

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-07-19 06:01 SC, revision 28303

string constants unicode savvy

2004-07-18 21:58 VS, revision 28302

fixed MSW crashes when choosing Exit in popup menu

2004-07-18 19:13 KO, revision 28301

Correct slider width when labels are used.

2004-07-18 17:11 VS, revision 28300

HAVE_XIM is disabled in GTK2 build, don't include useless member variables

2004-07-18 11:19 VS, revision 28299

*** empty log message ***

2004-07-18 10:55 VS, revision 28298

adapted to wx-config libraries list changes

2004-07-18 10:05 VZ, revision 28297

use wxLogTrace(htmldebug) instead of wxLogDebug() for messages about HTML syntax errors

2004-07-18 03:10 DE, revision 28296

Baked (clntdata.cpp core->base)

2004-07-18 00:03 RD, revision 28295

fixed typo

2004-07-17 23:32 RD, revision 28294


2004-07-17 23:22 RD, revision 28293

Use DeafultAttributes instead of hard coded defaults

2004-07-17 22:57 RD, revision 28292

minor tweaks

2004-07-17 22:51 RD, revision 28291

Avoid using the OOR typemap in the constructors

2004-07-17 21:54 VS, revision 28290

complain about unrecognized flags

2004-07-17 21:41 JS, revision 28289

Don't show focus rectangle if wxNO_BORDER specified

2004-07-17 21:14 VS, revision 28288

removed accidentally committed debugging code

2004-07-17 21:13 VS, revision 28287

use corrent charset for page title in ANSI builds

2004-07-17 20:50 VS, revision 28286

more GTK2+ANSI fixes

2004-07-17 18:52 VS, revision 28285

cleaned up --inplace description

2004-07-17 18:20 RD, revision 28284

Allow the release tag to be specified on the rpmbuild command line

2004-07-17 18:19 RD, revision 28283


2004-07-17 18:18 RD, revision 28282

Navigate docstring update

2004-07-17 17:52 RD, revision 28281

prevent a reference leak when OOR objects are created

2004-07-17 17:48 VS, revision 28280

modified arguments syntax to be wx-config [options] [libraries list]

2004-07-17 17:44 RD, revision 28279
