedEditMixin: - fixed size calculations on changing fonts - fixed tabbing logic now that tab events are entered into the control by default (ie event.Skip()) if wx.TE_PROCESS_TAB is set - fixed code attempting to fix the selection after focus events generated on control destruction, to prevent tracebacks TextCtrl, ComboBox - Added support for XRC - Fixed sizing calculation code - Added SetFont() override method that will recalculate the size if this is called. - Added AppendItems() for ComboBox NumCtrl: - prevented ctrl from accepting same grouping and decimal character, - fixed issue preventing paste from working if decimal char was different than '.' TimeCtrl: - Fixed default value to use 24hour time (which will be converted appropriately if format supports it, and added code to check if local timezone uses "AM/PM" for this concept; if not, control now defaults to 24hour format, and disallows the am/pm form.

2004-07-22 18:35 ABX, revision 28399

Removed unused variable.

2004-07-22 18:15 RD, revision 28398

Install headers to the new location, use the new wx-config options instead of building the wx-{toolchain}-config name myself, incremented the version number.

2004-07-22 15:29 RD, revision 28397

No longer have to hold a reference to the sound object

2004-07-22 15:13 RD, revision 28396

Fix so sound looping will stop, courtesy of Ryan Norton.

2004-07-22 11:53 ABX, revision 28395

wxUSE_STL=1 fix.

2004-07-22 11:52 ABX, revision 28394


2004-07-22 11:49 VZ, revision 28393

reimplemented wxBitmap::ConvertToImage() using wxDIB

2004-07-22 11:49 ABX, revision 28392

Alternate form of condition readable for Borland compiler.

2004-07-22 11:45 ABX, revision 28391


2004-07-22 11:43 VZ, revision 28390

added wxDIB(HBITMAP) ctor and corresponding Create(); made GetData() return uchar * and not void *

2004-07-22 10:15 VS, revision 28389

use sizers instead of constraints in wxProgressDialog (patch 980364)

2004-07-22 09:35 VS, revision 28388

don't select first hit in index if it is multi-topic entry, it causes a dialog to pop up

2004-07-22 08:32 VS, revision 28387

adapted RPM spec file to latest changes

2004-07-22 08:28 VS, revision 28386

install headers in prefix/include/wx-version/wx/ instead of prefix/include/wx/

2004-07-22 07:49 VS, revision 28385

removed enum that was causing more problems than it was worth

2004-07-22 07:43 VS, revision 28384

wx-config symlink creation fix

2004-07-22 07:37 VS, revision 28383

detect WebKit availability

2004-07-22 04:22 RD, revision 28382

Fix so async wxSound can continue playing after it is destructed, courtesy of Ryan Norton.

2004-07-22 01:24 RD, revision 28381


2004-07-22 01:06 RD, revision 28380

39 items is awfully big

2004-07-22 01:04 RD, revision 28379

mention *TabOrder and Navigate methods

2004-07-22 01:01 RD, revision 28378

build a tarball when building the new docs

2004-07-22 01:01 RD, revision 28377

Build the new docs as part of the automated build

2004-07-22 01:00 RD, revision 28376

reorganize a bit

2004-07-22 00:57 RD, revision 28375


2004-07-22 00:55 RD, revision 28374

Hold on to the Sound objects as the Mac async plays will stop when the object is destroyed

2004-07-22 00:44 RD, revision 28373

Add -framework QuickTime if --enable-sound

2004-07-22 00:43 RD, revision 28372

Actually use the OnStack test

2004-07-22 00:42 RD, revision 28371

wxSOUND_SYNC is zero so it can't be used in a (flags & wxSOUND_SYNC) test as it woudl always evaluate to false.

