

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-08-31 19:22 VZ, revision 68966

Fix deleting and clearing wxTreeListCtrl columns. The model columns were not updated before, resulting in a mismatch between view and model columns if ClearColumns() followed by AppendColumn() was called.

2011-08-31 11:36 VS, revision 68965

Add items to correct position in wxDataViewCtrl:ItemAdded. In both the generic and GTK+ versions, ItemAdded() always appended the new item, regardless of its position among its siblings in the model.

2011-08-31 11:04 VS, revision 68964

Generic wxDataViewCtrl: resize autosized columns at idle time. This is much more efficient than doing it immediately when adding large number of items into a control with lots of them.

2011-08-30 17:20 DS, revision 68962

Fixed dlmsw.cpp compilation with older SDKs and at run-time for systems prior to XP SP1. Kernel32's SetDllDirectory is only available since XP SP1 and as such also not available in the SDK that comes by default with for example VS6. Attempt to retrieve the function from the DLL at run-time instead. Regression since r68935.

2011-08-30 15:40 VZ, revision 68961

Better support for flat lists in wxTreeListCtrl. Override wxDataViewModel::IsListModel() to return true if wxTreeListCtrl doesn't have any depth. This results in better display when using the generic implementation of wxDataViewCtrl as no space is reserved for the (unnecessary) expanders in this case.

2011-08-30 15:40 VZ, revision 68960

Fix computation of the item offset in generic wxDataViewCtrl code. We need to account for the expander even for the items that don't have children when computing their offset as their parent still does have it, contributing to the total offset. This corrects the fixes of r68836 to also work for the leaf items. Also rename expanderOffset variable to more clear itemOffset.

2011-08-30 11:51 JJ, revision 68959

Update makefiles for OpenVMS

2011-08-30 11:02 SC, revision 68958

fixes #13438 (building OSX min >= 10.6), thanks :-)

2011-08-30 09:01 SC, revision 68957

adding command - comma as shortcut of stockitem wxID_PRERENCES on OSX - and make sure it's working by adapting ToString()

2011-08-29 21:09 DS, revision 68956

Regenerated Xcode projects. Updated the Xcode projects to include latest source additions and newer settings from template *_in.xcodeproj project files.

2011-08-29 19:25 VS, revision 68954

Send wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_ACTIVATED if WXOnActivate() returned false too. This is consistent with wxGTK implementation and generally makes sense: when the renderer cannot handle activation, whole-item activation should be tried next.

2011-08-29 19:25 VS, revision 68953

Make generic wxDataViewToggleRenderer react to activation. Previously it only responded to single-clicks, which was to avoid the need to double-click checkboxes. Fixed to react to activation via double-click or keyboard too.

2011-08-29 19:25 VS, revision 68952

Activate cells from keyboard too in generic wxDataViewCtrl. wxDataViewCtrl only called WXOnActivate() in reaction to double-click. When Enter/Spacebar was pressed, only wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_ACTIVATED was sent, without calling OnActivate() even if it was possible. Fixed to handle both kinds of input identically. Because there's currently no way to change current focus to a particular column (as GtkTreeView can do), call WXOnActivate() on the first activatable column.

2011-08-29 18:06 DS, revision 68951

Fixed drawing a check box in the undetermined state for non-themed MSW apps. wxRendererMSW::DoDrawFrameControl (used for systems prior to XP or when theming is disabled) didn't check for the wxCONTROL_UNDETERMINED flag yet. Set the appropriate styles when the flag is used to fix drawing check boxes in their third state (as used in for example the treelist sample).

2011-08-29 16:46 VZ, revision 68950

Make it possible to TAB to wxTreeListCtrl contents. Even though wxTreeListCtrl contains just one child window it still needs to derive from wxNavigationEnabled<> to allow focus getting to its sole child.

2011-08-29 14:33 VZ, revision 68949

Fix spelling error in an error message in wxObjectXmlReader. No other changes.

2011-08-29 03:13 DS, revision 68948

Added alpha saving support to TIFF image handler. Added support for saving alpha with RGB, greyscale, and black and white images.

