

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-05-17 15:13 VZ, revision 2486

SelectColour() works

1999-05-17 14:51 VZ, revision 2485

added Next/PrevControlId

1999-05-17 14:35 VZ, revision 2484

DrawCircle() added

1999-05-17 14:10 VZ, revision 2483

more tests added

1999-05-17 12:41 VZ, revision 2482

find_first/last_[not]_of() functions added

1999-05-17 12:27 RR, revision 2481

New virtual key defines (NUMPAD_XXX).

1999-05-17 06:29 RS, revision 2480

Added code to make wxMDIChildFrame::Activate() work

1999-05-16 23:42 KB, revision 2479

minor bug fix

1999-05-16 23:13 KB, revision 2478

Added a wxDataFormat::SetAtom() inline function.

1999-05-16 23:12 KB, revision 2477

Minor fix for wxDF_PRIVATE, but doesn't work yet.

1999-05-16 23:10 KB, revision 2476

Many, many updates. Almost perfect.

1999-05-16 19:04 RR, revision 2475

Minor DC correction.

1999-05-16 15:33 KB, revision 2474

More translations (All that I am interested in, if someone else wants to finish them, go ahead.)

1999-05-16 13:40 GL, revision 2473

* Fixed a dead-lock when the thread finishes.

1999-05-16 13:31 KB, revision 2472

About 30% done.

1999-05-15 23:40 RR, revision 2471

DC change header change for wxMemoryDC and wxPostscriptDC.

1999-05-15 13:56 RR, revision 2470

A little more testing.

1999-05-15 13:33 RR, revision 2469

Started drawing sample.

1999-05-15 12:47 VZ, revision 2468

typo in dcclient.cpp corrected (wxUSE_SPLINE => wxUSE_SPLINES)

1999-05-15 12:01 GL, revision 2467

* Added thread cleanup safeness: thread can be explicitely killed safely now on Unix.

1999-05-15 07:48 RR, revision 2466

wxGLCanvas compile fixes

1999-05-15 00:56 RD, revision 2465

fixes for GetReturnCode/SetReturnCode

1999-05-14 21:04 RR, revision 2464

wxGTK now works a little again. Added new OpenGl code.

1999-05-14 20:27 RR, revision 2463

wxGTK compiles and links again.

1999-05-14 14:44 VZ, revision 2462

minor changes

1999-05-14 11:36 KB, revision 2461

a few more buglets

1999-05-14 10:41 KB, revision 2460

NL insert bug

1999-05-14 10:31 KB, revision 2459

Updated, fixed a colour bug.

1999-05-14 09:35 KB, revision 2458

The new layout mechanism is better than the old one. :-)

1999-05-13 23:02 VZ, revision 2457

wxWindowDC compiles (wxGTK doesn't link yet because of dcpsg.cpp problems...)

1999-05-13 21:33 VZ, revision 2456

wxWindow::Show() works again

1999-05-13 21:21 VZ, revision 2455

1. MSW message handling simplifications 2. wxDC split into wxDC and wxDCBase 3. Several minor bug fixes, many major new bugs

1999-05-13 21:13 KB, revision 2454

I was stupid enough to reorganise the way font changes get stored and applied, so after only four hours work I'm back where I was yesterday. Selections still buggy.

1999-05-13 17:18 KB, revision 2453

untested changes...

1999-05-13 17:18 KB, revision 2452

some changes, untested

1999-05-13 15:52 karsten, revision 2451

ProgressDialog now handles multiple copies and shows total number of pages.

1999-05-13 15:51 KB, revision 2450

slowdown effect

1999-05-13 15:38 KB, revision 2449

another wxLayout bug, prints empty pages suddenly

1999-05-13 15:24 GL, revision 2448

* Some more CopyObject()

1999-05-13 15:09 KB, revision 2447

fixed wrong range for print progress dialog

1999-05-13 15:02 KB, revision 2446

removed an assert which was broken (looked right though)

1999-05-13 13:02 KB, revision 2445

Fixed a minor bug in hotKey handling.

1999-05-13 11:06 KB, revision 2444

two more bug notes

1999-05-13 10:56 KB, revision 2443

first text (header lines) in M get malformatted

1999-05-13 10:56 KB, revision 2442

find position bug fixed

1999-05-13 10:14 KB, revision 2441

Added finding of text in the list and fixed calculation of scrollbar size.

1999-05-13 09:53 RR, revision 2440

Added m_scanCode field to wxKeyEvent Added a few more WXK symbols to wxGTK

1999-05-13 09:44 GL, revision 2439

* fix in wcslen()

1999-05-12 22:14 KB, revision 2438

Modified font handling (on the way to real rtf editing...) Selections are better but still buggy, list size does not get calculated completely, end of list only appears after multiple edits. ???

1999-05-12 22:12 RR, revision 2437

Maybe negative wxWindowId are better than just -1.