2004-07-21 22:53 RD, revision 28370

If no colour name then use "BLACK"

2004-07-21 22:07 RD, revision 28369

Call CreateControl instead of CreateBase

2004-07-21 21:54 VZ, revision 28368

pretend that we support all encodings instead of not supporting any of them under GTK2 (this at least prevents wxFontMapper from aborting the program with 'can't create any font' message)

2004-07-21 20:28 RD, revision 28367

Docstring updates

2004-07-21 19:58 RD, revision 28366

Docstring updates

2004-07-21 19:56 RD, revision 28365

Fixed incorrect ratio initialization

2004-07-21 19:22 RD, revision 28364

Added DoPrepareDC

2004-07-21 19:21 RD, revision 28363

Added docstrings

2004-07-21 19:19 RD, revision 28362

Updates from Chris

2004-07-21 19:06 RD, revision 28361

Set m_wheelDelta for wheel events

2004-07-21 18:59 VS, revision 28360


2004-07-21 18:20 SC, revision 28359

ryan's QT implementation

2004-07-21 17:07 VZ, revision 28358

compilation fix

2004-07-21 17:00 VZ, revision 28357

implemented wxNativeFontInfo::operator=() when wxUSE_PANGO, this fixes crashes when wxFont::SetNativeFontInfo() is used

2004-07-21 12:23 VZ, revision 28356

create the disabled button brush if we're not using Microwin, not if we're using it

2004-07-21 11:27 SC, revision 28355

first attempt for full screen implementation

2004-07-21 11:24 SC, revision 28354

first attempt for full screen implementation

2004-07-21 11:21 VS, revision 28353

fixed --inplace

2004-07-21 10:45 VZ, revision 28352

documented that Write() doesn't always write all the data

2004-07-21 10:41 VZ, revision 28351

corrected code to not suppose that Write() always writes all the data it was given

2004-07-21 10:39 VZ, revision 28350

put the write end of the pipe in non blocking mode to avoid deadlocks and return from wxPipeOutputStream::OnSysWrite() without having necessarily written all the data as this is not always possible

2004-07-21 10:29 ABX, revision 28349

wxUSE_LOG fixes and sizer adjustements related to positioning with/without LOG output.

2004-07-21 10:17 VS, revision 28348

fixes to wx-config config name matching

2004-07-21 09:51 SC, revision 28347

first attempt for full screen implementation

2004-07-21 05:25 SC, revision 28346

only on mouse-down

2004-07-20 23:45 VZ, revision 28345

don't suppose that all 32bpp DIBs have alpha, this is not true, the extra byte may be just padding

2004-07-20 23:41 VZ, revision 28344

don't waste time initializing the memory of newly created wxImage before filling it with PNG data

2004-07-20 22:38 VZ, revision 28343

compilation warning about printf type mismatch

2004-07-20 21:59 VZ, revision 28342

AddFile(wxImage&) -> AddFile(const wxImage&)

2004-07-20 21:14 VZ, revision 28341

fix for opening files with VC++ 8 (closes bug 994337)

2004-07-20 19:30 ABX, revision 28340

wxUSE_LOG fixes.

2004-07-20 19:17 ABX, revision 28339

wxUSE_LOG fixes.

2004-07-20 19:11 ABX, revision 28338

wxUSE_LOG fixes.

2004-07-20 18:13 RD, revision 28337

DoPrepareDC needs the dc.

2004-07-20 17:18 ABX, revision 28336

wxUSE_LOG fixes.

2004-07-20 17:04 ABX, revision 28335

wxUSE_LOG fixes.

2004-07-20 16:48 SC, revision 28334

10.2 fixes

2004-07-20 16:40 SC, revision 28333

background handling

2004-07-20 16:34 VZ, revision 28332

update from Marco Cavallini

2004-07-20 16:30 VZ, revision 28331

added DoPrepareDC()

2004-07-20 14:53 SC, revision 28330

fixing best size to really include only 5 lines

2004-07-20 14:38 SC, revision 28329

correcting window variant

2004-07-20 14:34 SC, revision 28328

for built-in dialogs, there is no m_peer instance, and still we might have a Refresh call issued, just leave

2004-07-20 14:10 SC, revision 28327

trying to support non-wx controls on a window

2004-07-20 14:08 SC, revision 28326

explicit scrollbar style flags needed

2004-07-20 11:11 ABX, revision 28325

WinCE fixes.

