

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-11-10 00:33 RD, revision 30403

typo fixed

2004-11-09 20:03 SC, revision 30402

toplevel creation respecting wxDefaultPosition again

2004-11-09 19:35 VZ, revision 30401

don't define comparison operators for wxString and wx[W]CharBuffer when wxUSE_STL == 1 neither

2004-11-09 19:32 ABX, revision 30400

Removed method which belongs to wxArrayString (and is listed there already) [Bug #957545].

2004-11-09 19:17 ABX, revision 30399

Unicode fixes. Avoid int 'ch' and '(wx)char ch' in the same scope.

2004-11-09 19:13 KH, revision 30398

[1001483] Added wxPasswordEntryDialog analagous to wxTextEntryDialog, allows detecting entering an empty string vs. cancel unlike the wxGetPasswordFromUser dialog function.

2004-11-09 19:09 KH, revision 30397

[1001483] wxGetPasswordFromUser now uses wxPasswordEntryDialog instead of wxTextEntryDialog

2004-11-09 19:09 ABX, revision 30396

Doc fix [Patch #1048940].

2004-11-09 19:03 KH, revision 30395

[1001483] Added default prompt for new wxPasswordEntryDialog

2004-11-09 19:01 KH, revision 30394

[1001483] Added wxPasswordEntryDialog analagous to wxTextEntryDialog, allows detecting entering an empty string vs. cancel unlike the wxGetPasswordFromUser dialog function.

2004-11-09 18:53 ABX, revision 30393

Supress 48 warnings in wx\msw\uxtheme.h: 'va_start' macro will not work without an argument before '...'.

2004-11-09 18:48 ABX, revision 30392

Warning fixes, IsEmpty->empty.

2004-11-09 18:33 ABX, revision 30391

wxSizer::Add/Insert now returns pointer to wxSizerItem added and wxSizerItem contains access to its area [Patch #1042571 with minimal tweaks]

2004-11-09 18:03 RD, revision 30390

Backed out Oliver's PyPlot changes at Gordon's request.

2004-11-09 11:02 VS, revision 30389

memory corruption fixes

2004-11-09 10:29 VS, revision 30388

fixed memory deallocation

2004-11-09 08:13 SC, revision 30387

move offscreen before in order to avoid transitions for mdiparent frame as it supposed not to be visible on mac anyway

2004-11-09 08:02 SC, revision 30386

allow arbitrary positions for toplevel windows (also initially off-screen )

2004-11-09 04:20 DE, revision 30385

Cast 4th parameter of getsockopt to char* and of setsockopt to const char* so that older headers such as those found on Solaris 2.6 will work.

2004-11-09 03:41 RD, revision 30384

removed RC flag

2004-11-09 03:41 RD, revision 30383


2004-11-09 03:40 RD, revision 30382

Can't use the config.PYVER value if it hasn't been set yet...

2004-11-09 03:39 RD, revision 30381

return error code upon KeyboardInterrupt

2004-11-09 03:22 RN, revision 30380

remove fixme and explain unicode characters

2004-11-09 00:09 RD, revision 30379

oops, set coLinux hosts for the other Jobs too