

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-01-19 21:38 KH, revision 31503

Additional header files required

2005-01-19 21:28 SN, revision 31502

Compilation fixes for OS/2 (OS/2 still defines __UNIX__ :-( ).

2005-01-19 20:13 VZ, revision 31501

Unicode compilation fix

2005-01-19 19:39 VZ, revision 31500

use wxDP_SPIN by default under Win32

2005-01-19 19:34 VZ, revision 31499

corrected #if tests to use correct wxUSE_DATEPICKCTRL spelling

2005-01-19 19:31 VZ, revision 31498

added wxDP_SPIN/DROPDOWN styles (only Win32 native version implements the former)

2005-01-19 16:25 ABX, revision 31497

wxTextPos for all GetLastPosition with constants for special cases. Make it virtual everywhere. Avoid doubling typedefs. Always include textctrl.h for combobox.h. Source cleaning.

2005-01-19 15:57 VZ, revision 31496

compilation fixes; pruned API

2005-01-19 15:41 ABX, revision 31495

MinGW warning fix for hundreds of not initialized members.

2005-01-19 14:13 ABX, revision 31494

MinGW warning fix.

2005-01-19 13:55 VZ, revision 31493

added generic version of wxDatePickerCtrl from Andres Pflug

2005-01-19 13:53 VS, revision 31492

hotfix for bakefile-0.1.5 bug: rpmspec format doesn't work because of missing precomp-headers-location

2005-01-19 13:46 ABX, revision 31491

MinGW warning fix.

2005-01-19 13:26 ABX, revision 31490

MinGW warning fix.

2005-01-19 13:23 ABX, revision 31489

Cookie is not for dummy initialization due to condition of setting it. Source cleaning.

2005-01-19 11:24 ABX, revision 31488

DMC PCH requires additional parameter in new bakefiles.

2005-01-19 10:57 VS, revision 31487

regenerated autoconf files using bakefile-0.1.5

2005-01-19 10:56 VS, revision 31486

require bakefile-0.1.5 and use it's features

2005-01-19 09:51 VZ, revision 31485

undef wxUSE_NATIVE_STATUSBAR before redefining it as 1 for wxMSW

2005-01-19 06:50 ABX, revision 31484

Fix for incomplete setup (wxPalmOS case).

2005-01-19 06:48 ABX, revision 31483

Fixes after removal of palmos/gccpriv.h.

2005-01-19 03:42 DE, revision 31482

Updated aclocal.m4 using Bakefile's CVS HEAD bakefile.m4 with BAKEFILE_BAKEFILE_M4_VERSION set back to 0.1.4. - Adds support for Metrowerks compilers. - Improves used on OS/2. - Allows autoconf to invalidate its cache when autoconf_inc.m4 is changed.

2005-01-19 02:51 VZ, revision 31481

fixed crash in wxKill() introduced by 1.116 patch (ironically named "proper return value testing"); this is slightly modified patch 1098248

2005-01-19 02:31 VZ, revision 31480

reenabled WM_MOUSELEAVE event handling (patch 1104551); moved duplicated code in its handler in a new GenerateMouseLeave() method

2005-01-19 02:29 VZ, revision 31479

don't return HTCLIENT for static bitmaps, this breaks mouse (leave) event generation