

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-02-18 04:42 RD, revision 32128

Add SetBackgroundImage

2005-02-18 04:38 RD, revision 32127

Added wx.DatePickerCtrl

2005-02-18 04:07 RD, revision 32126

Select an item using the value passed to the ctor/Create

2005-02-18 04:06 RD, revision 32125

Avoid wxTaskBarIconAreaBase::DoPopupMenu unresolved symbol in GTK < 2.1 builds

2005-02-18 03:53 RN, revision 32124

[ 1123124 ] wxStringBase::Alloc can change string length

2005-02-17 23:55 VZ, revision 32123

revert to the old flicker-less version when background bitmap is not used

2005-02-17 23:20 VZ, revision 32122

minor cleanup

2005-02-17 23:17 VZ, revision 32121

corrected wxRTTI macros

2005-02-17 18:29 VZ, revision 32120

more tweaks to drop down arrow drawing (Andreas Pflug)

2005-02-17 16:56 VZ, revision 32119

fixed typo in EVT_COMMAND definition

2005-02-17 13:13 RN, revision 32118

use without url

2005-02-17 10:53 RN, revision 32117

sockets require stopwatch

2005-02-17 10:43 RN, revision 32116

Use without mimetypes enabled

2005-02-17 10:42 RN, revision 32115

compile wxFileXXXStream without wxFFileXXXStream

2005-02-17 10:38 RN, revision 32114

Enable compilation on mac without wxFontMapper

2005-02-17 10:19 RN, revision 32113

gcc doesn't have pragma warning

2005-02-17 10:17 RN, revision 32112

int argument/unsigned int arg warning fix

2005-02-17 09:37 JS, revision 32111

Added PalmOS to release scripts

2005-02-17 08:44 SC, revision 32110

24x24 bitmaps and separator for flat style added

2005-02-17 04:45 RN, revision 32109

ComboBox for cocoa

2005-02-17 03:20 KO, revision 32108

Added empty methods for wxIcon functions to match the API on other platforms.

2005-02-17 00:25 VZ, revision 32107

update from Hans F. Nordhaug

2005-02-16 23:44 RN, revision 32106

implement some missing methods

2005-02-16 23:08 RR, revision 32105

Applied background colour patch for Motif notebooks (actually in generic tab control code).

2005-02-16 22:36 RR, revision 32104

Removed the complex popup test.