

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-09-19 22:00 VZ, revision 29228

added unit tests for wxStringStreams

2004-09-19 21:59 VZ, revision 29227

fixed include header name

2004-09-19 21:58 VZ, revision 29226

added wxStringOutputStream::TellO(); fixed bugs in OnSysWrite()

2004-09-19 21:49 VZ, revision 29225

fixed bug with seeking beyond the end in wxStringInputStream::OnSysSeek() triggered by unit test

2004-09-19 21:35 VZ, revision 29224

made wxStringInputStream::GetSize() public instead of protected

2004-09-19 21:26 VZ, revision 29223

added wxStringStream classes

2004-09-19 17:20 JS, revision 29222

Correction for GTK+1

2004-09-19 16:08 JS, revision 29221


2004-09-19 13:17 VZ, revision 29220

compilation fix for Borland

2004-09-19 12:05 VZ, revision 29219

rebaked to include latest modifications (mainly choicebkg addition)

2004-09-19 12:03 SN, revision 29218

Applied patch #1023777 (Notebook initialisation).

2004-09-19 10:55 VZ, revision 29217

don't crash under GTK1 if we failed to get GdkFont in GetTextExtent()

2004-09-19 10:08 VZ, revision 29216

added missing header to fix !USE_PCH compilation

2004-09-18 23:51 RD, revision 29215

Added wx.Choicebook

2004-09-18 23:13 RD, revision 29214

MemoryFSHandler_AddFile updates

2004-09-18 23:12 RD, revision 29213

Getthe GIL before raisign an exception

2004-09-18 23:11 RD, revision 29212

Added bin selection

2004-09-18 23:11 RD, revision 29211

docstring tweaks

2004-09-18 21:54 VZ, revision 29210

mention that Check() doesn't work before the item is attached to a menu

2004-09-18 20:14 RD, revision 29209

Unicode compilation fix

2004-09-18 19:51 VZ, revision 29208

keep m_value in sync with real combobox value (set it initially and update it correctly in CBN_EDITCHANGE handler)

2004-09-18 17:33 RD, revision 29207

Use line.Draw(dc) instead of line.GetEventHandler().Draw(dc)

2004-09-18 17:21 RD, revision 29206

Point x,y fixes from Pierre

2004-09-18 14:29 VZ, revision 29205

added wxSizerItem::Init()

2004-09-18 14:24 VZ, revision 29204

active mode support for wxFTP (extremely heavily modified patch 1006252)