2011-08-29 01:45 DS, revision 68947

Fixed loading greyscale with alpha TIFF images. The alpha channel was not detected because of wrong hasAlpha determination. Also TIFFReadRGBAImage[Oriented] doesn't appear to decode an alpha channel for images that are greyscale so decode greyscale with alpha images using TIFFReadScanline.

2011-08-29 00:44 DS, revision 68946

Fixed copying only 1/3 of scanline when saving TIFF image in rare cases. If our calculated image pitch is not equal to what TIFFScanlineSize returns a scanline buffer would be used. In that case the number of bytes being copied was equal to the image's width instead of pitch (width times 3).

2011-08-29 00:17 DS, revision 68945

Added support for loading black and white TIFF images with alpha. As TIFFReadRGBAImage[Oriented] can't deal with all images make use of TIFFReadScanline to decode per scanline. Currently only the case of a black and white image with alpha (for a total of 2 bits per pixel) is handled.

2011-08-29 00:06 DS, revision 68944

Updated manual regarding image alpha support for TGA handler. TGA was not mentioned in the list of formats supporting loading of alpha, but alpha loading support has been available since r42644.

2011-08-28 23:59 DS, revision 68943

Read TIFF images from top to bottom instead of bottom to top. Use TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented with a parameter of ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT instead of using TIFFReadRGBAImage (which uses ORIENTATION_BOTTOMLEFT) to read images in a more logical order and simplify code.

2011-08-28 23:49 DS, revision 68942

Fixed accessing out-of-bounds image coordinates while writing a black and white TIFF image. The code assumed that the image's width is a multiple of 8, and attempted to always write per 8 pixels instead of sometimes having to write fewer pixels for the last column. Also fixed compilo from previous commit due to not removing old code.

2011-08-28 23:38 DS, revision 68941

Fixed calculated image pitch being off-by-one in some cases. The variable linebytes sometimes counted one extra byte, which is OK for allocating but not when accessing the image later on. Calculate the value in a slightly different way and made the variable const.

2011-08-28 23:31 DS, revision 68940

Removed double TIFFSetField call for setting TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION. Setting the same TIFF tag with the same value once is enough.

2011-08-28 23:27 DS, revision 68939

Call GetAlpha() to get a pointer instead of checking for alpha first. It's safe to call GetAlpha() even if there's no alpha because in that case NULL will be returned.

2011-08-28 15:00 SC, revision 68938

make sure svn info for an already existing .xcodeproj folder is not deleted, replace project file itself in place

2011-08-28 09:11 SC, revision 68937

adding missing doc string for BACKSPACE

2011-08-28 08:54 SC, revision 68936

routing keys like ESC etc, fixes #13429

2011-08-28 01:26 RD, revision 68935

* Implement dynamic loading of the Cairo DLL on Windows similar to how it was done for GDI+. * Enable the use of the wxCairoContext on MSW. * Enable creating a wxGCDC from an exisiting wxGraphicsContext. * Since it's possible for a DLL that is using wx to not be on the PATH nor in the same location as the .exe, change the wxDynamicLibrary::RawLoad method to explicitly look first in the same place as the main wx-using binary. This way it will find DLLs that are in the same folder as the wx-using binary even if that would not be in the normal DLL search path. * Change wxDCImpl and wxDC::GetLogicalScale to be const methods.

2011-08-27 18:44 VS, revision 68932

More understandable symbolic constants in generic wxDVC's DoJob class.

2011-08-27 18:44 VS, revision 68931

Use spacebar to activate items in generic wxDataViewCtrl too. Pressing Spacebar now behaves the same as Enter in the generic control, for consistency with the GTK+ control and native Windows list controls.

2011-08-27 18:44 VS, revision 68930

Remove DestroyTreeHelper(), make GetChildNodes() const, add RemoveChild(). There's no reason for DestroyTreeHelper() code, that's what destructors are for. On a related note, make removal of children from a node more explicit too.

2011-08-27 18:44 VS, revision 68929

Add wxDataViewMainWindow::GetModel() helper. It's slightly less verbose than GetOwner()->GetModel() used all over the place.

