

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-02-06 10:41 MBN, revision 31778

Miscellaneous compilation and warning fixes.

2005-02-06 03:17 RN, revision 31777

wxRegKey docs by C.C.Chakkaradeep latexitized, sorted, with some minor edits.

2005-02-06 02:47 RN, revision 31776

Various underscore doc fixes

2005-02-06 01:52 VZ, revision 31775

two changes and some cleanup: 1. DECLARE_ABSTRACT_CLASS() shouldn't declare wxCreateObject() (which is not defined by IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS()) 2. don't make GetClassInfo() declaration inside DECLARE_CLASS inline in an attempt to fix linking problems with HP-UX compiler

2005-02-06 01:31 VZ, revision 31774

ensure that _WIN32_IE is defined to max value before including commctrl.h, otherwise we don't get support for 32bit spin button range even if the headers have it

2005-02-06 00:43 KH, revision 31773

As per the docs, the value returned is -1 if the value entered is out of range [patch 1116606]

2005-02-06 00:27 RN, revision 31772


2005-02-05 18:44 VZ, revision 31771

added complex popup

2005-02-05 18:38 VZ, revision 31770

created bakefile and generated all makefiles from it; renamed minimal.cpp to popup.cpp

2005-02-05 15:25 RR, revision 31769

Reorganized char and keydown event code, hoping that Input Method handling is still not broken.

2005-02-05 14:18 RR, revision 31768

Forgot one.

2005-02-05 14:17 RR, revision 31767

Second try to add "support" for deriving from wxBitmapHandlerBase.

2005-02-05 13:12 RR, revision 31766

Add comment about wxBitmap::SetPalette() not being implemented under GTK+.

2005-02-05 13:08 RR, revision 31765

Make wxBitmap inherit from wxBitmapBase

2005-02-05 12:51 RR, revision 31764

_conncect_after() should be used for controls emitting command events so as to not confuse GTK+ if the user intercepts them too early.

2005-02-05 12:49 RR, revision 31763

Blind patch for SetFont() in Unicode mode for wxX11.

2005-02-05 11:59 RN, revision 31762

Put _something_ there for now....

2005-02-05 11:35 RR, revision 31761

added test for wxPopupTransientWindow.

2005-02-04 22:47 RN, revision 31760

unix mediactrl stubs...

2005-02-04 22:24 RN, revision 31759

FIX positioning problems with carbon media control - CreateMovieControl positioning is broken in that it resizes to the WindowRef parent, not its real one [thus making you wonder if EmbedControl even _works_ with CreateMovieControl], so we do our own.

2005-02-04 21:35 JS, revision 31758

Fix for assertions when updating UI and focus is on read-only combobox

2005-02-04 19:35 RD, revision 31757

Patch #1113284: wx.lib.calendar SetBusType() problem

2005-02-04 19:15 RD, revision 31756

the window takes ownership of the caret

2005-02-04 19:04 RN, revision 31755

Massive commenting/professionalize and add some other new fun stuff to mediaplayer sample

2005-02-04 18:48 RD, revision 31754

Use the unicode character, if available in the event