2004-07-20 10:09 ABX, revision 28324

wxDefaultSize.* and wxDefaultPosition.* to wxDefaultCoord.

2004-07-20 10:09 VZ, revision 28323

added except sample

2004-07-20 10:05 VZ, revision 28322

add except to the samples being built; verify that --enable-exceptions and --enable-no_exceptions are not used simultaneously

2004-07-20 10:04 VZ, revision 28321

documented DoPrepareDC()

2004-07-20 09:19 SC, revision 28320

corrected cwd manipulation for unicode builds

2004-07-20 09:18 SC, revision 28319

removed mpthread and added thread.cpp and tglbutton.cpp

2004-07-20 09:16 SC, revision 28318

avoid unimplemented wx stubs being used

2004-07-20 08:44 VS, revision 28317

use regexes, not wildcards, for config file matching (but it's still broken)

2004-07-20 05:21 SC, revision 28316

corrected copied headers

2004-07-19 21:08 RD, revision 28315

fix compile error

2004-07-19 20:56 KO, revision 28314

Fixed display issues for Panther now that wxTextCtrl has been fixed there.

2004-07-19 20:52 RD, revision 28313

Don't output the script name twice

2004-07-19 20:51 RD, revision 28312

Handle terminating NULL correctly

2004-07-19 19:34 SC, revision 28311

switching to correct name as Tiger doesn't have the workaround anymore

2004-07-19 15:36 ABX, revision 28310

Fixes for wxUSE_STATUSBAR.

2004-07-19 15:14 ABX, revision 28309

Fixes for wxUSE_STATUSBAR.

2004-07-19 11:43 ABX, revision 28308

Fixed typo.

2004-07-19 10:07 GT, revision 28307

Updating the ::Open() function to help clarify that SetColDefs() must be called before opening the table

2004-07-19 09:42 ABX, revision 28306

GetItemCount is int.

2004-07-19 09:39 ABX, revision 28305

Fixes for wxUSE_STATUSBAR.

2004-07-19 08:47 VZ, revision 28304

compilation fix for wxUSE_THREADS == 0

2004-07-19 06:01 SC, revision 28303

string constants unicode savvy

2004-07-18 21:58 VS, revision 28302

fixed MSW crashes when choosing Exit in popup menu

2004-07-18 19:13 KO, revision 28301

Correct slider width when labels are used.

2004-07-18 17:11 VS, revision 28300

HAVE_XIM is disabled in GTK2 build, don't include useless member variables

2004-07-18 11:19 VS, revision 28299

*** empty log message ***

2004-07-18 10:55 VS, revision 28298

adapted to wx-config libraries list changes

2004-07-18 10:05 VZ, revision 28297

use wxLogTrace(htmldebug) instead of wxLogDebug() for messages about HTML syntax errors

2004-07-18 03:10 DE, revision 28296

Baked (clntdata.cpp core->base)