2011-08-27 18:44 VS, revision 68928

Better names in wxDataViewTreeNode. GetChildNodes() instead of GetNodes(), AddChild() instead of AddNode().

2011-08-27 17:23 VS, revision 68927

Use wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER with wxDataViewCtrl text controls. wxDVC code depends on wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER to hide the inline editing controls. Fixes #13412.

2011-08-27 16:58 VZ, revision 68926

No real changes, minor corrections to the docs. Don't leave a line break inside a @code block as it's preserved in the HTML output, making it appear ugly.

2011-08-27 16:56 VZ, revision 68925

Copy generic images when building the documentation too. The images used by @genericAppearance Doxygen macro were not copied to the output directory.

2011-08-27 16:50 VZ, revision 68924

Compilation fix for wxTreeListCtrl when not using PCH. Include wx/dc.h normally included from wx/wxprec.h.

2011-08-27 16:11 VZ, revision 68923

No changes, just fix the file name in the header comment of wxDVC test. s/tree/dataview/

2011-08-27 16:11 VZ, revision 68922

Make wxBU_EXACTFIT fir the button text more exactly. Too big margins were added for the buttons with wxBU_EXACTFIT style making them larger than strictly necessary. Reduce the margins to make them really as small as possible.

2011-08-27 16:11 VZ, revision 68921

Added wxFLP_SMALL and wxDIRP_SMALL styles for wx{File,Dir}PickerCtrl. These styles allow to use a smaller browse button as the standard one takes too much space, often leaving too little of it for the more important text control part. Notice that both styles are, in fact, equal to wxPB_SMALL but only file and directory pickers currently use it as it doesn't make sense for the colour and font pickers.

2011-08-27 16:11 VZ, revision 68920

Auto complete file names in the text controls of wx{File,Dir}PickerCtrl. There doesn't seem to be any reason not to do this in the controls which we know are meant for entering file or directory names into them.

2011-08-27 16:11 VZ, revision 68919

Make the file and dir picket controls expand in widgets sample. The controls were too small to see long paths in them comfortably while there was plenty of space in the page, use wxEXPAND flag for them.

2011-08-27 16:11 VZ, revision 68918

Add wxTextEntry::AutoCompleteDirectories(). As we already had MSW-specific AutoCompleteFileNames(), we can just as well also add the also useful AutoCompleteDirectories() to be used with the text controls used for path entry.

2011-08-27 16:11 VZ, revision 68917

No changes, just fix a typo in wxBannerWindow documentation.

2011-08-27 16:11 VZ, revision 68916

Add new wxTreeListCtrl class. This is a facade for wxDataViewCtrl allowing to easily work with multi-column trees, possibly with an optional checkbox in the first column. Its API is very similar to wxTreeListCtrl and it provides a simple migration path from the latter. Add the class itself, documentation for it and minimal unit tests.

2011-08-27 15:24 VS, revision 68915

Notify GtkTreeView if a node stops being a parent. GtkTreeView requires the row-has-child-toggled signal to be emitted in this situation, so do it from ItemDeleted handler. Curiously, it handles adding the first child automatically. That's good, because detecting this situation when adding the first child wouldn't be trivial and so not having to do it is a plus. (Emitting it on every node addition doesn't sound like a terribly bright idea.)

2011-08-27 15:24 VS, revision 68914

Save memory in wxDataViewTreeNode. Put data that are meaningful only for non-leaf nodes into a separate struct that is only allocated for branch nodes. This makes branch nodes larger by sizeof(void*), but leaf nodes save >50% of memory.

2011-08-27 15:24 VS, revision 68913

Simplified generic wxDataViewCtrl's tree structure. Use just one type, wxDataViewTreeNode, to represent any kind of node. Previously a complicated structure that represented leaves and non-leaf nodes differently was used. This make the code way too complicated and caused some smaller bugs (see e.g. #13256). As a side effect, this change makes the control react correctly to changes in IsContainer() return values. Also fixes #13256.