

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-10-01 18:08 VZ, revision 74904

Define _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS for zlib compilation with MSVC. This avoids a bunch of harmless but annoying warnings due to the use of POSIX functions in zlib code.

2013-10-01 18:08 VZ, revision 74903

Upgrade bundled zlib to 1.2.8. No real changes from wxWidgets point of view. Closes #15314.

2013-10-01 17:47 JS, revision 74902

Applied #15226 wxRichTextCtrl: Implement setting properties with undo for objects e.g. wxRichTextTable (dghart)

2013-10-01 17:25 VZ, revision 74901

Exclude zlib 3rd party sources from our checks too. zlib ChangeLog file is not in UTF-8 in 1.2.8 and so doesn't pass our checks.

2013-10-01 16:00 VZ, revision 74900

Tag zlib 1.2.8.

2013-10-01 15:59 VZ, revision 74899

Load zlib-1.2.8 into wxWidgets/vendor/zlib/current.

2013-10-01 15:54 VZ, revision 74898

Tag the currently used version of zlib.

2013-10-01 15:53 VZ, revision 74897

Importing unmodified zlib 1.2.3 sources.

2013-10-01 15:03 VZ, revision 74896

Add a few missing appearance screenshots for the manual. This fixes the last remaining Doxygen warnings. Closes #15346.

2013-10-01 15:03 VZ, revision 74895

Use generic appearance for wxSimpleHtmlListBox. It doesn't make much sense to have platform-specific screenshots for this generic control. See #15346.

2013-10-01 15:03 VZ, revision 74894

Make @genericAppearance Doxygen macro consistent with @appearance. Append ".png" extension automatically, just as @appearance does.

2013-10-01 15:03 VZ, revision 74893

Use wxListCtrl screenshots for wxListView as well. wxListView appears identically to wxListCtrl in report mode and the existing wxListCtrl screenshots show it exactly in this mode, so it doesn't make much sense to duplicate them. This also avoids Doxygen warnings about missing wxListView screenshots for MSW and OSX. See #15346.

2013-10-01 15:03 VZ, revision 74892

Document domain parameter of wxTranslations::GetTranslatedString(). This parameter needs to be documented, if only to avoid a Doxygen warning. See #15346.

2013-10-01 15:03 VZ, revision 74891

Fix wrong references to wxImageList description in XRC format docs. xrc_wximagelist reference didn't exist and resulted in Doxygen errors. See #15346.

2013-10-01 14:19 VS, revision 74890

Destroy the wxDialog::ShowWindowModalThenDo() functor a.s.a.p. Previously, the functor was kept in a helper event handler that was bound to wxEVT_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG_CLOSED and only marked as already called, but never unbound. Consequently, the functor object remained allocated for as long as the event table existed and was only freed with the dialog instance. Change the logic to destroy the functor object as soon as it was called and is no longer needed for anything. This is particularly important when used with C++11 lambdas that capture the dialog in a wxWindowPtr pointer, because the pointer would be retained forever otherwise.

2013-10-01 01:49 VZ, revision 74889

Fix crash when auto-sizing a wxDataViewCtrl column. The code was confused about the difference between the model and view columns indices and incorrectly used the former as the latter, which could result in an out of bound array access. Closes #15420.

2013-10-01 01:49 VZ, revision 74888

Do not define __VISUALC__ for Intel C++ compiler under Windows. This is confusing and makes it more difficult to test for the "real" MSVC, test for __INTELC__ explicitly wherever needed instead. Also document __INTELC__ in our list of compilers. Closes #15359.

2013-10-01 01:49 VZ, revision 74887

Improve drawing of the tree item buttons in the generic renderer. Draw the "-" and "+" signs always properly centered. Closes #15526.

2013-10-01 01:49 VZ, revision 74886

MinGW-w64 provides isfinite() in both 32 and 64 bit builds. So use __MINGW64_TOOLCHAIN__ to test for it and not __MINGW64__, which is only defined in 64 bits.

2013-10-01 01:49 VZ, revision 74885

Define __MINGW64_TOOLCHAIN__ and __MINGW32_TOOLCHAIN__ symbols. __MINGW64_TOOLCHAIN__ macro is more readable and shorter than the standard predefined __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR and __MINGW32_TOOLCHAIN__ is defined for the symmetry and also because it will make many tests simpler as we often need to test not so much for MinGW-w64 for its own sake but rather to disable the workarounds for MinGW32 when using it.

2013-10-01 01:48 VZ, revision 74884

Polish translations update from Grzegorz Zlotowicz.

2013-10-01 01:48 VZ, revision 74883

Fix problem with COMDLG_FILTERSPEC declaration with MinGW-w64 4.8. Forward declaring as a struct a symbol previously defined as a typedef results in an error when using MinGW-w64 4.8.1, so forward declare the struct itself instead.

2013-10-01 01:48 VZ, revision 74882

Don't check for tr1/type_traits in configure if type_traits was found. This is just an optimization: don't waste time checking for tr1 header if we already found the standard one that we're going to use if it's available.

2013-10-01 01:48 VZ, revision 74881

Avoid using wxHtmlTag::HasParam() unnecessarily. Use GetParamAsXXX() accessors instead as they combine the calls to HasParam() and GetParam() and make the code shorter and avoid the duplication of the tag name.

2013-10-01 01:48 VZ, revision 74880

Store HTML "id" parameter value in wxHtmlCell. Pass on the value of the ID to the cell object when adding a new cell. Closes #15535.