2004-07-18 00:03 RD, revision 28295

fixed typo

2004-07-17 23:32 RD, revision 28294


2004-07-17 23:22 RD, revision 28293

Use DeafultAttributes instead of hard coded defaults

2004-07-17 22:57 RD, revision 28292

minor tweaks

2004-07-17 22:51 RD, revision 28291

Avoid using the OOR typemap in the constructors

2004-07-17 21:54 VS, revision 28290

complain about unrecognized flags

2004-07-17 21:41 JS, revision 28289

Don't show focus rectangle if wxNO_BORDER specified

2004-07-17 21:14 VS, revision 28288

removed accidentally committed debugging code

2004-07-17 21:13 VS, revision 28287

use corrent charset for page title in ANSI builds

2004-07-17 20:50 VS, revision 28286

more GTK2+ANSI fixes

2004-07-17 18:52 VS, revision 28285

cleaned up --inplace description

2004-07-17 18:20 RD, revision 28284

Allow the release tag to be specified on the rpmbuild command line

2004-07-17 18:19 RD, revision 28283


2004-07-17 18:18 RD, revision 28282

Navigate docstring update

2004-07-17 17:52 RD, revision 28281

prevent a reference leak when OOR objects are created

2004-07-17 17:48 VS, revision 28280

modified arguments syntax to be wx-config [options] [libraries list]

2004-07-17 17:44 RD, revision 28279


2004-07-17 16:53 VS, revision 28278

wxTLW::IsMaximized for wxGTK2 (patch 992743)

2004-07-17 16:39 VS, revision 28277

made GTK+2 the default

2004-07-17 15:04 JS, revision 28276

Ensure we don't get an empty help menu on Mac

2004-07-17 10:59 VS, revision 28275

fixed TABs handling

2004-07-16 22:01 VS, revision 28274


2004-07-16 21:41 RD, revision 28273

Wrappers for *ToText

2004-07-16 21:40 RD, revision 28272

More notes about sizer changes

2004-07-16 20:35 RD, revision 28271

Blind fix to avoid a PyDeadObject error

2004-07-16 20:34 RD, revision 28270

Allow style to be specified for ScrolledMessageDialog

2004-07-16 20:33 RD, revision 28269

fixed syntax error

2004-07-16 20:31 RD, revision 28268

Fixed typo and increased the size of the cache used by DoGetPartialTextExtents

2004-07-16 20:29 RD, revision 28267

Allow any too-large index to mean Append, just like on MSW.

2004-07-16 20:27 RD, revision 28266

Added notes about the sizer changes

2004-07-16 19:35 VS, revision 28265

made SelectionToText and ToText public

2004-07-16 18:35 VS, revision 28264

documented wxHtmlWindow::SelectionToText and ToText

2004-07-16 18:06 ABX, revision 28263

Warning fixes for Digital Mars.

2004-07-16 17:27 VS, revision 28262

don't use deprecated function wxUslepp

2004-07-16 17:19 VS, revision 28261

added wxHtmlWindow::ToText

2004-07-16 17:17 VZ, revision 28260

fixed fatal bug in wxString ctor from wxCharBuffer when wxUSE_STL==1

2004-07-16 13:19 ABX, revision 28259

Fixes to warnings about assigning unused values.

2004-07-16 13:09 rgammans, revision 28258

* add documentation for wxMemoryBuffer * add suport for values of type REG_BINARY in the msw registry. Such values are converted to wxMemoryBuffer for internal handling

2004-07-16 13:08 ABX, revision 28257

Sizer based placement of controls in generic colour dialog (patch #991595)

2004-07-16 13:05 ABX, revision 28256

Correction to recently added wrong asserts.

2004-07-16 00:33 RD, revision 28255


2004-07-16 00:13 RD, revision 28254


2004-07-16 00:12 RD, revision 28253

Skip, Skip, Skip

2004-07-16 00:06 RD, revision 28252

Little tweaks to match recent CVS changes. Fixed wxFontEnumerator GetFacename and GetEncodings to return an empty list instead of crashing if the Enumerate function hasn't been called yet.

2004-07-16 00:02 RD, revision 28251

Automated build tweaks and fixes

2004-07-16 00:00 RD, revision 28250

Pass pos and size to MSWCreateControl so the initial and minsize will be set correctly

2004-07-15 23:59 RD, revision 28249

fixed typo in a comment

2004-07-15 20:51 VS, revision 28248

DLL export fixes (patch 991760)

2004-07-15 18:17 SC, revision 28247

applied patch 90459

2004-07-15 16:24 VS, revision 28246

fixed dllexports: wxClientData is now in wxBase, not wxCore

2004-07-15 06:34 ABX, revision 28245

Type casting warning fixes.

