

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-09-17 01:45 GRG, revision 3687

typedef unsigned int bool (instead of int) for consistency with defs.h

1999-09-16 19:24 AN, revision 3686

call HasMask() before writing PNG files, as was done in WX_2_0_FIXES

1999-09-16 13:32 VZ, revision 3685

vetoing item collapse works again

1999-09-16 11:37 VZ, revision 3684

use "cd dir && make" instead of "cd dir; make" which results in infinite loop

1999-09-16 10:32 MB, revision 3683

Added GetMainWidget() to fix bug that was causing crashes under wxMOTIF.

1999-09-16 08:56 PA, revision 3682

Correcting minor painting problems

1999-09-16 07:33 MB, revision 3681

Modified wxTranslateMouseEvent so that it can recognize double clicks. This allows double click events to be intercepted by panel items.

1999-09-15 21:56 DW, revision 3680

Updated makefiles for VisualAge C++ V3.0

1999-09-15 21:45 RS, revision 3679

corrected to allow drag and drop for mingw32/gcc295

1999-09-15 16:15 VZ, revision 3678

added test for changing toolbar on the fly

1999-09-15 15:22 VZ, revision 3677

removed some unneeded bit of test code

1999-09-15 15:06 VZ, revision 3676

underscors are handled better in the menu item labels

1999-09-15 14:27 VZ, revision 3675

corrected the bad patch

1999-09-15 14:12 VZ, revision 3674

patch for AIX compilation (Hans-Joachim Baader)

1999-09-15 02:21 GRG, revision 3673

Checking for wxUSE_SOCKETS and __GSOCKET_STANDALONE__ should be right, now

1999-09-15 00:17 GRG, revision 3672

Now uses wxSocketBase::Error() to see if last IO call failed

1999-09-15 00:15 GRG, revision 3671

Various small bugfixes Serious bugfix in ReadMsg (Read was being called with buffer == NULL !) Added m_error Added error handling to all IO functions Discard now correctly updates m_lcount Implemented wxSocketBase::SetTimeout Deleted wxSocketClient::OnRequest (all is handled inside wxSocketBase's)

1999-09-15 00:09 GRG, revision 3670

You CAN'T check for wxUSE_SOCKET *before* #including <wx/setup.h>!!! Who has done this?

1999-09-15 00:04 GRG, revision 3669

wxSocketBase::OnRequest is non.virtual now (and there is no wxSocketClient::OnRequest

1999-09-15 00:02 GRG, revision 3668


1999-09-14 21:09 RD, revision 3667

Added GetParser method to wxHtmlWindow

1999-09-14 21:03 RS, revision 3666

Patches for mingw32/gcc-2.95

1999-09-14 20:57 RS, revision 3665

Mingw32/gcc-2.95 change

1999-09-14 20:55 RS, revision 3664

Changes for mingw32/gcc-2.95

1999-09-14 20:54 RS, revision 3663

Makefile for mingw/gcc-2.95

1999-09-14 20:53 RS, revision 3662

Added makeg295.env file for building with gcc-2.95/mingw

1999-09-14 20:52 RS, revision 3661

Added files for mingw32/gcc-2.95/norlander headers build

1999-09-14 20:30 RS, revision 3660

Added makefile and resource script for building under mingw32

1999-09-14 19:32 HH, revision 3659

Changed AppendCommon (called by all Append methods) so it doesn't call ApplyWidgetStyle (which applies the current style to all list_items, which should already have the right style), but instead only applies the style to the new list_item. This results in a *great* speedup for large listboxes.

1999-09-14 03:34 RD, revision 3658

ifdef'ed out GetBoundingRect for wxGTK

1999-09-14 02:17 RD, revision 3657

No need to separate generated code for html because there are no platform differences.

1999-09-13 19:34 RD, revision 3656

wxPython html module updates. The beginings of tag handler support.

1999-09-13 19:32 RD, revision 3655

Added ogl to the module list

1999-09-13 19:31 RD, revision 3654

The beginings of wxHtmlWindow support in the wxPython demo

1999-09-13 19:29 RD, revision 3653

More tweaks

1999-09-13 19:28 RD, revision 3652

Moved wxPy_ConvertList function from oglhelpers to helpers

1999-09-13 19:20 RD, revision 3651

*** empty log message ***

1999-09-13 19:19 RD, revision 3650

Changed HWND --> WXHWND in tooltip.h so it can be included in files that don't include windows headers.

1999-09-13 18:21 RD, revision 3649

Now specifies the corrent EVT_ macro names for wxScrollBar

1999-09-13 18:11 HH, revision 3648

small fixes

1999-09-13 17:53 JS, revision 3647

Added DLL versions of project files.

1999-09-13 17:46 RD, revision 3646

Now setting the right library switches for both platforms...

1999-09-13 17:17 HH, revision 3645

Fixed surplus space in help output.

1999-09-13 17:15 HH, revision 3644

Changed configure option --with-libgif to --enable-gif gif now defines wxUSE_GIF instead of wxUSE_LIBGIF also added --enable-pcx (wxUSE_PCX) and --enable-pnm (wxUSE_PNM).

1999-09-13 14:31 JS, revision 3643

Added VC++ 5 wxWin project files (not generated sample project files)

1999-09-13 14:29 JS, revision 3642

Made HelpGen into a wxWin app (still uses command-line args); moved includes into src for simplicity; added VC++ 5 project file

1999-09-13 13:24 HH, revision 3641

new include file for change to new wxHtmlHelp classes.

1999-09-13 13:16 JS, revision 3640

Took anonymous class out of wxHtmlHelpFrame; corrected some typos

1999-09-13 07:18 RD, revision 3639

Configure support for OGL

1999-09-13 07:17 MT, revision 3638

add detachmenu, insert menu, replace menu