

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-06-10 11:08 MW, revision 34628


2005-06-10 09:30 SN, revision 34627

Include rawbmp.h only for __WXGTK20__ (unneeded for GTK12 anyway and problematic for old compilers).

2005-06-10 09:20 SN, revision 34626

Hopefully fixed library names generated by wx-config for OS/2's PM port.

2005-06-10 09:17 SN, revision 34625

Removed some code for detecting no longer needed pthread functionality, Added code to detect pthread_attr_setstacksize.

2005-06-10 08:39 JS, revision 34624

Need to set background colour for wxListBox, not just wxCheckListBox, to avoid scrolling problem when Windows effects are switched on.

2005-06-10 00:30 RD, revision 34623

Fix for bug #1217874, Error in parameter name in DocManager.CreateView

2005-06-10 00:27 RD, revision 34622

Fixes for bug #1217872 pydocview.DocService not correctly initialized

2005-06-09 21:52 VZ, revision 34621

another compilation fix for wxUSE_MIMETYPE==0

2005-06-09 21:51 RD, revision 34620


2005-06-09 21:51 RD, revision 34619

Virtualize OnInternalIdle.

2005-06-09 20:18 VZ, revision 34618

always set flat toolbar style, even under XP with themes: this is necessary or separators aren't shown at all

2005-06-09 20:13 VZ, revision 34617

don't statically link to SetMenuInfo(): it is not present in Win95/NT4

2005-06-09 20:11 RD, revision 34616

Added wx.RendererNative class

2005-06-09 19:39 VZ, revision 34615

added explicit casts for (varagr) TIFFSetField() parameters

2005-06-09 19:36 VZ, revision 34614

(blind) compilation fix for wxUSE_UXTHEME==0

2005-06-09 19:00 RD, revision 34613

Subrelease version bump

2005-06-09 18:49 RD, revision 34612


2005-06-09 18:48 RD, revision 34611

Added wx.LogBuffer

2005-06-09 18:37 ABX, revision 34610

VC warning fixes.

2005-06-09 14:49 JS, revision 34609

Worked around problem with kill focus event being sent as soon as the combobox is focused, on Windows

2005-06-09 12:31 JS, revision 34608

Temporary fix for checklistbox refresh problem; setting the background to a solid colour avoids incorrect paint code related to notebook parent

2005-06-09 09:37 JS, revision 34607

Allow native font specification

2005-06-08 23:34 SC, revision 34606

UniChar being platform endian

2005-06-08 23:23 SC, revision 34605

fixing build for debug

2005-06-08 23:07 RD, revision 34604

Don't deselect all others when SelectItem is called on a treectrl with wxTR_MULTIPLE style