2004-07-15 06:27 ABX, revision 28244

Unused parameters warning fixes.

2004-07-15 06:23 ABX, revision 28243

Limited setup.h warning fix.

2004-07-15 06:21 ABX, revision 28242

Smartphone adjustements.

2004-07-15 06:16 ABX, revision 28241

More broken compilers with enum/wxString& ambiguity.

2004-07-15 06:13 ABX, revision 28240

VC warning fix.

2004-07-14 20:25 VS, revision 28239

re-enabled and fixed wxTextCtrl::Cut,Copy,Paste with GTK+ 2

2004-07-14 19:51 VS, revision 28238

provide WM with hint about splash window's purpose under wxGTK2

2004-07-14 19:34 ABX, revision 28237

DMC/VC warning fix

2004-07-14 19:31 ABX, revision 28236

OpenWatcom warning fix

2004-07-14 19:30 ABX, revision 28235

VC warning fix and update to curent state of wxW.

2004-07-14 18:04 SC, revision 28234

attempt to get a 'correct' current working directory

2004-07-14 16:33 SC, revision 28233

making getter const

2004-07-13 18:36 SC, revision 28232

carbon cfm fixes

2004-07-13 18:32 SC, revision 28231

adding correct events

2004-07-13 16:24 VZ, revision 28230

fixed menu titles handling after wxID_SEPARATOR change

2004-07-13 16:19 ABX, revision 28229

Warning fixes.

2004-07-13 16:14 ABX, revision 28228

Missed conditional compilation.

2004-07-13 13:41 VZ, revision 28227

clean up modules after destroying the app, not before it

2004-07-13 13:30 ABX, revision 28226

Correct headers. No more specific notebook sizer.

2004-07-13 13:24 ABX, revision 28225

Removal of deprecated methods.

2004-07-13 13:13 ABX, revision 28224

Removal of deprecated methods.

2004-07-13 12:42 ABX, revision 28223

WinCE fixes.

2004-07-13 12:25 ABX, revision 28222

WinCE fixes.

2004-07-13 12:07 VS, revision 28221

set PangoContext's language correctly

2004-07-13 11:33 VS, revision 28220

unified Pango GetTextExtent implementations

2004-07-12 23:29 VZ, revision 28219

made --cppflags return -DwxUSE_GUI=0 when used with --libs=base

2004-07-12 22:22 VZ, revision 28218

replace wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT with GetSystemLanguage() result in GetLanguageInfo()

2004-07-12 21:55 VS, revision 28217

moved clntdata.h,cpp to wxBase

2004-07-12 21:49 VS, revision 28216

oops, reverted clntdata.h change, it _is_ needed

2004-07-12 21:41 VS, revision 28215

clntdata.h is needed only if wxUSE_GUI

2004-07-12 19:21 ABX, revision 28214

Warning fix

2004-07-12 15:48 VZ, revision 28213

fixed what looked like a bug in determining the default width in DoGetBestSize()

2004-07-12 15:47 VZ, revision 28212

fixed unused variable warnings

2004-07-12 15:06 VS, revision 28211

removed unneeded call to wxGetRootWindow, so that window creation is delayed as much as possible

2004-07-12 14:52 ABX, revision 28210

Warning fix for lack of -> operator.

2004-07-12 14:49 ABX, revision 28209

Warning fix for assignment of unused value.

2004-07-12 14:38 VS, revision 28208

removed useless code accidentally left in

2004-07-12 12:34 VS, revision 28207

documented wxWindow::GetFont changes

2004-07-12 12:33 VS, revision 28206

documented wxWindow::GetFont change

2004-07-12 07:06 SC, revision 28205

added MLTE support for 10.2 via classic implementation

2004-07-12 07:05 SC, revision 28204

added MLTE support for 10.2 via classic implementation